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HomeMust ReadHow Much Vitamin C For Children

How Much Vitamin C For Children

Vitamin C For Kids: How Much Do They Need


In this pandemic season, strengthening our immune system with Vitamin C supplement is a must. Not only for us adults, but also for the kids. Do you know how much Vitamin C for kids every single day?

In this article, you can get more info about your about the kids Vitamin C daily needs and market opportunity for Vitamin C for kids. Leave your questions about supplement products marketing on the green form on the right side of your screen. Well be more than happy to help you as soon as possible. You could also sell our Vitamin C for kids supplements in your own country.

Best Vitamin C For Kids : Common Source & Treat Colds

Kids are more susceptible to suffer from seasonal cold especially in the winter season. Kids suffer from cold when their immunity is not healthy. Not every parent want to see their kids suffer from this seasonal cold. Parents may prevent cold by discussing with the health provider, taking the vaccination. Vaccination for seasonal flu is most common in the United States of America. Consuming some foods that may provide with a high amount of vitamin C. So people may know some ideas on common source of best vitamin c for kids and some ways to treat cold in this winter.

Why Vitamin C to treat Cold: Cold or seasonal flu is an infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract. Cold is common in winter season and flu is more dangerous than common cold according to Centre for Disease Control. Vitamin C is one of the most powerful agent for the body that boosts immunity and keeps cold at bay. According to study, High amount of Vitamin C consumption on daily basis can inhibit the duration, severity, frequency of cold. So parents should know which vitamins are most important for their kids in different season most commonly in winter season.

Can Vitamin C Prevent Cold In Kids

There is no substantial evidence to prove vitamin C can prevent colds in kids as it swings either way. But one thing is for sure, it helps reduce the duration and helps them cope with the illness better. Havent you felt so much better after a glass of orange juice when down with a cold? Please do not rely on it to protect your child from colds, as it boosts immunity but does not outright prevent illness.

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Can This Vitamin Be Toxic

Vitamin and mineral supplements should always be used with caution, particularly with children. The safe upper limit for vitamin C in children varies by age and is lower than that recommended for adults .

Take caution when supplementing Vitamin C in children and avoid exceeding these limits:

  • 1-3 years: 400 mg/day

How To Ensure Your Child Is Getting Enough Nutrients


To ensure children are getting adequate amounts of nutrients so that they dont need supplements, make an effort to include a variety of nutritious foods in their diet.

Incorporating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and dairy products into meals and snacks will likely provide enough vitamins and minerals.

To help your kid eat more produce, continually introduce new veggies and fruits prepared in different and tasty ways.

A healthy diet for kids should also limit added sugars and highly processed foods and focus on whole fruits over fruit juice.

However, if you feel that your child is not getting proper nutrition through diet alone, supplements can be a safe and effective method to deliver the nutrients children need.

Consult your childs pediatrician or a registered dietitian if youre concerned about your childs nutritional intake.


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Is Taking A Huge Dose Of Vitamin C Bad For Me

Vitamin C is an important nutrient, but as the old saying goes too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

After taking too much vitamin C, you may experience symptoms such as:

  • Diarrhea

So how much vitamin C is too much?

For adults, the daily upper limit of vitamin C is 2,000 mg. For teens, it’s 1,800 mg. For children, the upper limit depends on age, and it ranges from 400 to 1,200 mg per day.

In addition, vitamin C is water-soluble, making it hard for your body to store it with excess being secreted in your urine. So even if you’re adult and can handle the 1,000 mg in each vitamin C packet or pill, just know that your body can’t absorb more than about 400 mg. This means that most of the vitamin C in that supplement you’re taking just goes down your toilet .

All this to say, however, that getting the recommended amount of vitamin C is still a critical step in staying healthy, as this vitamin plays many important roles in your body. But, you don’t need to take a supplement to make that happen.

Do Kids Need Vitamin Supplements

In general, kids who eat a healthy, balanced diet dont need vitamin supplements.

However, infants have different nutrient needs than children and may require certain supplements, such as vitamin D for breastfed babies .

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the United States Department of Agriculture Dietary Guidelines for Americans dont recommend supplements over and above the recommended dietary allowances for healthy children older than 1 year who eat a balanced diet.

These organizations suggest that kids eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products, and protein foods to obtain adequate nutrition (13,

  • follow a vegetarian or vegan diet
  • have a condition that affects the absorption of or increases the need for nutrients, such as celiac disease, cancer, cystic fibrosis, or inflammatory bowel disease
  • have had a surgery that impacts the intestines or stomach
  • are extremely picky eaters and struggle to eat a variety of foods

In particular, kids who eat plant-based diets may be at risk of deficiencies in calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamins B12 and D especially if they eat few or no animal products .

Vegan diets can be particularly dangerous for children if certain nutrients such as vitamin B12, which is found naturally in animal foods are not replaced through supplements or fortified foods.

Failing to replace these nutrients in childrens diets can lead to serious consequences, such as abnormal growth and developmental delays .

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Homemade Vitamin C Gummies

These Homemade Vitamin C Gummies are a great way to get a little more Vitamin C into your childs diet every day.

Made with real ingredients, these Homemade Vitamin C Gummies can be consumed as an addition to the childs lunch box, as an after school snack or even as a special dessert after dinner.

Whats great about these Homemade Vitamin C Gummies is that you know exactly what ingredients are used. There are no hard to decipher, 25 letter ingredients to sift through in the ingredient list.

You may have to order some of the ingredients through if you cant find them in your local health food store. But if you have Amazon Prime, enjoy that free 2-day shipping.

Vitamin C For Kids: Why Its Important

ProYoung International – Vitamin C for Kids

Children need clothes, shoes, and toys. They need laughter, love, family, and friends. They also need a lot of nutrition to help them thrive into adulthood. Vitamin C is an important part of your growing childs diet. It helps to support many key functions in your childs body, which is of the utmost importance while that body is still growing and developing.

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Helps Support Nervous System Health

Almost all of your growing childs milestones are dependent on the health of their nervous system. Coordination, walking, talking, memory, and learning are all dependent on a functional nervous system. Vitamin C is known to help support nervous system health.*

Vitamin C is also known to support the structure of neurons and to modulate neurotransmission. It helps the brain and body communicate effectively.*

How Can I Build My Childs Immune System

10 ways to build immunity in children Breastfeed your baby. Colostrum present in the mothers milk is considered the gold standard in building a babys immunity. Stick to the immunisation schedule. Serve up a healthy platter. Maintain a healthy gut. Get enough sleep. Stay active. Make hygiene a habit. Have fun outdoors.

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Overdose Is Possible But Unlikely

While it’s highly unlikely, a child can receive an overdose of vitamin C if she takes a “megadose” of a vitamin supplement that greatly exceeds the tolerable upper intake level for her age. An overdose can result in illness symptoms, but it is not toxic and does not require emergency care. In most cases, you do not have to worry about your child overdosing on vitamin C because the body does not store the vitamin. Even if your child receives a high dose of vitamin C through foods and juices and takes a supplement containing vitamin C, she will likely flush out the extra vitamin C when she urinates.

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Vitamin C: is your child getting enough (and does it ...

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What Are The Best Sources Of Vitamin C

Perhaps one of the best things about Vitamin C is that it is naturally found in all sorts of yummy foods! Citrus fruits are a very popular source of Vitamin C, but what are some other sources?

  • Guavas with 228 mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams
  • Kiwis with 93 mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams
  • Bell peppers with 128 mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams
  • Strawberries with 59 mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams
  • Papayas with 61 mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams
  • Broccoli with 89 mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams
  • Tomatoes with 23 mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams
  • Grapefruits with 31 mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams

Common Nutrient Deficiencies: Know The Signs

Severe vitamin C deficiency may bring about scurvy, a condition that includes symptoms ranging from fatigue to depression, joint pain, poor wound healing, and bleeding gums. Though serious, scurvy and even vitamin C deficiency are rare in developed countries. Theres one exception: Smokers have a more-than-threefold-greater risk of vitamin C deficiency, according to research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. This is likely because smoking causes greater vitamin C turnover in the body. Cigarette smoking increases free radicals in the body, which damages our cells antioxidants such as vitamin C counteract this damage but are depleted more quickly in people who smoke.

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What Are The Benefits Of Vitamin C For Children

Vitamin C helps keep your child healthy and strong. Here are some of the ways it is useful , :

  • Heals wounds by helping in the formation of collagen
  • Prevents infections because it is an efficient water-soluble antioxidant
  • Maintains good bone structure again due to its support to the collagen
  • The antioxidants and collagen formation properties help keep the skin healthy
  • Supports protein metabolism
  • Improves iron absorption by preventing the formation of insoluble and unabsorbable iron compounds
  • Added to the biosynthetic and antioxidant properties, vitamin C plays a crucial role in strengthening immunity

Vitamin C Supplement Top Sellers On Amazon

How much Vitamin C is too much?

Shopping for a vitamin C supplement? Here are five best-selling options on Amazon.

  • Emergen-C 1000 mg Vitamin C packets, Super Orange flavor $14.42,
  • Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C 1,000 mg Packets, $32.95,
  • NOW Vitamin C-1000 Sustained Release, $13.42,
  • VitaFusion Power C Gummy Vitamins for Adults, $8.40,
  • Natures Way Vitamin C 1,000 mg, $8.11,
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    How Is The % Dv For Vitamin C Calculated

    The Daily Value used in nutrition labelling is based on 60 mg of vitamin C for a reference diet.

    For example, if a food product has 20 mg of vitamin C, the product would have a % Daily Value for vitamin C of 33%. × 100 = 33%.

    Remember: 5% DV or less is a little and 15% DV or more is a lot for all nutrients.

    Can I Give Emergen

    Mar 28, 2020 | Health Tips

    Many adults reach for Emergen-C at the first sign of a cold. While thats fine for adults, when you see cold symptoms coming on for a child, you shouldnt give your child under 15 Emergen-C or a similar supplement.

    Emergen-C is a high dose of Vitamins C, B-6 and B-12 thats formulated for adults. Each dosage contains 1,000 mg of Vitamin C . While this is well within safe dosage for an adult, the upper intake level for children is considerably less: Children aged 1- to 3-years old should only consume 400 mg Vitamin C and those 4- to 8-years-old should consume no more than 650 mg.

    Adult doses of Vitamin C wont have severe adverse affects, but they can cause upset stomach in children. In both children and adults, absorption of Vitamin C is best at low dosages: You can absorb up to 90 percent of a moderate dosage, while up to 50 percent of a dose higher than 1,000 mg is not absorbed.

    Although wasteful, unabsorbed Vitamin C is typically not dangerous. Although excessive levels of the vitamin, which is acidic, can cause upset stomach, unused Vitamin C is passed in urine.

    Instead of giving your child Emergen-C or a similar supplement, seek to provide enough Vitamin C though a balanced diet. Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit, bell peppers, strawberries and cantaloupe are all rich in Vitamin C. If youre concerned your child isnt receiving enough Vitamin C in her diet, supplement it with a kids vitamin that contains is.

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    What Is The Recommended Dose Of Vitamin C For Children

    Vitamin C is an important dietary supplement when administered in the proper dosages. When starting a regimen of vitamin C for children, it is important to consider that dosing amounts are different depending on the age of the child and, as the child ages, gender. For infants up to a year old, the daily intake is supplied by the mother’s milk. Beginning at one year, the suggested dosage increases.

    It is recommended that children between the ages of one and three receive dose of 15 mg of vitamin C. Children between four and eight should receive 25 mg, while children between nine and 13 need 45 mg. From age 14 until age 18, there are different dosages based on gender. Teenage boys should receive 75 mg, while girls only require 65 mg. Pregnant and nursing girls 18 or younger require 115 mg, while those who smoke should add 35 mg to their recommended dosages.

    Why Is Vitamin C Important

    Vitamin C for Babies &  Toddlers: (Why to Give, How Much ...

    Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that provides a whole host of benefits to your body. Perhaps the thing that Vitamin C is most well-known for is its connection to the immune system. In a time when a strong immune system is more important than ever due to Coronavirus concerns, its vitally important to understand the relationship between Vitamin C and your kids body. Vitamin C helps the body to produce the white blood cells that are essential to a proper immune response. These white blood cells, called lymphocytes and phagocytes, help to identify foreign material in the body that could be potentially harmful, and destroying it as appropriate. Since Vitamin C is an antioxidant, it helps protect these cells from harmful free radicals that can lead to oxidative stress. When the body is in oxidative stress, it can become inflamed and may be more susceptible to things like diabetes, asthma, and inflammatory disorders. So, not only does Vitamin C help the body produce white blood cells, it helps protect them too so that they can continue to do their job effectively!

    • Slowed growth and development
    • Cold hands and feet
    • Continual infections

    Iron deficiency can be diagnosed through a blood test given by your childs pediatrician. Make sure to speak with them if you are concerned about your childs iron levels so that this deficiency can be addressed appropriately.

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    Signs Of A Deficiency

    Signs that may indicate a deficiency of vitamin C include:

    • Fatigue
    • Poor wound healing and bruising
    • Thick patchy skin
    • Changes in mood

    Although very rare in developed countries like the United States, a chronic deficiency of vitamin C leads to scurvy, which can be fatal.

    Read more:Disadvantages of Vitamin C

    So Should You Be Reaching For Vitamin C Supplements

    After reviewing the literature, I think that that if youve a healthy child who eats a variety of fruit and vegetables then its probably not necessary. But if youve a child who gets colds they cant seem to shake or becomes very unwell with them, then its worthwhile boosting their diet with vitamin C rich foods or trying a supplement. There is currently no clear evidence that vitamin C supplementation prevents or treats coronavirus.

    If youre choosing to give a supplement please be careful not to exceed the recommended dose for age on the packaging and never the upper tolerable limit unless specifically prescribed.

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