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HomeExclusiveIs Vitamin D3 Good For Your Eyes

Is Vitamin D3 Good For Your Eyes

Vitamins K2 D3 Side Effects

Is Vitamin C Good for the Eyes? – Eye Doctor Q & A

Surely, these powerful duo work together to better maximize its individual potential in one bottle. However, there are warning signs to be aware of when taking this supplement. The combination of Vitamin D3 and K2 can cause some unfavorable side effects, both minor and major effects. Some minor adverse side effects can occur when you begin taking these supplements include flatulence, abdominal pain and swelling of the belly .” rel=”nofollow”> 17). Nausea, vomiting and severe abdominal pain are also considered rare side effects of this supplement .” rel=”nofollow”> 18). It is important, hence, to immediately cease taking the supplement and consult your doctor right away. It is also advised to talk to your healthcare practitioner before taking the supplement.

Is There A Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency And Uveitis

For people with uveitis, keeping vitamin D levels in a healthy range could help prevent flare ups, new research suggests.


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Painful, light-sensitive eyes and trouble seeing clearly can certainly make life difficult. Uveitis is inflammation of the eyeball, specifically the uvea a layer of blood vessels that coats the inside of the eye.

The uvea includes the iris , the ciliary body and the choroid .

When this part of the eye becomes inflamed, it can result in redness, pain, floaters, sensitivity to light and blurred vision. In serious cases, it can damage vital eye tissue, leading to permanent vision loss.

Uveitis is relatively uncommon in Australia, it affects only around 20 people per 100,000 each year.

However, it can affect people of all ages, from small children right through to the elderly. It can affect just one eye or both at once, and can be acute or chronic.

What causes uveitis?

There are a number of things that can cause uveitis, including infections and eye injuries. But in Australia and other developed countries, most cases are caused by an autoimmune response.

Autoimmune diseases are when your immune system attacks a part of your body in a case of mistaken identity, explains Associate Professor Lyndell Lim, a uveitis and medical retina subspecialist and Head of Clinical Trials Research at CERA.

Vitamin D deficiency and uveitis

Next, Id say lets check your vitamin D levels.

Vitamin Therapy For Dry Eyes

The incidence of dry eyes increases as tear chemistry changes with age. In most cases the rate of tear evaporation increases and the ability of our tears to spread evenly over the surface of our eyes decreases especially when we stare at a computer, work in a place with dry heat and dry air conditioning, have laser eye surgery or take medications. Having a dry surface triggers an inflammatory response which may give a dry, sandy-gritty feeling or burning sensation.

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Macular Degeneration And D Deficiency

Age Related Macular Degeneration generally strikes seniors. The macula at the center of vision begins to break down. Macular Degeneration causes central vision loss, making it difficult to read, drive, and be self-sufficient.

Inflammation and the build-up of waste in the eye are risk factors for Macular Degeneration. A study treated lab animals with Vitamin D3. They had significantly reduced levels of amyloid beta and less inflammation. Microphages are cells that help remove waste. The animals had high levels of microphages in the retina, indicating waste clean-up. They also had better vision.

Vitamin D Helps Rejuvenate Your Eyes

Vitamins for Vision

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Vitamin D is often thought of as the one that helps your bones. However, research show that this vitamin is a lot more than just a bone vitamin, providing protection for cancers, infections, heart disease, even multiple sclerosis. Another important function of vitamin D is emerging aging in the eye.

The research suggests that vitamin D3 may help prevent age-related macular degeneration. Their conclusions suggest that vitamin D3 supplementation may be a good idea for those at risk of macular degeneration.

Dr. Mercola published an article that discusses this new research and also provides other nutrients that are important for good eye health. These nutrients include lutein and zeaxanthin, astaxanthin, anthocyanins and animal based omega-3 fatty acids .

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What Can Vitamin B12 Do For Your Eyes

Raise your hand if youve ever been on a diet. It could have been to lose weight, to feel younger, or to reduce blood pressure. You are what you eat, as the saying goes, and in terms of health, it couldnt be truer. But, you probably havent dieted for your eyes.

In the big world of nutrition, eyesight is often left behind by more mainstream concerns, such as weight loss or maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. But that doesnt mean your eyes dont feel the effects of diet just the opposite, really. Your eyes are delicate organs and require a mix of nutrients to function optimally. Vitamin B12 is among them, though researchers are still learning more about its exact role in keeping the eyes healthy.

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Can Eye Vitamins Improve Vision Most Important Vitamins For Eye Health

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  • You might recall your elders telling you to eat certain foods that are good for your eyes. Eating well is fundamental to good health and well-being. The benefits of good nutrition for your body go way beyond weight. Good nutrition can also help to minimize potential vision issues. A healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet can greatly benefit your eye health.

    How Does Vitamin D Affect Dry Eyes

    What Vitamin Good For Eyes

    Interestingly enough, some parts of your eye, like the outer layer of the cornea and the lens, actually contain vitamin D receptors.

    There have been numerous studies on vitamin Ds impact on dry eyes and while its still unknown whether or not vitamin D supplementation can prevent dry eye disease, it does seem to alleviate the symptoms. Some researchers suggest that using topical vitamin D could be an even more effective mode of delivery for the prevention of dry eyes.

    Researchers have consistently seen that people with vitamin D deficiency seem to be more prone to dry eyes, which is why it could be interesting for ophthalmologists to consider testing vitamin D blood levels in patients presenting with this issue.

    Vitamin D deficiency is associated with tear hypersmolarity and tear film dysfunction. Adding vitamin D to a dry eye patients regimen has been proven to enhance tear production, reduce ocular surface inflammation, reduce tear instability, and even enhance the effects of dry eye medications.

    Some researchers suggest that using topical vitamin D could be an even more effective mode of delivery for the prevention of dry eyes.

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    Previous Research Has Found Similar Vitamin D Benefit

    The researchers say that their study is the second to find an association between age-related macular degeneration and vitamin D levels. More studies are needed to verify their findings, the researchers say, as well as to understand more about the potential interaction between vitamin D levels and genetic and lifestyle factors concerning the risk of early development of macular degeneration.

    The study is published in the April issue of the Archives of Ophthalmology.

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    Effects Of B12 On The Body

    A solid B12 supply is crucial to having a well-oiled nervous system, as well as the creation of new blood cells. An untreated deficiency can wreak havoc on the body, eventually causing severe, irreversible damage.

    Weakness, pale pallor, and light-headedness are all early symptoms. These can progress to bleeding and bruising issues, as well as stomach and intestinal difficulties. Without vitamin B12, the sheaths around nerves also become damage-prone in severe cases, neurological symptoms will eventually appear, including poor memory, difficulty thinking and concentrating, and even personality changes.

    Of course, as with most vitamins, its possible to have too much of a good thing. Still, its unlikely that youll consume excessive amounts of B12 and experience side effects its virtually impossible to do so with dietary sources, and even most supplements arent going to put you in the danger zone.

    People with certain disorders, including gout and megaloblastic anemia, should be extra cautious when considering B12 supplements, as they may be more sensitive to supplements. In an otherwise healthy body, excess B12 supplements can cause nausea, raised blood pressure, and various skin problems. More worrisome, though less conclusive, is that tenuous links between certain cancers and B12 supplementation do exist. So, dont take more B12 than directed, and as always, consult your physician before you embark on a supplement regimen.

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    Carrots And Nutrition For The Eyes

    Youve likely heard that eating carrots helps improve our vision. But is this just a myth told by parents everywhere to get their kids to gobble down more vegetables? Not quite. As it turns out, Mom and Dad are right…mostly.

    Vitamin A and vision make potent allies. Carrots contain lots of beta carotene and Vitamin A, which can contribute to your eyes health and may provide a fantastic source of eye vitamins for macular degeneration and cataracts.

    Good sources of Vitamin A and rhodopsin are also abundant in carrots. Rhodopsin is a purple pigment that helps us see in low light situations. Without enough rhodopsin, we wouldnt be able to see very well at night, even with a cloudless sky and bright full moon.

    So this begs the question: Could eating carrots morning, noon and night give you extraordinary powers to see like an owl on the blackest nights? Umm, no. While carrots offer many beneficial vitamins for your eyes, they will not turn you into a superhero.

    In an interesting turn, the myth of carrots and vision stems from World War II. Most food was in short supply thenbut not carrots. The British Royal Air Force credited eating carrots with an increased ability to see the enemy in the dark. This rumor was set in motion to motivate more people to eat carrots. Today, this vision-related scuttlebutt still exists and, as weve seen, there is some truthalong with some exaggerationto it.

    How Vitamin D Works

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    Vitamin D helps control how much calcium and phosphate you absorb from food.

    Calcium is essential for bone health. Phosphate is needed for healthy bones, teeth, muscles, nerves, and basic bodily functions.

    Vitamin D comes in two forms:

    • Vitamin D2 is naturally found in some plants.
    • Vitamin D3 is naturally found in animals and is produced by the skin when its exposed to sunlight.

    You can meet your vitamin D needs with either form. But healthcare providers generally suggest D3 supplements. That’s because it:

    • Raises your overall vitamin D level more than D2
    • Lasts longer in the body than D2

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    Cancer And Vitamin D Ie Breast Prostate Colon And Other Cancers

    Vitamin D is now recognized as an effective regulator of cell growth and differentiation in a number of different cell types, including cancer cells. Vitamin D interacts directly with 2.5% of the human genome or some 1000 genes, working like a master on-off switch. Researchers believe a deficiency of this vitamin leads to a deficit of proteins manufactured under the direction of these genes, which then undermines a cell’s key defenses. Recently, vitamin D supplementation has been linked to an astonishing 6077% decrease in all cancer risk in females, according to a 4-year gold standard study of cancer mortality in 1180 Nebraska women over the age of 55. The estimated relative risk reduction was dramatic and the 95% confidence interval was 0.090.60, meaning that the true relative risk reduction has a 95% probability of being in the range of 4091%. The P value of < .005 suggests that the probability of this finding occurring by chance alone is less than 1 in 200. Lappe et al. predict a 35% reduced breast cancer risk for every 10 ng/mL increase in serum 25 D. Equally dramatic are values associated with prognosis of prostate cancer. Serum levels of 25D in n = 160 men were classified as deficient , insufficient or adequate . Insufficient 25 D , or adequate serum levels were dramatically related to better prognosis compared with the lowest level.

    Dry Eye And Vitamin D3

    The eyes are the windows to the soul and some of our most important, but least cared for organs. We take them for granted and often do things to them that are really not beneficial. Things like wearing contact lenses excessively, staring at computer screens for too long, not blinking enough, wearing makeup and not properly removing it, spending time in dry environments, not wearing sunglasses, and so on, can all do tremendous damage to our eyes and their tears. All of these can lead to a condition known as dry eye syndrome, or DES. It is now also believed that there may be a link between DES and vitamin D.

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    How Does It Improve Vision

    Vitamin D is imperative for protecting our eyes from diseases. Its known to prevent AMD, glaucoma, dry eye syndrome and cataracts. It also enables your eyes to heal from injury. Studies have shown it to have antineoplastic properties meaning, it fights cancer. Vitamin D is angiogenic which means it helps prevent the growth of new blood vessels from malignant tumors. There are numerous benefits of vitamin D for vision health.

    In the eye, vitamin D fights the degeneration of tissues. As we age, and especially if youre prone to it, AMD causes the macula to degenerate. Since the macula helps the retina focus our central field of vision, damage to it severely affects our sight. AMD leads to the slow destruction of your central vision. Degeneration of macula tissues can also cause inflammation and irritation in the eyes. Vitamin D relieves inflammation and helps the macula heal. Although the damage done by AMD cant be reversed, it can be slowed down and prolonged. Vitamin D is crucial to the prevention and treatment of AMD.

    Why Your Eyes Need Vitamin D And Where To Get It

    How Vitamins Can Improve Your Eye Health

    Research from the American Optometric Association discusses how crucial vitamin D is for our eyes, bones, and heart. Having a deficiency can lead to many types of cancers as well as eye conditions. When we think about nutrients for eye health, we often jump to beta-carotene. But, vitamin D is incredibly necessary for eye health and strong vision.

    Despite its underrated reputation, vitamin D may be one of the most beneficial nutrients for preventing age-related macular degeneration . The benefits dont end there though vitamin Ds power is extensive. Luckily, there are many different sources we can get it from to maintain optimal eye health.

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    Vitamin K2 D: A Look On Its Potentials

    Vitamin D3 is a liposoluble molecule, which means that it can be stored in different types of fats in the body. Vitamin D3 or colecalciferol is potent than ergocalciferol, another Vitamin D. However, consuming colecalciferol alone can be dangerous. Vitamin D3 is absorbed from the foods we eat, or from exposure to sunlight, into the bloodstream. There Vitamin D3 is metabolized by the liver and kidneys into its active form , and is then ready to be used by the body .

    It is said that Vitamin D performs different important functions. These functions include increasing the absorption of calcium in the intestines, controlling the levels of phosphorus and calcium in the kidneys, maintaining bones and healing breaks, strengthening teeth, replacing deteriorated bone tissue, facilitating muscular contractions, reducing high blood pressure, controlling inflammation, strengthening immune system, slowing deterioration of neural tissues, regulating emotional fluctuations, regulating the production of hormones and controlling appetite .

    On the other hand, Vitamin K, like Vitamin D, is a liposoluble nutrient which can be absorbed more easily when consumed along with certain types of fats. In 1935, Dr. Henrik Dam from Denmark discovered that this molecule was vital to blood coagulation and named it Vitamin K in accordance the German word koagulation . Vitamin K2 or menaquinone is known to lower calcium deposits in our blood vessels and to improve vascular health.

    Skeletal Disease Muscle Tone And Enhanced Athletic Performance

    Vitamin D’s classic role is aiding the absorption of calcium and phosphorous, which along with vitamin K2, magnesium, zinc, boron and essential fatty acids helps form and maintain bone mineralization. Without Vitamin D, bones become thin, weak, brittle, soft, or misshapen . Fortification of milk products in the 1930s largely eliminated rickets as a major public health concern in the United States. Nonetheless, in the past 10 years, physicians have been seeing an increase in the number of infants diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency rickets, a disease once considered virtually nonexistent. The Canadian Pediatric Society recommends that pregnant and nursing women take a 2000 IU Vitamin D supplement during the winter to protect themselves and their infants from rickets.

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    What Is Macular Degeneration

    Macular degeneration, also known as age-related macular degeneration is a condition that results in vision loss over a period of time due to the deterioration of eye health due to factors such as ageing and nutrient deficiency. The condition arises when macula or the central portion of the retina deteriorated over time and eventually wears down.

    Vitamin D And Diabetes Prevention

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    Another important function of vitamin D is its help in the prevention of diabetes. Diabetes is one of the leading causes of blindness in America. If you dont get enough vitamin D, you will have a lowered insulin resistance. This means the extra glucose in your bloodstream doesnt get used by your cells. By overcoming insulin resistance with healthy doses of vitamin D, you can potentially halt the development of type two diabetes in its tracks. Thus, preventing diabetes-related blindness.

    Without vitamin D, you are at risk for developing these eye conditions and other health concerns. Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiency is a global issue that leads to more and more cases of AMD and other diseases. Its estimated that 50 percent of Americans are deficient in vitamin D. This is a serious health concern that isnt given enough attention. Vitamin D deficiency leads to:

    • Osteoporosis
    • Hight blood pressure
    • Juvenile diabetes

    Its especially important that infants and children get the recommended dose of vitamin D each day. Vitamin D deficiencies are dangerous for young eyes that are still developing. As adults, its important to be knowledgeable about how much vitamin D your doctor recommends, as well as where you can get it from.

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