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Which Fruits Have Vitamin D

Vitamin D Fruits: Fortified Orange Juice

Fruits to overcome protein & vitamin deficiency for women who don’t like – Ms. Sushma Jaiswal

If youd rather get your vitamin D from a sweeter source, fortified orange juice could be a good option for you. Although oranges do not naturally contain Vitamin D, many orange juices sold in the U.S. often include it. Fortified orange juice also contains a whole host of nutritional benefits, including calcium, vitamin C, and fiber. If youre looking for a quick and easy way to add some vitamin D to your diet at breakfast, try giving this fruit juice a go. Just make sure to check the label so that you know you are buying fortified juice made from 100% oranges, and choose organic whenever possible.

Can I Get Enough Vitamin D3 From Fortified Orange Juice

Yes, you can get enough vitamin D from fortified orange juice. The recommended daily intake for vitamin D is 600 IU per day for adults, and 400-800 IU per day for children and adolescents.

A cup of fortified orange juice contains 100 IU of vitamin D, so you would need to drink six cups per day to meet the recommended daily intake.

What Causes Low Vitamin D

There are several things that can cause low vitamin D levels. These include not getting enough sun exposure, having dark skin, being obese, and having certain medical conditions such as Crohn’s disease.

The most common cause of vitamin D insufficiency is a lack of sun exposure. Vitamin D deficiency can be caused by a variety of conditions. Lack of sunlight is the most prevalent reason, particularly if there is a vitamin D deficit, although other factors may also contribute to the problem.

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Other Sources Of Vitamin D For Vegetarians And Vegans

The unfortunate fact is, vegetables rich in vitamin D do not exist. There are many animal-based sources such as fish or eggs, but there are several good reasons to avoid factory farming. If you choose to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, you will be especially prone to vitamin D deficiency in the wintertime, so you might want to be extra careful to intentionally add vitamin D foods to your diet.

Luckily, there are lots of fortified foods that can help you out. For example, you can try fortified versions of plant-based milk. And while youre at it, why not pair your fortified plant milk with some fortified cereal? Additionally, you can also find vitamin D-fortified tofu.

May Reduce Heart Disease Risk

Image result for sources of calcium

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, affecting over 17.5 million people annually .

Studies have shown people who regularly eat fish have a much lower risk of heart disease. This effect can be attributed to its omega-3 fatty acid content (

While taking fish oil supplements like cod liver oil may reduce risk factors for heart disease, there is little evidence that it can prevent heart disease or strokes .

Unfortunately, few studies have specifically examined the association of cod liver oil and heart diseas, as many studies classify cod liver oil as regular fish oil.

Thus, more specific research on cod liver oil and heart disease risk factors are needed to make a clear link between the two.


Cod liver oil may help reduce risk factors for heart disease. Studies specifically on cod liver oil and heart disease risk factors are needed, as most studies group cod liver oil with regular fish oils.

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So Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D

Probably not. The Institute of Medicine has set the Recommended Dietary Allowance of vitamin D at 600 international units for everyone under the age of 70. But many experts believe that’s too low. “There is talk that the RDA may be increased,” says Zanecosky. “Many physicians are now advising 2,000 milligrams daily for those with low blood levels.”

Do Tangerines Have Vitamin D

Most similar to clementinesbut not as sweet and just a smidge more difficult to peelthis fruit is bursting with vitamin C and other antioxidants. They also have some B vitamins and potassium.

Tips: Fruit is part of a healthy diet, and the latest advice from the U.S. government recommends two cups of fruit per day. In order to meet that recommendation, discuss with your doctor, dietitian or other healthcare practitioner whether youre better off mixing up your daily fruits, or sticking with two or three of your favorites. Also, if you have diabetes, be sure youre communicating with your healthcare practitioner about the pros and cons of fruit.

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So If Not From Fruit How Do You Get Vitamin D

We wanted to reinforce that vitamin D isnt found in fruit. However, there are four ways to get your vitamin D. Although prevailing wisdom says to get your nutrients from food first, then add on supplements, in the case of vitamin D, its really difficult to achieve optimal benefits from food alone.

Consume Fatty Fish And Seafood

5 Fruits With More Vitamin C Than Oranges

Fatty fish and seafood are among the richest natural food sources of vitamin D.

In fact, a 3.5-ounce serving of canned salmon can provide up to 386 IU of vitamin D about 50% of the RDI .

The exact vitamin D content of seafoods may vary depending on the type and species in question. For example, some research suggests that farmed salmon may contain only 25% of the amount of wild-caught salmon (


Fatty fish and seafood are among the foods highest in vitamin D, though exact vitamin content may vary depending on the type and source of the food in question.

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Spend Time In Sunlight

Vitamin D is often referred to as the sunshine vitamin because the sun is one of the best sources of this nutrient.

Your skin hosts a type of cholesterol that functions as a precursor to vitamin D. When this compound is exposed to UV-B radiation from the sun, it becomes vitamin D.

In fact, sun-derived vitamin D may circulate for twice as long as vitamin D from food or supplements (

However, the amount of vitamin D your body can make depends on several variables.

Which Foods Have Lots Of Vitamin D

Not many foods naturally have a lot of vitamin D. This may be one of the reasons so many folks experience vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency.

But dont worry! There are a few foods that naturally contain vitamin D. Some foods are even fortified with vitamin D during manufacturing. Since you cant eat the sun, here are some of the foods packed with vitamin D.

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How Often Should I Test My Vitamin D Levels

If you have a vitamin D deficiency, a recommends testing your levels 3 months after beginning treatment. Testing may help you and your healthcare professional determine if the plan is working or if it should be adjusted.

Otherwise, if your vitamin D levels typically fall within the recommended range, testing them twice per year in the spring and again in the fall can alert you to any changes and help ensure they continue to stay within a healthy range.

There isnt much research available on the benefits of screening for vitamin D deficiency, so its best to speak with your healthcare professional first before trying an at-home test.

Vitamin D Rich Foods Fruits And Vegetables

Fruit Vitamin D Foods In Tamil
  • Banana
  • Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in your body. You need them as they keep your bones, teeth, and muscles healthy. Also, to avoid bone deformities and pain, you should consume Vitamin D.

    Now, what all can you eat to gain Vitamin D? Fruits? Vegetables? Or grains? Not one, but most fruits, vegetables, and food have Vitamin D. But which one specifically can you eat? Are you eager to know?

    So, read this article to know all about the specific fruits, vegetables, and food items that can infuse Vitamin D in you.

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    People At Risk Of A Vitamin D Deficiency

    • Breastfed Infants Who are Not in the Sun The amount of vitamin D in breast milk depends on the amount of vitamin D in the mother. However, breast-milk typically does not contain adequate amounts of vitamin D. Be sure infants get some exposure to the sun to ensure adequate levels of vitamin D.
    • Older Adults As skin ages it is less and less able to make vitamin D from the sun, so vitamin D has to be attained from foods or supplements.
    • People With Little Sun Exposure on the Skin Wearing sunscreen, or lots of clothing, hampers the production of vitamin D from the sun.
    • People with Darker Skin Melanin, a pigment found in skin, reduces the bodys ability to manufacture vitamin D from the sun.
    • People who have Problems Absorbing Fat Vitamin D is fat soluble, which means it is found in fats, and your body has to be able to digest fats in order for you to absorb the vitamin D.
    • People Taking Certain Medications
    • Steroid Corticosteroid medications used to alleviate inflammation can reduce calcium absorption and impair vitamin D metabolism.
    • Weight-loss drugs with orlistat as well as cholesterol-lowering drugs with cholestyramine can reduce the absorption of vitamin D and other fat-soluble vitamins.
    • Medicines used to treat epileptic seizures, particularly phenobarbital and phenytoin, interfere with Vitamin D and reduces calcium absorption.

    Can You Get Too Much Vitamin D

    Vitamin D toxicity is rare and usually happens only in people who have been taking very high doses of vitamin D over long periods.

    For example, a 2020 case report noted that a 73-year-old man developed vitamin D toxicity after taking 10,000 IU of vitamin D per day for several years.

    If youre interested in taking vitamin D supplements, its important to get your blood levels tested. Thats the only way to know how much vitamin D you actually need to take.

    While toxicity is unlikely if youre staying below 10,000 IU per day, the NIH recommends that people who have normal vitamin D levels keep their intake below 4,000 IU of vitamin D per day.

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    The Recommended Dose Of Vitamin D

    The Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin D is measured in international units . According to the data published in 2010, the RDA of vitamin D is 600 IU for people aged between 1-70 years. Infants, on the other hand, are recommended to take 400 IU of vitamin D per day. Pregnant and breastfeeding women need to have 600-2000 IU daily, depending on their health conditions. Similarly, for people aged over 71 years of age, this RDA changes to 800 IU and up.

    Elm & Rye D3 Supplement

    Nutri9 | Fruits Rich In Vitamin D: A Complete List | Dr. Sujatha Stephen

    Image courtesy Elm & Rye

    This is a great option for those who don’t eat fish or mushrooms. Elm & Rye D3 capsules or gummies provide all the benefits of vitamin D without any of the negative side effects. It’s an easy and convenient way to increase your vitamin D levels.

    They only utilize high-quality substances in their pills. There are no superfluous additives, fillers, or fraudulent claims. These components work together to produce a superior recipe and approach to your regular routine.

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    Researchers have long warned of the risk of cancer.

    According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer IARC, around 500,000 people develop cancer in Germany every year.

    According to a forecast by the World Health Organization , by 2040 there will be around 29 to 37 million people worldwide who will receive a new cancer diagnosis.

    If diagnosed early, patients have the greatest chance of recovery.

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    People Taking Certain Medications

    Vitamin D deficiency can be induced by a number of factors, including corticosteroid usage. Corticosteroids reduce calcium absorption and impair vitamin D synthesis.

    Vitamin D and other fat-soluble vitamins are less likely to be absorbed when weight-loss medicines with orlistat, as well as cholesterol-lowering treatments with cholestyramine, are taken.

    Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption, and anti-seizure medications including phenobarbital and phenytoin have been linked to vitamin D deficiency and reduced calcium intake.

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    Elevated Blood Calcium Levels

    Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium from the food you eat. In fact, this is one of its most important roles.

    However, if your vitamin D intake is excessive, your blood calcium may reach levels that can cause unpleasant and potentially dangerous symptoms.

    The symptoms of vitamin D toxicity are primarily related to hypercalcemia, which means excessively high blood calcium levels (

    Hypercalcemia typically develops after people take megadoses of vitamin D for a prolonged period of time.

    For example, a 2015 case study reported that an older man with dementia who received 50,000 IU of vitamin D daily for 6 months was repeatedly hospitalized with symptoms related to high calcium levels .

    In the 2020 case report mentioned earlier, the woman who took an average of 130,000 IU of vitamin D per day for 20 months was also hospitalized for symptoms related to hypercalcemia .

    These included nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, and kidney injury. Her blood calcium levels were 3.23 mmol/L (

    • poor appetite

    However, not all people with hypercalcemia experience the exact same symptoms.

    One woman experienced nausea and weight loss after taking a supplement that was later found to contain 78 times more vitamin D than stated on the label .

    Importantly, these symptoms occurred in response to extremely high doses of vitamin D3, which led to calcium levels greater than 12 mg/dL.

    Fortified Orange Juice: 10% Dv

    Dairy isn

    There aren’t any fruits high in vitamin D, but some fortified orange juice brands contain the nutrient. For example, Tropicana Calcium + Vitamin D Orange Juice has 2.5 micrograms or 10 percent of your DV of vitamin D in 1 cup.

    Make sure to check the nutrition facts label for your OJ’s vitamin D content to make sure you’re choosing a fortified brand.

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    Vitamin D: Whole Foods Vs Fortified Foods

    Fortified foods are meant to help boost vitamin and mineralintake. Theyre designed to add nutrients that dont naturally occur in theproduct. Sometimes iron, fiber, zinc or vitamin A is added. For instance, most milkis fortified with vitamin D and calcium is sometimes added to orange juice.

    Since so few foods found in nature are good sources ofvitamin D, fortified foods provide most of the vitamin D found in the Americandiet, explains Taylor.

    But she warns that some fortified foods can contain addedingredients that make the product less healthy, like sugar or hydrogenatedfats. Cows milk and most plant alternative milks are typically fortified withvitamin D, but its important to look for products with no added sugar.

    Many types of yogurt and cereal are also fortified withvitamin D, but could contain excessive added sugar or saturated fat. Margarineis often fortified as well, but some products contain partially hydrogenatedoils, which should be avoided. Read labels to choose the best product for yourfamily.

    What Are The Benefits Of Vitamin D

    There are many benefits of vitamin D, such as reducing the risk of osteoporosis, cancer, and heart disease. Vitamin D is also important for maintaining bone health. Getting enough vitamin D can also help improve your mood and reduce stress levels.

    As you can see, there are many benefits to getting enough vitamin D. Be sure to include foods that are high in vitamin D in your diet, and get out in the sunshine when you can. And if you want to increase your vitamin D levels even further, consider using a UV lamp.

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    The Vegetable That Has Vitamin D: Mushrooms

    Usually when people talk about getting all of the essential vitamins and nutrients, they simply advise you to eat more veggies! And while vegetables are potent with micronutrients, adding more greens to your diet won’t do you any good when it comes to this particular fat-soluble micronutrient: vitamin D.

    The only vegetable that contains the all-important vitamin D is irradiated mushrooms . “Mushrooms produce vitamin D2 by converting ergosterol in their membranes via a photochemical reaction in the same way that UV from the sun converts cholesterol to vitamin D3,” says Robert Bruce Beelman, Ph.D., an expert on the effects of UV light on mushrooms.

    Mushrooms contain a different type of D than what’s formed as a result of sun exposure in our bodies . When hit with adequate and sustained UV light, mushrooms produce D2, while our bodies produce D3. Vitamin D2 usually comes from plant sources like mushrooms and D3 from animal sources like salmon.

    Another cool thing about mushrooms is that you can expose them to more UV light to increase the amount of D2 in them. Beelman used pulsed light emitted from a Xenon lamp on mushrooms in his research, but even placing your shrooms outdoors will do the trick to boost their D supply, according to famous mycologist Paul Stamets.

    While our bodies can still use D2 , a large body of science underscores its inferiority to vitamin D3 . Indeed, D3 is far superior for human consumption based on its bioactivity, stability, and bioefficacy.*

    More Dairy High In Vitamin D

    Vitamin D Rich Foods, Fruits and Vegetables | Vitamin D Sources | Health Tips |
    • 29% DV per cup of low-fat milk
    • 17% DV per cup of dehydrated milk
    • 16% DV per cup of buttermilk
    • 4% DV per 1/4 cup of queso fresco

    Note: Milk in the US is fortified with vitamin D, but does not contain significant amounts of vitamin D naturally. Therefore, milk from other countries may not be a good source of vitamin D.

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