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Which Is Better Vitamin D Or D3

Do Babies Need Vitamin D

Vitamin D Foods | Vitamin D3 Foods | Vitamin D2 vs D3, Which one is better?

Yes, babies under the age of 1 need vitamin D too.

Babies up to 1 year of age who are being breastfed should be given a daily supplement that contains 8.5 10 µg every day to make sure they are reaching recommended levels.17

This still applies if the breastfeeding mother is taking a supplement herself.

However, babies fed infant formulas will not need a vitamin D supplement if they are having more than 500ml of formula a day, as it will already by fortified with vitamin D and other nutrients.

The easiest way to provide breastfed babies with vitamin D is with vitamin D drops.

We have a Vitamin D3 Drop formula that is specifically designed for babies to take daily from birth until they are 12 months old.


  • Yes, babies who are being breastfed need 8.5-10µg vitamin D a day
  • Babies drinking infant formula wont need to supplement as their milk will have been fortified with vitamin D already

The Confusing Case Of Vitamin D2 Vs D3

There is much hoopla around vitamin D2 vs. D3, and its understandable.Vitamin D is notoriously hard to come by through diet, except for a few fortified products. Thats why doctors urge many of their patients to take vitamin D supplements, particularly as they get older.Consumers often notice both vitamin D2 and D3 capsules are available. It, then, begs the question: when it comes to vitamin supplements, which between vitamin D2 and D3 is better?

Calcitriol And Younger Bones

At the Save Institute we firmly believe that knowing how your body works is the first step to being able to keep it healthy. You cant build younger bones if you dont know how your bones get built. Today you learned about activating the Vitamin D3 you naturally produce or supplement so that it becomes calcitriol, which unlocks your bodys ability to absorb calcium.

We are a complex organism, with many interrelating systems, but at the end of the day, we can improve our health and our lives through a simple combination of best practices that include clinical nutrition, science-based supplementation, and exercising.

Thats why I created the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, so you could have an easy-to-follow blueprint that provides not just what you should do, but all the answers on why its the best way to build a younger you, including your bones.

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Can I Get Vitamin D From Sunlight

The short answer is yes! It is for this very reason that it is called the sunshine vitamin.

How cool is it that we can make a vitamin from coming into contact with the sun? I’d say it might even be a superpower!

But seriously, vitamin D synthesis is triggered in the skin in response to contact with ultraviolet rays and is therefore considered the most “natural” form of the vitamin. Most people will be able to get enough vitamin D during the summer months with just 15 minutes of exposure but it may vary depending on skin type, time of day, how much skin is exposed, and location.

However, according to researchers, the benefits of sunlight don’t just stop at vitamin D production and a tan. There is fair evidence that points to exposure to sunlight activating feel-good chemicals in the brain as well as promoting nitric oxide production and optimal melatonin later at night .

This is why most people won’t need to take a vitamin D supplement during the summertime but might bring it back into their supplement routine in the wintertime. This may also be one of many reasons why our mood may tend to lower in the darker winter months compared to the bright and sunny summer months .

Keep in mind skin pigmentation can impact serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations as fair-skinned individuals have been shown to more efficiently convert sunlight into the vitamin compared to darker skin tones .

Introducing Vitamin D And D3

DLux 3000 Vitamin D3 Oral Spray

In the UK, about one in five adults are thought to be living with low levels of Vitamin D. Meanwhile, 16% of the nations children are believed to have a deficiency. These are big numbers yet it is not a problem limited to the UK. Rather, researchers have dubbed Vitamin D deficiency a major global public health problem.

However, despite the panic, if you have been researching how to keep your Vitamin D levels up, you may have found this essential fat-soluble vitamin to be a little more complex than it first appeared. There is no single Vitamin D, but a number of different vitamins that fall into this group.

In this article, were going to investigate one of these in particular. Thats Vitamin D3. So, Vitamin D vs Vitamin D3: whats the difference? And which is better? Lets take a look.

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What Does Vitamin D3 Do

Vitamin D3 is the most natural form of vitamin D and is only found in food sourced from animals. The human body can produce D3 on its own via sunlight absorption, but that is not enough for most people. Eating D3-rich food such as liver, eggs, butter, and fatty fish can help maintain healthy vitamin D levels.

Additionally, taking fish oil supplements or traditional vitamin D supplements can greatly benefit your health. These products can range in price from $12-$50.

Where to buy: Sold by

Do I Need Vitamin D Supplements

There are many different reasons that someone might take vitamin D supplements. The most common reason of course, is having low levels of vitamin D.

People can have low vitamin D levels for a variety of reasons:

  • Low dietary intake: Most people do not have a diet rich in liver and mushrooms. Young infants are particularly at risk for low vitamin D levels because of low dietary intake.

  • Low sunlight exposure: This is common in winter months and climates and latitudes where sunlight is limited. Otherwise, people whose lifestyles involve more time indoors are also at risk for low vitamin D levels.

  • Darker skin: People with high levels of skin pigmentation make less vitamin D with sun exposure.

People with certain medical conditions also commonly take vitamin D supplements, often as a preventative measure to help strengthen their bones. Some examples include:

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Where To Buy The Cheapest Vitamin D Supplements

There are many different forms of vitamin D supplement available, from tablets and capsules to sprays, gummies and even teas.

Prices vary from less than 1p to more than 30p per dose depending on what format you pick.

Own-brand vitamin D tablets from pharmacies, discount stores and supermarkets are usually cheapest, and buying larger packs or multi-buy offers can also help keep costs down.

We’ve rounded up the cheapest prices we could find for vitamin D supplements in a ‘high strength’ 25mcg format, as this is one of the most commonly available high-street doses:

  • Cheapest tablets: Asda High Strength Vitamin D tablets 25mcg, 180 pack – £1.15 , available from Asda.
  • Cheapest spray: VitSpritz Vitamin D3 Oral Spray orange flavour 25mcg, 30ml bottle – £9.95 , available from Sainsburys, or Boots Vitamin D 25mcg peppermint spray, £6 for 15ml . Available from Boots.
  • Cheapest gummy vitamins: Boots Vitamin D gummies, blackcurrant flavour 25mcg, 30 pack – £2 on offer – currently half-price but otherwise often on 3 for 2, available from Boots. Also consider: Aldi Vitawell Vitamin D gummies, blackcurrant flavour 25mcg, 30 pack– £2.29 , available from Aldi.

Prices correct as of 26 November 2021. Price per dose rounded up to nearest pence.

Raised Blood Calcium Levels

Vitamin D2 vs D3 (Vitamin D3 or Vitamin D2…Which Is Better?)

One of the primary roles of vitamin D is to help your body absorb calcium from your diet. But if there is too much of it, blood calcium levels increase.This may provide dangerous symptoms such as the following:

  • Frequent urination
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

A study reported that an older adult with dementia was repeatedly hospitalized because of experiencing symptoms related to an increased calcium level. The patient received 50,000 IU of vitamin D every day for several months.

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Vitamin D Vs Vitamin D: Takeaway

Studies suggest that Vitamin D3 is the preferred form of vitamin d supplementation. When youre searching for the best vitamin d supplement, its important to find a supplement that is paired with a fat to maximize absorption and potency. If youre not sure if you need a vitamin d supplement, its important to consult your physician. The recommended dose is dependent upon your 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, obtained from a blood panel. This will determine which form and dose is best for you.

Can You Get A Vegan Form Of Vitamin D3

There is a vegan supplement form of D3 which is sourced from Lichen, small algae-like plants that have been exposed to UV rays. However, quantities of vitamin D3 that are extracted from the plants are much lower in comparison to lanolin sources, making it difficult to obtain in large quantities and expensive to produce. This is why most vegan vitamin D supplements use vitamin D2 vs D3, which is much cheaper to produce. At BetterYou we only use the best quality ingredients for our supplements. It is for that reason our D1000 Vegan Vitamin D and Vegan Health Oral Spray both contain the lichen source of D3 and at an affordable price.

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Vitamin D3 Is Formed In Your Skin

Your skin makes vitamin D3 when its exposed to sunlight.

Specifically, ultraviolet B radiation from sunlight triggers the formation of vitamin D3 from the compound 7-dehydrocholesterol in skin .

A similar process takes place in plants and mushrooms, where UVB light leads to the formation of vitamin D2 from ergosterol, a compound found in plant oils .

If you regularly spend time outdoors, lightly clad and without sunscreen, you may be getting all the vitamin D you need.

In Indian people, an estimated half an hour of midday sun twice a week provides the adequate amount .

Just keep in mind that this duration of exposure does not apply in countries farther away from the equator. In these countries, you may need more time to achieve the same results.

Nevertheless, be careful not to spend too much time in the sun without sunscreen. This is especially important if you have light-colored skin. Sunburns are a major risk factor for skin cancer .

Unlike dietary vitamin D, you cannot overdose on vitamin D3 produced in your skin. If your body already has enough, your skin simply produces less.

That said, many people get very little sun. They either work indoors or live in a country that doesnt get much sunlight during the winter. If this applies to you, make sure to regularly eat plenty of food rich in vitamin D.

Summary Your skin produces vitamin D3 when you spend time in the sun. In contrast, vitamin D2 is produced by plants and mushrooms exposed to sunlight.

Poor Appetite Vomiting And Nausea

Vitamin D3 5000 IU

In one study, four of the participants suffered from vomiting and nausea, and three participants experienced a loss of appetite as a result of developing excessive calcium levels when they took high doses of vitamin D.Heres what Matt has to say about vitamin D3:Of course, the best resource for learning about any vitamin supplements or nutrition is ones doctor. Physicians can order blood tests to determine a patients current level of vitamin D.From there, they can figure out how much vitamin D supplements an individual needs. They can also discuss vitamin D2 vs. D3 extensively, so you can take the vitamin in moderation or with the right amounts.This way, they can help the patient spot the difference.Have you been taking a vitamin D supplement? How does it improve your health? Share your stories in the comments section below!Up Next:

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What Is Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol, is a form of vitamin D that is derived from animal sources, such as fish oil, liver, egg yolks, and fatty fish. Vitamin D3 is the type of vitamin D that the skin produces when it is exposed to sunlight.

All forms of vitamin D3 are available over-the-counter, so the FDA does not allow for any specific treatment claims to be made for vitamin D3 . However, it is typically used for people with vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D3 is metabolized by the liver into 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, also known as calcifediol. As previously mentioned, once in this form, there is no real distinction between vitamin D2 and vitamin D3.

Signs Of Deficiency And Toxicity


Vitamin D deficiency may occur from a lack in the diet, poor absorption, or having a metabolic need for higher amounts. If one is not eating enough vitamin D and does not receive enough ultraviolet sun exposure over an extended period , a deficiency may arise. People who cannot tolerate or do not eat milk, eggs, and fish, such as those with a lactose intolerance or who follow a vegan diet, are at higher risk for a deficiency. Other people at high risk of vitamin D deficiency include:

  • People with inflammatory bowel disease or other conditions that disrupt the normal digestion of fat. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that depends on the guts ability to absorb dietary fat.
  • People who are obese tend to have lower blood vitamin D levels. Vitamin D accumulates in excess fat tissues but is not easily available for use by the body when needed. Higher doses of vitamin D supplementation may be needed to achieve a desirable blood level. Conversely, blood levels of vitamin D rise when obese people lose weight.
  • People who have undergone gastric bypass surgery, which typically removes the upper part of the small intestine where vitamin D is absorbed.

Conditions resulting from prolonged vitamin D deficiency:


Symptoms of toxicity:

  • Weight loss
  • Irregular heart beat
  • Hardening of blood vessels and tissues due to increased blood levels of calcium, potentially leading to damage of the heart and kidneys

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Is Vitamin D Or D3 More Effective

Vitamin D2 and D3 are absorbed into the bloodstream where they are metabolized by the liver into 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, otherwise collectively known as 25D or calcifediol. Calcifediol is the vitamin D complex circulating in your blood, and its levels directly reflect your bodys stores of vitamin D. Calcifediol is commonly referred to as the active form of vitamin D. When your doctor orders lab tests to check your vitamin D levels, they are measuring your calcifediol levels.

There have been several studies comparing whether supplementation with vitamin D2 or D3 produces a higher blood level of calcifediol. A study published by the National Institutes of Health was conducted in elderly, post-menopausal women who had been identified as vitamin D deficient. It compared the effects of receiving a single high dose of vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 on calcifediol levels. The study concluded that vitamin D3 produced about twice the amount of circulating calcifediol in this patient population versus that of vitamin D2.

In a separate clinical trial comparing a 10-week regimen of twice weekly 50,000 IU dosing of both vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 in demographically matched groups, vitamin D3 was also found to be superior in producing higher levels of 25D, or calcifediol.

The Details Of Vitamin D3

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Vitamin D, also called calciferol or the sunshine vitamin is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be produced by the body or absorbed by some natural foods and vitamin d supplements. Vitamin D helps to protect our bone health by retaining calcium and phosphorus. Adequate vitamin D intake is crucial to the healthy growth of our bones and teeth and can help to prevent conditions affecting the skeletal system. Another health benefit of vitamin D is immune system support.

Choosing the right form of vitamin D for you will depend primarily on your diet. Unlike vitamin D2 which can only be found in plant-based sources, vitamin D3 can be both synthesized within the body or via consuming animal products and meats. When ultraviolet radiation from sunlight contacts your skin cells, it creates vitamin D3. Then, the stored inactive version of the vitamin is converted by the kidneys into its active form of calcitriol. The total body effects of vitamin D are too good to pass up!

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Which Is Better: Vitamin D2 Or D3

Vitamin D3 is said to be a better nutritional supplement than D2 due to its increased potency . You get more vitamin D from every dose than you would by taking a vitamin D2 supplement. However, you may not need a more potent form of vitamin D. Our bodies make vitamin D when we are exposed to sunlight. So, if you get a lot of sun, you may not need to take vitamin D3 . However, most of us are cooped up in offices all day or lack sun exposure for part of the year, especially in winter, and when we do venture out into the sun, we do so slathered in vitamin D-blocking sunscreen . If youre one of these people, you may want to opt for the more potent vitamin D3.

Editorial Sources And Fact

  • Kennel K, Drake M, Hurley D. Vitamin D Deficiency in Adults. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. August 2010.
  • Forrest KY, Stuhldreher WL. Prevalence and Correlates of Vitamin D Deficiency in US Adults. Nutrition Research. January 2011.
  • Vitamin D Fact Sheet for Health Professionals. National Institutes of Health. August 7, 2019.
  • Bolland M, Grey A, Avenell A. Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Musculoskeletal Health: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology. October 2018.
  • Manson J, Cook N, Lee I-M, et al. Vitamin D Supplements and Prevention of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease. The New England Journal of Medicine. January 2019.
  • Pittas A, Dawson-Hughes B, Sheehan P. Vitamin D Supplementation and Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes. The New England Journal of Medicine. June 2019.
  • Theodoratou E, Tzoulaki I, Zgaga L, Ioannidis JPA. Vitamin D and Multiple Health Outcomes: Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses of Observational Studies and Randomized Trials. BMJ. April 2014.
  • Elorinne A, Alfthan G, Erlund I, et al. Food and Nutrient Intake and Nutritional Status of Finnish Vegans and Non-Vegetarians. PLoS One. February 2016.
  • Vanlint S. Vitamin D and Obesity. Nutrients. March 2013.
  • Drincic A, Armas L, van Diest EE, Heaney RP. Volumetric Dilution, Rather That Sequestration Best Explains the Low Vitamin D Status of Obesity. Obesity. July 2012.
  • Am I Deficient in Vitamin D? The Vitamin D Council.
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