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25-hydroxy Vitamin D Blood Test

What Role Is Played By Calcium Nutrition

Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy Blood Test by Walk-in Lab

Maintenance of normal serum calcium levels results from an array of interrelated processes, including intestinal calcium absorption, calcium uptake and release from the skeleton, and renal calcium handling. As previously noted, vitamin D plays a critical role in each of these processes. Hypovitaminosis D impairs intestinal calcium absorption and leads to secondary HPT and risk of bone loss. Heaney et al27 found that maximal calcium absorption in men occurs when 25D levels are in the range of 30 to 40 ng/mL, consistent with vitamin D levels needed to suppress PTH. However, even in the presence of vitamin D sufficiency, inadequate oral calcium intake may cause secondary HPT. The National Osteoporosis Foundation guidelines recommend that men and women younger than 50 years ingest 1000 mg/d of elemental calcium, and those older than 50 years ingest 1200 mg/d .

Clinicians should be mindful of several important caveats when considering calcium supplementation.

First, up to 500 to 600 mg of elemental calcium can be efficiently absorbed in any single dose, with excess calcium passing unabsorbed through the gut.

Treatment For Vitamin D Deficiency

Treatment for vitamin D deficiency involves getting more vitamin D — through diet and supplements. Although there is no consensus on vitamin D levels required for optimal health — and it likely differs depending on age and health conditions — a concentration of less than 20 nanograms per milliliter is generally considered inadequate, requiring treatment.

Guidelines from the Institute of Medicine increased the recommended dietary allowance of vitamin D to 600 international units for everyone ages 1-70, and raised it to 800 IU for adults older than age 70 to optimize bone health. The safe upper limit was also raised to 4,000 IU. Doctors may prescribe more than 4,000 IU to correct a vitamin D deficiency.

If you don’t spend much time in the sun or always are careful to cover your skin , you should speak to your doctor about taking a vitamin D supplement, particularly if you have risk factors for vitamin D deficiency.

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What Abnormal Results Mean

A lower-than-normal level can be due to a vitamin D deficiency, which can result from:

  • Lack of skin exposure to sunlight, darkly pigmented skin, or consistent use of high-SPF sunscreen
  • Lack of enough vitamin D in the diet
  • Liver and kidney diseases
  • Poor food absorption
  • Use of certain medicines, including phenytoin, phenobarbital, and rifampin
  • Poor vitamin D absorption due to advanced age, weight-loss surgery, or conditions in which fat is not absorbed well

A low vitamin D level is more common in African American children , as well as in infants who are breastfed only.

A higher-than-normal level may be due to excess vitamin D, a condition called hypervitaminosis D. This is most commonly caused by taking too much vitamin D. It can result in too much calcium in the body . This leads to many symptoms and kidney damage.

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Vitamin D 125 Dihydroxy Blood Test

The Vitamin D 1,25 Dihydroxy Blood Test measures the vitamin D levels in the blood to assist with differential diagnosis of hypocalcemia and to monitor bone disease or chronic kidney failure treatment.

Also Known As: 1,25 Vitamin D, 1,25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D, 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol, Vitamin D, 1,25-Dihydroxy


3-4 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays.

Also Known As: 1,25 Vitamin D, 1,25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D, 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol, Vitamin D, 1,25-Dihydroxy


3-4 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays.


What Do My Test Results Mean


High test results in the Vitamin D 25-hydroxy blood test are extremely rare and toxicity levels are even more rare. High results are typically because of supplements being taken. Because of this, most results are reported as either normal or deficient. An individual can be deficient in one or in both vitamins. Normal results for Vitamin D are anything above 30 ng/mL, while normal results for the 25-hydroxyvitamin are anything above 20 ng/mL.

Normal results typically mean no further testing is necessary. If there are physical symptoms being investigated, a normal result excludes these two vitamins from the cause.

If there is a deficiency present, then the most common reasons are because of a dietary issue or that someone isnt getting enough sunlight exposure during the day. Certain drugs, such as Dilantin, have also been known to interfere with 25-hydroxy production. It can also be an indication that kidney disease has developed. Low levels of 25-hydroxy are one of the earliest changes associated with early kidney failure.

Although high Vitamin D levels can lead to calcification, the danger is that magnesium levels are too low. This creates a calcium that is resistant to the vitamin and can create calcification even though the blood test results came back as normal.

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Why Do I Need To Undergo A Vitamin D Test

The test is done to assess the vitamin D levels in the body so that it can be determined whether you need supplements or more exposure to the sun. Many doctors do not recommend testing in healthy individuals unless there are specific symptoms present. The test is done specifically for some individuals who have the following issues. Individuals with a body mass index of 30 or greater and suffering from obesity can have deficiencies. Intake of certain medicines like phenytoin, phenobarbital, and rifampin. Those diagnosed with osteoporosis, bone weakness or bone softness. Individuals with limited sun exposure. Anyone with diseases like ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease or celiac disease prevents the normal absorption of vitamins in the body. Previous gastric bypass surgery or weight-loss surgery. Inadequate vitamin D absorption due to advanced age or conditions in which fat is not absorbed well in the body. People who have dark skin or wear total skin covering are also at risk of a deficiency.

What Do The Results Of This Lab Test Mean

The results of 25 hydroxy vitamin D test will usually include the following details:

  • Value of 25 hydroxy vitamin D3: The amount of vitamin D your body made on its own, absorbed through an animal source or from a cholecalciferol supplement
  • Value of 25 hydroxy vitamin D2: The amount of vitamin D absorbed from fortified foods or from an ergocalciferol supplement

Apart from these values, the total amount of this test is also an important part of the test result. The test result is measured in the unit of nanograms per milliliter and can vary among labs. Note that the normal level of vitamin D is recommended between 20-40 ng/mL or 30-50 ng/mL . Apart from normal, the following can be the categorization of the results of the test for vitamin D 25 hydroxy low and high.

If your vitamin D level is higher than the recommend range, it may be because of hypervitaminosis D, a condition where a high amount of vitamin D accumulates in your body. This can result from your body having too much calcium, also known as hypercalcemia.

Vitamin D 25 hydroxy low levels are usually caused by the following factors:

  • Liver or kidney disease

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What Do The Results Mean

Your test results may be reported in different ways. It may give you a total vitamin D result, or it may include separate results for vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. These two types of vitamin D work about the same in your body. Your total vitamin D level is the sum of these two types. The total vitamin D number is the important number.

If your total vitamin D level shows a vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency, it may mean you:

  • Don’t get enough vitamin D from your diet and/or exposure to sunlight
  • Have trouble absorbing vitamin D in your food, which may be a sign of a malabsorption disorder
  • Have trouble changing vitamin D into a form your body can use, which may be a sign of kidney or liver disease

The treatment for low vitamin D levels is usually supplements and/or dietary changes. This is usually safer than getting more sun, which may cause skin cancer.

If your total vitamin D level shows you have too much vitamin D, it is most likely from getting too much from supplements. This is very uncommon, but if it happens, you’ll need to stop taking these supplements to reduce your vitamin D levels. Too much vitamin D can cause serious damage to your organs and blood vessels. If you take vitamin D supplements, ask your provider what dose is right for you.

To learn what your vitamin D test results mean, talk with your provider.

Learn more about laboratory tests, reference ranges, and understanding results.

What Does It Mean If Your Vitamin D 25

laboratory test for vitamin D || 25, Hydroxy vitamin D test

Vitamin D is essential for strong bones, because it helps the body use calcium from the diet. Traditionally, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with rickets, a disease in which the bone tissue doesnt properly mineralize, leading to soft bones and skeletal deformities. Another potential issue stemming from vitamin D deficiency is osteoporosis, which is seen most prevalent in the elderlyparticularly women. This is because all our bones naturally lose calcium over a lifetime, but the process of creating a healthy baby adds an extra toll on womens bones. Additionally, low blood levels of the vitamin have been associated with the following:

– Increased risk of cardiovascular disease

– Cognitive impairment in older adults

– Severe asthma in children

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About Our Vitamin D 25

This test measures Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy levels in the blood to check for vitamin D deficiencies. The major function of vitamin D in humans is maintenance of calcium homeostasis. Individuals who are interested in vitamin D testing related to hypocalcemia and/or monitoring renal osteodystrophy or chronic renal failure should order our Vitamin D 25-Dihydroxy Test, not this test.

Vitamin D is absorbed through sunlight, food, and drinks that contain it. After being consumed Vitamin D turns into Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy . This fat-soluble vitamin plays a major growth and development of bones and teeth. Typically, Vitamin D’s most common subcategories are Vitamin D2 and D3 Vitamin D2 comes from digesting vitamin D from plant and fungal food sources, and vitamin D3 is absorbed via the skin when it takes in sunlight.

Questions For Your Doctor About Test Results

You may wish to ask your doctor or other health care provider questions about your vitamin D test results, such as:

  • Do my vitamin D test levels indicate a deficiency or insufficiency?
  • Do my test results show that I have been taking too much vitamin D as a supplement?
  • Will additional testing be needed?
  • Do my test results indicate that treatment is needed?

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Explain The Complete Process Involved

  • You can either book on our website or Choose to receive a call back from our Health Advisor / Doctor.
  • Our Health advisor and Medical team will be involved to guide you in the complete cycle of the testing process and will facilitate the diagnosis process for prevention of any disease.
  • Your health vitals and history will be taken for pre-diagnosis and for suggesting the relevant tests through Health Karma or you can also share your prescription with our medical team.
  • Once you confirm your booking, a trained Phlebotomists will be assigned to visit you on your chosen time and pickup address and for collection of sample. Phlebotomist may also take other vitals if suggested in the pre diagnosis.
  • Your sample will then be transported to the nearest collection hub maintaining the integrity of the sample and will be centrifuged before sending to the lab for processing.
  • Once the results are processed in the Healthians / Partner Lab, medical team at Healthians will verify the results and a smart report including historical trends and vitals information submitted by you along with simple interpretations will be shared with you.
  • You will also be offered a post report counselling by our Doctors as a part of the healthcare service offered to you.
  • Healthians offers 24*7 customer support to resolve any of your concern during and after the entire diagnosis process.

What About Vitamin D Toxicity

Vitamin D Blood Test

Vitamin D toxicity should not be diagnosed solely on the basis of an elevated 25D level instead, it should be recognized as a clinical syndrome of both hypervitaminosis D and hypercalcemia, in which hyperphosphatemia and hypercalciuria also commonly occur. Patients with vitamin D toxicity could present with clinical symptoms and signs of hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria . Hypervitaminosis D in the absence of hypercalcemia may prompt further investigation to evaluate the etiology of increased vitamin D levels however, unlike hypercalcemia, it is not a medical emergency. Although excess vitamin D supplementation can lead to hypercalcemia, vitamin D toxicity is extremely rare and generally occurs only after ingestion of large doses of vitamin D for prolonged periods in patients with normal gut absorption or in patients who may be concurrently ingesting generous if not excessive amounts of calcium. A 25D level of 80 ng/mL is the lowest reported level associated with toxicity in patients without primary HPT with normal renal function. Most patients with vitamin D toxicity have levels greater than 150 ng/mL.28 Binkley et al21 have recently reported that vitamin D supplementation with 1600 IU/d or 50,000 IU monthly was not associated with any laboratory parameters of toxicity and even failed to increase total 25D levels above 30 ng/mL in 19% of participants.

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How Much Does The Test Cost

The cost of vitamin D blood testing depends on where you have the test taken, whether other tests are performed at the same time, and whether you have health care coverage.

The costs of testing may include an office visit, a blood draw fee, and charges from the laboratory analyzing your blood sample. These costs are usually covered by insurance when the test is ordered by your health care provider. However, you may wish to check with your health insurance company to learn whether you are responsible for a deductible or copay.

What Does The Test Measure

Vitamin D is necessary for maintaining health. It helps your body absorb minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus from your diet. Vitamin D also helps maintain proper levels of calcium, phosphate, and parathyroid hormone in your blood.

Vitamin D plays an important role in helping the body absorb calcium, which makes it crucial to maintaining bone health. Inadequate levels of vitamin D can lead to abnormal bone development, bone weakness, and pain.

Unlike other vitamins, Vitamin D can be created in the human body. When your skin is exposed to direct sunlight, ultraviolet radiation converts a chemical in your skin into an active form of vitamin D. Vitamin D can also be obtained through the diet, including from fortified or vitamin-enriched foods and vitamin supplements.

There are two major forms of Vitamin D:

  • Vitamin D2 : Vitamin D2 is created in plants, such as yeast or mushrooms. It is also available as a supplement and in fortified foods.
  • Vitamin D3 : Vitamin D3 is generated in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight. It is also found in some animal-based foods and may be consumed in certain fortified foods or dietary supplements.

Both vitamin D2 and D3 need to go through chemical changes before being able to be used by the body. These changes occur in the liver and the kidneys and convert vitamin D into measurable substances called 25-hydroxyvitamin D and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D:

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How Prevalent Is Vitamin D Deficiency And Who Is At Risk

Worldwide, naturally occurring dietary sources of vitamin D are limited, and food fortification is optional, inconsistent, inadequate, or nonexistent. Therefore, for most people, vitamin D is primarily obtained by cutaneous production from sun exposure. However, many variables influence the amount of UVB from sunlight that reaches the skin and its effectiveness. These include time of day, season, latitude, altitude, clothing, sunscreen use, pigmentation, and age. In Minnesota in 2008, less than half of days provided enough solar UVB radiation at noon to effect cutaneous vitamin D production.2 Even those who normally reside in sunny climates are commonly found to be deficient in vitamin D, probably due to cultural habits and/or dress.3 Even if regularly exposed to sunlight, elderly people produce 75% less cutaneous D3 than young adults.4 Further barriers to cutaneous vitamin D production are ongoing public health campaigns promoting sunscreen use, as advocated by the American Academy of Dermatology . Unfortunately, commonly recommended daily intakes of vitamin D are known to be insufficient if sunlight exposure is limited.5

Why Take Our Vitamin D 25

25-Hydroxyvitamin D assay standardization and vitamin D guidelines paralysis

This test is the most accurate way to measure how much vitamin D is in your body.

Vitamin D is converted in the kidneys to its active form and helps to control the body’s calcium and phosphate levels. It plays an important role in the growth and health of bones and teeth. When levels of vitamin D are too low, it can lead to a drop in calcium levels . Symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency include weakness, frequent infections, fatigue, aching and pain.

Malnutrition or conditions that can cause an individual to have poor absorption of nutrients like celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, alcoholism or intestinal or gastrointestinal disorders may lead to low levels of vitamin D.

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How Can I Test My Vitamin D At Home

Everlywell Vitamin D Test Everlywell is an online company that offers a variety of at-home test kits and ships within the U.S. An Everlywell vitamin D test involves a person taking a finger-prick blood sample. Results will show whether a person’s vitamin D levels are elevated, adequate, or suboptimal.


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