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Meniere’s Disease Vitamin Deficiency

Surprising Facts About Dizziness And Vertigo

Meniere’s Disease Symptoms and Treatments

Dizzy spells and vertigo may be caused by different factors. Learn the potential reasons you may be dizzy, plus why you may be experiencing nausea.


Many of us have found ourselves asking the question, be it on ordinary days or in times of illness, Why am I dizzy?

While dizzy spells can be uncomfortable, it probably wont surprise you to learn that occasional dizziness is very common in adults. But you may not have suspected that vertigo a related but more serious condition that makes you feel like the room is spinning as you stand still is also common, affecting nearly 40 percent of people over age 40 at least once in their lifetime, according to the University of California San Francisco Medical Center.

So, how do you know if you have vertigo or ordinary dizziness? The main difference is vertigo can cause nausea and vomiting and may be a symptom of a serious balance disorder while dizziness simply makes you feel momentarily unbalanced. That said, dizzy spells can range in severity from merely annoying to seriously debilitating.

Heres what causes vertigo and general dizziness plus what to do if you experience one of these episodes.

Conditions Associated With Vertigo And Dizziness

Vertigo and dizziness are associated with several systemic disorders. While the connections between some particular health conditions and vertigo ordizziness are well understood ,88 other associations remain the subject of intriguing ongoing research. Some of these associations will be reviewed here.

Meniere’s Disease Patients Have Significantly Lower Vitamin D: Study

Iran: Patients with Meniere’s disease have significantly lower levels of serum vitamin D, finds a recent study in the journal Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery. However, the role of vitamin D supplementation for MD management needs further study. “Ménière’s disease is an inner ear disease that causes episodes of vertigo , however, its etiopathogenesis is not…

Iran: Patients with Meniere’s disease have significantly lower levels of serum vitamin D, finds a recent study in the journal Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery. However, the role of vitamin D supplementation for MD management needs further study.

“Ménière’s disease is an inner ear disease that causes episodes of vertigo , however, its etiopathogenesis is not known. Several factors may be involved and vitamin D is known to play an important role in physiology of the inner ear,” wrote the authors.

Mehdi Bakhshaee, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran, and colleagues aimed to evaluate the relation between vitamin D deficiency and MD. They compared serum vitamin D levels between patients with definite MD and those without it.

For the the purpose, the researchers performed a case-control study involving 28 patients with definite MD who were matched with a group of 84 healthy individuals, regarding age, sex, body mass index, and occupation . The serum level of vitamin D was measured in both groups.

The study was done between August 2018 and December 2019 at Ghaem University Hospital in Mashhad, Iran.

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Feeling Dizzy May Be Related To Anxiety

Many people who experience dizziness, especially people in their twenties, may also have anxiety, says Whitman. They usually dont want to hear that dizziness can be linked to anxiety because it suggests that its all in their heads, he notes. But whats in your head is your brain. And anxiety can reflect a brain function disturbance that’s possibly genetic.

Compared with people who dont have anxiety, people with anxiety disorders appear to sway more when subjected to a moving visual environment, Whitman says. And they sway in a way that seems to be synchronized with the visual movement. These people may be abnormally sensitive to visual stimulation, because their dizziness can increase when theyre watching moving objects or walking through a large, bright store, says Whitman.

This is called visual dependence, and little is known about how common it is. We need to develop better tests of visual dependence, and we need laboratory tests for what we now call anxiety disorders,” ways Whitman. “Its likely that in the future, these disorders will be reclassified, in part, based on genetics.

Menieres As An Autoimmune Disease

Vitamin D suppementation may help Meniere

Autoimmunity occurs when the immune response is directed against harmless self-antigens and the body begins attacking its own tissues and organs as a result. This results in inflammation, tissue damage, and loss of function of the affected organs and/or joints. There is an increasing prevalence of auto immune disease occurring at present and research has moved towards natural treatment options to look for answers. It has already been established that there is a high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in patients suffering from auto immune disease and studies suggest that vitamin D is invaluable in immune system modulation.

Vitamin D

Vitamin Dworks directly on immune cells because there are vitamin D receptors located in the nuclei of all immune cells, including antigen-presenting cells, natural killer cells, and B and T lymphocytes.

There is a considerable amount of research showing that vitamin D deficiency has been associated with several autoimmune diseases. This means that vitamin D deficiency can possibly lead to an auto immune disease and then in the case of existing auto immune disease, Vitamin D can be used for its immunomodulatory effect on the immune system to bring the overactive immune system to a balance.

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What Is Menieres Disease

Menieres disease is an inner ear condition that affects the bodys vestibular and auditory systems.

The vestibular system is what gives people their sense of balance and movement. The auditory system gives people their sense of hearing. The disease is named after the French doctor Prosper Meniere.

Menieres disease affects an inner part of the ear called the labyrinth. The bony labyrinth is made up of three parts, which include the:

  • semicircular canals

The organs of the inner ear are filled with a special kind of fluid that helps send signals to the brain. When you have Menieres disease, too much fluid clogs up the tiny inner ear organs that regulate hearing and balance.

As a result, Menieres disease causes problems with:

Vertigo makes you feel like youre spinning, dizzy, and lightheaded, with a loss of balance.

Tinnitus is a buzzing or ringing in the ears.

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, people with Menieres disease can experience these symptoms for 20 minutes to 4 hours at a time.

They also usually have the condition in one ear. However, there are cases where people have the disease in both ears.

As the severity of the condition increases, hearing becomes progressively worse. Eventually, with most people, it results in a permanent loss of hearing in the affected ear.

Menieres disease is dependent on the bodys fluid and blood system.

A diet for managing this condition should focus on:

How Does Vitamin B12 Deficiency Cause Vertigo

Low vitamin B12 can result in several problems such as neurological system, low blood pressure, dizziness, and feeling off-balance. If this continues, it can alarmingly reduce blood flow that reaches and leaves the brain.

You can keep your vitamin B12 levels healthy by eating food rich in this vitamin, such as meat, poultry, dairy clams, and other food fortified with B12. In addition, if you are practicing a vegetarian or vegan diet, taking vitamin B12 supplements will help fight deficiency.

Your chiropractic doctor may ask for a blood test to check your vitamin B12 level and recommend a series of procedures for total vertigo relief.

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Meniere S Disease As A Viral Infection


Echinacea promotes the health of the immune system by boosting it and balancing it. It stimulates the lymphatic system, promoting drainage and elimination of toxins, and helps to prevent and fight potential infections. Echinacea helps the body to rid itself of microbial infections. It is effective against both bacterial and viral attacks.

Echinacea can be used for any infection anywhere in the body and is especially useful for infections of the upper respiratory tract and conditions of the nose and sinuses.


Astragalus has a very long history as an immune system booster and disease fighter. It works on strengthening and stimulating the immune system. It has the ability to help the body fight off disease due to its antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory capabilities.

Both herbs increase the number and activity of immune cells. Astragalus concentrates on building the immune system whereas echinacea boosts immune system activity and promotes fast recovery. Astragalus is also a valuable herb in the treatment of auto immune disease. It works by decreasing immune hypersensitivity. Further discussion on auto immune disease is discussed below.

What Is Mnires Disease

Current Meniere’s Disease Research

Ménières disease is a chronic disease of the inner ear. It can cause vertigo or dizziness, tinnitus , feeling ear congestion or fullness, and hearing loss. While it usually affects only one ear, it may affect both ears n some people .

A person with Ménières disease may experience sudden dizziness, temporary tinnitus, or muffled hearing. While some people have one single attack of dizziness and none for a long time, others may have attacks closer together within a few days. In some individuals, vertigo can be serious causing so-called drop attacks where the person loses their balance and falls suddenly .

About 600,000 people are diagnosed with Ménières disease in the United States alone with about 45,000-60,000 new cases each year. While most people tend to develop Ménières disease between ages 25 and 50, it can develop at any age. Ménières disease is progressive and can be disabling .

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Chronic Infections & Leaky Gut

Your gut health is connected to everything in your body. Chronic gut infections and leaky gut syndrome can increase inflammation, autoimmune conditions, and chronic symptoms and health issues.

According to a 2018 study looking at urinary levels of mannitol and lactulose and fecal calprotectin in 26 patients with Ménières disease published in the American Journal of Otolaryngology, there may be a connection between intestinal permeability and Meniere disease .

Clinical Evaluation Of Vestibular Neuritis

All patients were hospitalized at the Department of Neurology and received symptomatic treatment for dizziness such as dimenhydrinate, metoclopramide, and diazepam. The video head impulse test was used for all VN patients for recording in each direction of the semi-circular canal . To ensure accuracy and consistency, we defined vHIT gain values < 0.8 in the horizontal canal and < 0.7 in the vertical canal as an abnormal reflex .

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Stages Of Menieres Disease

Menieres disease is often divided into early, middle and late stages. However, the progression of Menieres disease varies between individuals. A sufferer may not necessarily pass through each of the stages and the severity of the symptoms may vary greatly. In general, people experience more attacks during the first few years, and then as the attacks decrease in frequency over time, the hearing loss becomes progressively worse.

Fewer Vertigo Recurrences With Vitamin D Calcium

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Beneficial effect seen in those with subnormal vitamin D

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo recurrence was reduced when subnormal vitamin D levels were supplemented, a randomized trial found.

Among patients with a serum vitamin D level below 20 ng/ml, those who took vitamin D 400 IU and 500 mg of calcium carbonate twice daily for 1 year had a lower annual recurrence rate than those whose vitamin D level was not supplemented, reported Ji-Soo Kim, MD, PhD, of Seoul National University in Korea, and colleagues.

The ARR for the intervention group was 0.83 , compared with 1.10 for the group without supplementation, they wrote in Neurology.

The incidence rate ratio was 0.76 from intention to treat analysis and the number needed to treat was 3.70 .

This study provides Class III evidence that for patients with BPPV, vitamin D and calcium supplementation reduces recurrences of BPPV, Kim and co-authors wrote. Supplementation of vitamin D and calcium may be considered in patients with frequent attacks of BPPV, especially when serum vitamin D is subnormal.

In an accompanying editorial, Robin Bigelow, MD, and John Carey, MD, both of Johns Hopkins University, called the study the best evidence to date in support of vitamin D and calcium supplementation to prevent recurrent BPPV.

Mean corrected vitamin D level was 24 ng/ml. The proportion of patients with recurrence was lower in the intervention than in the observation group .

Paul Smyth, MD, Contributing Writer, BreakingMED

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Food & Environmental Allergies & Sensitivities

Food and environmental allergies and sensitivities may increase inflammation and autoimmune conditions that have been linked to Ménières disease .

According to a 2014 study published in the Current Opinions in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, allergic reactions in the inner ear may trigger Ménières disease and there is a heightened allergic response can be observed in the disease .

Finding The Best And Natural Vertigo Relief

Upper cervical chiropractic has such a significant effect on vertigo relief. This is because it focuses on caring for the topmost vertebrae of the spine, which house the brainstem and spinal cord. Trauma to the head or neck can make these two bones shift out of position, putting pressure on the nerves, resulting in possible malfunction and sending of incorrect signals to the brain. The brain may then get confused, leading to the sensation of vertigo and the symptoms that go with it.

A minor car crash, a serious sports accident, or even just overextending the neck muscles can result in a misalignment. Find an upper cervical chiropractor near you today click this link to book your consultation and plan the proper care for your condition.

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Mnires Disease Conventional Treatment Options

Conventional treatment options for Ménières disease may include :

  • Motion sickness medication and anti-nausea drugs: Motion sickness medication may be used to help vertigo and nausea. Anti-nausea prescriptions may reduce extreme nausea or vomiting.
  • Diuretics: Diuretics may help to control your dizziness by helping to lower fluid retention. Some of these medications may have certain side effects, including headaches, dizziness, thirst, muscle cramps, increased blood sugar, low sodium, and loss of potassium. Talk to your doctor if you experience any of these side-effects while on these medications.
  • Salt-restricted diet: Fluid retention may be associated with excess sodium. A salt-restricted low sodium diet of fewer than 2,000 milligrams is often suggested by doctors.
  • Other dietary and behavioral changes: Some patients may see improvement of symptoms when reducing or completely avoiding caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, and/or smoking.
  • Cognitive therapy: Some people find cognitive therapy effective as it helps them to interpret and react to life experiences differently, reduces anxiety about future and unexpected attacks, and helps them cope better.
  • Hearing aid: Hearing aids may be suggested when one or both ears experience hearing loss. An audiologist can help to find the best available options for you if needed.

What Nutrients Can Benefit Vertigo

Natural Treatment for Meniere’s Disease : Stop dizziness Naturally – VitaLife Show Episode 276
  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D supplementation may improve positional vertigo, especially in those with low vitamin D status.
  • Ginkgo biloba: In a 12-week trial in subjects with vertigo, ginkgo extract daily was more effective and better tolerated than betahistine, a medication sometimes used to treat vertigo related to Ménière disease.
  • Ginger root: Some studies suggest ginger may help relieve vertigo and associated symptoms, such as nausea.
  • Coenzyme Q10 : Patients with congestive heart failure were treated with CoQ10 and 73% of patients with vertigo reported improvement in their vertigo.

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A Boat Ride Or Waterbed Can Cause Dizziness

Its pretty common to experience a rocky, dizzy feeling on your first day back after a cruise, says Carol Foster, MD, director of the balance laboratory at the University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora. For a few people, this feeling, called mal de debarquement, can last for months or even years, says Dr. Foster. Some 75 percent of all sailors can experience such dizzy spells. Airplanes, cars, and trains can also cause a wobbly-legs feeling. Even relaxing on a waterbed can cause dizziness.

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DISCLAIMER: All material available on is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider. All information is observation-only. Our phase IV clinical studies alone cannot establish cause-effect relationship. Different individuals may respond to medication in different ways. Every effort has been made to ensure that all information is accurate, up-to-date, and complete, but no guarantee is made to that effect. The use of the eHealthMe site and its content is at your own risk.

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Mnires Disease: Causes Symptoms & Support Strategies

Ménières disease is a chronic disease of the inner ear characterized by vertigo, dizziness, tinnitus, feeling of fullness in the ear, hearing loss, nausea, vomiting, and digestion issues. While there is no cure for the condition, there are several natural support strategies you can try if you have or at risk of developing Ménières disease.

In this article, you will learn what Ménières disease is. You will understand its symptoms. I will explain the possible connection between Ménières disease and autoimmunity. You will understand the common causes of the disease and the conventional strategies used in treatment. Finally, I will share my top natural support strategies for Ménières disease.

Patients And Study Design


The study was approved by the ethics committee of Hwa Mei Hospital, University of Chinese Academy of Science . The study adhered to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent was obtained from all subjects.

Fasting early-morning venous blood was collected from all subjects. Complete blood cell counts, total serum cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, and cholesterol triglyceride were quantified by standard methods at the laboratory of Hwa Mei Hospital, University of Chinese Academy of Science. Serum 25D was measured using an API3200 liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer/mass spectrometer system . According to the internal standard, the 25D level was classified as normal , insufficient , or deficient .

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