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HomeTakeHow Much Vitamin C Should A Child Take

How Much Vitamin C Should A Child Take

How Much Vitamin C Should You Take

How much vitamin C should I take with collagen?

Vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient with many vital functions in your body.

It helps strengthen your immune system, aids collagen production and wound healing, and acts as an antioxidant to protect your cells from free radical damage .

Vitamin C is also known as L-ascorbic acid, or simply ascorbic acid.

Unlike other animals, humans cannot synthesize vitamin C on their own. Therefore, you must get enough of it from foods or supplements to maintain good health (

Recommended Dose Vitamin D

Moreover, the infants who are obese, dark skin, the one rarely of outside, or the one wear clothing that covers heir skin. They need a supplement diet to ensure they have level vitamin D in the body. Well, some of the medications interfere with vitamin to make sure that your kids pediatrician knows all the medicines they intake usually.

  • Firstly, there are risks if the kid overdoses vitamin D for the supplement and food.
  • It raises the chance of developing kidney stones in children.
  • Parents need to calculate the amount of fortified milk given to the kids.
  • Other food and vitamin supplement must be in the proper amount.
  • The infants need to take 1,000 to 1,500 IU a day for infants.
  • Children of 1 to 8 years old must consume 2,500 to 3,000 IU a day.
  • Infants over 9 years older must take 4,000 IU a day.
  • Hence, in this way, you will come to serve your kid a good amount of Vitamin D. Because it will also be very beneficial in supporting good nervous system health, strengthens defenses against infections, and can improve lung and heart health in every aged person. As per the study shows that good vitamin D supplements can prevent the risk of diabetes, strengthening bones and preventing rickets as well.

    Can Kids Get Too Much Vitamin C

    Overdose is Possible, But Unlikely. While its highly unlikely, a child can receive an overdose of vitamin C if she takes a megadose of a vitamin supplement that greatly exceeds the tolerable upper intake level for her age. An overdose can result in illness symptoms, but it is not toxic and does not require emergency care.

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    Vitamin D3 Dose For Children

    Vitamin D can be found in foods such as fatty fish, eggs and fortified milk and orange juice. Most of the vitamin D that people get is manufactured in the skin after exposure to the sun. Due to concerns about skin cancer, your child may not spend very much time in the sun. If his diet is not providing him with adequate levels of vitamin D, a vitamin D3 supplement may help raise his levels. Before giving your child any supplement or vitamin, talk to a pediatrician for advice.

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    What Is Vitamin C Used For

    How much vitamin c should eat in hindi

    The one condition vitamin C can definitely treat is vitamin C deficiency. According to research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , an estimated 7.1% of the U.S. population can be classified as being vitamin C deficient. Those with a severe dietary deficiency of vitamin C can develop scurvy, characterized by bruising, bleeding gums, weakness, fatigue, and rash.

    Outside of a known deficiency, vitamin C is believed by some to aid in the treatment or prevention of numerous diseases, including colds, asthma, bronchitis, cancer, chronic pain, cataracts, gastritis, glaucoma, heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and Parkinson’s disease.

    Although the evidence supporting these claims is generally weak, there have been several promising findings in recent years.

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    Do Kids Have Different Nutrient Needs Than Adults

    Kids need the same nutrients as adults but usually require smaller amounts.

    As children grow, its vital for them to get adequate amounts of nutrients that help build strong bones, such as calcium and vitamin D .

    Moreover, iron, zinc, iodine, choline, and vitamins A, B6 , B12, and D are crucial for brain development in early life .

    Thus, although kids may need smaller amounts of vitamins and minerals than adults do, they still need to get enough of these nutrients for proper growth and development.


    Kids usually need smaller amounts of vitamins and minerals than adults. Nutrients that help build bones and promote brain development are especially significant in childhood.

    How Vitamin C Helps Your Body

    Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a vitamin found in many common foods like citrus fruits, apples, berries, potatoes and peppers. Its also readily available as a dietary supplement.

    Vitamin C is important so your body can form:

    • Collagen, blood vessels, cartilage and muscle. This helps to maintain many body tissues, including your skin. It also aids with connective tissue repair and wound healing according to one study.
    • Neurotransmitters, the chemicals that are important for signaling in the nervous system.
    • Carnitine, a chemical that supports the transport and breakdown of fatty acids to generate energy.
    • Healthy bones and teeth, which are super important during your childs formative years.

    But one of best known functions, of course, is its role in supporting the bodys immune system. Because vitamin C is an antioxidant and vital to maintaining overall health, it actually can help boost your little ones immune system if they have the sniffles, says Dr. Radhakrishnan. Antioxidants help reduce damage to cells from free radicals in the body. Vitamin C is also highly concentrated in immune cells, which suggests that its an immune-boosting agent.

    Your childs growing body cant produce vitamin C on its own. So as a parent, you have to ensure that your child eats a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables every day sometimes easier said than done! Plant sources, including tomatoes, peppers, broccoli and kiwi, are the best sources of vitamin C.

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    How Much Vitamin C Should A Child Take

    4.3/5Childrenshouldvitamin CChildrenshould

    Each dosage contains 1,000 mg of Vitamin C . In both children and adults, absorption of Vitamin C is best at low dosages: You can absorb up to 90 percent of a moderate dosage, while up to 50 percent of a dose higher than 1,000 mg is not absorbed.

    Also, how many mg of vitamin C should a child take? Continued

    Category Tolerable Upper Intake Levels of Vitamin C
    1-3 years

    Subsequently, question is, how much vitamin C should a 12 year old take?

    Life Stage
    45 mg

    How much vitamin C should a 11 year old take?

    The RDA for vitamin C is 45120 mg depending on your age and sex. Vitamin C supplements should meet the RDA and stay well below the established UL 400 for young children, 1,200 mg for kids aged 913, 1,800 mg for teens, and 2,000 mg for adults.

    Signs Of A Deficiency

    How much Vitamin C should I take

    Signs that may indicate a deficiency of vitamin C include:

    • Fatigue
    • Poor wound healing and bruising
    • Thick patchy skin
    • Changes in mood

    Although very rare in developed countries like the United States, a chronic deficiency of vitamin C leads to scurvy, which can be fatal.

    Read more:Disadvantages of Vitamin C

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    What To Look For

    Not all vitamin C supplements are created equal. To better ensure quality and safety, choose supplements that have been tested and certified by an independent certifying body, such as the U.S. Pharmacopeia, ConsumerLab, or NSF International.

    Also, be aware that there are different types of vitamin C, including L-ascorbic acid and others that combine ascorbic acid with minerals , citrus bioflavonoids, or rose hips. None is considered better or more effective than the other for dietary use.

    If anything, you can save money by choosing a “plain” L-ascorbic acid supplement and avoiding all of the other non-essential add-ins. The best way to get vitamin D is from foods that contain it.

    What Does Vitamin C Do

    Vitamin C has many roles when it comes to promoting health, such as:

    • Acting as an antioxidant, helping protect against free radical damage and slowing the effects of aging.
    • Counteracting the negative effects of sun damage, cigarette smoke, air pollution and other environmental stressors.
    • Supporting the immune system to protect against illnesses.
    • Helping form collagen and maintain connective tissue, including the skin, bones, joints and blood vessels.
    • Supporting eye health/vision and potentially reducing the risk for cataracts.
    • Helping reduce the risk of certain types of cancers and cardiovascular disease.
    • Facilitating absorption of iron.

    Certain people can benefit from getting even higher amounts of vitamin C than the general population, including those who:

    • smoke or around secondhand smoke
    • people who eat a poor diet lacking vegetables and fruits
    • those with medical conditions, such as severe malabsorption, cancer and kidney disease

    Researchers shows that vitamin C deficiency symptoms most often affects those with severe malnourishment, drug and alcohol abusers, or those living in poverty.

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    Vitamin C For Kids: Why Do They Need It And What’s The Dosage

    Children need 25mg to 45mg vitamin C every day, depending on their age. When your child takes the vitamin in the right amount, it improves their immunity and propels their growth.

    Is your child getting adequate vitamin C every day? What would happen in the case of deficiency and how can you increase its consumption?

    MomJunction answers these questions and also tells you more about vitamin C for kids. Read on.

    Are Some Vitamin C Supplements Better Than Others

    How Much Vitamin C Should I Take To Boost My Immune System ...

    Most vitamin C supplements contain synthetic vitamin C, which is made in a laboratory using a variety of different processes. This is the cheapest way of making vitamin C and there is no evidence to suggest that synthetic supplements are less effective than other forms of vitamin C at correcting a vitamin C deficiency.

    More expensive vitamin C products often use whole foods however, there may be some degradation in the vitamin C content during the production process, because vitamin C is not heat stable and degrades with time. Whole food supplements have the advantage that they include other factors, naturally present in foods, such as rutin, bioflavonoids, and other factors that potentially could aid absorption and utilization of vitamin C within our bodies.

    Studies have been conflicting that have investigated if there is actually any difference in absorption between different forms of vitamin C, for example, synthetic vitamin C, Ester-C®, or vitamin C with bioflavonoids. Although one study showed higher vitamin C concentrations in leukocytes with Ester C®, others did not.

    Most organizations conclude that simple ascorbic acid is the preferred source of supplemental vitamin C.

  • Carr AC, Maggini S. Vitamin C, and Immune Function. Nutrients. 2017 9:1211. Published 2017 Nov 3. doi:10.3390/nu9111211
  • Vitamin C. Fact Sheet for Health Professionals. National Institutes of Health. Office of Dietary Supplements.
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    Vitamin And Mineral Deficiencies

    If your child isnt getting enough vitamins or minerals over a period of time, this is often called a deficiency.

    Vitamin deficiencies These are the most common vitamin deficiencies in Australian children:

    • Vitamin D: vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets and bone disease.
    • Vitamin B12: vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to a form of anaemia. Families eating a vegan diet can find it hard to get enough vitamin B12 from fortified foods. They might need to take supplements.

    Mineral deficiencies

    What Is Vitamin C

    Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that our bodies need in order to function. However, because it is water-soluble, the human body is unable to produce or store it, which means that we need to obtain regular levels of this important vitamin on a daily basis from outside sources. In theory, Vitamin C is found in enough food sources that kids could get sufficient levels of it through diet alone. However, studies have shown that supplementing Vitamin C can have real benefits when it comes to the immune system and overall health, both in childhood development and well into the future.

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    Nutrient Needs For Kids

    Kids nutrient needs depend on age, sex, size, growth, and activity level.

    According to health experts, children ages 28 require 1,0001,400 calories each day. Kids ages 913 need 1,4002,600 calories daily, depending on certain factors such as activity level .

    In addition to including enough calories, a childs diet should meet the following Dietary Reference Intakes (

    600 IU 600 IU

    While the above nutrients are some of the most commonly discussed, they arent the only ones kids need.

    Children need some amount of every vitamin and mineral for proper growth and health, but the exact amounts vary by age. Older children and teens need different amounts of nutrients than younger kids to support optimal health.

    How Long Does It Take For Vitamin C To Cause A Miscarriage

    How Much Vitamin C Should I Take ? |Dr.Michael Greger

    Women who use vitamin C early on as one of their natural abortion methods should consume one 500 mg tablet per hour, for a period of 4 to 10 days. Sometimes women are asked to get up several times in the middle of the night to take the required number of pills during the night.

    Although vitamin C has not been reported to cause miscarriage, taking this vitamin can make it easier for a woman to miscarry. This is because vitamin C has the potential to weaken the link between the uterine wall and the egg. However, to induce an abortion with vitamin C, a woman must take some form of vitamin C pills, because foods high in vitamin C do not have the required dosage.

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    How Much Vitamin C Should A 12 Year Old Take

    Category Vitamin C: Recommended Dietary Allowance For children under 1, only an adequate intake is available
    7-12 months 50 mg/day Adequate Intake
    1-3 years

    . Similarly, you may ask, can a 12 year old take vitamin C?

    In fact, children don’t generally need a multivitamin, assuming they’re eating an overall balanced diet during the week. The upper limit of vitamin C, meaning the most your child should have in a day, is 400 milligrams for 1- to 3-yearolds and 650 milligrams for 4- to 8-yearolds.

    Secondly, how much vitamin C should a teenager take? The RDA for vitamin C is 45120 mg depending on your age and sex. Vitamin C supplements should meet the RDA and stay well below the established UL 400 for young children, 1,200 mg for kids aged 913, 1,800 mg for teens, and 2,000 mg for adults.

    Additionally, can a child take 1000mg of vitamin C?

    Each dosage contains 1,000 mg of Vitamin C . In both children and adults, absorption of Vitamin C is best at low dosages: You can absorb up to 90 percent of a moderate dosage, while up to 50 percent of a dose higher than 1,000 mg is not absorbed.

    How much vitamin C can a 6 year old take?

    Life Stage

    Food Sources Of Vitamin C


    Bell pepper, red, raw

    Bell pepper, green, raw

    Lemon juice

    In large population studies, people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C appear to have a reduced risk for various types of cancer, including cancers of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, colon, and lung. But it’s not clear that these benefits come specifically from vitamin C. The Age-Related Eye Disease Study found that a daily supplement containing 500 milligrams of vitamin C, 400 international units of vitamin E, 15 mg of beta carotene, 80 mg of zinc, and 2 mg of copper can help slow the progression of macular degeneration, an age-related eye disease that causes vision loss. But we don’t know what benefits, if any, are conferred by vitamin C in particular.

    Many people take vitamin C supplements in unnecessarily high doses to prevent or treat various conditions for which its effectiveness is unproved. The vitamin C supplements have variously been touted for preventing cardiovascular disease and osteoarthritis, staving off sunburn, and improving the appearance of wrinkles. None of these purported benefits have been verified in scientific studies.

    The recommended vitamin C dosage per day for healthy women is 75 mg per day . For adults, the tolerable upper intake level the highest daily intake likely to pose no risks is 2,000 mg per day.

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    Can A Vitamin C Supplement Really Keep You From Getting Sick

    Despite it’s popularity as a remedy for the common cold, there’s actually no evidence to suggest that a large dose of vitamin C can actually prevent one or any other type of illness, for that matter.

    And while you may have heard that a large dose of vitamin C can slightly reduce the duration of a cold, this only applies if you take that large dose every singleday of the year even when you’re not sick. This means that if you rip that vitamin C packet open after your symptoms begin, there’s no evidence to suggest it’ll actually shorten the length of your cold.

    As it turns out, boosting your immune system is more complicated than just downing a packet or a pill. And while vitamin C does play an important role in supporting your immune system, it doesn’t take megadoses like the ones found in supplements which often contain 1667% more vitamin C than you actually need every day.


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