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What Does Vitamin B6 Do For You

May Promote Brain Health And Reduce Alzheimers Risk

What does vitamin B6 do? Why do I need vitamin B6?

Vitamin B6 may play a role in improving brain function and preventing Alzheimers disease, but the research is conflicting.

On the one hand, B6 can decrease high homocysteine blood levels that may increase the risk of Alzheimers .

One study in 156 adults with high homocysteine levels and mild cognitive impairment found that taking high doses of B6, B12 and folate decreased homocysteine and reduced wasting in some regions of the brain that are vulnerable to Alzheimers .

However, its unclear if a decrease in homocysteine translates to improvements in brain function or a slower rate of cognitive impairment.

A randomized controlled trial in over 400 adults with mild to moderate Alzheimers found that high doses of B6, B12 and folate decreased homocysteine levels but did not slow decline in brain function compared to a placebo .

In addition, a review of 19 studies concluded that supplementing with B6, B12 and folate alone or in combination did not improve brain function or reduce the risk of Alzheimers .

More research that looks at the effect of vitamin B6 alone on homocysteine levels and brain function is needed to better understand the role of this vitamin in improving brain health.

Summary Vitamin B6 may prevent a decline in brain function by decreasing homocysteine levels that have been associated with Alzheimers disease and memory impairments. However, studies have not proven the effectiveness of B6 in improving brain health.

Excessive Folic Acid Intake

Although folic acid is generally considered non-toxic, excessive intakes above 1,000 mcg per day over a period of time can lead to malaise, irritability and intestinal dysfunction. The main risk with excessive folate intake is that it can mask a vitamin B12 deficiency, so its best to consume these two vitamins within the recommended amounts.

How Long Do You Need To Take Vitamin B6 To Start Experiencing Its Benefits If Youre Deficient

As a water-soluble nutrient, vitamin B6 is absorbed quickly, and it doesnt take long before you will start noticing the beneficial effects of this vitamin. While cases of severe deficiency might call for intravenous administration of pyridoxine, symptoms of deficiency of this nutrient usually clear up overnight.

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How Does Vitamin B6 Relate To My Lifestyle

Yes, vitamin B6 keeps your body functioning optimally. Its safe to say you already knew that. But how do all those functions work to influence your daily lifestyle? Lets take a look.

Keeps your mind sharp and focused at work

Vitamin B6 directly impacts our brain-power, giving us the energy and alertness we need to perform complex tasks. Persistent fatigue or simply feeling sluggish might be signs that you need a healthy dose of vitamin B6.

Instead of brewing another pot of coffee when the mid-day slump hits, why not hydrate and replenish the smart way with BrightFox? All three delicious flavors are packed with 0.6 mg of vitamin B6, in addition to other essential vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, helping you start and finish the day strong.

Improves sleep quality

When youre stressed, depressed, or worried, your sleep quality suffers big time. As weve already seen, vitamin B6 helps produce serotonin, which in turn produces melatonin. The sleep hormone activates our natural circadian rhythm, and high levels of melatonin help us fall asleep faster. This is especially important for people with depression, many of whom struggle with insomnia and fitful sleep. Some studies also suggest that vitamin B6 increases the likelihood of remembering your dreams.

What Is Vitamin B6 Found In

Does vitamin B6 help relieve morning sickness?

Vitamin B6 is found in a wide variety of foods . The richest sources of vitamin B6 include fish, beef liver and other organ meats, potatoes and other starchy vegetables, and fruit .

In this regard, what foods are high in vitamin b6?

Vitamin B6 is found in a wide variety of foods, including:

  • pork.
  • poultry, such as chicken or turkey.
  • fish.
  • wholegrain cereals, such as oatmeal, wheatgerm and brown rice.
  • eggs.
  • vegetables.
  • soya beans.

Additionally, what are the symptoms of low vitamin b6? Here are 9 signs and symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency.

  • Cracked and Sore Lips.
  • Tingling and Pain in Hands and Feet.
  • Seizures.

Also to know, what does vitamin b6 do?

Vitamin B6 is one of the B vitamins that benefits the central nervous system. It is involved in producing the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine, and in forming myelin. Also known as pyridoxine, vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin, which means it dissolves in water.

When should you take b6?

If you‘re interested in taking B6 for morning sickness, speak with your doctor before starting any supplements. Summary Vitamin B6 supplements in doses of 3075 mg a day have been used as an effective treatment for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

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May Help Treat Nausea During Pregnancy

Vitamin B6 has been used for decades to treat nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

In fact, its an ingredient in Diclegis, a medication commonly used to treat morning sickness .

Researchers are not entirely sure why vitamin B6 helps with morning sickness, but it may be because adequate B6 plays several vital roles in ensuring a healthy pregnancy .

A study in 342 women in their first 17 weeks of pregnancy found that a daily supplement of 30 mg of vitamin B6 significantly reduced feelings of nausea after five days of treatment, compared to a placebo .

Another study compared the impact of ginger and vitamin B6 on reducing episodes of nausea and vomiting in 126 pregnant women. The results showed that taking 75 mg of B6 each day decreased nausea and vomiting symptoms by 31% after four days .

These studies suggest that vitamin B6 is effective in treating morning sickness even in durations of less than one week.

If youre interested in taking B6 for morning sickness, speak with your doctor before starting any supplements.

Summary Vitamin B6 supplements in doses of 3075 mg a day have been used as an effective treatment for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

What Happens If I Take Too Much Vitamin B6

When taking a supplement, it’s important not to take too much.

Taking 200mg or more a day of vitamin B6 can lead to a loss of feeling in the arms and legs known as peripheral neuropathy.

This will usually improve once you stop taking the supplements.

But in a few cases when people have taken large amounts of vitamin B6, particularly for more than a few months, the effect can be permanent.

The effect of taking vitamin B6 at doses between 10 and 200 mg is unclear. So there’s not enough evidence to say how long these doses could be taken for safely.

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Food Sources Of Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 can be found in a wide variety of foods. In particular, fish, beef liver, poultry and chickpeas are good sources. One cup of canned chickpeas provides 1.1 milligrams of the vitamin while 3 ounces of pan-fried beef liver provides 0.9 milligrams. Three ounces each of cooked yellowfin tuna, sockeye salmon and roasted chicken breast has 0.9, 0.6 and 0.5 milligrams of vitamin B6, respectively. Potatoes and other starchy vegetables and fruits other than citrus fruits, such as bananas, are also good sources of vitamin B6. One cup of boiled potatoes and a medium banana each provides 0.4 milligrams of vitamin B6. Many people also get vitamin B6 from cereals that have been fortified with the mineral and from supplements.

Are There Any Risks Associated With Too Much Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6: Benefits, Deficiencies, Causes, Symptoms, and Sources Dr.Berg

The current recommended maximum daily intake is 100 mg. High doses of the B6 vitamin can, over time, be toxic, and may result in nerve damage or numbness and tingling in the extremities that may eventually be irreversible. You should discontinue use of supplemental B6 if any unusual numbness develops in the body. Too much B6 can also cause oversensitivity to sunlight, which can lead to skin rashes and numbness, as well as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and increased liver function test results.

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Vitamin B6 Promotes Healthy Brain Function

An increase in homocysteine levels can also speed up cognitive decline, says Wong. This uptick can lead to an increased risk of neurological conditions such as dementia.

In addition to regulating homocysteine levels, B6 plays a role in the synthesis of important neurotransmitters chemical messengers used by the brain and nervous system. Some of the neurotransmitters B6 helps synthesize include:

  • Dopamine: responsible for reward-seeking, motivation, and movement
  • Serotonin: stabilizes mood, causes feelings of well-being and happiness.
  • Melatonin: plays a role in regulating our circadian rhythm and ability to fall asleep
  • Noradrenaline: produces the ‘fight or flight’ response in our body when we perceive danger

How Much Vitamin B12 Do I Need

Adults need about 1.5 micrograms a day of vitamin B12.

If you eat meat, fish or dairy foods, you should be able to get enough vitamin B12 from your diet.

But as vitamin B12 is not found naturally in foods such as fruit, vegetables and grains, vegans may not get enough of it.

Read about the vegan diet for nutrition information and advice.

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Top 10 Vitamin B6 Foods

One of the best ways to increase your intake of this important water-soluble vitamin is to squeeze more vitamin B foods into your daily diet. Here are a few of the top foods with B6 to get you started:

  • Turkey Breast 3 ounces: 0.7 milligram
  • Grass-Fed Beef 3 ounces beef tenderloin: 0.5 milligram
  • Pistachios 1/4 cup: 0.5 milligram
  • Tuna 1 3-ounce can: 0.4 milligram
  • Pinto Beans 1 cup cooked: 0.4 milligram
  • Avocado 1 raw: 0.4 milligram
  • Chicken Breast ½ one breast: 0.3 milligram
  • Blackstrap Molasses 2 tablespoons: 0.26 milligram
  • Sunflower Seeds 1/4 cup: 0.25 milligram
  • Sesame Seeds 1/4 cup: 0.25 milligram
  • Are Vitamin B6 Supplements Safe

    The Benefits of Vitamin B6 and the Best Food Sources

    Vitamin B6 is considered safe at doses of 100mg or less a day for adults, which includes the amount from food and supplements. For children, the NIH reports upper limits between 30 – 80mg based on age. Supplementing with doses above the upper limit should only be done under the supervision of a doctor.

    B6 or P-5-P is one of the few water-soluble supplements that can result in toxicity when taken at too high a dose. However, most cases of toxicity that have been documented occurred in the setting of long-term use with very high doses, typically 1000mg a day or more. It is not possible to get toxic levels from food sources alone. The most common side-effects of toxic levels of B6 are sensory neuropathy and impaired balance or coordination.

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    What Vitamin B6 Do I Recommend

    Wellena Vitamin B6 Liquid is a concentrated vitamin B6 in a delicious raspberry-flavored liquid. It contains B6 as pyridoxal-5-phosphate , the most bioactive form of the nutrient , along with pyridoxine HCl, a precursor to P-5-P.

    Vitamin B-6 Liquid includes magnesium and zinc because they serve as common cofactors in the body and are needed along with B6 for multiple metabolic conversions. Deficiencies in any or all of these nutrients may lead to issues related to neurotransmitters, hormones or metabolism, which can affect physical, mental, and emotional health.

    How to take: As a dietary supplement, take 5 ml per day, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

    If youd like to add a complete B complex alongside your dose of B6, check out our B complex B Maximus.

    What Causes Vitamin B6 Deficiency

    pyridoxine-inactivating drugs, malabsorption, alcoholism, and excessive loss are some of the causes of the deficiency of vitamins B6 and B6. Deficiency can cause a wide range of diseases, including peripheral neuropathy, seborrheic dermatitis, glossitis, and cheilosis.

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    Vitamin B6 May Treat Seizures In Newborns

    Children diagnosed with pyridoxinedependent epilepsy require between 15 to 500 mg of vitamin B6 a day for life. PDE is a rare, genetic condition that occurs within a few days of being born and is characterized by difficult-to-control seizures. But vitamin B6 can help control the condition.

    Pyridoxinedependent epilepsy is rare with only 200 cases reported, and occurs within a few days of being born. It is caused by a mutation in the gene ALDH7A1.

    When treated intravenously with 50-100 mg of vitamin B6 also known as pyridoxine the seizures dissipated within minutes. Children diagnosed with PDE receive 15 to 30mg of vitamin B6 a day for life, but may sometimes require up to 500 mg.

    A person with these seizures is vitamin B6 dependent, requiring the nutrient in order to keep the condition at bay as traditional anticonvulsants do not work.

    Uses In Traditional Medicine

    Vitamin B6 Can Cause Vitamin B6 Deficiency Symptoms

    Many vitamin B6-rich foods have long been used in traditional medicine for their powerful effects on health and wellness. While these foods contain a wealth of other micronutrients and health-promoting properties that makes them especially beneficial for use in holistic medicine, their vitamin B6 content undoubtedly contributes to many of their favorable effects on health.

    Grass-fed beef, for example, is one of the most concentrated sources of vitamin B6 and is believed to strengthen the blood and enhance red blood cell production according to Ayurveda. Its also thought to relax the mind, satisfy the stomach and improve liver function.

    Similarly, pistachios are another vitamin B6-rich food that are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to promote spleen health. They also help support the liver, heart and gallbladder and are thought to treat conditions like jaundice, which is caused by excess levels of a yellow pigment called bilirubin.

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    Learn More With Overcoming Estrogen Dominance

    The body has an amazing ability to heal. We just need to give it the right resources.

    In Overcoming Estrogen Dominance, my goal is to empower and give you the tools to take control of your hormones and health.

    More than 70% of women experience estrogen dominance. The symptoms range from lumpy and fibrocystic breasts to thyroid nodules, hot flashes, fibroids, uterine polyps, painful, heavy or irregular periods to infertility and miscarriages, from mood swings to insomnia, weight gain to fatigue.

    So many women have experienced the pain and frustration that comes when they feel their symptoms and complaints are dismissed or minimized. This is particularly true for women who are experiencing the symptoms of hormone imbalance. Even when doctors do offer treatment, its typically in the form of prescription medication or invasive surgical procedures.

    In Overcoming Estrogen Dominance, I hope to show that those extreme interventions are often unnecessary, and to give women a roadmap to reverse estrogen dominance using food, herbs, supplements and natural protocols to rebalance hormones.

    To get your copy of Overcoming Estrogen Dominance, go here.

    Tiredness And Low Energy

    A vitamin B6 deficiency can leave you feeling unusually tired and sluggish.

    A big reason is vitamin B6s role in helping make hemoglobin. Thats the protein in your red blood cells that helps carry oxygen throughout your body.

    If your cells dont get enough oxygen as a result of too little hemoglobin, its called anemia. That can make you feel tired and weak.

    There have been select cases of B6-related anemia in which taking the inactive pyridoxine hydrochloride form of the vitamin didnt help. However, supplementing with the bodys most active form of B6, called pyridoxal 5-phosphate , resolved the anemia (

    27 ).

    Nerve problems from B6 deficiency are reversible with adequate B6 intake. On the other hand, nerve problems from B6 toxicity may be more difficult to treat.

    Summary Burning, shooting pains in your limbs, hands and feet can be caused by nerve damage from B6 deficiency or overdose.

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    Vitamin B6 Trends In Medicine

    Recently scientists found that ingesting high quantities of vitamin B6 can increase your risk of bone fracture. Apparently, women who consume significantly more than their RDA of this vitamin are more prone to bone fractures after menopause, which simply underscores the importance of only ingesting reasonable, safe amounts of each essential nutrient.

    What Is The Best Time To Take Vitamin B1 B6 B12

    Benefits Of B12 Shots

    Water-soluble vitamins absorb best on an empty stomach. That means taking them first thing in the morning, 30 minutes prior to eating, or two hours after a meal. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water so your body can use them. Vitamin C, all B vitamins, and folate are water soluble.

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    What Happens If I Have Too Much Vitamin B6

    It is highly unlikely to get harmful amounts of vitamin B6 through foods alone. However, taking high doses of vitamin B6 supplements for long periods can have some negative health effects.

    Symptoms of toxicity can include muscle weakness, damage to the nerves in feet and hands, and loss of control of body movements and coordination.

    Healthy adults, including during pregnancy and lactation, should make sure not to take more than 25 mg of vitamin B6 per day, which is over 15 times the recommended amount.

    Before taking vitamin B6 supplements, check with your doctor or a registered dietitian/nutritionist or consult your national dietary guidelines.

    B6 Vs Stress: How B6 Protects The Brain

    Most of us know how stress can affect our mood and energy levels during the day. However, handling stress isnt just about being mentally strong enough. Chronic or long-term stress can actually change the brains biology and make us more vulnerable to conditions like depression and anxiety.

    Vitamin B6 is arguably the most important B vitamin for mental and brain health because it is critical for making neurotransmitters and can help minimize the harmful effects of stress, including:

    • Psychological effects of stress: B6 helps produce calming neurotransmitters, including serotonin and GABA. These neurotransmitters can help us feel more stable and less overwhelmed in the face of trauma or day-to-day stressors.

    • Biological effects of stress: Over time, stress hormones like cortisol can cause damage to the brain and body, resulting in problems including memory loss and stomach ulcers.

    • Physical toxins and infections: Animal studies have found that B6 may reduce brain inflammation and cell death and prevent memory loss associated with meningitis infection.

    In order to effectively handle stress emotionally and physically, its important to have optimal levels of B6.

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