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How Much Vitamin C For Bone Healing

Vitamin K: The Essential Nutrient For Bone Health

Vitamin C Reduces Fracture, Preserves Bone

The right nutrients can help whether you want to keep your bones strong and heal help a fracture quickly. While many people think all you need is calcium for healthy bones, vitamin K supports calcium to build strong bones. Vitamin K is a cofactor in the development of bone. This means that you need vitamin K, along with calcium and other nutrients, to begin the bone development process and develop strong bones.

Scientists first discovered this vitamin in 1929. They labeled vitamin K an essential nutrient for blood clotting. During the early 20th century, Weston Price also found this vitamin which he called activator X could protect against tooth decay and chronic disease.

Improvement In Functional Outcomes At 612 Months

Three studies with a total of 467 patients were available for the analysis,,. Inspection of the forest plot revealed no significant difference in functional outcomes at 612 months between both groups . No significant difference between fracture and non-fracture subgroups was noted on subgroup analysis . In addition, sensitivity analysis did not show significant impact on outcome by omitting certain trials.

Figure 4

Forest plot for the comparison of function outcomes at 612 months between vitamin C and placebo groups. CI, confidence interval IV, inverse variance Std., standardized.

Amazing Coq: Repair And Heal Periodontal Disease

by Dr. Michael Rehme, DDS, CCN | Mar 7, 2011 | Periodontal Health, Supplements |

Biological Dentistry evaluates patients in terms of the tooth-body connection. Coenzyme Q10 reveals one of these connections.

CoQ10 functions as an excellent antioxidant to prevent free radical damage to your cells. Its a vital component in the synthesis of cellular energy production. Therefore, CoQ10 is essential for the health of virtually all human tissue and organs.

If you know about CoQ10, you are among the well informed minority. Most people in this country have not heard of CoQ10 largely because of the slow acceptance of nutritional benefits by the traditional western medical establishment.

Many significant CoQ10 studies trace back to the late 1960s. CoQ10 has been shown to be effective for combating the degeneration of aging, allergies, asthma, candidiasis, cardiovascular disease, deafness, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, impaired immunity, multiple sclerosis, obesity, respiratory disease and, yes, even periodontal disease.

Periodontitis affects about 60% of young adults and 90% of individuals over the age of 65. Although proper oral hygiene is helpful, many people still suffer from compromised gingival irritations and chronic infections that may require surgical procedures and eventually result in the loss of teeth.

Clinical improvements take time. However, the paybacks from this remarkable substance can be amazing.

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Vitamin C And Gum Regeneration

It is almost impossible to regenerate your gums because the tissues present in your gums are reluctant to regrow unlike other tissues of your body. However, some studies show that proper usage and intake of Vitamin C can help in the regeneration of gums. Vitamin C helps in the repair and healing of wounds and different gum diseases. People who consume a sufficient level of this vitamin can rarely develop the diseases associated with the gums and teeth.

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Assessment Of Risk Of Bias For Included Studies

MegaFood Bone Health

Two authors assessed the risk of bias for each trial using the criteria outlined in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Disagreements were solved by discussion. The overall risk of bias of all included studies and the risk of bias of individual studies were analyzed. We rated the potential risk of bias by applying a rating of low, high, or unclear to each trial.

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What Vitamins Promote Gum Health

Each of our body organs needs the right amount of vitamins and minerals in order to remain healthy and disease-free. Similarly, the gums must also be provided with the right amount of vitamins and minerals to be healthy.

The following are some of the vitamins and minerals that are essential for healthy gums.

Precision Nutrition Through Integrated Omics

The advent and recent refinement of omics-based technologies also provide a unique strategy to comprehensively define the role of nutrition in bone healing. Nutrigenomics is a promising area that marries the genomic make-up of an individual with nutritional requirements. Determining whether a patient’s genotype influences metabolic requirements after fracture and whether they would respond to supplementation would be useful in designing personalized nutritional approaches to facilitate natural healing. Additionally, we are uniquely poised to address fundamental questions regarding metabolic flux during each stage of bone healing with the advancements in metabolomics to determine systemwide changes in metabolism and circulating metabolites after injury. Metabolomics is the high-throughput study of metabolites that can simultaneously assess the substrate and product pool of metabolic pathways, providing unique insight into global shifts in metabolism in response to pathophysiological insults. A handful of studies have utilized this tool to assess metabolism after injury however, it has yet to be applied in the context of fracture. Integrating metabolomics with nutrigenomics may prove to be a powerful tool to assess a patientsâ metabolic state and nutritional needs to inform the best strategy to proactively manage nutritional status for the best possible healing outcome .

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Additional Benefits Of Vitamin C

Vitamin C deficiency isnt common in America but should be taken seriously since this nutrient is a powerhouse of potential health benefits. About 7% of adults in the United States suffered from a lack of this essential nutrient between 2003 and 2004 . There are several groups of people that are at increased risk of developing this deficiency, like those who suffer from alcoholism or anorexia . That also includes people who are low income, smoke, are on dialysis, or have a severe mental illness. Even so, its possible for everyone to get enough vitamin C intake to reap the health benefits.It should be noted, though, that everyone is different. Theres no doubt that vitamin C is essential and healthy, but not everyone will experience the same beneficial effects in the same way. And you might have heard about some purported benefits, like protecting against eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, but there isnt enough research to back up those claims. You can read all about the health benefits here, but particularly noteworthy effects of vitamin C include:

  • May reduce the risk of chronic diseases
  • May protect against certain cancers
  • May combat heart disease
  • May improve immunity

How Much Vitamin C Should I Take For Wound Healing

How much vitamin D do you need for bone health?

Vitamin C will help to reduce the inflammation involved with the fungal infection of thrush and will strengthen the immune system in its fight to repair and heal the condition. Vitamin C also plays a key role in the health of your immune system.

Vitamin C Is Involved In Varied Body Functions From Wound Healing To Maintaining Bone Health Get Your Dail Dehydrated Fruit Organic Green Tea Best Vitamin C

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What Are The 5 Stages Of Fracture Healing

A bone fracture, while varying in severity, is the clinical term for a broken bone. A bone will break if the force exerted on it, from a fall or impact for example, is stronger than the bone itself. Soon after, the bone undergoes a natural healing process. There are 5 stages of the fracture healing process,² which we explain below:

Stage 1: Hematoma Formation

During the break, blood vessels are damaged as well. This creates a hematoma: clotted blood that swells inside the bone tissue.

Stage 2: Granulation Tissue Formation

Hours later, the hematoma is reabsorbed while being replaced by inflammatory molecules. These molecules are your bodys first line of defense and clean out dead bone and prepare the fracture site for tissue, cartilage, and bone formation. This stage is a rebuilding of vessels and cells affected by the fracture.

Stage 3: Callus Formation

A soft callus is formed. The callus is made of newly formed osteoblasts and osteoclasts , the two types of cells needed for your natural bone remodeling process. Capillaries and supporting blood vessels connect into the callus as the rebuilding process continues.

Stage 4: Consolidation

The new bone built to this point is a softer bone called woven bone. But during the consolidation stage of healing, a stronger type of bone called lamellar bone replaces the woven bone.

Stage 5: Bone Remodeling

Symptoms Of A Fracture

Symptoms of a fracture depend on the type of fracture, the bone impacted, your age, and overall health. They often involve:

  • Pain
  • Discolored skin around the affected area
  • Blood with an open fracture

Women, during menopause, are especially prone to fractures. Lower estrogen levels during this time make calcium regulation harder. Women should be extra wary of the density and strength of their bones around menopause.

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Accidents Happen And You Fracture A Bone

Maybe you fall and injure yourself playing tag football with your kids. Perhaps you trip and fall, or have a car accident. Those things account for the millions of fractures that occur every year.

  • High force impact or stress, such as a fall or accident
  • Medical conditions that weaken bones like osteoporosis

A fracture happens when any force stronger than your bone puts pressure on that bone. That might be a fall, trauma, or a direct blow to a bone. Or it might be repetitive forces such as running.

Slips And Falls May Fracture Your Bones But Vitamin K2 Will Help You Heal

MegaFood Bone Health

A fracture can occur when a force or impact on a bone becomes too strong.

Your bones are incredibly strong, and they can usually withstand a powerful impact or force. But, fractures can occur.

As a child, you could handle more of that force. Falls, trips, and scrapes are common among children and adolescents. But the older you get, the less force your bones can handle. Weaker bones and a greater risk of falling with age can make tough, resilient bones more vulnerable to fractures.

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Vitamin C For Repairing Gums

Dental experts say that you must take good levels of gum vitamins and minerals, especially the Vitamin C, in your diet if you want your gums and teeth healthy. Even if you have developed any gums disease, you can reverse that process by eating food that contains Vitamin C or its supplements. It is because Vitamin C has got the power to heal and repair the damaged tissues present in your gums. It has been observed that people with injured gums started getting good results and their gums got repaired after adding vitamin C in their diets. If you have damaged gums just because you had ignored vitamin C in your diet, do not be afraid and starting today consume this vitamin as it has an amazing power of repairing and healing the damaged gums. Vitamin C for gum health should become a famous remedy.

Vitamin K1 & Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 activates two proteins matrix GLA protein and osteocalcin that help calcium to build and maintain strong bones. Therefore, vitamin K2 is important in preventing osteoporosis and fractures.

Long-term studies among Japanese women found that vitamin K2 reduced:

  • Spinal fractures by 60 percent
  • Hip fractures by 77 percent
  • All non-spinal fractures by 81 percent

Those and other studies led Japanese experts to recommend vitamin K supplements to prevent or treat osteoporosis.

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Nutrition And Fracture Risk

A study in an adult population in the United Kingdom investigated the influence of dietary magnesium and potassium intakes, as well as circulating magnesium, on bone density status and fracture risk, showing that hip fracture risk was reduced both in men and in women with high intakes of magnesium and potassium. Furthermore, trends in fracture risk for men, among serum magnesium concentration groups, were apparent for spine fractures and total hip, spine, and wrist fractures .

A post hoc analysis assessed the association between adherence to diet quality index or existing healthy dietary patterns and fractures in postmenopausal women . The analysis used longitudinal data from 40 clinical centers throughout the United States that had been included in Women’s Health Initiative observational study. Only participants who were aged 50 to 79 years were eligible for the WHI prospective cohort which finally included 93.676 women. According to the results, a higher adherence to a Mediterranean diet is associated with a lower hip fracture risk, which concludes that a healthy dietary pattern may have a role in maintaining bone health in postmenopausal women.

Molecular Pathways For Vitamin C Action On Bone Cells

Vitamins for Bone Health

AA is known as an antioxidant and important co-factor for catalyzing many biochemical reactions. Studies performed on smoking and its reductive effect on BMD as a result of increased free radicals have suggested that antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin E play a role in minimalizing such deleterious effects. Furthermore, overiectomized rats reduce thiol antioxidants such as glutathione and thioredoxin reductases due to a lack of estrogen. This in turn increases the concentration of reactive oxygen species ,which results in increased osteoclastic differentiation and bone resorption. This osteoclastic effect can be reversed by treating rats with AA, which increases glutathione concentrations. There are many studies showing that antioxidants can minimize bone loss by preventing osteoclastic differentiation however, antioxidizing functions are not enough to promote osteoblast differentiation. There have been no studies suggesting that antioxidants such as vitamin E can promote de novo bone regeneration. This suggests that when vitamin C functions as an antioxidant, it is to prevent osteoclastic differentiation but not osteoblastic activity.

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Osteoporosis: Vitamin C And Keeping Healthy

Vitamin C is widely known as a powerful antioxidant as well as an effective cell protector and immunity booster. But supplements of Vitamin C have recently been recognized as having an important role in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis because of its ability to increase bone density.Vitamin C has recently been recognized as playing an important role in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.A typical dosage of Vitamin C is about 500mg to1000mg per day. Higher doses are controversial and should be discussed with your doctor.

Natural sources of vitamin C are found in citrus fruits, but are also in many vegetables. Other good sources of vitamin C include:

  • Red chili peppers
  • Guavas
  • Red cabbage

In order to get the most Vitamin C from your foods, eat them promptly after preparation. Exposure to light and oxygen can rapidly decrease the amount of Vitamin C in fresh fruits and vegetables.

When shopping for vitamin C, avoid specialized products such as esterified C, time-released C, or vitamin C with rose hips. There is no evidence that these products are any better than basic Vitamin C .

Vitamin C For Bone Healing

An April 2018 study published in Current Drug Targets reviewed research on vitamin C in humans and animals. The researchers found that both animals and humans had greater bone mineral density when they supplemented with this nutrient. They found that correcting a vitamin C deficiency produced the best results.

Increasing bone mineral density not only helps the bone grow stronger, it means you can heal faster. At the end of the paper, however, the researchers conclude that there should be more studies on the effect of vitamin C on bone health, so the jury is still out.

The RDA of vitamin C for adult men is 90 milligrams per day. For women, it’s 75 milligrams per day. If you smoke, you should have 35 milligrams more per day than the RDA.

You can get vitamin C from citrus fruits and vegetables like peppers, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. If you don’t get enough fruits and vegetables in your diet, you can take vitamin C supplements for bone healing.

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Risk Of Bias Assessment

The risks of bias of individual studies are summarized in Fig. . All included studies were found to give sufficient details about randomization and were assigned a low risk of allocation bias,,,,,,. The risk of performance bias of three trials was considered low because both participants and investigators were blinded to the treatment ,,. Other risks of bias including attrition bias, measurement bias, reporting bias, and overall bias were also regarded as low in most studies.

Figure 2

Bone Healing After Surgery

MegaFood Bone Health

Most people think that the mending of a fractured bone is due to calcium level. The sequence of healing a fracture is before the bone can knit a matrix has to form between the bones then the calcium comes into the healing process. The basic ingredient of the matrix is silica. Its been shown with large doses of silica you can shorten healing time by 30%.

Silicon has been recognized as essential trace element for connective tissue in bone and cartilage. Also Silicon may counteract the effects of aluminum, both in osteoporosis and Alzheimers disease according to published research.

An important study conducted at the School of Public Health at the University of California, Los Angeles shows that Silicon-supplemented bones have a 100 percent increase in collagen when compared with low-silicon bones. The end result is more and faster bone growth in the presence of silicon.

Professor Louis C. Kervran, member of the New York Academy of Science, in referring to Charnots experiments felt that excessively heavy doses of silica, especially the mineral one, can cause decalcification, that that it is not only important to avoid mineral silica but to not overdose on herbal silica.

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Bone Stimulators Such As Exogen

Some fractures are frustratingly slow to heal on their own. EXOGEN Ultrasound Bone Healing System is an FDA-approved option that helps promote faster bone healing. This system uses safe, low-intensity ultrasound waves to amplify the natural bone healing process.

In clinical trials, EXOGENs Ultrasound Bone Healing System accelerated the time to heal bone fractures by 38%4,5 and promoted bone healing in 86% of nonunion fractures6 that had failed to heal for at least a year after the injury.7*

Daily treatment with EXOGEN amplifies your natural bone healing by three actions:

  • Stimulation: sends ultrasound waves through skin and soft tissue to the site of the fracture
  • Activation: ultrasound waves activate cell receptors critical for the cellular processes of bone repair8
  • Upregulation: ultrasound waves increase the expression of genes and proteins essential for bone repair9-14

With treatments that take just 20 minutes a day, EXOGEN provides a safe treatment that facilitates faster healing of certain bone fractures,* and helps restore healing to fractures that have failed to heal. Just use the small, lightweight and easy to use device on a daily basis. This is essential for EXOGEN to work properly. The device automatically records each treatment, so you can track your daily progress.

*No major complications or adverse effects were reported during these trials In vitro performance may not be indicative of performance in humans.



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