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How Much Vitamin C Should We Take

/7the Right Way To Take Zinc

How Much VITAMIN C Should You Take? Here Are 3 Ways to Tell

To ensure maximum absorption of zinc from diet add different varieties of food like meat, sunflower seeds, dark chocolate and others. Our body readily absorbs the nutrient from animal sources of foods as compared to plant sources. Also, take zinc in a smaller dose to absorb it more efficiently. Pairing zinc-rich food with protein also increases the chances of absorption.

Why Do People Take Vitamin C

Studies have shown that vitamin C may reduce the odds of getting a cold, but only in specific groups in extreme circumstances, such as soldiers in subarctic environments, skiers, and marathon runners. Studies have not found solid evidence that vitamin C helps prevent or treat colds in average situations.

Vitamin Cs antioxidant benefits are also unclear. While some studies of vitamin C supplements have been promising, they have not found solid evidence that vitamin C supplements help with cancer, stroke, asthma, and many other diseases. Some evidence suggests that vitamin C may be helpful in people who have high cholesterol and in preventing cataracts, but more studies are needed to prove these effects.

Data on vitamin C and heart disease are mixed. Some studies show an association between low levels of vitamin C and heart disease risk, yet many studies have linked the use of vitamin C supplements with an increased risk of heart disease.

Studies have shown that dietary rather than supplemental sources of vitamin C are more effective in keeping blood pressure in check.

A substantial number of Americans may have low intake levels of vitamin C due to the inadequate intake of fruits and vegetables. The proven and effective use of vitamin C is for treating vitamin C deficiency and conditions that result from it, like scurvy.

Vitamin C also seems to help the body absorb the mineral iron.


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Food Sources Of Vitamin C


Bell pepper, red, raw

Bell pepper, green, raw

Lemon juice

In large population studies, people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C appear to have a reduced risk for various types of cancer, including cancers of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, colon, and lung. But it’s not clear that these benefits come specifically from vitamin C. The Age-Related Eye Disease Study found that a daily supplement containing 500 milligrams of vitamin C, 400 international units of vitamin E, 15 mg of beta carotene, 80 mg of zinc, and 2 mg of copper can help slow the progression of macular degeneration, an age-related eye disease that causes vision loss. But we don’t know what benefits, if any, are conferred by vitamin C in particular.

Many people take vitamin C supplements in unnecessarily high doses to prevent or treat various conditions for which its effectiveness is unproved. The vitamin C supplements have variously been touted for preventing cardiovascular disease and osteoarthritis, staving off sunburn, and improving the appearance of wrinkles. None of these purported benefits have been verified in scientific studies.

The recommended vitamin C dosage per day for healthy women is 75 mg per day . For adults, the tolerable upper intake level the highest daily intake likely to pose no risks is 2,000 mg per day.

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What Is Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is when levels of vitamin D in your body fall below those recommended as necessary to ensure all the processes in your body that rely on vitamin D can function properly.

Currently, there is controversy regarding what is the cut-off level for vitamin D deficiency with recommendations ranging from less than 20 ng/ml of 25D to less than 12 ng/ml of 25D.

What Causes Low Vitamin D

Overloading On Vitamin C Vitamins Andrew Weil M D

Anything that interferes with the bodys ability to make vitamin D through the skin, including liver or kidney disease, can cause deficiency. Malabsorption syndromes or a diet low in foods containing vitamin D can also lower vitamin D levels.

The following factors may interfere with our body’s ability to make vitamin D:

  • Chronic illness or disability that prevents regular sun exposure
  • Living at latitudes above 37 degrees north or below 37 degrees south of the equator over winter, although this is controversial, and studies have shown only Caucasians show a correlation with low vitamin D levels and latitude.
  • Skin color: Individuals with a darker skin produce less vitamin D with the same amount of sunlight exposure than individuals with lighter skin color.
  • Age: Older people are less efficient at making D3 and less likely to go outside in the sun.
  • Religion or culture: People whose beliefs require them to cover most of their skin and/or face usually do not receive adequate sunlight for their skin to make vitamin d.
  • Avoidance of the sun and use of sunscreen: Fears of skin cancer and skin aging mean people spend less time in the sun than in the past, although only 10 minutes of direct summer sun is necessary to make an adequate daily dose of vitamin D.

In addition, a poor intake of vitamin D through the diet may also contribute however, studies have shown less than 10% of the vitamin D in our body is obtained through diet, so it is not considered a major contributing factor.

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What Evidence Is There To Support Taking Vitamin C For Covid

There have been hundreds of studies investigating vitamin C, many of which have conflicting results. One of the biggest problems with vitamin C studies is that most do not measure vitamin C concentrations before or after supplementation. Supplementation is unlikely to show an effect in people whose vitamin C levels are already high.

COVID-19 is a new disease, and we are still learning about it. But several studies in other infections or conditions suggest it may be beneficial in certain groups of people, particularly those already deficient in vitamin C who develop COVID-19. Currently, at least two trials are underway specifically investigating the use of vitamin C to treat severe COVID-19, one in New York and one in China.

Beneficial effects of vitamin C supplementation have been reported for

  • Elderly people with acute respiratory infections
  • Recurrent acute respiratory distress syndrome
  • Reducing the severity and duration of the common cold
  • Reducing the length of hospital stay and symptoms in elderly patients with pneumonia
  • Reducing the duration of mechanical ventilation in people in ICU
  • Preventing the common cold in people who are vitamin C deficient
  • Preventing the incidence of pneumonia in people who are vitamin C deficient.
  • Studies have shown that excretion of vitamin C is decreased during infections, such as the common cold, suggesting that more is utilized during times of need.

How Do I Know If I Have Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is measured with a blood test that measures 25D. This is the form of D3 that has undergone conversion by the liver although it is still inactive and requires further conversion by the kidneys to active vitamin D3, 1,25D.

The reason 25D is measured is because it is the most stable form of D3. It is also the most abundant form and lasts several weeks in the body. It is a good representation of how much vitamin D has been obtained from both diet and sun exposure.

Conversely, 1,25D only lasts for a few hours in the body and levels are a thousand-fold less than those of 25D. Our body also has a way of increasing the production of active D3 by the kidneys during times of deficiency and insufficiency, so a blood test for 1,25D may appear normal or elevated even when your actual levels of vitamin D are low. However, in some disorders of calcium metabolism, the 1,25D test may be used.

25D levels will tell your doctor if you are deficient in vitamin D, borderline, sufficient, or vitamin D toxic.

See the flow chart above for an overview of the different forms of vitamin d.

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/7the Recommended Daily Intake Of Vitamin C

The Recommended Dietary Allowance of Vitamin C for men above 19 years is 90 mg and for women is 75 mg daily. During pregnancy and breastfeeding the daily need increases to 85 mg and 120 mg respectively. Smokers are advised to take an extra 35 mg of this vitamin as smoking can deplete vitamin C levels in the body.

Taking more than 2000 mg of Vitamin C in a day can lead to gastrointestinal distress and diarrhoea. When this water-soluble vitamin is present in the body in excess, it switches roles and acts as a tissue-damaging pro-oxidant instead of an antioxidant. This can even increase the risk of kidney stones.

Taking Vitamin D Safely

How Much Vitamin C Should I Take ? |Dr.Michael Greger

Please make sure you read and comply with the instructions set out on the product label.

Each 1-A-Day vitamin D supplement contains 10 micrograms of vitamin D. This is equivalent to 400 international units of vitamin D. This is the daily amount recommended for the general population by government for general health and in particular to protect bone and muscle health.

If your GP has recommended that you take a different amount of vitamin D, you should follow your GPs advice.

Do not exceed the recommended dose equivalent to 400 international units). This is a safe level of intake, designed to meet your nutritional needs. Taking more is not currently recommended.

For most people taking up to 100 micrograms equivalent to 4,000 international units) per day is considered safe. In a few people, taking too many vitamin D supplements over a long period of time can cause too much calcium to build up in the body . This can weaken the bones and damage the kidneys and the heart. NHS.UK has more information about vitamin D, including advice on intakes.

While some medications may interact with high doses of vitamin D, there are no issues associated with the 10 microgram vitamin D supplement. They are intended to supplement the diet and should not be substituted for a varied diet.

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How Much Vitamin C Should You Take

Vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient with many vital functions in your body.

It helps strengthen your immune system, aids collagen production and wound healing, and acts as an antioxidant to protect your cells from free radical damage .

Vitamin C is also known as L-ascorbic acid, or simply ascorbic acid.

Unlike other animals, humans cannot synthesize vitamin C on their own. Therefore, you must get enough of it from foods or supplements to maintain good health (

Signs Of A Deficiency

Signs that may indicate a deficiency of vitamin C include:

  • Fatigue
  • Poor wound healing and bruising
  • Thick patchy skin
  • Changes in mood

Although very rare in developed countries like the United States, a chronic deficiency of vitamin C leads to scurvy, which can be fatal.

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Side Effects Of Vitamin C Supplementation

Many studies have shown no significant adverse health effects to humans, from vitamin C supplementation. People who may experience some discomfort, are those who have:

  • a history of kidney stone formation,
  • iron overload,
  • taken other drugs, as well.

Side effects may be diarrhea, gastrointestinal disturbances due to the osmotic effect of unabsorbed vitamin C, or mild nausea.

What Foods Contain Vitamin C

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In general, fruits contain more vitamin C than vegetables. Examples of foods that are high in vitamin C and the amount of vitamin C they contain include:

  • Red capsicum: 240mg per capsicum
  • Grapefruit: 94mg per grapefruit
  • Orange juice: 93mg per ¾ cup
  • Kiwifruit: 64-85mg per kiwifruit
  • Broccoli: 51mg per ½ cup cooked
  • Strawberries: 50mg per 10 strawberries
  • Orange: 46-70mg per orange
  • Sweet potato: 30mg per sweet potato
  • Tomato: 30mg per tomato
  • Cantaloupe: 29mg per ½ cup
  • Cauliflower: 26 per ½ cup
  • Silverbeet: 27mg per cup .

In general, raw fruits and vegetables contain higher quantities of vitamin C than boiled, although steaming and microwaving may reduce vitamin C losses. Prolonged storage can also reduce vitamin C levels.

Experts consider a diet that supplies 100200 mg/day of vitamin C provides enough vitamin C to cover a healthy individuals general requirements. People with medical conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, lung disease, or who smoke or exercise a lot should consider increasing their dietary intake of vitamin C.

Consuming five varied servings of fruits and vegetables a day can provide more than 200mg of vitamin C. Breastmilk is considered an adequate source of vitamin C in breastfeeding infants. Infant formula is already fortified with vitamin C.

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When Is Best Time To Take Vitamin C Supplements

When is best time to take vitamin C is a very important question that needs to be addressed knowing that it is important that you get the best out of your vitamin C supplements or foods in order to enrich your body and improve your health considering the essential benefits of vitamin C to health. Thus, in this guide, you are going to learn and understand the following about vitamin C:

  • Best time of the day to take vitamin C
  • Taking vitamin C on empty stomach
  • What foods are highest in vitamin C
  • Daily dose of vitamin C recommended
  • Side effects from too much vitamin C

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Best Time Of The Day To Take Vitamin C

The timing and how to take vitamin C supplements play a vital role in promoting optimal absorption of the nutrient in the body. Although there is no scientifically proven time to take vitamin C, but it is highly perceived that taking any form of food, medicine, or supplements when the body is more relaxed makes it easy for the body to absorb the nutrients better. However, it is preferable to map out a specific time in the day to take vitamin C to avoid forgetting. But below are the best time to take vitamin C in some cases:

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Vitamin C May Make Cancer Treatments More Effective

At this point, itd be wrong to say vitamin C can prevent or cure cancer, but it may be a beneficial addition to cancer treatment. A meta-analysis published in the European Journal of Cancer, for instance, found that people with breast cancer who supplemented with vitamin C had a reduced risk of mortality.

And it appears that vitamin C may boost standard treatments as well, Dr. Zive says.

According to a small study published in March 2017 in Cancer Cell, taking high doses of vitamin C for two months during cancer treatment weakened the cancer cells and made radiation and chemotherapy more effective.

Its worth noting, however, that most of this research involves taking vitamin C intravenously rather than orally, Samuels says. Anyone undergoing cancer treatment should consult with their healthcare providers before taking vitamin C or any other supplements because of the risks of potential interactions with their cancer treatments.

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/8why Everyone Should Have It

Making sure you get enough Vitamin C in your diet serves a lot of benefits for your overall health and wellness.

The prime benefit of Vitamin C is in boosting the immune system. Vitamin C has strong properties which fight free radical damage, get rid of toxins and promote cellular function. This strengthens your immunity and helps fight any sickness and viral infections such as a cold or the flu. For the same reason, Vitamin C rich foods make a part of recovery foods post any ailment. COVID-19 positive patients are also given vitamin C rich sources to hasten recovery.

Choose Your Dietary Sources Wisely

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If youre looking to boost iron absorption in your body through food, its helpful to focus on animal sources, Dwyer says. This is because of the heme form of the iron that these foods contain. Red meat, chicken, and shellfish can be helpful additions to your diet.

If you follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, know that while there are dietary iron sources that are animal-free, you may need to consider taking a supplement to prevent anemia.

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How Is Vitamin D Made By Our Body

The synthesis of active vitamin D is quite complex but involves sunlight, a specific type of cholesterol present in our skin, and modification first by our liver and then our kidneys.

Within our skin is a type of cholesterol called 7-dehydrocholesterol. When UVB rays of the wavelength range 290 to 315nm touch 7-dehydrocholesterol, they convert it into previtamin D3. This is then converted into cholecalciferol so that it can be transported to our liver for hydroxylation into calcidiol . Further hydroxylation happens in the kidneys to make 1,25D which is the active form of vitamin D3.

The whole process of converting 7-dehydrocholesterol into active D3 is quite efficient and it has been reported that it takes 10 minutes of summer sun on the hands and face to generate 10 micrograms of vitamin D3 which is considered the daily requirement.

Is Vitamin D Water Soluble

No, vitamin D is fat soluble. This means it is stored within our adipose tissue and small amounts can be mobilized if our daily intake temporarily falters. Other fat-soluble vitamins are vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin K. Because it is fat soluble, vitamin D toxicity can occur if too much is taken.

Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent among obese people, because greater amounts of vitamin D are locked up in their adipose tissue , rather than in the blood where it can be used. Obese people are also less likely to eat foods naturally high in vitamin D or expose their skin to sunlight.

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