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HomeMust ReadVitamins That Promote Wound Healing

Vitamins That Promote Wound Healing

Vitamins Are Essential To Skin Health And Quick Healing Of Wounds Check Out This Article To Find Out Which Vitamins Are Best At It

Wound Care | Wound Healing | How To Heal Wounds Faster

Have you ever had a wound that took forever to heal? Besides the stress of taking care of a never-healing wound, youd be less active than usual until your wounds heal.

While there are various reasons wounds dont heal fast, several vitamins can help quicken the process. In this post, well take a look at some of those vitamins. Well also see how collagen helps in wound healing. Lets get started.

Vitamin C Wound Healing

Vitamin C wound healing is popular because vitamin C assists in 3 out of the 4 stages of wound healing, making it extremely effective. Here’s what it does in each of those stages.

In stage 2 , vitamin C is required for an immune response also known as neutrophil apoptosis. As soon as you get a wound, our bodies release neutrophils to the wounded area, which is a cell that is responsible for killing bacteria. Neutrophils ultimately prevent infections from occurring.

However, our bodies cannot have too many neutrophils. As such, some of these cells undergo apoptosis after, where they automatically die off.

In stage 3 , vitamin C is essential for the synthesis, secretion and breaking down of collagen. Collagen is a family of proteins that are the main component in our skin. Its the building blocks and glue that keep our skin cells together. For our bodies to create collagen, vitamin C must be present for collagen to form.

In stage 4 , the body needs vitamin C readily available as the skin continues to repair itself. While the amount of vitamin C needed is not as high as in stage 3, it’s still required for the production of continuous production of collagen.

How To Help Surgical Wound Healing With Nutrition

Following major surgeries, our bodies require a significant number of calories to support healing, Nelson explained. “The cells for each stage of healing require specific nutrients,” he continued. “And if you don’t have those nutrients, the cells aren’t going to be able to adequately do their job and the healing process can become stalled.

However, your appetite and ability to tolerate foods might be lower during recovery. In addition, a normal diet may not be enough to supply adequate levels of certain nutrients that are essential for the wound healing process. In these scenarios, supplementation is vital to bridge the nutrition gap. Therapeutic nutritional drinks like Juven® are specially formulated to provide targeted nutrition for wound healing.

Juven, backed by more than 40 studies and clinically shown to support wound healing by increasing collagen formation in as little as two weeks1*, contains a blend of nutrients that are major players in the wound healing process, including:

  • Arginine and glutamine : During times of trauma, the body lacks enough of these essential amino acids, meaning you’ll have to increase your intake to get more of them. Arginine helps to promote the production of protein, enhances cell growth, triggers collagen production, strengthens immune function and promotes blood flow. Glutamine also promotes collagen production and supports a healthy immune system. Together, these activities help support vital repair and rebuilding.

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What Should You Do To Heal Scar Tissue


Use Lavender essential oil to treat scars especially burns. Lavender is one of the best all-round essential oil, according to Shirley Price in her book Aromatherapy for Women. Lavender oil is gentle, inexpensive, and effective. Lavender essential oil can be used to treat acne, scars, and most skin conditions it can be applied directly to the skin, in small quantities.

Lavender essential oil is a very effective antiseptic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial that reduces pain, itching and promotes rapid healing. In addition, lavender reduces scarring. When lavender oil is applied to a burn from the onset, the burn may heal with no scarring at all.

How to use it? Apply several drops on location several times a day Directly inhale, diffuse, or May be used as a dietary supplement

Safety Considerations With Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil can sting a little when a wound is still fresh, but once its scabbed over and has started healing, lavender essential oil, applied topically, can help minimize scarring while it heals.

Lavender has a relaxation property, often used to fragrance products for bedtime, like lotions and satchels for bedrooms. WebMD warns that lavender essential oil can depress the central nervous system and cause drowsiness and sleepiness . You shouldnt drive or do other dangerous things until you know how lavender will work for you.


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What Should I Eat

Does Vitamin E Promote Wound Healing
Choose whole grains for higher protein content.

5 servings daily

For example: 1 slice bread, 1/2 cup cooked cereal, 1/2 cup rice or pasta, 3/4 cup dry cereal


2 servings daily

For example: 1 cup raw vege- tables, 2 cups raw leafy green vegetables, 1/2 cup cooked


3 servings daily

For example: 1/4 cup dried fruit, 1 piece whole fresh fruit, 1 cup melon, berries, grapes, 1/2 cup canned fruit or 100% fruit juice


5-8 servings daily

For example: 1 oz. meat, fish, or poultry, 1/4 cup cooked beans, 1 egg, 1 Tbsp. peanut butter, 1/2 oz nuts, 2 oz. firm tofu


3 servings daily

For example: 1 cup milk or yogurt, 1.5-2.0 oz. cheese

Check your weight twice weekly. If your weight is stable you are eating enough calories. If your weight decreases each time, you need to add more calories.

To increase calories, add snacks, calorie-containing beverages, or high-calorie condiments to foods such as butter, cream, cream cheese, olive oil, nut butters, nuts, seeds, hummus, syrup, sugar, jam, and/or jelly.

If you are unable to meet your needs through your diet alone try the following:

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Preventing Or Minimizing The Appearance Of Scars

Folk wisdom has long suggested that vitamin E, applied to the skin, taken as a supplement, or both, might treat scars, or prevent them from forming in the first place. But research does not support this claim and has found no association between vitamin E use and scar prevention.

In from 1999, almost one-third of participants had an allergic reaction to topical vitamin E, suggesting the oil is more likely to make scarring worse rather than prevent it.

A more recent literature review found that evidence about whether vitamin E improved or worsened scarring was inconclusive.

Research does suggest that well-moisturized skin is less likely to scar. So for people who do not have an allergic reaction to vitamin E, using it as a moisturizer while the wound heals may offer some benefits.

Relationship Between Vitamin C And Collagen

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in the synthesis of collagen. Two enzymes are necessary for the formation of collagen: prolyl hydrolase and lysyl hydrolase.

Vitamin C acts as an important cofactor for these enzymes, thereby quickening the production of collagen. Thats why vitamin C supplements are often used to boost collagen production.

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Vitamins For Faster Wound Healing

Fast and efficient wound healing relies on essential building blocks being available to the bodys cells. These materials include specific vitamins and nutrients which can be enhanced through both diet and supplements.

When the body has an adequate supply of these key components, the cells are able to heal injured tissue faster and more effectively.

So, whats the best vitamin for faster wound healing?

The truth is, everyone is different-so theres no single miracle vitamin or supplement to accelerate wound healing. But here are 6 of the top vitamins to include in your regimen to heal wounds faster!

What Helps Wounds To Heal Faster

“Dressing a Pressure Injury With Basic Wound Care Supplies” by Susan Hamilton for OPENPediatrics

Wounds heal faster when they are kept clean, dry, and free from infection. They heal even better when exposed to air . This can happen naturally by wearing loose clothing or by placing the wound in an open position so it can breathe. If you need to cover your wound with a bandage, make sure to keep it as dry and clean as possible while still allowing some air circulation.

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Stages Of Wound Healing

Besides the severity of the wound, other underlying health conditions can prolong wound healing. In particular, a lack of blood circulation results in poor recovery. This is because blood transports the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and oxygen that a wounded area requires to repair its tissue. Conditions like diabetes where blood sugar levels are high, inhibit the damaged tissue from receiving important vitamins for wound healing.

There are a variety of nutrients and vitamins that play an active role in each stage of wound recovery. Heres what each phase in wound healing entails:

Hemostasis Phase The purpose of the first stage is to prevent excess blood from leaving the blood through the formation of blood clots, constricting blood vessels, etc.

Inflammatory Phase– This phase focuses on destroying any bacteria and unwanted particles in the wound area to prevent infections.

Proliferative Phase – This phase focuses on filling up the wound and repairing the skin. New blood vessels and tissue must be formed in this area.

Maturation Phase– The last phase is the longest and it focuses on strengthening the skin in the area.

How Do Vitamins Aid in Wound Healing and Surgery Recovery?

As stated above, you need certain vitamins to allow each phase in wound healing to properly function. Luckily if you do have underlying health issues that make it difficult for your wounds to recover, there are many vitamin supplements out there that can counteract it.

The Best Vitamins For Healing Wounds

If you leave a wound by itself, it might take months, if not years, to heal. Vitamins, especially vitamin C, B, and D, play a vital role in ensuring the quick healing of wounds. However, consult your doctor before deciding on a supplement, especially if the wound is a serious one.

The material on this website is intended for educational information purposes only. It should not be seen as definitive, but as part of research process. It should not substitute or delay medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Supplements For Wound Healing

A balanced diet full of healthy fruits and vegetables is your best source of essential vitamins needed to heal your wound. In addition, vitamin supplements are useful for ensuring you are getting adequate amounts of the right nutrients.

All-in-one wound care supplements, like WoundVite, are formulated specifically for aiding in wound recovery. WoundVite contains over 21 natural vitamins, minerals, and herbs like B vitamins, Zinc, and turmeric.

These ingredients were chosen by wound care physicians and pharmacists for their science backed effectiveness in promoting wound recovery. WoundVite can be taken as part of a post-op or post-surgery recovery routine.

All ingredients are pharmaceutical grade and dosed in the most potent amounts for maximum effectiveness. WoundVite, by ZenNutrients, is made in an FDA registered lab and follows GMP .

What Is The Best Vitamin For Wound Healing

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Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen in our body. Collagen is a protein naturally present in connective tissues, such as the skin. It gives skin its youthful suppleness and is one of the key components in repairing injured skin, according to a leading New York dermatologist. Buy now with myvitamins

Are there any vitamins that cure rashes?

Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant nutrient responsible for the growth and repair of skin tissue. The vitamin may also support the immune system, which is needed to respond to pathogens that can cause rashes, according to Balch. Vitamin C works well with vitamin E and beta-carotene to scavenge free radicals from

Is it good to take vitamins for clear skin?

If youre looking for clear, naturally younger-looking skin, adding certain supplements to your regimen can help you along the way. Although there is no magic pill that will give you youthful skin, eating a variety of nutrient-dense foods, as well as supplementing your diet, can help improve skin health and appearance.

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The Best Vitamins For Wound Healing And Surgery Recovery

Falls, burns, and scrapes it happens to everyone. Whether you suffered from a traumatic accident, suffered a small cut to the skin, or underwent a large surgery, our bodies naturally heal these wounds and repair our living tissue. Its a complex and incredible system.

Depending on the severity of the wound, it can take months to a few years to complete the healing process. Besides pain and discomfort, open and untreated wounds are more prone to infection and can lead to nasty scars. However, with the proper nutrients and vitamins, your tissue can repair and replenish itself at a faster rate.

What Natural Interventions May Be Beneficial For Trauma And Wound Healing

  • Amino acids. Amino acids, such as glutamine and arginine, are important for promoting wound healing.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids may promote wound healing and reduce infection throughout the healing process.
  • Copper, selenium, and zinc. These trace elements are cofactors of enzymes essential to the wound-healing process.
  • Vitamin A. Topical vitamin A can stimulate growth of cells involved in tissue and skin repair.
  • Vitamin C. Low vitamin C levels are associated with delayed wound healing. Vitamin C can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, and is a cofactor for collagen synthesis.
  • Diosmin and hesperidin. Diosmin and hesperidin are citrus flavonoids that have been studied for their effects on venous insufficiency, including healing venous ulcers.
  • Many plants and their extracts, including aloe vera,calendula, arnica, and pycnogenol can be beneficial in wound healing.

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What Counts As Fluid

This is where it gets tricky! There is a misconception that only water counts as fluid intake! Meaning, you have to drink 8-12 cups of water per day.

However, many liquids count as fluid, such as:

  • Milk or non-dairy substitutes

Now that being said, I am not suggesting that you consume all fluids in the form of caffeine! Just make sure you are consuming enough fluids and keeping a variety of choices to help meet your daily needs.

Do You Need To Cover A Scab Or Leave It Uncovered To Air It Out

7 Steps to Effective Wound Care Management

According to Dr. Christi Cavaliere from the Cleveland Clinic, wounds with scabs should be covered to prevent air getting in. This ensures that new skin cells have the proper environment to grow and form a new layer of skin. Not letting your scab air out will also prevent dirt and bacteria causing an infection.16

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Can Collagen Supplements Help Wound Healing

Yes, collagen supplements are excellent for wound healing. As mentioned earlier, collagen is vital for strong and healthy skin. It does this by helping to restore your bodys natural cartilage, which is essential to the healing of all kinds of cuts.

Whats more, collagen helps to improve the strength and elasticity of your skin. However, the results you get after taking collagen depend on factors like your age, type of supplement used, and the quantity consumed.

What Supplements Help With Wound Healing

It is important to note that not all individuals who suffer from impaired skin integrity require topical nutrition to heal properly. Rather, proper nutrition system-wide is necessary for healthy skin.

Topical nutrition can play an important role in the healing process by providing nutrients that would otherwise be unavailable to the body if applied internally. Various supplement companies produce products specifically designed for topical use however, many natural ingredients can be used directly on wounds as well. These include honey, sugar, olive oil, cornstarch, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, beans, peas, wheatgrass, algae, and garlic. There are several scientific studies showing that certain vitamins and minerals help promote wound healing when applied topically however, more research needs to be done on this topic before any definitive conclusions can be made.

Vitamin A has been shown to increase collagen production and aid in tissue repair. It has also been demonstrated to improve the appearance of scar tissue. Vitamin C helps fight infection and promotes clot formation – both of which are essential during wound healing. Zinc oxide is used as a dressing because of its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to absorb moisture.

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The Role Of Protein In Wound Healing

I know youve heard the talk about protein so lets cover how it promotes wound healing.

It boils down to 5 main points, but is not limited to these:

  • Repairs and grows muscle tissue. When people think about the healing process, this is typically what they picture.
  • Plays a role in producing enzymes and hormones involved in wound healing. Without getting too technical, there is an enzyme called protease that is used to break down the proteins 1. When the proteins are broken down, they are transported by hormones to the wound site2. Everything is interconnected to protein in this situation!
  • Resists infection and protects the immune system.
  • Promotes growth of skin cells.
  • Helps rebuild muscle, skin, and cartilage.
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    3 Nutrition Tips to Help the Wound Healing Process Don´t forget to ...
    • Add an extra snack per day
    • Add an extra portion of protein, carbs or health fats with meals and snacks
    • Limit liquids at meal times. Liquid takes up a lot of volume in your stomach and makes you feel full, but does not offer enough nutrients
    • Add nut butter, avocado, protein powder or cream to smoothies
    • Spread food intake evenly throughout the day by eating every 3 hours
    • Add avocados and nuts to sandwiches or salads
    • If you have a low appetite, drinking nutrition supplement drinks is a great way to get more calories and protein.

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