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Does Vitamin D3 Help With Weight Loss

Higher Vitamin D Levels May Aid Weight Loss

Lose Belly Fat | How Vitamin D3 Burns Fat | Weight Loss & Your Thyroid

Some evidence suggests that getting enough vitamin D could enhance weight loss and decrease body fat.

At least 20 ng/mL is considered to be an adequate blood level to promote strong bones and overall health .

One study looked at 218 overweight and obese women over a one-year period. All were put on a calorie-restricted diet and exercise routine. Half of the women received a vitamin D supplement, while the other half received a placebo.

At the end of the study, researchers found that women who fulfilled their vitamin D requirements experienced more weight loss, losing an average of 7 pounds more than the women who did not have adequate blood levels .

Another study provided overweight and obese women with vitamin D supplements for 12 weeks. At the end of the study, the women didnt experience any weight loss, but they did find that increasing levels of vitamin D decreased body fat .

Vitamin D could also be associated with a decrease in weight gain.

A study in over 4,600 elderly women found that higher levels of vitamin D were linked to less weight gain between visits during the span of the 4.5-year study .

In short, increasing your vitamin D intake may promote weight loss, although more research is needed before strong conclusions can be reached.


Getting adequate amounts of vitamin D may enhance weight loss, decrease body fat and limit weight gain.

How Long Does It Take For Vitamin D To Work

There is no set time frame regarding how long it takes vitamin D to start working after you begin supplementation. Some people experience noticeable improvements in symptoms within a few weeks, while others may not be restored from their vitamin D deficiency for up to one year.

The time frame is dependent on a number of factors, including the severity of your vitamin D deficiency, the amount of vitamin D youre taking, the quality of the supplement, and the foods youre eating.

The presence of an underlying health problem contributing to a vitamin D deficiency can also play a major role in how long it takes for supplementation to work. For instance, medical conditions such as Crohns disease and celiac disease can prevent your intestine from properly absorbing vitamin D from the foods you eat. You may require treatment for these conditions before your body can recover from its vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D And Weight Loss Is There A Connection

Vitamin D is often associated with weight loss and not without good reason.

Several studies show a relationship between Vitamin D and obesity.

Some research shows lack of Vitamin D may make you prone to weight gain.

Other research shows increasing your intake of Vitamin D can help you to lose fat.

However, researchers are still unable to agree on how much Vitamin D people need to consume a day.

The fact that there appears to still be some confusion about this makes it difficult to make sure you are getting enough.

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Study Measures And Data Collection

At baseline and 12 mo, the participants completed a series of questionnaires to assess demographic information, medical history, health habits, sun exposure, reproductive and body weight history, psychosocial attributes, quality of life, dietary intake and supplement use, and physical activity patterns via the International Physical Activity Questionnaire . The participants also wore pedometers while awake for 7 consecutive days at baseline and 12 mo to determine an average daily step count.

Anthropometric measures were taken at baseline and 12 mo by using standard methods previously described . BMI was calculated. Waist circumference was measured at the end of normal expiration in the horizontal plane at the iliac crest, by using a fiberglass tape, and rounded to the nearest 0.5 cm this measure was taken in duplicate and averaged. Total and percentage body fat and trunk fat mass were measured at baseline and 12 mo with a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry whole-body scanner while the participants were in a supine position.

Is It Better To Take Vitamin D Every Day Or Once A Week

Vitamin D Supplements May Help Weight Loss, says Study

Current guidelines say adults shouldnt take more than the equivalent of 100 micrograms a day. But vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, so your body can store it for months and you dont need it every day. That means you could equally safely take a supplement of 20 micrograms a day or 500 micrograms once a month.

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Vitamin D: Benefits Dosage Information And Warnings

Vitamin D3 provides a range of health benefits, from bone health to immunity support. Learn more about its benefits, dosage information, and warnings.

7 minute read

Vitamin D3 is an essential vitamin that your skin produces in response to sunlight exposure. It can also be consumed through a variety of animal and plant-sourced foods. Vitamin D3 is known to support bone health, but it also supports the immune system to protect you from environmental and seasonal threats.

With increased concerns over sun exposure, there has been an increase in vitamin D3 deficiency, which can affect immune function. Taking supplements of vitamin D3 helps you maintain healthy levels to support immune function, bone health, and overall health.

Vitamins To Lose Weight Vitamin D

You can actually double your weight loss with vitamin D. Even better? Losing weight with vitamin D sounds incredibly easy, too. Boston University researchers say youll lose twice as much weight on any diet if you take 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily. Vitamin D3 helps shuttle dietary fats into muscle cells, where theyre burned for energy instead of converted into body fat. You can get vitamin D by exposing yourself daily to the sun but if you dont have time for that you can always take one of the following vitamin D supplements.

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Is Vitamin D Deficiency Common

For most people, itâs somewhat tricky to get enough amounts of vitamin D through diet or sun exposure alone. It is estimated that 41.6 percent of American adults are deficient in vitamin D. And this worrying figure can jump to 69% in Hispanics and up to a whopping 82% in African Americans, according to a 2011 analytic study published in the journal Natural Research.

Opting for supplements might be your best shot at meeting recommended daily intake . Taking dietary supplements helps you stay on top of your vitamin needs, especially during winter months and if you work and play mostly indoors.

Some groups are also more prone to low vitamin D levels than others, if you:

  • Are obese

Is It Ok To Take Vitamin D3 Everyday

How Vitamin D helps fight depression and boost weight loss

Some people may need a higher dose, however, including those with a bone health disorder and those with a condition that interferes with the absorption of vitamin D or calcium, says Dr. Manson. Unless your doctor recommends it, avoid taking more than 4,000 IU per day, which is considered the safe upper limit.

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Women And Weight Loss

Another study focused specifically on women and weight loss. The researchers followed the same group of women for one year. Over the year, all the women consumed a low-calorie diet and participated in an exercise regimen. Half of the women received a vitamin D supplement, while the other half took a placebo. The results? Those taking the real supplement lost an average of 7 pounds more than women who did not.

Are You Ready To Lose Weight & Improve Metabolic Health

Thanks for visiting Flirting With Fitness! Thoughts to share? Did your doctor tell you why you were deficient besides the usual not getting enough sun. Thank you for subscribing! Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified as being in breach of those terms.

I started doing research and found my symptoms went along with d deficiency and autoimmune diseases. Though many of those studies are inconclusive at this time, the early results are promising. Hi Taro, I’ve made an account here because i came up with your story and it’s just right like mine. My life returned.

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I recommend Klaire Labs brand digestive enzymes, which you can purchase from Amazon. Posted 4 years ago. I have the same exact symptoms as you. DowdThe fatigue and achiness rendered me disabled and unable to teach. Initially we blamed the cause on the stress of completing and marketing what we hope will be our best, most informative and most beautiful book ever, The Clean Cuisine Cookbook. My joints were so noisy. But she credits her vitamin-D testing as the catalyst that vaulted her health and fitness to a new level and gave her the motivation to pursue new goals.

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How Much Water Should I Drink To Lose Weight

Dozens of studies have already proven sipping six 8-ounce glasses of water daily helps protect against kidney stones, headaches, joint pain, and fatigue. And now, University of Utah researchers have discovered another benefit: It can increase your metabolic rate 3 percent or more, helping you effortlessly burn off seven pounds in six months. Your liver is more efficient at flushing out metabolism-slowing toxins and using fat for fuel when youre well hydrated!

Does Vitamin D Cause Constipation

Does Vitamin D3 Help With Weight Loss

Vitamin D may only cause constipation if you take too much. However, vitamin D itself doesnt directly cause constipation. Instead, constipation is caused by elevated blood calcium levels. Again, vitamin D intoxication is very rare and related to very high levels of vitamin D. If youre suffering from constipation, take a good look at your diet and any other supplements you may be taking iron is a common culprit behind constipation and other digestive issues.

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Increasing Vitamin D Intake Naturally

You can get some vitamin D simply by spending time in the sun without sunscreen, although during certain seasons, or if the day is smoggy or cloudy, it may not be possible to get all of your vitamin D this way. When substances in your skin are exposed to the proper wavelength of ultraviolet radiation from the sun, your body can convert them into vitamin D. Spending between 5 and 30 minutes in the sun with your face, back, legs or arms exposed and not covered with sunscreen at least twice a week between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. may be enough to meet your vitamin D needs, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements.

You can get vitamin D from food, too. For example, a 3-ounce serving of salmon has about 556 International Units of vitamin D, a cup of fortified orange juice provides about 137 International Units and a large egg has about 41 International Units, all of which are found in the yolk. A cup of nonfat fortified milk can have up to 124 International Units of vitamin D, and a serving of fortified cereal may have 40 international units or more of vitamin D. Tuna, fortified dairy products, liver, sardines and cheese all provide dietary vitamin D as well.

Vitamin D Deficiency And Weight Gain: Is There A Link

The link between vitamin D and weight gain is still in its early stages, though there have been some interesting connections shown.

Firstly, being obese is a common risk factor for vitamin D deficiency, and a higher body fat percentage could potentially be linked to lower vitamin D levels in the blood.2

However, experts also have many other theories around this. Some experts state that overweight and obese individuals are typically less likely to eat foods that do not contain vitamin D, which others suggest that obese and overweight people tend to stay indoors more often, thus depriving their skin of direct sunlight.

Alongside this, vitamin D deficiency can possibly lead to weight gain in several ways:

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Youre Down And Depressed

There are times in our lives when a heavy veil falls over our mind and body. This could be due to loss and/or times of uncertainty. But for many, it occurs once a year, as soon as the days become shorter and the sun loses its presence in our lives. This is known as seasonal affective disorder .

SAD is a very real condition for a lot of people. And lack of vitamin D from sun exposure is the primary culprit. It makes sense then, that low vitamin D and depression go hand-in-hand. A 2008 study, published in the Journal of Internal Medicine, shows the direct correlation between low vitamin D and depression. Participants in the study who were overweight and/or obese found significant relief from their blues after taking high doses of vitamin D over a medically supervised period of one year.

Vitamin D May Improve Lean Muscle Mass Strength And Bone Mineral Density

VITAMIN D – Does It Help With Weight Loss? Make You Stronger?

In addition to reducing belly fat, taking vitamin D for weight loss has important implications in musculoskeletal health. A 2017 study found that combining vitamin D with aerobic exercise and resistance training can result in more calorie loss than exercise alone.

Vitamin D may also help with energy output during strenuous workouts, and the nutrient can increase lean muscle mass over the course of a year. In men, vitamin D can greatly raise internal testosterone levels that prompt weight loss.

Along with exercise benefits, the body stores vitamin D and enables it to play an important role in muscle repair. Muscle tissue has special receptors for vitamin D that enable the nutrient to strengthen muscle fibers and help facilitate recovery from cellular damage.

For example, since the heart is a muscle, this organ also has special receptors for vitamin D. A study published in Circulation Journal found that people low in vitamin D are significantly more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. Therefore, taking vitamin D for weight loss also may help lower the rate of heart-disease risk markers like triglycerides.

Vitamin D may also inhibit the collection of scar tissue and fibroblasts following heart-related trauma. Overall, the vitamin can compound the benefits of cardiovascular workouts and benefit cardiovascular health.

Serotonin may also reduce intermittent feelings of uncontrollable hunger and increase the feelings of fullness after meals, protein shakes or snacking.

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Vitamin D: What It Is And Where To Get It

Often referred to as the Sunshine Vitamin, Vitamin D is a nutrient your skin can create when its exposed to the UVB rays of the sun.

Despite its name, Vitamin D is not a vitamin at all. Its a hormone.

However, its also classed as a fat-soluble vitamin.

You can get it by eating mackerel, salmon, beef liver, and cheese.

Unfortunately, there are not a lot of food options that provide vitamin D.

This is probably a big part of the reason why around 50% of people do not have enough Vitamin D circulating in their blood.

Needless to say, this situation is not helped by the fact that many countries dont have much sunshine at certain times of the year.

The use of sunscreen only goes to make the situation worse.

Because they are generally low in fat, weight loss diets can also contribute to Vitamin D deficiency and thats not good.

Its an important nutrient. Your body requires it to support strong bones and overall good health.

Vitamin D is also necessary for healthy immune function so its important you take steps to ensure you get enough.

All things considered, many people may find it beneficial to consume extra Vitamin D in supplement form.

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Can Taking Vitamin D Make You Gain Weight

You need vitamin D to help absorb calcium and keep your bones healthy, but it also plays other roles in the body, including promoting immune function, cardiovascular health and limiting inflammation. It appears that vitamin D isn’t likely to cause weight gain because people who are overweight often have low levels of this nutrient, not high levels. Check with your doctor before taking a vitamin D supplement to make sure it’s safe for you.

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Are Vitamin D Supplements Safe

Vitamin D supplements are safe when used as directed by your doctor. The safest vitamin D supplements carry the USP verification seal, which means the supplements have been tested for safety and efficacy by the United States Pharmacopeia Convention. Some vitamin D supplements have been found to carry up to 180 percent more vitamin D than their labels specify, but those with the USP seal on them have the most accurate amounts that match up with their labels.

Choose vitamin D supplements that come in liquid, powder, or gel-cap form, since these forms allow for the best absorption. Solid-colored coated pills may be more difficult for your stomach to break down, and may result in less vitamin D absorption.

Study Design And Randomization

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The study design for the ViDA trial is shown in . After the baseline data were collected, eligible women were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio by permuted blocks into either a lifestyle-based weight-loss program + 2000 IU/d oral vitamin D3 or a lifestyle-based weight-loss program + daily placebo. The random assignment was generated by a computerized program, stratified according to BMI and consent for optional subcutaneous fat biopsies. Women were randomly assigned into the study by a blinded study coordinator. The number of women randomly assigned to each study arm did not differ by season . All other study staff, except the study statisticians, was blind to the randomization status.

Power calculations were based on data from 235 overweight/obese women who participated in a previous weight-loss trial conducted by our group . On the basis of an assumed 10% dropout rate, 5% drop-in rate , and 10% loss to follow-up, we estimated that a total sample size of 228 subjects would provide 80% power to detect a 2.87-kg weight-loss difference between the placebo and vitamin D arms.

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