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HomeTakeIs It Healthy To Take Vitamins Everyday

Is It Healthy To Take Vitamins Everyday

Benefits Of Taking Vitamins

The BEST Vitamins to take EVERYDAY for Women

With todays busy and modern lifestyle, it can be challenging to get enough of the nutrients needed by the body from the food you eat. Generally, the body requires a particular amount of minerals and vitamins to function. Every person has a recommended daily amount of all essential vitamins. For instance, the body requires vitamin K for the blood to coagulate and vitamin D to absorb calcium. Some nutrients may also help support bodily functions, like the skins integrity and collagen.

However, one of the things to keep in mind when taking vitamins is that theyre not a replacement for a healthy diet nor for antibiotics and other medicines, but theyre just a supplement to the food you eat. For instance, if you have genital herpes, you should still be taking the necessary antibiotics and pair it with the right supplement, like Luminance RED. This is because a proper diet combined with taking the right vitamins and supplements regularly is necessary to effectively manage herpes.

Below are some of the many benefits of taking vitamins:

1. Promotes Healthy Aging

As much as you want to stay young forever, nobody is exempted from aging. And, the older you get, the more youll need to care for your physical health. Unfortunately, as you age, it becomes harder for the body to absorb the much-needed nutrients and particular medications may drain nutrients further.

2. Reduces Anxiety and Stress

3. Boosts Your Cardiovascular Health

4. Covers Your Nutritional Bases

Should Everyone Stop Vitamin D

It’s important to put this new study into context. It didn’t look at babies and children under 5, so does nothing to undermine the current Public Health England guidance that they, along with pregnant women, should take a daily supplement. People who are at risk of vitamin D deficiency because they cover up for religious reasons or don’t get outside at all should also continue to take supplementation.

In addition, this study was only looking at the impact of vitamin D on bone health. In recent years, we’ve discovered that vitamin D regulates at least 1,000 genes in the body – affecting blood vessels, immune system, muscle strength and more. Tiredness and muscle pains are the most common symptoms, but low levels have been linked to an increased risk of depression, heart disease and even multiple sclerosis.

As yet, there haven’t been any large scale studies looking at whether taking a vitamin D supplement, if you’re at risk of deficiency, protects against any of these. But vitamin D at the recommended levels doesn’t appear to have any adverse side effects: so if Vitamin D supplements does offer any protection at all, the risk: benefit ratio is likely to come down in favour of taking them.

Do Multivitamins Work The Surprising Truth

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Multivitamins and multiminerals are the most commonly used supplements in the world.

Their popularity has increased rapidly in the past few decades .

Some people believe that multivitamins can improve health, compensate for poor eating habits, and even reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases.

This article examines the scientific evidence behind multivitamins.

3 ).

Given that theres no standard for what constitutes a multivitamin, their nutrient composition varies by brand and product (

Multivitamins are also referred to as multis, multiples, or simply vitamins.

Theyre available in many forms, including tablets, capsules, chewable gummies, powders, and liquids.

Most multivitamins should be taken once or twice per day. Make sure to read the label and follow the recommended dosage instructions.

Multivitamins are available in pharmacies, large discount stores, and supermarkets, as well as online.


Thirteen vitamins and about 15 minerals are essential to your health .

Many produce enzymes and hormones, boost your immunity, and keep your nerves and organs functioning properly .

Your body also needs these nutrients for reproduction, maintenance, growth, and the regulation of bodily processes.

7 ).

The evidence regarding multivitamin use and cancer risk is also mixed.


Don’t Miss: What Foods Produce Vitamin B12

Sometimes Supplements Are Needed

Supplements do have a role to play for some groups of people. For instance, people on long-term restrictive weight loss diets or people with malabsorption problems, such as diarrhoea, coeliac disease, cystic fibrosis or pancreatitis, can benefit from supplements.

Folic acid supplements are strongly recommended for women planning a pregnancy to reduce the risk having a baby with neural tube defects, like spina bifida. Also, people who follow vegan diets, especially if pregnant, may benefit from vitamin B12 supplements.

People who are advised by their doctor that they need to take vitamin supplements are encouraged to consult an accredited dietitian, who can work with their doctor to provide dietary advice related to the persons situation.

If you need to take a supplement, it is best to take multivitamins at the recommended dietary level, rather than single nutrient supplements or high-dose multivitamins.

Do You Need To Take Daily Vitamins

BetterYou Boost B12 daily Oral Spray 25ml

Vitamins and minerals are essential to your health. They plan an important role in how your body functions, such as helping your body convert the food you eat into energy. i Do you need to take a multivitamin or dietary supplement in order to get the vitamins and nutrients you need? That depends on your dietary intake and medical history. According to the FDA, most people can get the vitamins they need through the foods they eat.ii However, multivitamins can play a vital role when nutritional requirements cannot be met with food alone. For example, your doctor might recommend you take a multivitamin if you follow a restrictive diet, such as a vegan diet.iii And sometimes, we know how we should eat, but we dont always eat as we shouldthis is situation in which a daily vitamin might be helpful. Another factor to consider is age. Sometimes, older adults need more vitamins and minerals than younger adults too, so a dietary supplement might be a desirable option. Some examples of vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial to older adults include:iv

Calcium, which helps support bone health Vitamin D, as our bodies may be less efficient at making vitamin D as we get older Vitamin B12, since our bodies may have a harder time absorbing this vitamin from food as we get older

The bottom line: older adults can get vitamins or nutrients through their diet. However, if you feel you could benefit from taking a daily vitamin, consult your doctor.

Recommended Reading: How Much Vitamin D Should An Adult Take

If You’re Vegan Or Vegetarian You Could Fill In The Gaps Of Your Diet When You Take A Multivitamin Every Day

Plant-based diets are becoming increasingly popular, according to Forbes, but with that can come some nutrition issues. “Veganism and certain forms of vegetarianism put people at risk of nutrient deficiencies in protein, B12, vitamin D, EPA, DHA, iron, zinc, and calcium,” registered dietitian Amanda A. Kostro Miller explained to The List.

For example, vitamin D is an essential nutrient that helps keep the body healthy, but it’s mostly found in animal products like eggs, fatty fish, liver, and fortified dairy products and you won’t find those on the vegan menu, noted Kostro Miller. “Most of the foods mentioned are off limits in a plant-sourced diet,” she continued. And while you can get some vitamin D from the sun, the risk of skin cancer that comes with UV exposure can hamper the benefits sunlight provides.

Fortunately, if you take a multivitamin every day, you can fill in the gaps, ensuring that you have all you need to be nourished.

Best Supplements Vs Worst Supplements

I recommend avoiding all synthetic supplements and seeking out the higher-quality, whole food-based supplements. Check the ingredient label and skip supplements that contain ingredients like artificial coloring, titanium dioxide, soy lecithin, BHT, maltodextrin, talc, hydrogenated oils, high doses of caffeine or aconite.

Precautions When Taking Supplements:

Some supplements contain active ingredients that can have strong and/or negative effects on the body. Supplements are most likely to cause side effects when when they are taken in high doses, in combinations or with prescribed medicines. Remember that supplements are not drugs, and they shouldnt be used to treat, diagnose, mitigate, prevent or cure diseases.

Some supplements can interact with prescription drugs in ways that might cause problems or make the drugs less effective. This means that you shouldnt take supplements in place of, or in combination with, prescribed medications without talking to your doctor first.

Be especially careful about taking new supplements if youre taking medications like blood thinners, antidepressants, birth control pills or chemotherapy drugs to treat cancer. Many supplements have not been well-tested for safety in pregnant women, nursing mothers or children, so if this applies to you be extra cautious.

Recommended Reading: Which Nutritional Class Absorbs Vitamins And Sustains The Immune System

In Moderation Most Wont Hurt Youand Yes Some Might Help

That being said, Kitchin does believe that a multivitamin can help make up for some deficiencies in a persons diet, especially if they avoid certain food groups like meat or dairy. She also recommends calcium and vitamin D supplements to some of her patients who are at risk of osteoporosis, but I always look at their diet first before prescribing them, she says.

Kitchin takes a daily multivitamin herself, but she actually only takes half a dose . I like to give myself a little extra insurance without overdoing it, she says.

She tells her patients that, if they choose to take a multivitamin, to look for one with no more than 100% of the daily value for any one nutrientand not to spend a lot of money, either. Theres no strong evidence that it will help you, but as long as you keep the dose reasonable, its also not going to hurt you, she says.

Dr. Jenkins agrees that, when taken in moderation, most vitamin and mineral supplements wont cause harm. He also stresses that his recent study only looked at cardiovascular problems and early death, and that supplements may still have benefits in other areas.

We didnt look at overall health, we didnt look at whether people got beautiful hair or skin, or whether your bones got stronger, he says. Im not going to say that some supplements cant be good for you in those ways.

RELATED: 15 Foods That Are High in Vitamin B12

You Give Your Heart A Boost

What vitamins should people take every day?

Our heart: It keeps beating with each and every passing year, and yet, many people don’t have excellent cardiovascular health. Dr. Axe says this organ should be top of mind and high priority since it affects so much of our overall well-being. “Of course, eating a heart-healthy diet and following a heart-healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, are primary. But finding a multivitamin that also helps to support heart health can be beneficial,” he explains.

When you’re deciding on what brand to select, Dr. Axe recommends looking for those that have vitamin D3, vitamin K2, folate, and vitamin B12 since they all support cardiovascular health.

Also Check: How To Get Vitamin D To Absorb Better

Daily Supplements For Ideal Health

15 February, 2021

The world of natural supplements is very extensive and varied. Therefore, we should get to know them a little and consult with our family doctor before deciding to incorporate any of them into our diet.

Although they seem to beneficial all around, in reality, we must be cautious with them because they can cause interactions and, consequently, adverse reactions.

Below, well discuss which natural supplements are usually considered necessary for good health.

Why Take A Supplement

Speaking with our experts, we found that they agree there are plenty of groups of people who could benefit from a supplement regimen. “With a huge increase in chronic disease and ill health, medication use, and poor dietary choices, we are seeing many individuals lacking basic nutrition from food,” says nutritionist Amanda Henham of Vaga Nutrition. “Therefore a need to supplement while implementing small and incremental healthy changes may be required.”

Dr. Scott Schreiber, a rehabilitation specialist, explains to his patients that it may not be possible to receive all our vitamins from food because of the soil they’re grown in. “With the current state of our soil, I recommend a combination of organic whole foods and a daily multivitamin supplement.” Registered dietitian Danielle Omar agrees. “Farmland soil is depleted of important vitamins and trace minerals, and our food sometimes travels thousands of miles to reach us,” she says. “So once that kale reaches your dinner table, it may be well over a week old and vital nutrients are quickly dissipating.”

The following slides provide details on certain crucial vitamins you need to consume every day. After you get through the list of vitamins, keep reading! We’ll answer some burning questions about which foods to eat to get certain vitamins, as well as why sometimes food isn’t enough.

Read Also: When To Use Vitamin C And Retinol

When Is The Best Time To Take Vitamin D And Other Fat

Fat-soluble vitamins require fat for your body to absorb them. They include:

For maximum absorption, the best time to take vitamin D and other fat-soluble vitamins is after youve eaten foods that contain fat. And you dont need much: Dr. Perez-Gallardo says even small amounts of low- or whole-fat milk or yogurt will do the trick. So will eating food cooked with oil.

What Is Considered A Supplement

4 Things You Need To Know Before Taking Vitamins and ...

According to the National Institute of Health, dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbals and botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and many other products. Today, more supplements than ever before in history are available in health food stores, drug stores, pharmacies and online in a variety of forms, including tablets, capsules, tinctures, powders, gummies, drinks and more.

Some of the most widely consumed supplements include multivitamins vitamins D and E minerals like calcium and iron herbs, such as turmeric, echinacea and garlic glucosamine probiotics omega-3 fish oils and protein powders.

Also Check: What Does Vitamin A And D Do

Vitamins And Minerals For Older Adults

Vitamins help your body grow and work the way it should. There are 13 essential vitamins vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and the B vitamins .

Vitamins have different jobs to help keep the body working properly. Some vitamins help you resist infections and keep your nerves healthy, while others may help your body get energy from food or help your blood clot properly. By following the Dietary Guidelines, you will get enough of most of these vitamins from food.

Like vitamins, minerals also help your body function. Minerals are elements that our bodies need to function that can be found on the earth and in foods. Some minerals, like iodine and fluoride, are only needed in very small quantities. Others, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, are needed in larger amounts. As with vitamins, if you eat a varied diet, you will probably get enough of most minerals.

St Johns Wort: Avoid Drug Interactions

St. Johns wort is a plant used as a tea or in capsules to treat mild depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. Small studies have shown St. Johns wort to be effective at treating mild depression. For example, a review published March 2017 in the Journal of Affective Disorders looked at of 27 clinical trials with a total of 3,808 patients and concluded that the herbal remedy worked as well as certain antidepressants at decreasing symptoms of mild to moderate depression.

But, says Denise Millstine, MD, an internist in the department of integrative medicine at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona, The biggest issue with St. Johns wort is its medication interactions.

A study published in July 2014 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that 28 percent of the time St. Johns wort was prescribed between 1993 and 2010, it was administered in dangerous combinations with antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication, statins, the blood-thinning drug warfarin, or oral contraceptives. For example, combining St. Johns wort with an antidepressant can cause serious complications, including a life-threatening increase in the brain chemical serotonin, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

Also Check: What Is The Most Bioavailable Form Of Vitamin C

When Is The Best Time To Take Multivitamins

Multivitamins can be trickier: They often contain both water- and fat-soluble vitamins. The best time to take a multivitamin is with food so any fat can help with absorption. You can also drink a water-based beverage to wash it all down, notes Dr. Perez-Gallardo. But the drawback is that your body wont absorb the water-soluble vitamins as well as fat-soluble ones.

The reverse is true when you take a multivitamin on an empty stomach with water your body cant properly absorb the fat-soluble vitamins. You could also end up with an upset stomach. So for full absorption, Dr. Perez-Gallardo recommends taking water- and fat-soluble vitamins separately.

Is It Possible To Take Too Many Vitamins

Taking These 3 Supplements Daily Can Change Your Life For Good

Celebrity chef Giada De Laurentiis says she takes 20 pills a day. Here’s why that may not be such a good ideafor your wallet or your health.

In an ideal world, wed all eat a perfectly balanced diet every day, getting 100% of the vitamins and minerals we need from fresh, tasty, and home-cooked foods. In real life, however, that rarely happens. Thats where supplements come intheoretically, at least.

For decades, we were taught that vitamins and minerals in pill form could help make up for deficiencies in the typical American diet, or provide health and energy boosts that food alone couldnt. In recent years, however, many scientists have changed their tunes, as study after study shows no evidence that most popular supplements have any real health benefits.

That hasnt stopped the industry from booming, however. Americans spend more than $30 billion a year on supplements, and more than half of adults have taken a supplement in the past 30 days, according to a 2016 study in JAMA. Many of them regularly take more than one, and some go to extremes: Celebrity chef Giada De Laurentiis recently told The Cut that she takes 20 pills a day on the advice of her acupuncturist10 in the morning and 10 in the evening.

But will all those supplements actually do you any good? And more importantly, is it possible to take too many vitamins? We posed those questions to health and nutrition experts, and dug into the latest research. Heres what we learned.

Don’t Miss: How Much Vitamin D Does An Adult Need


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