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HomeExclusiveCan You Take Vitamin K2 With Eliquis

Can You Take Vitamin K2 With Eliquis

What Should I Tell My Anticoagulation Healthcare Provider

Can Vitamin K2 Affect Stable Plaques?

Any time your vitamin K intake changes, it is important to notify your anticoagulation healthcare provider. Some of the circumstances that may apply include if you:

  • Start taking a multiple vitamin or other vitamin supplement that contains vitamin K .
  • Use a nutritional supplement such as Boost ®, Ensure ®, Glucerna ® or SlimFast ® â shakes or nutritional bars.
  • Increase or decrease the amount of leafy green vegetables you are eating
  • Start or stop drinking V8 ® juice.
  • Develop an illness, including a respiratory infection or gastrointestinal flu that changes how well you are eating. Have lifestyle changes or emotional stress such as illness, the death of a family member, travel, or even seemingly simple things like moving or remodeling your home

You do not have to avoid foods or other products that are high in vitamin K these foods have many other vitamins and minerals that are part of a healthy diet. The most important thing to remember about vitamin K intake is being consistent as much as possible and communicating any changes that may occur to your anticoagulation healthcare provider.


It is not the intention of NBCA or MASAB to provide specific medical advice, but rather to provide users with information to better understand their health and their diagnosed disorders. Specific medical advice will not be provided and both NBCA and MASAB urge you to consult with a qualified physician for diagnosis and for answers to your personal questions.

Videostaying Active And Healthy With Blood Thinners

People often worry about how routine medicines like blood thinner pills will affect their lifestyles. With a few simple steps, taking a blood thinner can be safe and easy. In fact, more than 2 million people take blood thinners every day to keep them from developing dangerous blood clots. Staying Active and Healthy with Blood Thinners is a 10-minute video that shows how small changes in daily routines can help people take blood thinners safely.

What is a blood thinner? What does it do? Why it is helpful? These questions are answered in this video, which features easy-to-understand explanations of how blood thinners work and why it’s important to take them correctly. It also introduces BEST, an easy way to remember how to fit blood thinner medication into daily life.

Be Careful

Can Eliquis Be Crushed Cut Or Chewed

If you have trouble swallowing Eliquis tablets whole, they can be crushed. However, Eliquis tablets shouldnt be cut in half or chewed.

Crushed tablets can be mixed with water, apple juice, apple sauce, or 5% dextrose in water . The mixture should be taken by mouth right after mixing.

For people who cant take medication by mouth, Eliquis can also be taken through a nasogastric tube . When taken this way, Eliquis should be crushed and mixed with 2 ounces of water or 5% dextrose in water.

If you have trouble swallowing Eliquis tablets whole, talk with your doctor or pharmacist about the best way to take the drug.

Eliquis is used to treat and prevent dangerous blood clots that can block blood vessels in your body.

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Are There Any Foods I Should Avoid While Using Eliquis

You should avoid drinking grapefruit juice or eating grapefruit while taking Eliquis. This is because Eliquis can interact with grapefruit.

Eliquis is broken down by a protein in your liver called CYP3A4. Grapefruit and grapefruit juice block this protein from working as it normally does. If CYP3A4 cant properly break down the drug, the amount of Eliquis in your body can get too high. This may raise your risk for serious side effects.

If you have questions about consuming grapefruit or grapefruit juice during your Eliquis treatment, talk with your doctor.

To learn about consuming certain other foods and beverages with Eliquis, see the Eliquis interactions section above.

Blood Thinner Pills: Your Guide To Using Them Safely

Can You Take Vitamin K If You Are On A Blood Thinner

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality offers a free booklet and a video about blood thinner medicines. Staying Active and Healthy with Blood Thinners, a 10-minute video, features easy-to-understand explanations of how blood thinners work and why it’s important to take them correctly. Blood Thinner Pills: Your Guide to Using Them Safely, a 24-page booklet, explains how these pills can help prevent dangerous blood clots from forming and what to expect when taking these medicines.

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Is There Risk Associated With These Drugs


If you take too much Warfarin, you can wipe out most of your body’s Vitamin K. This causes an artificial, drug-induced Vitamin K deficiency – for both K1 and K2.

If you take less Warfarin than needed, you’ll protect your Vitamin K, but your blood thinning needs may go unaddressed.

Long term use of these drugs may be linked to an increased risk of bone loss as a result of chronic Vitamin K2 deficiency.

Long-term use of these drug may lower bone density and increase risk of fractures. It may also cause inappropriate calcium deposits in soft tissues like arteries, kidneys etc.

Mice that were fed K2-inhibiting Warfarin quickly developed arterial calcification. Feeding them K2 completely inhibits this effect. Whether K2 will do the same for humans needs more investigation.

If you are concerned about the effect this medication may have on your bone mineral density, talk to your doctor about testing for uncarboxylated osteocalcin or uncarboxylated GLA proteins. Both these markers are a good measure of your Vitamin K status and by extension, an indicator for bone density loss.

Common Conditions People Have *:

  • Stroke : 12 people, 31.58%
  • Multiple Myeloma : 4 people, 10.53%
  • High Blood Pressure: 4 people, 10.53%
  • Rashes : 3 people, 7.89%
  • High Blood Cholesterol: 3 people, 7.89%
  • Type 2 Diabetes: 2 people, 5.26%
  • Hepatocellular Carcinoma : 2 people, 5.26%
  • Cardiac Amyloidosis : 2 people, 5.26%
  • Cystic Fibrosis : 2 people, 5.26%
  • Diabetes: 2 people, 5.26%
  • * Approximation only. Some reports may have incomplete information.

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    How To Take Your Blood Thinner

    Always take your blood thinner as directed. For example, some blood thinners need to be taken at the same time of day, every day.

    Never skip a dose, and never take a double dose.

    If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If you dont remember until the next day, call your doctor for instructions. If this happens when your doctor is not available, skip the missed dose and start again the next day. Mark the missed dose in a diary or on a calendar.

    A pillbox with a slot for each day may help you keep track of your medicines.

    About Your Blood Thinner

    Intro to Vitamin K2. K2 has promise as a heart health supplement. Some of the Evidence.

    Your doctor has prescribed a medicine called a blood thinner to prevent blood clots. Blood clots can put you at risk for heart attack, stroke, and other serious medical problems. A blood thinner is a kind of drug called an anticoagulant . “Anti” means against and “coagulant” means to thicken into a gel or solid.

    Blood thinner drugs work well when they are used correctly. To help you learn about your medicine, your doctor has given you this booklet to read.

    Depending on where you receive care, you may be seen by a doctor, nurse, physicians assistant, nurse practitioner, pharmacist, or other health care professional. The term “doctor” is used in this booklet to refer to the person who helps you manage your blood thinner medicine.

    You and your doctor will work together as a team to make sure that taking your blood thinner does not stop you from living well and safely. The information in this booklet will help you understand why you are taking a blood thinner and how to keep yourself healthy. Please take time to read all of the information in this booklet.

    There are different types of blood thinners. The most common blood thinner that doctors prescribe is warfarin . Your doctor may also discuss using one of the newer blood thinners depending on your individual situation.

    Warning!Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to get pregnant. Many blood thinners can cause birth defects or bleeding that may harm your unborn child.

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    Pay Attention To Food Labels To Keep Your Vitamin K Intake Consistent

    Vitamin K foods can be included in your diet on a regular basis as long as you are mindful of the portion and keep the overall intake of vitamin K-rich foods consistent, says .

    For instance, you can choose to have a vitamin K rich food every day, every week, or three times in a week as long as you keep this portion and frequency consistent, she says.

    If necessary, you can discuss including regular sources of vitamin K in your diet with your doctor in case your warfarin dosage would need to be adjusted, she adds. You will want to tell your physician how often you eat foods high in vitamin K and how much of those foods you eat. Being knowledgeable about vitamin K is a key to managing it in your diet.

    There are a variety of vegetables that contain lower amounts of vitamin K. These include:

    Iceberg lettuce is low and romaine is also fairly low, so most people can eat either if them daily. In addition, be sure to read labels on multivitamins as they have varying amounts of vitamin K. Talk to your doctor about what vitamins you should take.

    Typical Dosing For Eliquis

    Nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: The dose of Eliquis is usually 5 mg by mouth twice daily. There are some people who will only take 2.5 mg by mouth twice daily.Blood clot prevention after surgery: The dose of Eliquis is usually 2.5 mg by mouth twice daily.Blood clot and pulmonary embolism treatment: The dose of Eliquis starts at 10 mg by mouth twice daily for the first 7 days, then the dose is lowered to 5 mg by mouth twice daily.Blood clot prevention for those with a history of blood clots: The dose of Eliquis is usually 2.5 mg by mouth twice daily after at least 6 months of treatment for blood clot or pulmonary embolism.

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    Warning Disclaimer Use For Publication

    WARNING: Please DO NOT STOP MEDICATIONS without first consulting a physician since doing so could be hazardous to your health.

    DISCLAIMER: All material available on is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider. All information is observation-only. Our phase IV clinical studies alone cannot establish cause-effect relationship. Different individuals may respond to medication in different ways. Every effort has been made to ensure that all information is accurate, up-to-date, and complete, but no guarantee is made to that effect. The use of the eHealthMe site and its content is at your own risk.

    If you use this eHealthMe study on publication, please acknowledge it with a citation: study title, URL, accessed date.

    Common Side Effects Of Eliquis Vs Warfarin

    Foods To Avoid With Apixaban : Vitamin K2 And Coagulation Innovixlabs ...

    The most common side effects of Eliquis and warfarin are related to bleeding. Examples include nosebleeds, bruising, blood in the urine, or bleeding gums. In rare instances, bleeding can be serious or life-threatening. The risk of bleeding can increase when Eliquis or warfarin is taken with other drugs .

    Also, there is an increased risk of bleeding in patients who take warfarin who have or have had serious heart disease, high blood pressure, history of stroke or mini-stroke, cancer, kidney problems, stomach or intestinal bleeding, or an accident or surgery. There is also an increased risk of bleeding from warfarin in adults ages 65 years and older, and patients of any age who have taken warfarin for a long time.

    Besides bleeding, other common side effects of Eliquis are:

    • Numbness and tingling
    • Hair loss

    Allergic reactions to Eliquis or warfarin are rare. If you experience hives, trouble breathing, or swelling around the face or mouth, seek emergency medical attention immediately.

    This is not a complete list of side effectsother adverse effects may occur. Consult your healthcare provider for more information on adverse reactions to Eliquis and warfarin.

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    Is Vitamin K2 A Blood Thinner

    Vitamin K can interfere with blood thinning medications like Warfarin and Coumadin.

    If you’ve been prescribed these drugs and you are also taking Vitamin K1 and/or K2, be sure to talk to your doctor.

    If Vitamin K2 is taken at greater than 50 mcg per day, it can interfere with the blood thinning function of these drugs.

    Does this mean you have to completely avoid Vitamin K2 supplements or foods rich in Vitamin K2?

    There are a couple of things you can do to remain on anti-coagulant drugs as well as consume a reasonable amount of Vitamin K2 to keep your bones strong and your arteries healthy:

  • Work with your doctor to find a balance that thins the blood yet does not weaken your bones – this will require multiple blood tests.
  • Talk to your doctor about anti-coagulant drugs that do not interfere with Vitamin K2.
  • Vitamin K And Cognition

    The essential role of vitamin K in the synthesis of sphingolipids in the brain has been known for more than 40 years . More recently, vitamin K dependent proteins such as Protein Gas6 have been shown to play a key role in the peripheral and central nervous system . Vitamin K may have a role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease because of its regulatory role in sulfotransferase activity and growth factor/tyrosine kinase receptor activity in the brain . There is evidence that vitamin K1 intake in the elderly with Alzheimer’s disease is significantly lower than in controls in the community . Intake of vitamin K may improve cognitive function in healthy older adults. One such study showed that vitamin K1 was associated with better verbal episodic memory performances especially on recall tasks . The use of vitamin K antagonists has been associated with more frequent cognitive impairment .

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    Avoid Dangerous Interactions When Taking Supplements

    What’s On This Page?

    We are better off getting our nutrients from healthy foods and beverages, but dietary supplements can fill a nutritional gap. Its confusing to know when you should take certain nutrients, especially the minerals which can bind or chelate with a lot of different medications. Its also difficult to time your supplements around meals and medications. Over the years, Ive used my own vitamin list to help me remember when and how to take supplements.

    I think it could help you, especially if you have to take a lot of different things. You can download my form for free at my website and fill in the blanks with your own supplements. This cheat sheet will help you stay on track. As a pharmacist, its kind of in my blood to approach with caution and I dont necessarily mean pharmaceuticals. Supplements will act in your body exactly like a drug and the timing impacts efficacy. Before you embark on any supplement regimen, I suggest you ask a holistic-minded practitioner what is right for you with consideration to your allergies, your liver, kidney function and even genetic mutations.

    Medicines and supplements that are best taken at NIGHT:DiphenhydramineAshwagandha Goto kola SkullcapStatin cholesterol reducers ACE inhibitors ARB class of blood pressure pills

    All the best,Michael

    Is Eliquis Or Warfarin More Effective

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    Many doctors are more commonly prescribing factor Xainhibitors such as Eliquis. Because there is no INR monitoring, the dosage generally does not require adjustments. Also, there are fewer drug interactions, no dietary restrictions, and a lower risk of bleeding with Eliquis compared to warfarin.

    A clinical trial called ARISTOTLE looked at the safety and efficacy of Eliquis compared to warfarin. Eliquis was found to be more effective than warfarin in lowering the risk of stroke and systemic embolism. People who took Eliquis also had significantly fewer bleeding episodes than those who took warfarin. However, although this study showed Eliquis to be more effective and cause fewer side effects, many people do very well on warfarin.

    The best drug for you can only be determined by your healthcare provider, who can take into account the full picture of your medical condition, medical history, and other medications you take that could interact with Eliquis or warfarin.

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    Coverage And Cost Comparison Of Eliquis Vs Warfarin

    Eliquis is usually covered by insurance and Medicare prescription plans, but the copays vary. A typical Eliquis prescription for a one-month supply of 60, 5 mg tablets would cost about $635 if you pay out of pocket. However, you can use a SingleCare coupon to save money on Eliquis, lowering the price to approximately $475.

    Warfarin is usually covered by insurance and Medicare prescription plans, with varying copays. A typical warfarin prescription for a one-month supply would cost about $23 without insurance. You can use a SingleCare card to receive the medication for $4 or even less.


    Reasons Not To Take Vitamin K With D

    If it isnt clear from the title of my blog yet, Ill make it clear. I dont normally recommend combo supplements of vitamin D3 with vitamin K . I get asked all the time why my brand of D3 doesnt have K in it, and it would have been cheap and easy to put it in there but I chose not to, because of SO many reasons which Ill discuss today, but mainly because the combination can increase risk of kidney stones and may contribute to coronary artery calcifications. Its all because the two of those nutrients together add more calcium to your blood, and thats not something you want!

    Sky high doses of either D3 or K can also lead to higher risk of fractures.

    I know this article is going to frustrate some people, so I want it understood that I am not anti-vitamin K, in fact you can read about the virtues of K, especially for men, by to read my article entitled, Vitamin K2 A Powerful Weapon Against Prostate Cancer.But again, I dont think its necessary to put into vitamin D formulas, and this is a controversial subject.

    Both D and K are easy to get without supplementation by the way. For example, vitamin D can be obtained with a walk in some sunshine and fresh air, or just sitting on your rocking chair on your porch. The sunshine provokes vitamin D synthesis in your body. And vitamin K is found in delicious salads, vegetables and fruits.

    Since were talking about interactions, you might be interested in my article, Avoid Dangerous Interactions When Taking Supplements.

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