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Is 1000mg Of Vitamin C Too Much

Whats The Recommended Intake Of Vitamin C

Is 1000mg of vitamin C too much?

So, is there an optimal intake of ascorbic acid that will provide your body with the benefits you need without the risk of negative side effects? Absolutely.

The National Institutes of Health recommends that:

Adult males get at least 90 mg of vitamin C daily, while women should aim for 75 mg.

For both men and women, 2,000 mg is the upper limit of whats considered safe vitamin C intake.9

Theres a possible exception to this rule, and it may not come as a surprise. A scientific trial studied a group of students suffering from cold and flu symptoms. The test group was given 1,000 mg of vitamin C every hour for six hours. After that, they were given 1,000 mg three times daily. This test group reported an 85% reduction in cold and flu symptoms in comparison to the group that received no vitamin C.10 So if you feel a cold or flu coming on, you may want to temporarily boost your daily dose of vitamin C. Talk to your doctor to figure out whats right for you.

Whats The Recommended Daily Intake Of Vitamin C

The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 75 90 mg. Its 70 mg for women and 90 mg for men.

Moreover, smokers need more vitamin C per day. They need additionally 35 mg of vitamin C a day, as smokers have increased oxidative stress. A study suggested that drinking orange juice can increase plasma concentrations of vitamin C in humans. Smokers can benefit the most.

Additionally, women in pregnancy require at least 85 mg of vitamin C. Furthermore, women in lactation require at least 120 mg. Always consult your health care provider before taking any supplements.

So, the maximum recommended vitamin C dose of 120 mg is way less than the dose of a 1,000 mg pill. Is a daily consumption of 1,000 mg of vitamin C safe? Pretty safe actually

/5the Recommended Daily Intake Of Vitamin C

According to Mayo Clinic, men above 19 years should take 90 mg of Vitamin C daily and for women is 75 mg daily. During pregnancy and breastfeeding the need for this water-soluble nutrient increases. Women need to take 85 mg and 120 mg of Vitamin C respectively during this special time. Smokers also need more nutrients as smoking can deplete vitamin C levels in the body. 35 mg of this vitamin is sufficient for a smoker. Our body’s capacity to absorb Vitamin C decreases by 50 per cent when you take more than 1000 mg of this vitamin in a day. Prolonged excessive intake of this vitamin can lead to several side effects.

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Taking Supplements In High Doses May Lead To Kidney Stones

Excess vitamin C is excreted from the body as oxalate, a bodily waste product.

Oxalate typically exits the body via urine. However, under some circumstances, oxalate may bind to minerals and form crystals that can lead to the formation of kidney stones .

Consuming too much vitamin C has the potential to increase the amount of oxalate in your urine, thus increasing the risk of developing kidney stones .

In one study that had adults take a 1,000-mg vitamin C supplement twice daily for 6 days, the amount of oxalate they excreted increased by 20% .

High vitamin C intake is not only associated with greater amounts of urinary oxalate but also linked to the development of kidney stones, especially if you consume amounts greater than 2,000 mg (


Consuming too much vitamin C may increase the amount of oxalate in your kidneys, which has the potential to lead to kidney stones.

Can Vitamins Cause Flatulence

Best Is 1000 Mg Of Vitamin C Too Much

Medicines or Vitamins That Can Cause Gas, Bloating, or Burping. Many non-prescription and prescription medicines and supplements can cause gas and bloating. Fibre supplements and bulking agents, such as Citrucel, Fiberall, and Metamucil. Multivitamins and iron pills.

What happens when you eat too much vitamin C?

Too much vitamin C may cause digestive symptoms In general, these side effects do not occur from eating foods that contain vitamin C, but rather from taking the vitamin in supplement form. The most common digestive symptoms of excessive vitamin C intake are diarrhea and nausea.

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Stop Taking Vitamin C Supplements If Youre Overdosing

However, the easiest and best way to handle a Vitamin C overdose is to either lower your daily intake significantly or stop taking the supplement altogether. That does not mean you need to stop eating fruits and vegetables that are rich in Vitamin C.

In most cases, lowering or eliminating Vitamin C in supplement form should be enough to eliminate most or all overdose symptoms. Drinking more water should also help to flush out your body and help you recover from an overdose.

However, be careful how much water you drink. Too much water or drinking a high volume of water too quickly can significantly reduce your sodium levels and lead to death.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance

The recommended dietary allowance for vitamin C is based on the amount of vitamin C intake necessary to maintain neutrophil vitamin C concentration with minimal urinary excretion of vitamin C and is proposed to provide sufficient antioxidant protection . The recommended intake for smokers is 35 mg/day higher than for nonsmokers, because smokers are under increased oxidative stress from the toxins in cigarette smoke and generally have lower blood concentrations of vitamin C .

Table 2. Recommended Dietary Allowance for Vitamin C

Life Stage

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Does Too Much Vitamin C Cause Side Effects

Vitamin C is a very important nutrient thats abundant in many fruits and vegetables.

Getting enough of this vitamin is especially important for maintaining a healthy immune system. It also plays an important role in wound healing, keeping your bones strong, and enhancing brain function .

Interestingly, some claim that vitamin C supplements provide benefits beyond those that can be obtained from the vitamin C found in food.

One of the most common reasons people take vitamin C supplements is the idea that they help prevent the common cold .

However, many supplements contain extremely high amounts of the vitamin, which can cause undesirable side effects in some cases.

This article explores the overall safety of vitamin C, whether its possible to consume too much, and the potential adverse effects of taking large doses.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, which means it dissolves in water.

In contrast to fat-soluble vitamins, water-soluble vitamins do not get stored within the body.

Instead, the vitamin C that you consume gets transported to your tissues via body fluids, and any extra gets excreted in urine .

Since your body does not store vitamin C or produce it on its own, its important to consume foods that are rich in vitamin C daily .

However, supplementing with high amounts of vitamin C can lead to adverse effects, such as digestive distress and kidney stones.

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Abdollahzad, H., Eghtesadi, S., Nourmohammadi, I., Khadem-Ansari, M., Nejad-Gashti, H., and Esmaillzadeh, A. Effect of vitamin C supplementation on oxidative stress and lipid profiles in hemodialysis patients. Int J Vitam.Nutr Res 2009 79:281-287. View abstract.

Adams, J. B. and Holloway, C. Pilot study of a moderate dose multivitamin/mineral supplement for children with autistic spectrum disorder. J Altern Complement Med 2004 10:1033-1039. View abstract.

Ajayi, O. A., Okike, O. C., and Yusuf, Y. Haematological response to supplements of riboflavin and ascorbic acid in Nigerian young adults. Eur.J Haematol. 1990 44:209-212. View abstract.

Albanes, D., Malila, N., Taylor, P. R., Huttunen, J. K., Virtamo, J., Edwards, B. K., Rautalahti, M., Hartman, A. M., Barrett, M. J., Pietinen, P., Hartman, T. J., Sipponen, P., Lewin, K., Teerenhovi, L., Hietanen, P., Tangrea, J. A., Virtanen, M., and Heinonen, O. P. Effects of supplemental alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene on colorectal cancer: results from a controlled trial . Cancer Causes Control 2000 11:197-205. View abstract.

Ali, S. M. and Chakraborty, S. K. Role of plasma ascorbate in diabetic microangiopathy. Bangladesh Med Res Counc.Bull. 1989 15:47-59. View abstract.

Almendingen, K., Hofstad, B., and Vatn, M. H. Dietary habits and growth and recurrence of colorectal adenomas: results from a three-year endoscopic follow-up study. Nutr Cancer 2004 49:131-138. View abstract.

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Side Effects Of Vitamin C Supplementation

Many studies have shown no significant adverse health effects to humans, from vitamin C supplementation. People who may experience some discomfort, are those who have:

  • a history of kidney stone formation,
  • iron overload,
  • taken other drugs, as well.

Side effects may be diarrhea, gastrointestinal disturbances due to the osmotic effect of unabsorbed vitamin C, or mild nausea.

How To Treat And Prevent Vitamin C Overdose

The single best way to prevent vitamin C overdose is to avoid taking supplements in high doses and to get the vitamin C your body needs from foods instead, especially fresh vegetables and fruits. Some of the foods richest in vitamin C include citrus fruits like oranges, leafy green vegetables, red peppers, melon, berries, kiwi, mango and sweet potatoes.

As mentioned above, vitamin C is water-soluble. What does this mean in terms of getting extra vitamin C out of your body? Do you pee out excess vitamin C?

Because vitamin C is water-soluble, its not as risky to take too much vitamin C as it is to take fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A or D. Unmetabolized ascorbic acid is excreted in the urine.

That said, overdose of vitamin C is still possible if someone takes supplements in high doses for an extended period of time, especially if that person also consumes lots of vitamin C from his or her diet and/or fortified foods.

How long does it take to get vitamin C out of your system?

Vitamin C can stay in the body for weeks. However, excess amounts are usually urinated out in a matter of hours.

Vitamin C will stay in someones body longer if that person doesnt already have high levels or are deficient. In order to prevent vitamin C from being lost in the urine, its best to take smaller, multiple doses spread out throughout the day.

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Vitamin C May Cause Iron Overload

Vitamin C is known to enhance iron absorption.

It can bind to non-heme iron, which is found in plant foods. Non-heme iron is not absorbed by your body as efficiently as heme iron, the type of iron found in animal products.

Vitamin C binds with non-heme iron, making it much easier for your body to absorb. This is an important function, especially for individuals who get most of their iron from plant-based foods.

One study in adults found that iron absorption increased by 67% when they took 100 mg of vitamin C with a meal.

However, individuals with conditions that increase the risk of iron accumulation in the body, such as hemochromatosis, should be cautious with vitamin C supplements.

Under these circumstances, taking vitamin C in excess may lead to iron overload, which can cause serious damage to your heart, liver, pancreas, thyroid, and central nervous system.

That said, iron overload is highly unlikely if you don’t have a condition that increases iron absorption. Additionally, iron overload is more likely to occur when excess iron is consumed in supplement form.


Since vitamin C increases iron absorption, consuming too much of it is a concern for individuals with conditions that lead to iron accumulation in the body.

How Much Vitamin C Is Enough

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Most of the studies Moyad and his colleagues examined used 500 daily milligrams of vitamin C to achieve health results. That’s much higher than the RDA of 75-90 milligrams a day for adults. So unless you can eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, you may need to take a dietary supplement of vitamin C to gain all the benefits, Moyad says. He suggests taking 500 milligrams a day, in addition to eating five servings of fruits and vegetables.

“It is just not practical for most people to consume the required servings of fruits and vegetables needed on a consistent basis, whereas taking a once-daily supplement is safe, effective, and easy to do,” Moyad says. He also notes that only 10% to 20% of adults get the recommended nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

Moyad says there is no real downside to taking a 500-milligram supplement, except that some types may irritate the stomach. That’s why he recommends taking a non-acidic, buffered form of the vitamin. “The safe upper limit for vitamin C is 2,000 milligrams a day, and there is a great track record with strong evidence that taking 500 milligrams daily is safe,” he says.


Still, American Dietetic Association spokeswoman Dee Sandquist, RD, suggests doing your best to work more fruits and vegetables into your diet before taking supplements.

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Is 1000mg Vitamin C Too Much

5/5vitamin C1,000 mgvitamin C

Considering this, is 1000mg of Vitamin C Safe?

Vitamin C is water-soluble, so any excess is usually excreted in the urine rather than stored in the body. It’s safe in almost any amount from foods, and supplements in recommended amounts are also regarded as safe for most people. Try reducing your vitamin C intake by 500 mg each week until you reach 1,000 mg a day.

Additionally, what happens if you take too much vitamin C? Side effects from too much vitamin C are very rare. This is because the body cannot store the vitamin. Studies have shown, however, that vitamin C amounts greater than 2,000 mg/day can lead to nausea and diarrhea. If you suspect an overdose, you should contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately.

Subsequently, one may also ask, is 1000mg vitamin C daily too much?

For adults, the recommended daily amount for vitamin C is 65 to 90 milligrams a day, and the upper limit is 2,000 mg a day. Although too much dietary vitamin C is unlikely to be harmful, megadoses of vitamin C supplements might cause: Diarrhea. Nausea.

What does 1000mg of vitamin C do?

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues. It’s involved in many body functions, including formation of collagen, absorption of iron, the immune system, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.

Why Getting Vitamin C Through Your Diet Is Important

Vitamin C is an important nutrient for your body since it:

  • Acts as an antioxidant
  • Supports your immune system

In addition, vitamin C is thought to have beneficial effects on your overall health, including reducing your risk of cancer, heart disease and the most common causes of vision loss .

While vitamin C is an important nutrient, your body doesn’t actually make it so it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough vitamin C from your diet.

The amount you need depends on your age and gender, but, in general, adults should aim to get between 65 to 90 mg of vitamin C per day. You can get all the vitamin C you need by drinking a glass of orange juice or eating a cup of strawberries, bell pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprouts or kale. In addition, some of the herbs you commonly cook with also contain significant amounts of vitamin C, including thyme and parsley.

Another reason to get the recommended amount of vitamin C through your diet, rather than a supplement, is that healthy, whole foods also contain other beneficial vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.

Most people following a healthy diet have no problem getting the recommended amount of vitamin C every day. However, if you think you aren’t, you can always consider taking a multivitamin as most contain the recommended amount of vitamin C you need every day.

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/5the Right Way To Take Vitamin C

You get more vitamin C when you take fruits or vegetables in the raw form. When you cook them for a long time, heat and light can break down the vitamin. Besides, adding vitamin C rich food to a curry-based dish also dilutes the nutrient. It seeps into the liquid and when the liquid is not consumed you may not get the vitamin. Try to eat more raw vitamin C rich foods and avoid overcooking them.

What Does 1000 Mg Of Vitamin C Do

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Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues. Its involved in many body functions, including formation of collagen, absorption of iron, the proper functioning of the immune system, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.

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/5here Is How You Should Have Vitamin C

Since the beginning of the pandemic, it has been recommended to add more Vitamin C rich foods to the diet to boost the immune health. According to a study, this water-soluble vitamin can help to cut down the risk of contagion and even fight viral infection. But loading on this nutrient can also lead to some unwanted side effects. To reap maximum benefits, everything including healthy and nutritious food should be consumed in moderation. Here is how much vitamin C you need to consume in a day.

Are You Taking 500 To 1000 Mg Of Vitamin C Daily

When were run down, stressed or actually sick, our bodies burn through vitamin C at an alarming rate. Once your vitamin C levels drop, your immune system becomes more compromised which could lead to other health issues.

This explains why were able to tolerate much larger-than-normal doses of vitamin C when we have a cold, flu or other infections, than we would normally require.

Interestingly, in healthy people who regularly consume vegetables and some fruits and/or supplements with vitamin C, recommended vitamin C levels are around 70 micromoles per liter, yet these levels drop precipitously when we have a health problem.

For examples these levels drop to:

  • 42 in diabetics

Oxidative stress and systemic inflammation will also deplete vitamin C levels.

As these levels drop our immune function will also suffer.

The recommended daily allowance of vitamin C at 90 mg. is enough to prevent scurvy, a vitamin C deficiency, but woefully too low to provide optimal levels of this vitamin.

I recommend 500-1000 mg/day of ascorbic acid which is 5 to 11 times the recommended RDA. Regular, inexpensive ascorbic acid is all thats necessary and dont get caught up in all of the advertising hype about fancy and much more expensive forms of vitamin C being better or more bioavailable.

Vitamin C is protective on so many levels.In addition to strongly supporting immune function, other proven benefits are:

To the Best of Health,Curt Hendrix, M.S., C.C.N., C.N.S.

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