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HomeDoes Vitamin D Help With Inflammation

Does Vitamin D Help With Inflammation

Bioavailability And Influence Of Processing And Cooking

What is Inflammation & How to Reduce it with Vitamin D? Dr.Berg

The vitamin D, like other fat-soluble vitamins , is absorbed incorporated in mixed micelles from the intestine into the enterocytes by non-saturable passive diffusion. Subsequently, the vitamin D is transported in the chylomicrons via lymph to the circulation . The more polar metabolite 25D is absorbed better and faster than vitamin D because it is also taken up directly from the proximal jejunum into the portal vein . There are few data on its availability from natural sources. The absorption of vitamin D from supplements may differ depending on the used vehicle substance, such as oils, powders, ethanol . For example, it has been reported that the bioavailability of vitamin D from fortified hard cheese is equivalent to supplements and that vitamin D bioavailability is not influenced by the fat content of the fortified milk .

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Strengths And Limitations Of This Study

  • Protocol is for the first systematic review to investigate vitamin D and inflammation across all population groups and disease and/or non-disease states.

  • Employs rigorous international gold-standard methodology and comprehensive search strategy.

  • Limited in that the systematic review will include only published data.

How Do We Get Vitamin D

The main source is sunlight our bodies create vitamin D when bare skin is exposed to ultraviolet B rays.

During spring and summer, most peoples bodies can make all the vitamin D they need from a balanced diet and being out in the sun for short periods every day, without sunscreen and with some skin uncovered.

The ideal amount of time to spend outside isnt known, as it varies between people and depends on how much sunshine is available but be careful not to burn. Know whats right for you it may be just a few minutes in the sunshine if youre pale. Cover up and/or use sunscreen if youre staying out longer.

Dr Haseler recommends combining sun exposure with exercise.For bone health, the best activity is walking, with as many aids as you require, she says. Its weight bearing, it gets your joints moving, it exposes you to sun and meeting people, and it can be done at various levels of disability.”

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Vitamin D And Joint Pain

Vitamin D is vital for bone and muscle function and may have anti-inflammatory effects. As a result, many people believe that vitamin D plays a role in relieving joint pain, particularly where inflammation is the cause.

Some research links vitamin D deficiency to RA, which is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the joints.

  • A review of studies from 2016 showed that people with RA had notably less vitamin D in their blood than people without RA. They also found that people with RA were more likely to have a vitamin D deficiency.
  • A research paper from
  • also help improve mood and symptoms of depression.

However, a large-scale Cochrane study from 2015 concluded that the current evidence is not strong enough to establish a definite link between vitamin D deficiency and chronic pain conditions such as RA. Therefore, researchers need to provide more evidence.

The body can either create vitamin D through exposure to sunlight or obtain vitamin D from the diet. Key sources of vitamin D include:

An Orange Is A Healthy Snack Right Maybe Not Heres What You Need To Know About The Vitamin C

Does Vitamin D Help Reduce Inflammation?  Bio Time inc

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But what about oranges? Citrus fruits are loaded with the antioxidant vitamin C, which has been linked to an improved immune system, wound healing and even preventing arthritis. Perhaps your rheumatologist has recommended a vitamin C regimen every day.

Unlike some other vitamins, our bodies cant make vitamin C, so we need to obtain it from our diets. When we dont get enough vitamin C, we can experience fatigue, slower healing and more infections. According to the Arthritis Foundation, taking vitamin C may help prevent inflammatory arthritis. Unfortunately, when it comes to vitamin C, you can definitely have too much of a good thing.

This is how the vitamin C arthritis-connection could be affecting you.

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Bone Health Is Important

Dr Christine Haseler, a GP with a special interest in arthritis, says: The risk with arthritis is that you may not be mobile, so youre less likely to be spending long periods of time outdoors and topping up your vitamin D levels in the sun.

Vitamin D is essential for bone health. With osteoarthritis, especially as you get older, you may be more likely to be frail and prone to falling. If your bone health isnt good and you fall and fracture your hip, thats very serious.

If youve had inflammatory arthritis throughout your life and if it has been persistent you may have had times without weight-bearing exercise. You may also have been on steroids, and both can lead to thinner bones and osteoporosis. Preventing thinning of the bones means you have some protection if you get into difficulty.

Can Vitamin D Supplements Cause Inflammation

The anti-inflammation effect of vitamin D in epicardial adipose tissue has been demonstrated for certain studies. As noted previously, lacking vitamin D directly disrupts the inflammatory process in epicardial adipose tissue, with increased recruitment of inflammatory cells, suggesting this may be the primary cause of vitamin D deficiency.

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Vitamin D And Psoriasis Linkage

In psoriasis, vitamin D is involved in the maintenance of cutaneous barrier homeostasis. Several studies identified an association between polymorphisms of vitamin D receptor and psoriasis susceptibility . Richetta et al., have found that the A-1012G promoter polymorphism of the VDR gene is associated with psoriasis risk through a lower expression of VDR mRNA, favoring conditions that may alter cutaneous barrier and the development of psoriatic lesions . In addition, in psoriatic skin a decreased expression of VDR and reduced tight-junction proteins is associated . Tight junctions are fundamental to regulate adhesion and permeability of keratinocytes, and to polarize cutaneous cell differentiation, to regulate extracellular calcium gradient, interacting with nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins and influencing the regulation of specific genes involved in keratinocytes differentiation and proliferation . Different studies have focused on the possible role of low vitamin D status in the pathogenesis of psoriasis .

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Future Novel Therapies For Respiratory Viruses

Vitamin D for Chronic Pain and Inflammation – Functional Nugget #131

The study suggests that vitamin D could be a therapeutic option for COVID-19 thanks to its role in hyper-inflammation.

This study reveals a potentially unique role that vitamin D plays in the activation of T-cell functions that regulate inflammation in COVID-19, and understanding these regulatory pathways may provide information that will lead to the development of novel therapies for the treatment of acute COVID-19, said Dr. Alcendor.

This key finding could lead to the development of novel therapies for multiple respiratory viruses. The potential for this study could be groundbreaking. Dr. Donald Alcendor

Dr. Kazemian and Dr. Afzali maintain that we will have to wait for clinical trials for results.

There are a number of clinical trials actively studying the potential of vitamin D as an adjunct therapy for the treatment of COVID-19. When these studies have reported in, we will have a much better idea of the therapeutic role that vitamin D could play in inflammation caused by COVID-19, they said.

However, Dr. Alcendor said future research would need to answer a slew of questions:

s this mechanism specific to COVID-19, or is it true for other respiratory infections? If this study was performed with specimens from influenza patients, would you get a similar result? Could this key finding provide information that would lead to novel therapies for multiple respiratory viruses?

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Am I At Risk Of A Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is widespread, with about one billion people worldwide falling below proper levels of this essential vitamin. Several risk factors increase your chances of a deficiency. Here are a few to keep in mind:

  • Indoor jobs. If you work indoors during the day, you are missing your prime ultraviolet B absorption hours. These rays cant pass through windows, so even if you can see the sun from your desk, youre not increasing your vitamin D levels.
  • Age. People age 55 and older dont convert the ultraviolet B rays into vitamin D as efficiently as younger people do.
  • Dark skin. Darker skin has larger amounts of melanin, which slows down the rate at which your skin absorbs the suns ultraviolet B rays.
  • Specialty diets. Only a few types of food contain significant amounts of vitamin D, most of which tend to be animal-based or fortified dairy products. Therefore, vegetarians, vegans, and lactose-intolerant people have more difficulty reaching significant levels of vitamin D through their diet.
  • How Does Vitamin D Affect Inflammation

    From arthritis to bursitis, there are several inflammatory conditions that can cause problems for the muscles and joints and, ultimately, our mobility and wellbeing. In this blog, I take a look at whether vitamin D can help inflammation and who may be at risk of a deficiency of this important nutrient.

    Louise Baillie

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    Signs Of Deficiency And Toxicity


    Vitamin D deficiency may occur from a lack in the diet, poor absorption, or having a metabolic need for higher amounts. If one is not eating enough vitamin D and does not receive enough ultraviolet sun exposure over an extended period , a deficiency may arise. People who cannot tolerate or do not eat milk, eggs, and fish, such as those with a lactose intolerance or who follow a vegan diet, are at higher risk for a deficiency. Other people at high risk of vitamin D deficiency include:

    • People with inflammatory bowel disease or other conditions that disrupt the normal digestion of fat. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that depends on the guts ability to absorb dietary fat.
    • People who are obese tend to have lower blood vitamin D levels. Vitamin D accumulates in excess fat tissues but is not easily available for use by the body when needed. Higher doses of vitamin D supplementation may be needed to achieve a desirable blood level. Conversely, blood levels of vitamin D rise when obese people lose weight.
    • People who have undergone gastric bypass surgery, which typically removes the upper part of the small intestine where vitamin D is absorbed.

    Conditions resulting from prolonged vitamin D deficiency:


    Symptoms of toxicity:

    • Weight loss
    • Irregular heart beat
    • Hardening of blood vessels and tissues due to increased blood levels of calcium, potentially leading to damage of the heart and kidneys

    Does Vitamin B12 Help With Inflammation

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    In experiments involving mouse models of chronic inflammation, Vit B12 significantly lowered granuloma formation. Based on this research, we established that some experimental evidence supporting cyanocobalamins use to help reduce acute and chronic neuropathic pain supports the treatment with the drug. Anti-inflammatory effects may be found in Cchirocambalamin.

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    Limitations Of The Evidence

    Overall, the current literature is limited. Most studies had small samples, with < 100 participants in all but one study . Quality of the evidence across studies was low or moderate for most markers, and only the evidence for TNF- was deemed high quality. Moreover, no study accounted for seasonal variation or sunlight exposure, and/or physical activity, which may potentially influence vitamin D levels, as well as body composition since vitamin D is fat-soluble and sequestered in adipose tissue. Smoking status and HF duration were also not reported in several studies – factors which may influence inflammatory status in these patients. Finally, only one study actively recruited patients who were vitamin D-deficient at baseline. Increasingly, it has been shown that beneficial effects of vitamin D supplementation are only observed when provided to vitamin D-deficient individuals. Thus, future trials recruiting only vitamin D-deficient individuals may strengthen the evidence base, as could subgroup analyses comparing inflammatory marker profiles in vitamin D deficient versus replete individuals at follow-up. We were unable to perform subgroup analyses by baseline vitamin D status, or by studies that achieved adequate vitamin D status at follow-up due to the small number of studies and lack of reporting of follow-up vitamin D levels in most studies.

    Summary Of Previous Evidence

    Vitamin D is a pleiotropic steroid hormone, which elicits its functions by acting through the vitamin D receptor . The VDR is present in many cell types including cardiac myocytes. In animal studies, mice defective in 1-hydroxylase had altered calcium handling which led to exaggerated cardiac dysfunction consistent with HF in humans. Additionally, these mice exhibited increased expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF- and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 , however a normal phenotype was restored upon supplementation with vitamin D, highlighting a potential role for vitamin D in HF pathogenesis.

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    Eat Foods Rich In Vitamin D

    You can also get more vitamin D by adjusting your diet. For example, this important vitamin is found in certain types of fish, such as salmon and mackerel. Small amounts of it are also found in egg yolks, cheese, and beef liver.

    Few other foods contain vitamin D naturally. However, some are fortified with it. For example, vitamin D is added to many brands of milk, cheese, and breakfast cereals.

    Its important for people with RA to get their vitamin D levels checked. If you cant get enough vitamin D from sunlight and diet alone, your doctor may suggest taking a vitamin D supplement.

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    Trial Design And Participants

    Vitamin D, immune function and chronic inflammation

    This randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial, registered in the Iranian website for registration of clinical trials as , was carried out among 60 diabetic HD subjects aged 18-80 years who were referred to the Akhavan Clinic in Kashan, Iran, from January 2017 to April 2017. This research was carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and the Research Ethics Committee of Kashan University of Medical Sciences approved the study protocol, and informed consent was taken from all subjects. The main exclusion criteria from the study were as follows: taking vitamin D, antioxidant and/or anti-inflammatory supplements such as vitamins E and C, omega-3 fatty acids, and taking immunosuppressive medications within 3 months prior to the enrollment in the study.

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    Vitamin D Benefits: Avoid Improve Arthritis Symptoms

    Did you know vitamin D can help improve arthritis symptoms? Heres another fact: if someone does not already have arthritis, they may be able to avoid it by getting enough vitamin D.

    Vitamin D is critical for overall health. For one, it helps with calcium absorption, which in turn helps the body develop and maintain healthy bones. It also reduces inflammation and plays a role in regulating the immune system, so the body is better able to ward off sickness and disease, including arthritis.

    Getting the recommended allowance of vitamin D can be challenging. In fact, an estimated three-fourths of Americans dont get enough of it. Vitamin D deficiency symptoms include chronic pain, digestive issues, frequent infections and depression.

    Vitamin D Impacts Arthritis

    Researchers have different theories as to how vitamin D impacts arthritis. For instance, some think it has a direct impact on the joints, while others believe it is more about its effect on the immune system. A few others are still not convinced there is a solid link between the two.

    Regardless of these differing opinions, many researchers agree that there is a connection between vitamin D and arthritis. There is substantial evidence to back up their claims. For example:

    How to Boost Vitamin D Intake

    Even though it can be hard to get enough vitamin D, the good news is there are three ways you can get it: through your skin, from certain foods and from supplements.

    Does Vitamin D Help With Covid The Relationship With Inflammatory Cytokines

    The relationship between inflammatory cytokines and vitamin D has been studied. One study, looking at healthy women between the ages of 25-82, found that serum vitamin D is inversely related to TNF-alpha concentrations in healthy women. The authors felt that this result, in part, may explain vitamin Ds role in the prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases.8

    Complications related to blood clotting are common in severe cases of COVID. D dimer levels tend to be elevated in these patients. More than 50% of patients with a severe case of COVID have elevated D dimer levels. This is important because vitamin D is involved in the regulation of thrombotic pathways, and vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increase in thrombotic episodes.9

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    Vitamin D And Covid Severity

    German researchers were impressed with research showing that vitamin D levels correlate strongly with COVID infection severity. They set out to determine if the low vitamin D levels were the result of the infection, or if a vitamin D deficiency negatively affects immune defense.12

    The authors of the German study stated, One population study and seven clinical studies were identified, which reported D3 blood levels pre-infection or on the day of hospital admission. The datasets provide strong evidence that low D3 is a predictor rather than just a side effect of the infection. Despite ongoing vaccinations, we recommend raising serum 25D levels to above 50 ng/mL to prevent or mitigate new outbreaks due to escape mutations or decreasing antibody activity.12 In addition the authors found that a threshold level of 30 ng/mL, mortality decreases considerably.

    They go on to say, From a medical point of view, this will not only save many lives but also increase the success of vaccination. From a social and political point of view, it will lower the need for further contact restrictions and lockdowns. From an economical point of view, it will save billions of dollars worldwide, as vitamin D3 is inexpensive and together with vaccines provides a good opportunity to get the spread of SARS-CoV-2 under control.12


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