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HomeHow Many Vitamin C Packets A Day

How Many Vitamin C Packets A Day

Does Taking Vitamin C Help To Prevent Colds

Emergen-C 1,000 mg Review – Does it Work?

Studies have shown that taking vitamin C does not help to prevent colds.

In a systematicreview, taking a daily dose of vitamin C was not shown to decrease the likelihood of getting sick with an upper respiratory infection . Commonly used over-the-counter vitamin C products like Emergen-C and Airborne have 1 gram of vitamin C per packet or tablet. It doesnt appear they prevent you from getting sick.

Warnings If You Want To Take Emergen

18 December, 2018

If you’ve ever felt a cold coming on, only to have it thwarted by a high dose of vitamin C, you may be tempted to take it every day to prevent ever getting sick. After all, who has time to be sick?

But just as with any dietary supplement, there are precautions you should take before incorporating Emergen-C into your daily health routine. First, consult your doctor, and second, consider if you can get sufficient vitamin C from the food you eat.


Although you can take Emergen-C on a daily basis, you may wish to limit the supplement if you are exceeding the recommended allowance of certain nutrients in your diet.

Read more:How Much Vitamin C Can the Body Absorb?

You Don’t Have To Stop Taking Vitamin C Or Other Immune

Most Americans are vitamin C replete, meaning they’re already well-supplied with it for the most part via their diet, “so giving them extra vitamin C isnt going to have any benefits, explains Dr. Adalja. Vitamin C is water-soluble, so excess of the vitamin doesn’t get stored in the body and will be flushed out via your pee. This means that you won’t harm yourself by taking more vitamin C than you need.

Indeed, the only time he would promote the use of a vitamin C supplement for the average American is if they ate hardly any fruits or veggies and were at risk of becoming deficient in a key vitamin .

But on the fizzy orange bright side: Dr. Adalja says theres no harm in taking Emergen-C or other vitamin C/immunity supplements. Although supplements in general are not regulated by the FDA, as mentioned, so-called immune-boosting supplements with these ingredients generally don’t come with side effects. The caveat: If you overdo it on zinc in particular, it may lead to anemia or nervous-system damage, WH reported previously. So be sure to stick to the recommended serving size for these cold supps.

Just make sure that you’re also keeping up with other best practices for good hygiene and never underestimate the value of washing your hands.

Recommended Reading: Is Vitamin C Good For The Immune System

Some People Use Emergen

Anyone who’s ever spent a night on the town drinking with their friends knows the value of a tried-and-true hangover cure. While taking a couple Tylenol and drinking a glass of water before going to bed after an alcohol-fueled night out may work for some, other people need a little something extra to fight the next day’s hangover headache and general tiredness.

Speaking with Insider, Los Angeles-based bartender Kellie Norris said her go-to hangover fix is a fizzy cure-all. “One packet of Emergen-C and one packet of Alka Seltzer dissolved in a glass of club soda works as a next-day cure,” Norris revealed.

And it seems Norris is not alone in using Emergen-C as a hangover remedy. Cosmopolitan dubbed the dietary supplement a “hangover hack every twentysomething should know,” recommending readers to combine the orange powder with a vitamin B complex pill. “The vitamin B complex replenishes what alcohol depletes and the fizzy vitamin C helps with overall wellness,” Cosmopolitan writer Laura Beck explained. Of course, these and really all other hangover hacks should be taken with a grain of salt.

How Many Emergen C Packets Can You Take Per Day Emergen

Symptoms of overdose may include: stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Subsequently, question is, do vitamin C packets work? Share on Pinterest Researchers have found limited evidence that vitamin C treats the cold or flu. Although there’s some evidence to suggest that EmergenC can help minimize the duration of your cold, research is limited.

Accordingly, can you drink more than one Emergen C a day?

If taken in high doses for longer periods of time, supplements may lead to adverse health effects and even vitamin toxicity. Airborne recommends taking no more than three tablets per day, but this is still over 3000% more vitamin C than you actually need. EmergenC also cautions against using more than two packets.

Is it OK to take Emergen C at night?

Product of the Year 2016, Emergen-Zzzz ® naturally promotes sleep and relaxation with melatonin,* plus vitamin C and other key antioxidants to fortify you while you sleep. Take Emergen-Zzzz before bedtime for a great-tasting fizzy nightcap with natural fruit flavors and no artificial sweeteners.

Recommended Reading: How Much Vitamin C Is In Emergen C

Linus Pauling And The Vitamin C Craze

A January 1971 article from an Oregon newspaper

Their discoveries led one scientist, Linus Pauling, to dig deeper. Pauling is the only person to ever win two unshared Nobel prizes. In 1949, Pauling and his team studying sickle cell anemia established it as a genetic disease. And he was also, arguably, the person most responsible for the great vitamin C myth.

During a talk in 1960, Pauling mentioned he hoped he could live another 25 years to keep following the exciting discoveries in science. A man in the audience, Irwin Stone, would change the course of Paulings career. In a letter to Pauling, Stone recommended he take 3,000 mg of vitamin C each day to live longer. Pauling said he began to feel “livelier and healthier” after taking Stone’s advice. “In particular, the severe colds I had suffered several times a year all my life no longer occurred.”

Over the next few years, Pauling upped his intake of vitamin C, eventually taking 18,000 mg per day. Vitamin C became his scientific obsession.

In 1970, Pauling came out with his book Vitamin C and the Common Cold, where he encouraged Americans to consume 3,000 mg of vitamin C daily.

Linus Pauling. Oregon State University/Flickr

“Unfortunately, many laymen are going to believe the ideas that the author is selling,” Franklin Bing wrote in a scathing review of the “irritating” book in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Bing was right.

Whos Most At Risk Of Deficiency

Vitamin C deficiency is very rare in the U.S. and most people get more than enough in their daily diet. Deficiency is sometimes seen in malnourished individuals living in poverty who many not have access to fruits or vegetables. Any diet that regularly includes fruits and vegetables should provide enough vitamin C.

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It May Support Immune Function

Getting enough vitamin C and vitamin B6 is crucial for healthy immune system function so your body can fight off disease as best as possible, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Emergen-C supplies a hefty dose of each, which is why it may help support immunity.

That said, it’s best to get these vitamins through your diet, per the Cleveland Clinic, rather than only relying on supplements like Emergen-C.

  • Bananas

Can Vitamin C Prevent Or Treat Cold Symptoms

5 Vitamin C Myths You Probably Believe (But Shouldn’t)

Vitamin C has been studied for many years as a possible treatment for colds, or as a way to help prevent colds. But findings have been inconsistent. Overall, experts have found little to no benefit from vitamin C for preventing or treating the common cold.

In a July 2007 study, researchers wanted to discover whether taking 200 milligrams or more of vitamin C daily could reduce the frequency, duration, or severity of a cold. After reviewing 60 years of clinical research, they found that when taken after a cold starts, vitamin C supplements do not make a cold shorter or less severe. When taken daily, vitamin C very slightly shortened cold duration — by 8% in adults and by 14% in children.

In 2010, researchers looked at all studies and found that taking vitamin C every day did not prevent the number of colds that a person got. In some cases, it made symptoms improve.

The results were different for people who were in very good physical condition, such as marathon runners. People like that who took vitamin C every day cut their risk of catching a cold in half.

So what does all this mean?


According to this research, the average adult who suffers with a cold for 12 days a year would still suffer for about 11 days a year if that person took a high dose of vitamin C every day during that year.

For the average child who suffers about 28 days of cold illness a year, taking daily high-dose vitamin C would still likely mean about 24 days of cold illness.

Also Check: Can You Mix Vitamin C And Hyaluronic Acid

Selenium In Emergen C

Adults should take 50 mg of selenium every day.

Selenium is an excellent immune booster, perfect for moms who are struggling with frequent colds.

However, if you take too much selenium, you can cause health problems such as brittle teeth and nails, constant metallic taste, irritability, and nausea.

If youre looking for natural sources of selenium, try consuming more chicken, beef, pork, and shellfish.

A Brief Primer On Scurvy

Its estimated that, between 1500 and 1800, around two million peoplemostly seafarersdied of scurvy. It wasnt until the juice of citrus fruits was added to sailors daily ration of grog that the worlds navies got a handle on the problem. The pejorative American term limey derives from lime-juicer. Juicing limes is what British sailors were doing to prevent the ravages of the disease in the 19th century.

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Most Of Us Are Not Marathoners

Trials involving marathon runners, skiers and soldiers in sub-arctic environments found that these people were able to reduce their incidence of colds by 50 percent by taking anywhere from 250 milligrams to 1,000 milligrams per day of vitamin C, according to a 2007 Cochrane review of 30 placebo trials involving more than 11,000 total participants.

For everyone else, the results were a lot more modest. The review found that taking vitamin C preventively managed to reduce the length of a cold but not prevent it by eight percent for adults and 13.6 percent for children. Thats statistically significant, but probably doesnt matter too much when a person is already in the throes of a cold. Whats more, if participants started taking vitamin C after the cold had already started, the nutrient didnt have any effect on the symptoms or the length of the illness, concluded the National Institute of Health.

Research by the NIH also suggests that while levels of vitamin C rise in the bodys tissues after a person takes doses of 250 to 500 milligrams, any amount above that causes the bodys vitamin C levels to rise much more slowly at least in healthy young men.

Vitamin B1 In Emergen

4 Pack

Vitamin B1 is also known as thiamine. One serving of Emergen C while breastfeeding contains 0.3 mg of thiamine which will satisfy a mother and her babys needs.

The recommended daily amount is 1.4 mg, but you cant go overboard with this vitamin as theres no daily allowance for consumption.

Too much Vitamin B1 in the diet increases the levels of thiamine in breastmilk but, there are no known side effects of this, so you can safely consume Vitamin B1 and Emergen C while breastfeeding your little one.

Also, foods such as beef, pork, nuts, and whole grains have a healthy dose of this vitamin.

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Are There Calories In Rogue Energy Drink

Rogue powdered energy drink contains 5 calories per 6.9g sachet.

In terms of nutrition, all foods such as fats, proteins, carbs, and sugars are significant calories that people need to live and operate well. A calorie is mainly an energy factor.

As Rogue energy drink mix only contains a small number of calories, it does not significantly make any changes to your weight, and the energy boost youll get is primarily from its caffeine content.

Rogue might be a good option if you are on a calorie-deficit diet or avoid gaining extra weight.

The daily calorie intake suggested by the NHS for healthy individuals is 2,000 to 2,400 calories for women and 2,400 to 3,000 calories for men.

The Dangerous Truth About Emergen

Emergen-C® is a vitamin C-based powder that you consume by mixing it into a glass of water.

Its heavily advertised as being the ultimate cold prevention and cure and is often given to children.

Although naturally-occurring vitamin C can have great health benefits, the same cannot be said about the synthetic version of the vitamin.

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Can You Take Vitamin C Supplements During Pregnancy

You might be wondering if it’s safe or necessary to take vitamin C supplements while pregnant, especially if you’re hoping to boost your immunity during cold and flu season. However, for most pregnant women, it’s relatively easy to get the recommended amounts of vitamin C through diet and a good prenatal vitamin.

The latest research on taking vitamin C while pregnant is mixed and limited, and the World Health Organization does not recommend adding an additional vitamin C supplement to your prenatal. If you’re concerned that you’re getting enough vitamin C through diet, ask your practitioner if a vitamin C supplement is right for you.

Can A Vitamin C Supplement Really Keep You From Getting Sick

Why you need to be careful with Vitamin C

Despite it’s popularity as a remedy for the common cold, there’s actually no evidence to suggest that a large dose of vitamin C can actually prevent one or any other type of illness, for that matter.

And while you may have heard that a large dose of vitamin C can slightly reduce the duration of a cold, this only applies if you take that large dose every singleday of the year even when you’re not sick. This means that if you rip that vitamin C packet open after your symptoms begin, there’s no evidence to suggest it’ll actually shorten the length of your cold.

As it turns out, boosting your immune system is more complicated than just downing a packet or a pill. And while vitamin C does play an important role in supporting your immune system, it doesn’t take megadoses like the ones found in supplements which often contain 1667% more vitamin C than you actually need every day.

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So Is The High Level Of Vitamin C In Emergen C Packets A Problem

Although the high levels of vitamin C in Emergen C packets are important to deliver optimal immune system benefits, this also means that you are going to bang up against the upper limit with only 2 servings per day. So what is this upper limit based on? Well if you read the full DRI report , mentions diarrhea as a complication of taking too much vitamin C. Well, that doesnt sound pleasant.

Actually, it turns out that vitamin C is used in one of the popular coloscopy prep solutions to help clear things out before the procedure. Other than that, vitamin C is safe. There are many studies where much larger amounts of vitamin C have been injected with no adverse reactions. However, if you want to avoid a case of the squirts, probably best to keep below 2 servings of Emergen C per day

Why Do We Need Vitamin C At All

Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin found in a variety of fruits and vegetables. Often, we think of citrus fruit as the best vitamin C delivery system, but you can also get it from peppers, tomatoes, and cauliflower.

Once its in your system, the C helps your immune system function at its best and protect against damage from free radicals. Plus, ascorbic acid is needed to make collagen, that wondrous protein that helps heal wounds and keep our skin looking young and lovely .

Our bodies cant make vitamin C on their own, so its important that we get enough ascorbic acid from food or other outside sources.

Vitamin C deficiency is fairly rare in Western countries, but it can happen. If you take a long break from fresh produce , its possible to get scurvy which causes inflamed gums, skin spots, depression, and eventually death.

Its not common or likely if you have access to healthy food and produce, but its good to be mindful of your vitamin C intake all the same.

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Side Effects Of Vitamin C Supplementation

Many studies have shown no significant adverse health effects to humans, from vitamin C supplementation. People who may experience some discomfort, are those who have:

  • a history of kidney stone formation,
  • iron overload,
  • taken other drugs, as well.

Side effects may be diarrhea, gastrointestinal disturbances due to the osmotic effect of unabsorbed vitamin C, or mild nausea.

Should I Take More Vitamin C When Im Sick

Amazon: 50 Count Emergen

Many people pop vitamin C pills when they feel a cold coming on. Though vitamin C helps the immune system, it does very little for a cold.

A study from the Australian National University found that vitamin C supplements did not prevent colds at all. Supplementation, in a few cases, helped people get over the cold a little bit faster since about 8 percent of participants had one less day of sickness due to vitamin C.

If you want to play it safe and add more vitamin C when youre sick, its still best to do it through food. Add more citrus or greens. Even if the vitamin C doesnt make a difference, the healthy food will help you feel better.

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