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HomeWhat Foods Give You Vitamin B

What Foods Give You Vitamin B

Should You Take A Multivitamin

How to Eat More Foods with Vitamin B

Foods with B12 are always the first choice, but if you have trouble eating B12-rich foods, or have problems absorbing B12, another potential vitamin B12 source is a multivitamin. In fact, the federal government’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest that people older than age 50 take a multivitamin supplement as a way to ensure adequate B12 intake.

Many store multivitamins contain high amounts of B12. An average brand may contain about 25 mcg, which is more than 400% of the recommended daily value. Check with your doctor to determine if multivitamins is right for you. There is little risk from taking too much B12, however, high amounts may interact with certain medications.

Executive Editor, Harvard Men’s Health Watch

Where Can I Get Chlorella

Chlorella supplements usually come in the form of a powder. The good news is that the calcium supplement TrueOsteo contains chlorella as part of its regular formula. So if youre taking TrueOsteo, you dont have to add another supplement to your regimen.

Because TrueOsteo is a plant-based formula, it does not carry the cardiovascular risk associated with inorganic calcium supplements. Additionally

Find Out How Much Vitamin B12 You Eat

To estimate the amount of vitamin B12 in your diet, keep a food record for one or two days. Record what and how much you eat and drink. Add up the vitamin B12 in your diet using the amounts in foods listed below.

Meat, fish, seafood, poultry and eggs
Liver, beef, cooked 75 g 62.4
75 g 18.0
75 g 14.3
75 g 14.0
Sardines, canned in oil, drained 75 g 6.7
75 g 5.6
Salmon, Pink, canned with bone 75 g 3.7
75 g 2.7
Beef, hip, rump roast, cooked 75 g 2.3
Tuna, light, canned in water, drained 75 g 2.2
75 g 2.1
Pork, loin, rib roast, roasted 75 g 0.8
75 g 0.3
Chicken, breast, no skin, roasted 75 g 0.3
Chicken, whole leg, no skin, roasted 75 g 0 3
50 g 0 4
Nutritional yeast, fortified, large flake 16g, 30 mL 8.0
Almond or rice beverage, fortified 250 mL

**Check the nutrition facts table for amounts of vitamin B12 in fortified food products.

Legumes Like Meat Have Varying Levels Of Vitamin B

Beans are a rich source of B vitamins. Like animal meat, any type of bean will contain varying amounts of different B vitamins.

You can go with what types they enjoy the most, whether its black beans, pinto beans, chickpeas, or lentils, you can rest assured that youre getting a good amount of B vitamins with each serving of legumes, Hartley said.

Milk And Dairy Products Like Yogurt Are Also Good Choices

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You may remember the 1980s campaign Milk It does a body good, but the benefits extend well beyond calcium. Milk and other dairy products are another way you can get your daily dose of B vitamins. According to Hartley, milk, dairy, and cheese all contain a form B vitamins, but that B12 is one of the biggest nutritional benefits youll get from eating and drinking dairy.

Healthy Foods High In B Vitamins

There are eight B vitamins collectively called B complex vitamins.

They are thiamine , riboflavin , niacin , pantothenic acid , pyridoxine , biotin , folate and cobalamin .

Though each of these vitamins has unique functions, they generally help your body produce energy and make important molecules in your cells .

Aside from B12, your body cannot store these vitamins for long periods, so you have to replenish them regularly through food .

Many foods provide B vitamins, but to be considered high in a vitamin, a food must contain at least 20% of the Reference Daily Intake per serving. Alternatively, a food that contains 1019% of the RDI is considered a good source .

Here are 15 healthy foods high in one or more B vitamins.

Are Sardines Good For You

Sardines have been around for centuries. These small fish are said to be named after Sardinia, an island of Italy, because of the abundance that could be found there.

While sardines can be enjoyed fresh, they are highly perishable. This is why theyre most commonly found canned.

Sardines are abundant in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Mediterranean seas. They feed on plankton only, which means they dont contain the high levels of mercury that other fish do.

Sardines arent a popular fish in the United States. But after you take a look at their nutritional benefits, you might decide to give them a try yourself.

These small fish are packed with nutrients that can be beneficial in the prevention of a number of health conditions. Some of these nutrients are known to help prevent heart disease or may protect against certain cancers.

Sardines are sometimes recommended for pregnant women and older adults. They contain calcium and other vital nutrients.

Quick Nutrition Check For Vitamin B12

Your body needs vitamin B12 to help keep your nerve and red blood cells healthy and to make DNA, the genetic material in your cells. If you dont get enough vitamin B12 you might develop anemia and feel tired and weak.

Vitamin B12 is naturally found only in animal foods such as meat, fish, seafood, poultry, eggs, milk, yogurt and cheese. It is also added to some foods and beverages like fortified plant based beverages, meat substitutes and nutritional yeast.

This fact sheet provides information on how much vitamin B12 you need and how to check if you get enough vitamin B12 in your diet.

It Contains Powerful Antioxidants

What Foods are High in Vitamin B

Every day your body is faced with potential cell damage caused by free radicals.

Antioxidants from the diet help fight this damage by binding to free radicals, ultimately disarming them.

Nutritional yeast contains the powerful antioxidants glutathione and selenomethionine .

These particular antioxidants protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals and heavy metals and help your body eliminate environmental toxins .

Consuming antioxidant-rich foods, such as nutritional yeast, fruits, vegetables and whole grains, can help boost antioxidant levels and defend against chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer and macular degeneration .

Summary: Nutritional yeast contains the antioxidants glutathione and selenomethionine, both of which can help protect your body from chronic diseases caused by oxidative stress.

Why Is Nutritional Yeast Good For You

Nutritional yeast is a popular food product often used in vegan cooking.

It gets its name from the protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it contains.

Studies have shown it has a wide range of potential health benefits, ranging from lowering cholesterol to protecting the body from free radical damage.

This article explains what nutritional yeast is, reviews its health benefits and suggests creative ways to use it.

What Is Fortified Cereal

Fortified foods contain added vitamins and minerals that arent naturally present in them.

Fortification is meant to improve peoples levels of particular nutrients and is common for foods that adults and children typically eat, such as grains, milk, and juice. Cereal is one of the most commonly fortified foods.

For example, 1 cup of fortified Total cereal boasts 40 mg of iron 100% of the Daily Value .

As the same size serving of an unfortified wheat cereal meets only 10% of the DV, much of breakfast cereals iron content may be due to fortification .

Its important to monitor your nutrient intake, as many people in the United States dont consume enough iron, calcium, or vitamins A, C, D, and E. Deficiencies may lead to negative health effects (

6 ).

However, fortified cereals are not inherently healthy. While some are made with whole grains and high in fiber and protein, others contain almost no nutrients.

For example, Kelloggs Frosted Flakes offers no fiber and only 1 gram of protein per 3/4 cup .

You can tell if a cereal is fortified because the added nutrients will be specified on the packaging. Often, below the ingredient list, theres a list of vitamins and minerals used to fortify the product.

Keep in mind that fortification varies by region. Its more common to find fortified cereals in Western countries .

Eating fortified cereal may help prevent nutrient deficiencies.

What Are The Best Sources Of Vitamin B12

The best source of vitamin B12 is animal products, including meat and dairy.

Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend you eat 1 to 3 serves a day of lean meat, poultry, fish or eggs, depending on your age and gender. The guidelines also recommend 1 to 4 serves of dairy a day, depending on your age and gender.

You can get vitamin B12 from the following foods:

  • clams
  • eggs
  • milk

Most Australians get more than enough vitamin B12 in their normal diets. If you eat more than you need, it’s stored in your liver and can be used later.

Vegetarians can get enough vitamin B12 from dairy foods and eggs. It used to be thought that plant foods such as mushrooms, spirulina, tempeh and miso contained vitamin B12, but this is not correct.

The only way for vegans to get enough is by eating foods fortified with vitamin B12 or by taking a supplement. Foods in Australia that are fortified with vitamin B12 include some soy milks, yeast spread, and vegetarian meat substitutes such as soy-based burgers and sausages.

More Cereals High In Vitamin B12

10 foods that give you vitamin B
  • 251% DV per cup of Kellogg’s Special K
  • 250% DV per cup of General Mills Whole Grain Total
  • 250% DV per 2/3 cup of Kellogg’s Low Fat Granola
  • 250% DV per cup of Kashi Heart to Heart Oat Flakes
  • 125% DV per 3/4 cup of Wheaties
  • 121% DV per 3/4 cup of Post Honey Bunches of Oats

See the complete ranking of 200 cereals high in vitamin B12.

Vitamin B1 Is Important For Preventing Beriberi

The recommended daily intake of vitamin B1, also called thiamine, is 1.1 milligram for women over age 18, up to 1.4 mg for those who are pregnant, and 1.5 mg for those who are breast-feeding. For men age 14 and older, 1.2 mg per day is recommended, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Vitamin B1 plays a major role in metabolizing food into energy. B1 is found in whole-grain cereals, yeast, beans, nuts, and meats. Too little vitamin B1 causes beriberi, a disease affecting the heart, digestive system, and the nervous system. Beriberi is found in patients who are malnourished, and in those who are heavy drinkers of alcohol. Symptoms of beriberi include difficulty walking, loss of sensation in the hands and feet, and paralysis of the lower legs and it may even lead to congestive heart failure. People who consume large amounts of alcohol should take a vitamin B complex supplement to be sure they get enough B1. Also, taking any one of the B vitamins for a long period of time can result in an imbalance of other important B vitamins. For this reason, you may want to take a B-complex vitamin, which includes all the B vitamins.

Thiamine Recommended Daily Intake

The Food and Nutrition Board at the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies established the recommended dietary allowances for all the nutrients, including thiamine. The tolerable thiamine upper limit level in these guidelines points to the maximum dose per day.

In a nutshell, the RDA is an average daily intake that should meet healthy peoples nutrient requirements. Overall, meeting these requirements shouldnt be a problem with a number of vitamin B1 supplements and vitamin B1 foods easily accessible.

The recommended daily intake of vitamin B1 is different depending on age and sex:

  • from birth to 6 months0.2 mg
  • from 7 to 12 months0.3 mg
  • from 1 to 3 years0.5 mg
  • from 4 to 8 years0.6 mg
  • from 9 to 13 years0.9 mg
  • from 14 to 18 years1.2 mg and 1.0 mg
  • 19+ years1.2 mg and 1.1 mg

When it comes to pregnant and breastfeeding women supplementing thiamine, their daily intake should be increased. Their RDA for vitamin B1 is 1.4 mg when pregnant and 1.4 mg when breastfeeding.

How To Ensure You Get The Right Vitamins And Minerals In The Right Amounts

Vitamins and minerals are as essential for living as air and water. Not only do they keep your body healthy and functional, they protect you from a variety of diseases.

Vitamins and minerals get thrown together, but they are quite different. Vitamins are organic substances produced by plants or animals. They often are called “essential” because they are not synthesized in the body and therefore must come from food.

Minerals are inorganic elements that originate from rocks, soil, or water. However, you can absorb them indirectly from the environment or an animal that has eaten a particular plant.

Liver And Other Organ Meats

Nutrition & Diets : What Vitamins Can Give You Energy?

Though not especially popular, organ meats especially liver are packed with B vitamins. This is true whether theyre from beef, pork, lamb or chicken .

For example, a 3.5-ounce serving of beef liver contains :

  • Thiamine : 12% of the RDI
  • Riboflavin : 201% of the RDI
  • Niacin : 87% of the RDI
  • Pantothenic acid : 69% of the RDI
  • Pyridoxine : 51% of the RDI
  • Biotin : 138% of the RDI
  • Folate : 65% of the RDI
  • Cobalamin : 1,386% of the RDI

If youre unaccustomed to livers strong flavor or view organ meats as unappetizing, try them ground and mixed with traditional cuts of ground meat or add them to highly seasoned foods, such as chili.

Summary Organ meats particularly liver are high in most B vitamins. To make liver more palatable, grind it with common cuts of meat or use it in highly seasoned food.

It Helps Prevent Vitamin B12 Deficiency In Vegans

Vitamin B12 is needed for a healthy nervous system, DNA production, energy metabolism and the creation of red blood cells (

8 ).

Consuming nutritional yeast can be an effective way to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency while on a vegan diet.

One study including 49 vegans found that consuming 1 tablespoon of fortified nutritional yeast daily restored vitamin B12 levels in those who were deficient .

In this study, the nutritional yeast contained 5 mcg of vitamin B12 per tablespoon, which is slightly more than double the daily recommended amount for adults.

Vegans should look for fortified varieties of nutritional yeast to ensure that adequate amounts of B12 are in the product.

Summary Fortified nutritional yeast contains high amounts of vitamin B12 and can be used to help prevent deficiency in vegans.

May Be Loaded With Sugar And Refined Carbs

Many fortified cereals are high in added sugar and refined carbs .

Plus, most people eat more than the recommended serving size. In fact, a study in 72 adults determined that people ate 200% of the labeled serving size, on average (

As such, you should read labels carefully to avoid any deceptive claims.


Fortified cereals are generally not as healthy as their packaging asserts, as many are high in added sugar and refined carbs.

Its best to choose cereals that are low in sugar and high in fiber. Look for types with fewer than 6 grams of sugar and at least 3 grams of fiber per serving.

Fiber can help boost fullness and reduce cholesterol levels, among other benefits .

Since many cereals lack protein, include a protein source to create a more satisfying, balanced meal. Consider adding Greek yogurt, nuts, or peanut butter.

However, the best option for a nutrient-rich breakfast is whole, unprocessed foods, such as oatmeal, yogurt, fruit, or eggs.


Its best to select cereals that are low in sugar and high in fiber or simply eat whole, unprocessed foods instead.

Fortified cereals are commonly eaten for breakfast and may help prevent certain nutrient deficiencies.

However, many have misleading claims and are loaded with sugar and refined carbs.

Fortification alone does not necessarily make cereal healthy. For a nutritious breakfast, youre better off eating whole, unprocessed foods like eggs or oatmeal.

Peanut Butter Is High In Vitamin B

In a similar category to seeds and nuts are peanuts and peanut butter. Hartley shares that these two foods are are especially rich in biotin and niacin.

Most people will probably never have biotin or niacin deficiency the likelihood is pretty low, said Hartley. but the B vitamin does have its benefits. Biotin helps your body metabolize fatty acids, glucose, and amino acids. As stated above, niacin gives you energy and helps with proper growth and development.

When it comes to making sure youre getting enough B vitamin, Hartley recommends eating fresh, whole foods, and enriched foods like refined grains that have been fortified with B vitamins to help prevent deficiency.

There might be certain foods within each group that are a little richer in B vitamins but essentially all of your whole foods are going to contain an array of B vitamins, she said. If theres any take-home message here is that variety is important. As long as you arent curing out entire food groups and are trying to get a variety of foods within youre food groups, youre not going to have to worry about deficiencies from B vitamins, she said.

What Does It Do 10 Benefits Of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B complex foods

Vitamin B12 benefits can fill pages and pages. There are hundreds, if not thousands of studies that prove its value. However, no clinical trials have been completed to provide a standard of guaranteed results for specific conditions using an exact dose. For that reason, most claims are for you to conclude with your healthcare professional.


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