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HomeEditor PicksWhat Vegetables Contain Vitamin C

What Vegetables Contain Vitamin C

May Reduce Your Risk Of Chronic Disease


Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can strengthen your bodys natural defenses .

Antioxidants are molecules that boost the immune system. They do so by protecting cells from harmful molecules called free radicals.

When free radicals accumulate, they can promote a state known as oxidative stress, which has been linked to many chronic diseases .

Studies show that consuming more vitamin C can increase your blood antioxidant levels by up to 30%. This helps the bodys natural defenses fight inflammation .


Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that can boost your blood antioxidant levels. This may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease.

Approximately one-third of American adults have high blood pressure .

High blood pressure puts you at risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death globally .

Studies have shown that vitamin C may help lower blood pressure in both those with and without high blood pressure.

An animal study found that taking a vitamin C supplement helped relax the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart, which helped reduce blood pressure levels .

Moreover, an analysis of 29 human studies found that taking a vitamin C supplement reduced systolic blood pressure by 3.8 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 1.5 mmHg, on average, in healthy adults.

In adults with high blood pressure, vitamin C supplements reduced systolic blood pressure by 4.9 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 1.7 mmHg, on average .

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Red And Green Peppers

Sweet and crunchy bell peppers are a fantastic source of vitamin C one portion can contain as much as double that of a large Florida orange .

How much vitamin C do they contain? One cup of chopped green peppers contains around 120mg of vitamin C , with the same serving of red peppers providing about 190mg . How to get the maximum benefit: Throw sliced peppers into a salad or a stir-fry for an easy way to up your intake. For a more adventurous recipe, try stuffing halved peppers with rice or couscous and roasting in an oven. Or try our delicious roasted red pepper dip a perfect accompaniment to sticks of veg for a healthy snack.

Red And Green Chili Peppers

Green chili is loaded with vitamin C and beta-carotene. Green chillies are immense for skin, immune system, and healthy eyes. Whereas red chilies are also rich in vitamin C which supports maintaining a healthy immune system and helps to fight chronic diseases. Just make certain to stock up the chili peppers in a dark cool area because these may lose their vitamin C when they are exposed to air, light, and heat.

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The Best Food Sources Of Vitamin C

The recommended daily intake for vitamin C is 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women .

Smokers are advised to consume an additional 35 mg per day, as tobacco reduces the absorption of vitamin C and increases the bodys use of the nutrient .

Very little vitamin C is needed to prevent scurvy. Just 10 mg per day is enough, which is roughly the amount found in one tablespoon of fresh bell pepper or the juice of half a lemon (

  • Acerola cherry: 2,740% of the RDI
  • Guava: 628% of the RDI
  • Blackcurrants: 338% of the RDI
  • Sweet red pepper: 317% of the RDI
  • Kiwifruit: 273% of the RDI
  • Lychee: 226% of the RDI
  • Lemon: 187% of the RDI
  • Orange: 160% of the RDI
  • Strawberry: 149% of the RDI
  • Papaya: 144% of the RDI
  • Broccoli: 135% of the RDI
  • Parsley: 133% of the RDI

Vitamin C rapidly breaks down when exposed to heat, so raw fruits and vegetables are better sources than cooked ones .

Since the body does not store large amounts of vitamin C, it is recommended to eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

Supplementing with vitamin C has not been found to be toxic, but taking more than 2,000 mg per day may cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea and nausea, as well as increase the risk of developing oxalate kidney stones in men .

Additionally, doses over 250 mg per day may interfere with tests designed to detect blood in the stool or stomach and should be discontinued two weeks before testing .

Vitamin C Rich Vegetables And Fruits Other Than Oranges

Top Vegetables High in Vitamin C

When we talk about Vitamin C, the first thing that comes to mind in terms of fruits is Orange, and in terms of taste, sour. But did you know that Vitamin C is rich in other vegetables and fruits which are otherwise sour? Blame it on media and advertising, maybe oranges being associated with Vitamin C is more appealing to the public than say, broccoli. Since ascorbic acid is sour we also tend to associate the degree of sourness to the degree of Vitamin C content, which of course now, with the advancement of science, is a myth.

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Do I Need Vitamin C Supplements

Lots of people take vitamin supplements, but there is no good evidence that they help unless you have a deficiency. Australias best guide to how to eat healthily the Australian Dietary Guidelines doesnt recommend them. There is no good evidence vitamin C supplements help prevent or treat colds.

Vitamin supplements are expensive. They are best taken only on a doctors advice.

Most people get the vitamins they need from a healthy diet, which has a wide variety of foods, including:

  • plenty of vegetables, of different types and colours, and legumes/beans
  • fruit
  • grain foods, mostly wholegrain, and/or high cereal fibre varieties such as breads, cereals, rice, pasta, noodles, polenta, couscous, oats, quinoa and barley
  • lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds, and legumes/beans
  • milk, yoghurt, cheese and/or their alternatives, mostly reduced fat

Foods That Contains More Vitamin C Than Oranges

Oranges are the first thing that people would think of when vitamin C is mentioned but in reality, there are many fruits and vegetables that contain a higher level of vitamin C than oranges. One medium navel orange has 70 mg of vitamin C, therefore one serving should be plenty to meet your daily requirement. Vitamin C is necessary for collagen synthesis, as well as maintaining a healthy immune system and increasing iron absorption in vegetarians and vegans. The daily requirement of vitamin C is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for males. Without further ado, here are five foods that have more vitamin C than citrus fruits.


It may come as a shock to learn that some vegetables contain *even* more vitamin C than an orange, but it’s true! The vitamin C content of one cup of chopped broccoli is 81 milligrammes. So eating a serving of broccoli is enough to meet a person’s daily requirement.


Other than broccoli, a single serving has 137 milligrammes of vitamin C. The amount of Vitamin C content is nearly double that of an orange. Not only that, but you add kiwis to your salads for an extra texture to tickle your taste buds.


This underappreciated fruit is surprisingly nutrient-dense! With only 37 calories, 8 grams of carbs, and 3 grams of fiber per fruit, you might as well include it in your daily diet. A single fruit also contains 126 milligrammes of vitamin C and doesn’t leave the rind outd since it contains the majority of the vitamin C.



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Herbs High In Vitamin C

15) Parsley: Parsley is an extravagant source of vitamin C and vitamin K. It is quite effective in burning fat and fastening your metabolism. Moreover, its antioxidant properties help in preventing inflammation and makes it a remarkable source for protection against Rheumatoid Arthritis .

Parsley Vitamin C: 133 mg per 100 g

16) Dried basil: Dried basil helps in reducing stress and its antioxidant properties makes it an anti-bacterial ingredient that helps in reducing infection. Being highly rich in vitamin C, it helps in treating inflammation and cancer.

Basil Vitamin C: 18 mg per 100 g

17) Garden cress: Apart from being an excellent source of folic acid, they are rich in Vitamin C too. It helps in improving the strength and immunity levels while offering a range of cardiovascular benefits making it a healthy food choice for lactating women.

Vitamin C in garden cress: 69 mg per 100 g

How Can You Get More Vitamin C Into Your Diet

Lunch Break: Fruits And Veggies With Vitamin C

You can always use vitamin C supplements for an extra boost, but both Kirkpatrick and Glassman recommend getting vitamin C from food sources whenever possible.

“The best source of that we see is really coming from different types of foods, mainly fruits and vegetables,” Kirkpatrick said. Here is a list of some of the best vitamin C foods.

These veggies and fruits are good sources of vitamin C:

  • Red bell peppers
  • Cruciferous veggies
  • Potatoes

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Vegetables Highest In Vitamin C

  • 341.3mg in 1 pepper, large Database: Standard Release
  • 230.9mg in 1 cup, stripsDatabase: Standard Release
  • 203.6mg in 1 cup choppedDatabase: Standard Release
  • 195mg in 1 cup, choppedDatabase: Standard Release
  • 172.6mg in 1 cup choppedDatabase: Standard Release
  • 152mg in 1 medium Database: Standard Release
  • 120mg in 1 cup slicesDatabase: Standard Release
  • 119.8mg in 1 cup, choppedDatabase: Standard Release
  • 117mg in 1 cup, choppedDatabase: Standard Release
  • 109.1mg in 1 pepperDatabase: Standard Release
  • 102.5mg in 1 cupDatabase: Standard Release
  • 102mg in 100 gramsDatabase: Standard Release
  • 101.2mg in 1 cup choppedDatabase: Standard Release
  • 100.4mg in 1 cup, chopped or stripsDatabase: Standard Release
  • 96.7mg in 1 cupDatabase: Standard Release
  • 89.1mg in 1 cup slicesDatabase: Standard Release
  • 83.7mg in 1 cupDatabase: Standard Release
  • 81.2mg in 1 cup choppedDatabase: Standard Release
  • 79.8mg in 1 cup choppedDatabase: Standard Release
  • 78.1mg in 1 cup Database: Standard Release
  • 76.6mg in 1 cupDatabase: Standard Release
  • 74.8mg in 1 cupDatabase: Standard Release
  • 71.2mg in 1 cupDatabase: Standard Release
  • 65.3mg in 1/5 headDatabase: Standard Release
  • 64.7mg in 1 pepperDatabase: Standard Release
  • 58mg in 1 cupDatabase: Standard Release
  • 56.4mg in 1 cupDatabase: Standard Release
  • 56.3mg in 1 cupDatabase: Standard Release
  • 54.9mg in 1 cupDatabase: Standard Release
  • 54.7mg in 1 cupDatabase: Standard Release
  • 52.1mg in 1 cup slicesDatabase: Standard Release
  • 51.6mg in 1 cup chopped Database: Standard Release
  • Strengthening The Immune System

    Vitamin C has an immune-boosting effect that can help the body fight off illnesses, such as the common cold.

    One study found that vitamin C helped prevent pneumonia and supported tetanus treatment. Also, findings of suggest that vitamin C plays a role in reducing lung inflammation that results from the flu.

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    Recommended Daily Intake Of Vitamin C

    Vitamin C fruits and vegetables

    The Food and Nutrition Board established the Dietary Reference Intakes, which provides you with the recommended daily values for all the nutrients, including vitamin C. The Recommended Dietary Allowances should meet the daily requirements of most healthy people. RDAs for vitamin C are different depending on age and sex.

    No matter whether you are taking vitamin C pills or not, RDAs for this nutrient are as follows:

    • from birth to 6 months 40 mg
    • from 7 to 12 months 50 mg
    • from 1 to 3 years 15 mg
    • from 4 to 8 years 25 mg
    • from 9 to 13 years 45 mg
    • from 14 to 18 years 75 mg and 65 mg
    • 19+ years 90 mg and 75 mg

    Pregnant teens aged 14-18 should increase their ascorbic acid dosage to 80 mg, while pregnant women aged 19 and older are recommended to have 85 mg/day of this vitamin. Also, breastfeeding women need more vitamin C. Those aged 14-18 need 115 mg per day, while women who are 19 and older require 120 mg per day. Its also important to note that smokers should take 35 mg/day more vitamin C than people who dont smoke.

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    What Does The Department Of Health And Social Care Advise

    You should be able to get all the vitamin C you need by eating a varied and balanced diet.

    If you take vitamin C supplements, do not take too much as this could be harmful.

    Taking less than 1,000mg of vitamin C supplements a day is unlikely to cause any harm.

    Page last reviewed: 03 August 2020 Next review due: 03 August 2023

    Vegetables High Vitamin C

    1) Broccoli: Apart from being an amazing anti-oxidant, broccoli contains Vitamin C. It delivers shine to your skin, helps in building a healthy immune system and boosts your metabolism. The verdant veggie is also a powerhouse of minerals and vitamins.

    Broccoli Vitamin C: 89.2 mg per 100 g

    2) Cauliflower: Rich in Vitamin C, Cauliflower is a healthy option to increase your metabolism and build healthy bones. Along with being rich in calcium, it is a good source of vitamin C and this helps in building healthy teeth and joints.

    Cauliflower Vitamin C: 48.2 mg per 100 g

    3) Brussels sprouts: Being a vegetable very high in Vitamin C, it helps in controlling blood pressure and strokes. They are even good for skin.

    Brussels sprouts Vitamin C: 85 mg per 100 g

    4) Bell peppers: A popular high Vitamin C food it also comes with essential nutrients. They even include rich amount of several enzymes. Collectively they help in reducing inflammation and adds luster to your skin.

    Bell pepper Vitamin C: 183.5 mg per 100 g

    5) Kale: Kale is a dark green colored vegetables rich in Vitamin C. Filled with powerful anti-oxidants, it supports cardiovascular health and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

    Kale Vitamin C: 120 mg per 100 g

    6) Tomatoes: Benefits of tomatoes include better eyesight and enhanced immunity levels. Moreover it supplies relief from digestion, inflammation and premature aging.

    Tomato Vitamin C: 22.8 mg per 100 g

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    Bright Red Hair Follicles

    Hair follicles on the surface of the skin contain many tiny blood vessels that supply blood and nutrients to the area.

    When the body is deficient in vitamin C, these small blood vessels become fragile and break easily, causing small, bright red spots to appear around the hair follicles.

    This is known as perifollicular hemorrhage and a well-documented sign of severe vitamin C deficiency (

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    Summary Hair follicles contain many tiny blood vessels that can rupture due to a vitamin C deficiency, causing bright red spots to appear around the follicles.

    Although C Vitamin Is Best Known For Distancing Scurvy Away Let Me Summarize Its Other Health Benefits In Detail

    5 Fruits With More Vitamin C Than Oranges
    • Loaded with antioxidants- The antioxidant properties in Vitamin C are helpful in checking cell damages generated by free radicals. Our body tends to produce free radicals in its response to environmental and other pressures.These free radicals need to be flushed out from our body otherwise, it results into stress. Further, it damages cells and body function. To this end, antioxidants come as a savior by neutralizing free radicals in our bodies.
    • Packed with antimicrobial properties- Widely known for curing infections resulting from bacteria, it inhibits pathogenic bacteria. As a result of its antibacterial properties, Vitamin C is inherently applicable. For instance, in topical antibacterial usages, curing urinary tract infections, etc.
    • Aids in collagen formation- Ever wondered why fruits and veggies with Vitamin C look so appetizing? Because they are absolutely perfect for beautiful and glowing skin. That is to say, Vitamin C helps in accumulating collagen protein synthesis that helps repair damaged skin.
    • Improves Cardiovascular Health- The appropriate amount of Vitamin C helps narrow the risk of heart disease. By all means, it reduces the risk of heart ailing factors. And that includes High Blood Levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides,
    • The perfect medicine for beautiful skin- If you are browsing for the recipe for flawless skin, consider Vitamin C in your diet regimen. First, it helps to fight skin damages caused by UV rays exposure.


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    What Foods Are The Highest In Vitamin C

    The Office of Dietary Supplements notes vitamin C must be ingested to receive its benefits. Luckily, there are tons of different foods to choose from that are chock-full of vitamin C. Some, like red bell peppers for example, can provide more than 100 percent of your vitamin C intake for the day, says Moore.

    People should always begin with a diet high in fruits and vegetables, says Michael Wald, MD, a registered dietitian in Katonah, New York, and host of the radio show Ask The Blood Detective. Age, genetics, absorption, disease, exercise, stress, sleep, alcohol, and various other lifestyle factors all play a role in the amount of vitamin C one needs.

    Note that cooking can also affect the nutrient content of foods. Because vitamin C is heat sensitive and water soluble, the longer you cook a food with vitamin C, the more C it loses, notes an article published in April 2018 in the journal Food Science and Biotechnology. The authors noted that microwaving a food with vitamin C led to better retention of the nutrient than boiling. If you can eat foods high in vitamin C raw, even better.

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    List Of Vegetables And Their Vitamin Content

    Vitamins are organic food substances that our body requires in order to grow and develop normally. Apart from being able to synthesize Vitamin D and K on its own, our body obtains other vitamins from the food that we eat. It’s best to eat a balanced diet rich in a variety of foods so that your body gets sufficient vitamins for maintaining optimal health. This article presents a list of vegetables and their vitamin content.

    Vitamins are organic food substances that our body requires in order to grow and develop normally. Apart from being able to synthesize Vitamin D and K on its own, our body obtains other vitamins from the food that we eat. Its best to eat a balanced diet rich in a variety of foods so that your body gets sufficient vitamins for maintaining optimal health. This article presents a list of vegetables and their vitamin content.

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