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HomeIs Vitamin C The Same As Calcium

Is Vitamin C The Same As Calcium

Special Precautions & Warnings

Basic Nursing” VITAMIN C:CALCIUM/ASCORBIC ACID”calcium rich Foods

Pregnancy and breast-feedingLIKELY SAFEPOSSIBLY UNSAFE

Infants and children: Vitamin C is LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth appropriately. Vitamin C is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in amounts higher than 400 mg daily for children 1 to 3 years, 650 mg daily for children 4 to 8 years, 1200 mg daily for children 9 to 13 years, and 1800 mg daily for adolescents 14 to 18 years.

Alcoholism: Alcohol intake can cause the body to excrete vitamin C in the urine. People who regularly use alcohol, especially those who have other illnesses, often have vitamin C deficiency. These people might need to be treated for a longer time than normal to restore vitamin C levels to normal.

Alzheimer’s disease: Taking vitamin C along with vitamin E and alpha-lipoic acid might worsen mental function in people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Angioplasty, a heart procedure: Avoid taking supplements containing vitamin C or other antioxidant vitamins immediately before and following angioplasty without the supervision of a health care professional. These vitamins seem to interfere with proper healing.

Cancer: Cancerous cells collect high concentrations of vitamin C. Until more is known, only use high doses of vitamin C under the direction of your oncologist.

A metabolic deficiency called “glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase” deficiency: Large amounts of vitamin C can cause red blood cells to break in people with this condition. Avoid excessive amounts of vitamin C.

How Much Vitamin C Do You Need

The Reference Daily Intake is considered the daily dietary intake level of a nutrient considered to meet the requirements of 9798% of healthy individuals in each gender group and life stage.

For vitamin C, the following levels are recommended:

120 mg
Smokers An additional 35 mg/d is recommended for smokers as many toxic compounds in cigarette smoke rapidly deplete vitamin C.

What Is Vitamin D

Vitamin D is another vital nutrient in building strong bones and teeth. Vitamin D facilitates Calcium absorption to the body. What this means is no matter how rich in Calcium your diet is, if Vitamin D is not present to absorb Calcium, it will be difficult to have strong bones and teeth. But Vitamin D can be synthesized by our skin by absorbing the UVB rays in sunlight. This is an unreliable method to ensure we are getting enough Vitamin D because it may differ with geographical location, season, latitude, etc. Further, the use of sunscreen blocks the UVB rays and prevents this natural synthesis of Vitamin D to a greater extent. Vitamin D can be supplemented through fatty fish like salmon or tuna, or direct supplements in the forms Vitamin D2 or Vitamin D3. The recommended daily dose is about 400 IU .

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How Much Vitamin C Should I Aim For And What Foods Should I Focus On

Foods rich in vitamin C can be found in vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, spinach, and tomatoes fruits like citrus and strawberries and juices like citrus juice and tomato juice. To better help you understand how much vitamin C you should be getting and how much of it is in certain foods, see the tables below.

Recommended Dietary Allowances for Vitamin C

Institute of Medicine. Food and Nutrition Board. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Carotenoids. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2000.

Vitamin C Calcium And Bone Health

Ascorbic Acid and Its Uses

Both vitamin C and calcium play important roles in building, maintaining, and preventing the break down of bone. While calcium helps to form bones and may play a role in preventing osteoporosis, vitamin Cs role in collagen production makes it essential to the repair and maintenance of your bones and teeth.

Collagen also helps to build, repair and maintain your skin, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments, all of which are important to the healthy functioning of your bones. This means that taking calcium and vitamin C together might be the best way to build and maintain healthy bones.

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Food Sources Of Vitamin A

There are different compounds with vitamin A activity in animal foods) and plant foods. Plant foods can be easy to spot as they tend to have orange/yellow pigment known as beta-carotene.

Plant sources include:

Animal sources include:

  • some fortified milk and milk products

What Is Ester C

Ester-C is an innovative patented form of vitamin C supplement formula, and chemically it is known as Calcium Ascorbate. The industrial production process involves buffering of L-ascorbic acid with a calcium salt. This form of vitamin C is having higher bioavailability because it is also combined with naturally-occurring vitamin C metabolites. As a result, the human gut can efficiently assimilate a higher percentage of ester C when compared to natural ascorbic acid. Ester C is a non-acidic product, and its pH is equal to 7. Biologically, both vitamin C and ester C are involved in the same functions. The production of ester C may include heating up the ascorbic acid which leads to the production of dehydro-ascorbate . DHA is a strong antiviral compound, and it can enter into the mitochondrial membrane which can protect from mitochondrial dysfunctions. DHA can also enter through the GLUT transporters and transform into ascorbate in the brain for normal functioning as well as to protect the neuronal tissue from ischemic stroke.

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Biological Function Of Vitamin D And Calcium

Vitamin D: Vitamin D regulates the concentration of Magnesium, Calcium, and Phosphate and promotes the healthy bone system. It has a neuromuscular, immune and anti-inflammatory function. It influences cell growth.

Calcium: In the cells Calcium plays an important role in signal transduction pathways, neurons neurotransmitter release, muscle contraction, fertilization. It is a cofactor for many enzymes. Outside the cells Calcium is important for the proper bone formation and for the maintenance of the potential difference across the cell membranes. Calcium is vital to the health of the circulatory, muscular, and digestive systems. It is compulsory for the building of the bone system, supports function and synthesis of the blood cells.

Best Food Sources Of Vitamin C

Calcium Ascorbate ( Type of Vit. C )

Youll find that the top vitamin C food sources are all plant foods. While citrus food may be the most common association, there are a whole host of excellent sources of vitamin C.

Acerola Cherry, also known as Barbados cherry, is one of the highest food sources of vitamin C. One cup provides a whopping 1,644 mg! But this berry is most commonly found in supplement form because it decomposes within five days of harvest!

The following are the top food of vitamin C:

  • Ascorbyl palmitate

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What Is Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an organic compound having the chemical formula C6H8O6. The molar mass of this compound is 176.12 g/mol. The melting point and boiling points are 190 °C and 553 °C respectively. This vitamin occurs in certain foods, and we can use it as a dietary supplement as well. The terms Ascorbic acid and L-Ascorbic acid are synonyms for this compound though they are slightly different from each other. Moreover, it is an essential nutrient for us because it can repair tissues in our body and can lead to the enzymatic production of some neurotransmitters. More importantly, it is an antioxidant.

The natural sources of this vitamin are fruits such as citrus fruits, kiwifruit, strawberries and other food such as broccoli, raw bell pepper, etc. However, longer storage or cooking can destroy the vitamin C in food. The deficiency of this vitamin may cause the Scurvy disease. This disease occurs when the collagen that our body produces is unable to function properly without vitamin C.

Figure 01: Citrus Fruits as a Source of Vitamin C

This vitamin is available in both natural and synthetic forms. We call the purest form of vitamin C as ascorbic acid. Most of the times, the purest forms are made in laboratories. The natural forms are in combination with other components. Therefore, we need to refine and process the food in order to get the vitamin out of the food.

What Does The Department Of Health And Social Care Advise

You should be able to get all the vitamin C you need by eating a varied and balanced diet.

If you take vitamin C supplements, do not take too much as this could be harmful.

Taking less than 1,000mg of vitamin C supplements a day is unlikely to cause any harm.

Page last reviewed: 03 August 2020 Next review due: 03 August 2023

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What Is The Connection Between Vitamin C And Calcium

The relationship between vitamin C and calcium is an important one. Vitamin C can support calcium absorption, but too much can have a detrimental effect on calcium stores. Finding the right balance between this vitamin and mineral can be a step in the right direction for people who want to increase calcium absorption, protect themselves against tissue calcification, prevent diseases and get the most out of their supplements.

Vitamin C can positively effect the way calcium is metabolized in the body. For many people who take calcium supplements, overload is a concern. Significant amounts of vitamin C intake can help protect against the calcification of soft tissue and add to the solubility of calcium. High levels of calcium in the body can also contribute to low stomach acids, so taking extra vitamin C can support the digestion process.

Some healthcare professionals recommend taking vitamin C with calcium. The vitamin can be ingested in the form of a supplement or in foods that are rich in it, such as oranges. Supplements can provide higher doses, but the vitamin C found in foods might be able to be better assimilated into the body.

Is It Ok To Take All Your Vitamins At Once

Is calcium carbonate the same as vitamin c, is calcium ...

You canbut its probably not a good idea. For some supplements, optimal absorption can depend on the time of day taken. Not only thattaking certain vitamins, minerals, or other supplements together can also reduce absorption and may result in adverse interactions, which can be harmful to your health.

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Calcium Ascorbate Vs Ascorbic Acid

The difference between calcium ascorbate and ascorbic acid is the presence or absence of the calcium component. Ascorbic acid consists of 100% vitamin C provided in different concentrations.

On the other hand, calcium ascorbate contains both vitamin C and calcium together to have a dual-action without ingesting way too many pills. Actually, the composition of calcium ascorbate is generally 90-110mg of calcium in addition to 890-910mg of vitamin C.

Are Vitamin C Rdis Inadequate

RDIs for vitamin Cwase set back in 1996 using healthy volunteers. But researchers arent convinced theyre on par with the actual optimal intake, which many believe to be much higher.

Vitamin C gets used up much quicker during periods of acute illness, as well as chronic inflammation. Chronic, low-grade inflammation, which affects the majority of people over the age of 50, also plays a major role in osteoporosis. This further indicates that the RDI provides less than optimal support for healthy bones. The tolerable upper limit for vitamin C is 3,000 mg/d, but the research evidence suggests that intakes up to 4,000 mg/d are well tolerated in the general population.

Recent studies show between 1017% of the US population is vitamin C deficient. This isnt surprising given the number of very common factors that increase our risk of vitamin C deficiency, which well learn more about in the next section.

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Whats The Best Vitamin C Supplement

Cold and flu season is upon us and stocking up on a good vitamin C supplement is one way thats believed to keep sickness at bay.

Vitamin C is best known for boosting the immune system, but its also a powerful antioxidant with many other benefits, including fighting inflammation.

Your body doesnt produce vitamin C on its own, so if youre not getting enough vitamin C through your diet, youll want to consider a supplement. This shopping guide will help you navigate through all the types of vitamin C available and includes a few reviews at the end. Our top pick is HUM Nutrition Air Patrol, a vegan vitamin that features added bioflavonoids for increased absorption.

Considerations when choosing vitamin C supplements

Types of vitamin C

Vitamin C comes either in a pure form or bound to minerals to create an “ascorbate” form. The following are the most common types of vitamin C supplements:

Ascorbic acid: Also called L-ascorbic and L-ascorbate, ascorbic acid is vitamin C in its purest form. It’s the most bioavailable form, meaning it is readily absorbed by the body through the bloodstream.

Sodium ascorbate: Pure ascorbic acid can be too acidic for some people’s stomach . If this is the case, opt for ascorbic acid that is attached to a sodium molecule, which minimizes the acidity. Be aware that sodium ascorbate forms of vitamin C will raise your levels of sodium if you’re watching your salt intake.



Q. What’s the recommended dosage of vitamin C?

How Much Vitamin D And Calcium Do You Need


The Endocrine Society and The Institute of Medicine have suggested recommended daily allowances for vitamin D and calcium, as well as maximum daily consumption amounts that you should not exceed for your safety:


The recommendations come with two precautions:

  • Some people may need more than the RDA if they are:

  • Obese

  • Taking anticonvulsant medications, glucocorticoids, antifungals such as ketoconazole or medications for AIDS

  • Taking too much of either nutrient appears to be harmful, with:

  • Kidney stones associated with too much calcium from supplements

  • Very high levels of vitamin D potentially causing kidney and tissue damage

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Food Sources Of Iodine

We only need a very small amount of iodine in our diet. Iodine is found naturally in foods such as:

  • dairy products
  • eggs
  • some vegetables.

Iodine can also be found in iodised salt. All bought breads in Australia are fortified with iodised salt.

You are likely to be getting enough iodine through your diet. However, if you are deficient and need to take a supplement, be guided by your doctor. Too much iodine can be harmful, especially if you have an underlying thyroid disorder.

Difference Between Vitamin C And Ascorbic Acid

August 19, 2018 Posted by Madhu

The key difference between vitamin C and ascorbic acid is that the ascorbic acid is the term that we use to name the purest form of vitamin C.

Ascorbic acid is the chemical name of vitamin C. However, vitamin C always is not ascorbic acid, though many people use these terms interchangeably. It is because we can find vitamin C either naturally or synthetically, and these two forms may not be as pure as ascorbic acid. After all, both these terms name the same chemical compound, but the application of the term differs according to the purity of the compound.

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Which Vitamins Cannot Be Taken Together

Vitamins & Supplements You Should Not Take Together

  • Magnesium and calcium/multivitamin. Many people like to take magnesium in the evening, as it can promote a sense of calm and supports muscle relaxation.
  • Vitamins D, E and K.
  • Fish Oil & Gingko Biloba.

Life Extension Buffered Vitamin C Powder

Remembering To Take Your Prenatal Vitamins

Some people find that taking ascorbic acid irritates their stomach. Buffered vitamin C is a less acidic form of the nutrient, which may help reduce adverse effects.

One serving of this powder provides 4,000 mg of vitamin C. This dose is very high twice that of the upper limit that the NIH recommends.

However, as this product comes in a powder, people can lower the dose to a more moderate level by using smaller amounts of powder.

Life Extension is also NSF and GMP certified and produces a Certificate of Analysis for every product it makes.

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Are Calcium And Vitamin C The Same

Absolutely not. Calcium and vitamin C are two elements of our daily diet that have no relation with each other whatsoever. First of all, vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a compound of atoms, mainly carbon and hydrogen. It can be derived from various sources for its countless benefits.

For instance, it helps with healthy growth as it reduces inflammation all over the body while working as an antioxidant, upsetting the action of free radicals, which helps with immunity. Furthermore, vitamin C helps with both cardiac and brain circulation, as it boosts blood flow.

On the other side of the spectrum, calcium is present around us as a metal. Nevertheless, when we consume it, we take it in the form of a mineral as it loses an atom.

Calcium serves different purposes in the human body, mainly revolving around the growth and regeneration of bones and teeth. Its also vital for the balance of other minerals and the balance of your circulation.


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