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HomeMust ReadWhat Foods Produce Vitamin B12

What Foods Produce Vitamin B12

More Cereals High In Vitamin B12

20 High Vitamin B12 Foods (700 Calorie Meals) DiTuro Productions LLC
  • 251% DV per cup of Kellogg’s Special K
  • 250% DV per cup of General Mills Whole Grain Total
  • 250% DV per 2/3 cup of Kellogg’s Low Fat Granola
  • 250% DV per cup of Kashi Heart to Heart Oat Flakes
  • 125% DV per 3/4 cup of Wheaties
  • 121% DV per 3/4 cup of Post Honey Bunches of Oats

See the complete ranking of 200 cereals high in vitamin B12.

German Whole Foods Vegans Consuming Nori And Mushrooms

In a 2014 study from Germany , a group of 10 whole foods vegans, who did not take supplements, were found to have MMA levels of almost 400 nmol/l . A second group of vegans who supplemented its not clear with how much but it seems to have been at least 2 doses of 1,000 µg/week of B12 on average had MMA levels of just above 200 nmol/l.

The whole foods-only vegans were given a minimum of 12 g/week of nori and 15 g/week of sun dried mushrooms, which the researchers calculated to contain an average of 3.1 µg/day of vitamin B12. Their MMA levels were measured every 2 months for 8 months and they did not dip much below 350 nmol/l.

The vegans who took supplements were given more B12 than normal , and their MMA levels steadily decreased to about 150 nmol/l at 6 months, but then back up to 200 nmol/l at 8 months.

This research indicates that at the amounts given, nori and sun dried mushrooms do not improve vitamin B12 status.

Getting An Adequate Amount Of B12

National recommendations for B12 intakes vary significantly from country to country. The US recommended intake is 2.4 micrograms a day for ordinary adults rising to 2.8 micrograms for nursing mothers. The German recommendation is 3 micrograms a day. Recommended intakes are usually based on 50% absorption, as this is typical for small amounts from foods. To meet the US and German recommendations you need to obtain sufficient B12 to absorb 1.5 micrograms per day on average. This amount should be sufficient to avoid even the initial signs of inadequate B12 intake, such as slightly elevated homocysteine and methylmalonic acid levels, in most people. Even slightly elevated homocysteine is associated with increased risk of many health problems including heart disease in adults, preeclampsia during pregnancy and neural tube defects in babies.

Achieving an adequate B12 intake is easy and there are several methods to suit individual preferences. Absorption of B12 varies from about 50%, if about 1 microgram or less is consumed, to about 0.5% for doses of 1000 micrograms or above. So the less frequently you consume B12, the higher the total amount needs to be to give the desired absorbed amount.

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Clams: 841 G 3502% Daily Value

Seafood, particularly shellfish, is one of the richest sources of naturally occurring vitamin B12. Various types of clams make an appearance on regional menus, from the West Coast Manila clams to the quahog clams of the East Coast. Clams are rich in protein with just 126 calories and 1.7 grams of fat.

A 3-ounce serving of cooked clams contains 3,502 percent of the DV for vitamin B12. Other shellfish high in vitamin B12 include oysters, mussels and scallops.

Why Do We Need Vitamin B12

Top 10 Vitamin B12 Rich Food Sources

B12 is essential for the formation of red blood cells. Also, it plays a significant role in protecting nerve cells. The vitamin is vital for cell division and DNA synthesis. B12 is essential for proper digestion, especially for recovery and Intake of the food components as well as for the utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Also, B12 is essential for energy production in the mitochondria.

Look at the symptoms of deficiency

Depression, Burnout, Forgetfulness/dementia, sleep disorders, lack of concentration, dizziness, nervousness, confusion, psychosis.

Some physical symptoms are

Pale skin, constant exhaustion, physical weakness, Immunodeficiency, susceptibility to infections, Tingling, and numbness in limbs, Inflammation, Indigestion, Constipation, diarrhea, muscle tremors, graying of hair, hair loss. And even Anemia, paralysis, coordination disorders, spastic disorders, blurred vision, arteriosclerosis, heart attack, incontinence, and infertility.

The B12 issue is not as clear as many experts, doctors or nutritionists claim. There is also disagreement among experts.

Many people believe in vitamin B12 myths. Many reasons lead to this belief. There is a lack of understanding of our bodies, especially school medicine, which sees the human body as parts instead of the whole fantastic system that it is. Alternative medicine considers the body to be a whole system. Naturopathic medicine believes that the body can heal itself.

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Why Is Nutritional Yeast Good For You

Nutritional yeast is a popular food product often used in vegan cooking.

It gets its name from the protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it contains.

Studies have shown it has a wide range of potential health benefits, ranging from lowering cholesterol to protecting the body from free radical damage.

This article explains what nutritional yeast is, reviews its health benefits and suggests creative ways to use it.

It Helps Prevent Vitamin B12 Deficiency In Vegans

Vitamin B12 is needed for a healthy nervous system, DNA production, energy metabolism and the creation of red blood cells (

8 ).

Consuming nutritional yeast can be an effective way to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency while on a vegan diet.

One study including 49 vegans found that consuming 1 tablespoon of fortified nutritional yeast daily restored vitamin B12 levels in those who were deficient .

In this study, the nutritional yeast contained 5 mcg of vitamin B12 per tablespoon, which is slightly more than double the daily recommended amount for adults.

Vegans should look for fortified varieties of nutritional yeast to ensure that adequate amounts of B12 are in the product.

Summary Fortified nutritional yeast contains high amounts of vitamin B12 and can be used to help prevent deficiency in vegans.

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Canned Tuna: 19g 78% Dv

Fatty fish like tuna is a cornerstone of several healthy diets, including the Mediterranean Diet and DASH Diet. Tuna is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are heart-healthy, per the Mayo Clinic.

A 3-ounce serving of canned tuna contains 78 percent of the DV for vitamin B12, with just 158 calories and an impressive 23 grams of protein. Other fish high in vitamin B12 include Atlantic herring, mackerel, canned sardines, trout and smoked salmon. Try the canned seafood in these creative tuna recipes.

Foods High In Vitamin B12

Top 10 Foods Rich in Vitamin B12

3-minute read

Vitamin B12 is essential for the blood, brain and nervous system. Not having enough in the body can cause people to feel tired and sick. Eating more meat and animal products can boost levels of vitamin B12. If you dont eat meat, however, taking vitamin B12 supplements may be an option.

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Should I Take Vitamin B12 Supplements

You should talk to your doctor about taking a vitamin B12 supplement if you don’t have enough B12 in your diet for example, if you are vegan or avoiding animal foods. It is very important for pregnant or breastfeeding vegan and vegetarian women to have enough vitamin B12 to reduce the risk of their baby developing a vitamin B12 deficiency.

You might also need a supplement if you can’t absorb enough vitamin B12 from food if, for example, you have a problem with your gut or an autoimmune condition. Your doctor can order a blood test to see if you have enough B12 in your body.

How B12 Works In The Body

The Harvard Medical School Special Health Report Making Sense of Vitamins and Minerals explains that vitamin B12, like all B vitamins, is water soluble, which means the body expels what it does not use. Its main job is to maintain healthy nerve cells, support proper brain function, and assist in the production of DNA and RNA. B12 also works with other B vitamins to improve certain functions. For instance, B12 and B9 together help to make red blood cells. B12, B6, and B9 team up to control blood levels of the amino acid homocysteine, high levels of which have been associated with possible heart disease.

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Health Precautions For Eating Sardines

People who have kidney problems or gout should avoid sardines. They naturally contain a substance that creates uric acid. Uric acid buildup can cause kidney and gout issues for those who are already susceptible.

Canned sardines are high in salt. If youre trying to reduce your salt intake, check the label before eating canned sardines.

The calorie count of sardines is also something to be aware of if youre watching your caloric intake. They tend to be a high in calories, no matter what type of liquid theyre canned in.

Benefits Of Vitamin B1:

Vitamin B12: Why You Should Care Even if You Eat Meat ...
  • Improves your skin and your hair
  • This is essential to maintain a good skin, healthy hair and nails, because this is a huge actor in cell replication.

  • Helps maintain your energy level
  • It helps your metabolism because it converts carbs in glucose so your body can easily use it. This is actually the reason why people with a B12 vitamin deficiency are most of the time really tired.

  • Improves your mood
  • It helps regulate your nervous system, including mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. This is also necessary for being focused and learning new things.

  • Fights anaemia
  • This is essential to produce enough red blood cells. Therefore, it helps fight against a specific kind of anaemia, calls megaloblastic anaemia, that includes chronic fatigue and dizziness.

  • Helps your digestive system
  • It produces digestives enzymes. This is why, this is necessary for a good metabolism and good nutrients absorption in your stomach. It improves good bacterias in your gut, and thanks to them you avoid these bad bacterias that create digestive problems and bowel disease.

  • Prevents hearth health
  • It is essential for cardiovascular health. Indeed, it reduces heart attacks risks by decreasing homocysteine level in the blood. It helps regulate levels of cholesterol and blood pressure.

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    Vitamin B12 In Animals

    Vitamin B12 is produced both in animals and in humans by microorganisms that live mainly in the colon. Unfortunately, the point at which this occurs is beyond where absorption takes place in the small intestine most of this vitamin B12 is excreted unused and most animals rely on a dietary supply of the vitamin just like humans. An exception are ruminants, or grazing animals, which can self-produce the vitamin in their rumen.

    B12 source egg

    B12 source fish

    B12 source meat

    Carnivorous animals take in B12 through the meat of their prey, whilst non-ruminant herbivores obtain the vitamin through the combination of their food with soil and faeces.

    The daily dose does not necessarily have to be reached every day: like humans, animals also store a supply of vitamin B12 in their liver. This reserve is consumed only very slowly, so that a temporary shortage can be compensated for over several years. Nevertheless, a regular intake of the vitamin is recommended, as the first symptoms of a deficiency may occur even whilst the store is being emptied.

    The largest occurrence of vitamin B12 in animal foods is thus found mainly in the intestines in particular the point where the vitamin is produced, as well as in the liver where it is stored. The concentration of B12 progressively decreases from organs to lean meat, and then to milk or eggs. Nevertheless, some cheeses, such as camembert, may still contain quite large amounts of B12 due to how they are produced.

    How To Use Nutritional Yeast

    Nutritional yeast should be stored in a cool, dark place to preserve its vitamins. It should also be kept tightly sealed to keep moisture out.

    When properly stored, it can last up to two years.

    Nutritional yeast is used in the following ways:

    • Sprinkled over popcorn or pasta
    • Stirred into soups for an umami flavor
    • As a cheese flavoring in vegan sauces
    • As a thickener for soups and sauces
    • Added to pet food for extra nutrients

    Serving sizes are determined by each manufacturer but typically 1 or 2 tablespoons.

    It is safe to use nutritional yeast in moderation, typically up to several tablespoons per day.

    It would require relatively large amounts of nutritional yeast to exceed the tolerable upper intake levels for the various vitamins and minerals it contains. Specifics vary between brands, so always read labels to be sure.

    While nutritional yeast is safe to consume for most people, anyone who is allergic to yeast should not consume it .

    Those who have trouble metabolizing folic acid should read labels carefully and may want to choose unfortified nutritional yeast whenever possible.

    Summary Nutritional yeast is shelf-stable for up to two years and can be added to many foods for a nutty, cheesy or savory flavor and extra vitamins and minerals.

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    Tips For A Balanced Plant

    Though often dened by what they dont contain, plant-based diets are actually some of the most well-balanced, delicious eating patterns around. Here are a few plant-based recipes to get you started:

    For a more guided look at how to build healthy vegetarian meal plans, check out our Oldways 4-week Vegetarian & Vegan Diet Menu Plan, which will help you create satisfying, balanced, budget-friendly meals inspired by cuisines from dierent cultures. The recipes are based o of the Vegetarian & Vegan Diet Pyramid, and feature an abundance of delicious, healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes, herbs, and spices.

    Kelly Toups, Director of Nutrition

    If youre interested in healthy eating, join the Make Every Day Mediterranean Club Facebook group for additional information and support.

    Is Vitamin B12 Essential

    7 Foods high in Vitamin B12

    What should I eat to get vitamin b12? Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin for living organisms. It contributes significantly to the development of DNA, the formation of blood cells, and helps the nervous system considerably.

    What happens when your vitamin B12 is low? According to several studies, including one from Harvard University, a lack of this vitamin can lead to severe health issues

    Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause severe, sometimes irreversible, neurological damage:

    • Peripheral nerves are often the first to be affected, and patients may complain of paresthesias.
    • Also, the spine is damaged, and can sometimes result, as mentioned above, in paresthesia.
    • The lack of vitamin B12 in our body can lead to the complex neurological syndrome.
    • It also causes megaloblastic anemia in this case, this anemia will react well to vitamin B12 injections.

    For these reasons, we always recommend that instead of practicing veganism, you start a vegetarian diet. This diet is much more flexible, and you will not have to take vitamin B12 supplements.

    If you are determined to start a vegan life, you should consider taking vitamin B12 supplements.

    You may be interested in Vegetarian diet for begginers, the most complete guide.

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    Should You Take A Multivitamin

    Foods with B12 are always the first choice, but if you have trouble eating B12-rich foods, or have problems absorbing B12, another potential vitamin B12 source is a multivitamin. In fact, the federal government’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest that people older than age 50 take a multivitamin supplement as a way to ensure adequate B12 intake.

    Many store multivitamins contain high amounts of B12. An average brand may contain about 25 mcg, which is more than 400% of the recommended daily value. Check with your doctor to determine if multivitamins is right for you. There is little risk from taking too much B12, however, high amounts may interact with certain medications.

    Executive Editor, Harvard Men’s Health Watch

    What Causes Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia

    You can get vitamin B12 deficiency anemia if you don’t get enough vitamin B12 in your diet from foods like milk, eggs, and meat. You’re more likely to be low in this vitamin if you’re older, or you eat a vegetarian diet. It can also happen if your body can’t absorb enough of it from the foods you eat.

    Your intestines absorb vitamin B12 from food. A protein your stomach makes called âintrinsic factorâ helps your body absorb it. When you don’t have enough, you have a type of vitamin B12 deficiency anemia called âpernicious anemia.â

    You can get pernicious anemia if:

    • You have an autoimmune disease that makes your immune system attack the cells in your stomach that produce intrinsic factor.
    • You have surgery to remove part of your stomach, where intrinsic factor is made.

    Your body also might not absorb enough vitamin B12 if:

    • You have a disease that affects how nutrients are absorbed in your intestines, such as Crohn’s disease, HIV, or some infections.
    • You have certain bad bacteria in your intestines.
    • You take some medicines, such as antibiotics and anti-seizure drugs.
    • You’ve had surgery to remove part of your intestines.
    • You’ve been infected with a tapeworm.

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    It May Help Lower Cholesterol Levels

    The beta-glucan found in nutritional yeast may also lower cholesterol.

    In one study, men with high cholesterol who consumed 15 grams of beta-glucan derived from yeast daily for eight weeks lowered their total cholesterol levels by 6% .

    Another study found that mice fed beta-glucan from yeast had significantly lower cholesterol levels after only 10 days (

    25 ).

    Although the chemical structure of beta-glucan in oats is slightly different than the structure of beta-glucan in yeast, data suggests that they have similar cholesterol-lowering effects .

    However, no study to date has investigated whether consuming nutritional yeast in its whole form has the same effects. Further research is needed.

    Summary The beta-glucan in nutritional yeast may help lower cholesterol levels.


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