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HomeNewsWhat Are The Food Sources Of Vitamin D

What Are The Food Sources Of Vitamin D

Au Naturel Natural Sources Of Vitamin D

Best Sources Of Vitamin D (700 Calorie Meals) DiTuro Productions

Lets be honest: If our bodies are lacking certain vitamins, our first inclination is to turn to supplementsbut sometimes natural food sources are the way to go. Vitamin D is no exception. Getting your vitamin D from natural food sources will not only provide you with the proper vitamin intake, but it can also give your body a healthy dose of other beneficial vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that will keep your healthy and protect you from diseases.If its not possible for you to expose your skin to the sunlight all year around, lets take a look at some healthy, natural vitamin D food options:

Recommended Daily Intake Of Vitamin D

The recommended daily values for all the nutrients are provided in the Dietary Reference Intakes, developed by the Food and Nutrition Board . The Recommended Dietary Allowances for vitamin D are based on the daily requirements of healthy people.

Since people produce different amounts of this vitamin under sunlight, these values were established for minimal sun exposure. So if youve been looking for the answer to the question How much vitamin D should I take? you should know that this depends on your age and sex.

The RDAs for this vitamin are presented below:

  • from birth to 12 months 10 mcg
  • from 1 to 70 years 15 mcg
  • 70+ years 20 mcg

The RDAs for vitamin D are given in International Units and micrograms , where 1 mcg is equal to 40 IU.

Vitamin D Foods Vs Supplements

Your body makes vitamin D naturally when exposed to sunlight, and you can also get it through certain foods. But vitamin D deficiency is super common.

Many factors, such as your diet, sunlight exposure, skin tone, medical conditions, body weight, and age, can impact your vitamin D levels.

Since most people dont get enough vitamin D, taking a supplement may be a good idea, especially if youre considered at risk for developing vitamin D deficiency.

If youre pregnant or breastfeeding, a vitamin D supplement is recommended. As mentioned above, many experts agree that the current vitamin D recommendations for pregnant and breastfeeding people are too low. Talk with a healthcare professional about how much vitamin D you should be taking.

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Ii Some Natural Sources Of Vitamin D In Foods

Vitamin D is very important for overall health in general and bone health in particular. The good news is that most of us can get enough vitamin D from the exposure to sunlight. Here are some natural ways to make sure that you get an adequate vitamin D intake.

1. Salmon

Salmon is one of the greatest sources of vitamin D that we want to mention in his article and want all of the readers to consider consuming for good. According to a study, one serving of salmon will offer 80% of your recommended dietary requirement. The key is to consume wild or farmed salmon. Alaskan salmon has 5 times more of this vitamin than Atlantic salmon.

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2. Herring And Sardines

Herring is known as one of the natural sources of vitamin D and it can be served raw, smoked, canned, or pickled. Fresh herring offers 1,628 IUs per 100g of serving while pickled herring provides 680 IUs per 100g of serving. Besides, herring contains healthy fats as well as other essential nutrients such as protein, calcium, vitamin B12, phosphorus, selenium, and iron. Nonetheless, pickled herring is also rich in sodium, so you should not consume too much.

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3. Canned Tuna Fish
4. Fortified Milk

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5. Certain Mushrooms
6. Egg Yolks
7. Beef Liver
8. Mackerels

How Do Vitamin D Tests Work

10 Best And Healthy Vitamin D Rich Food Sources

Vitamin D tests need a blood sample to measure 25-OH D levels. In a doctors office or a lab, a trained tech called a phlebotomist draws blood from a vein in your arm. At-home tests typically have you prick and squeeze a finger to collect a smaller blood sample.

Its easier to measure 25-OH D because it lasts longer in the bloodstream, around 14 days, and its also easier to detect changes in 25-OH D levels that are associated with vitamin D deficiency.

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Foods High In Vitamin D

The human body may produce vitamin D on its own, but most people dont get enough sunlight to produce the amount they need every day. You can take over the counter vitamin D supplements to ensure that youre getting enough. You can also get vitamin D from a variety of different food sources. The following six foods are some of the best dietary sources of vitamin D available:

1.Fortified Cereals

Dietary sources of vitamin D are limited. Many breakfast cereals are fortified with the vitamin, along with other essential vitamins and minerals, which can help to boost your intake. Cereals fortified with 10% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin D contain 2mg per 1 cup serving. While cereals may be fortified with vitamins and minerals, they may also contain added sugars, so you should read the label.

2.Fortified Dairy

Many dairy products, such as milk and yogurt, are fortified with vitamin D as well, as are non-dairy alternatives like soy milk, almond milk, and oat milk. Fortified milk typically has around 3mg of vitamin D, and non-dairy alternatives have between 2.5 and 3.6mg per 1 cup. Yogurt has between 2 and 3mg of vitamin D per serving. Like cereals, some brands of fortified milk and non-dairy milk may contain added sugar.


3.Orange Juice

Orange juice is another beverage thats often fortified with vitamin D. A 1 cup serving has 2.5 mg of vitamin D.

4.Cod Liver Oil



Cleveland Clinic: Vitamin D Deficiency.


Check Out Vitamin D Skin

Beyond more traditional supplements that are meant to be orally taken, you might consider skin-care products that contain vitamin D. A study suggests these sources of vitamin D may be good for people who have a difficult time absorbing vitamin D through diet or sunlight. People who may have a hard time absorbing vitamin D include those with Crohns disease, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, and pancreatitis.

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Get Outdoors And Soak Up Some Sun

Getting natural sun exposure may seem like the most no-brainer way to get vitamin D, but Kennedy says there are a few things to keep in mind. She says age, skin color, the season of the year, and geographic location can make a difference in how much natural sun you should be getting.

Even sun exposure in your house versus being outside doesnt work the same way. You need the direct light rays, and the glass from inside your home can block that sitting in the sunlight inside isnt the same as sitting outside, she says. Also, someone with darker skin has a lot harder time getting enough sun exposure to make enough vitamin D.

If you live in the Northeast and its wintertime, you arent going to get enough vitamin D through natural light alone, Kennedy says. Thats when talking with your doctor about taking a vitamin D supplement will be key, as food also wont provide enough.

During the summer, when direct sunlight is in good supply, getting enough vitamin D usually isnt a concern for most people, Kennedy says. In fact, youll want to limit your sun exposure during this time of year to about 10 to 15 minutes of direct sunlight. Make sure to put on sunscreen if you’re out for longer than that you dont want to overdo it and risk skin cancer, Kennedy says.

Which Fruits And Vegetables Are High In Vitamin D

Vitamin D Sources and Supplements

Mushrooms are a great source of vitamin D, as they have been exposed to sunshine. Other vegan foods rich in vitamin D include fortified soy products like tofu, soy milk, and soy yogurt, as well as fortified cereals and juices.

Unfortunately, no fruits are high in vitamin D, and only fortified orange juice is currently available.

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People At Risk Of Vitamin D Deficiency

Some people will not make enough vitamin D from sunlight because they have very little or no sunshine exposure.

The Department of Health and Social Care recommends that adults and children over 4 take a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D throughout the year if they:

  • are not often outdoors for example, if they’re frail or housebound
  • are in an institution like a care home
  • usually wear clothes that cover up most of their skin when outdoors

If you have dark skin for example you have an African, African-Caribbean or south Asian background you may also not make enough vitamin D from sunlight.

You should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D throughout the year.

How Taking A Vitamin D Supplement May Help You Manage Crohns Disease

Just take that notion with a grain of salt: The study was very small only 50 women were initially surveyed and it only suggests, rather than proves, that vitamin D3 may be safely absorbed through the skin.

Kennedy cautions these products are relatively new, so there isnt much research on them so far. Also, keep in mind that while many of these skin creams may have vitamin D listed on their ingredients label, the exact amount of the nutrient present usually isnt, Kennedy adds.

Because this industry is not well regulated, its impossible to determine exactly what you may be getting, and the concentration may even vary from company to company and even jar to jar, she says. For now, food, supplements, and sun are still the best delivery systems for vitamin D in people who are able to absorb the nutrient through these modes.”

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I Vitamin D & the Role Of Its In Health

Vitamin D plays a vital role in absorbing calcium into the bones. Vitamin D stimulates the calcium deposition in bones, making your bones stronger and healthier. Some of the best benefits of this vitamin that you should know:

  • Skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema
  • Weak bones
  • Dementia

People who are at higher risks of this vitamin deficiency are those who live in areas with little sunlight exposure, people on low-fat diets, people with darker skin, and people who are taking weight loss medications.

Here is the daily vitamin D amount you need:

The Top 20 Foods High In Vitamin D

Vitamin D Sources and Daily Needs  My Healthy Food Tips

Last Updated on December 16, 2020 by Michael Joseph

Often referred to as the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D is an essential fat-soluble vitamin.

This vitamin has great importance for our health, and it plays a role in blood pressure regulation and immune health among many other functions .

In this article, we take an in-depth look at the top twenty foods high in vitamin D.

The current reference daily intake for vitamin D is 600 IU for adults.

However, this falls to 400 IU for children under 12 months old and rises to 800 IU for adults over the age of 70 .

All nutrition values are sourced from the USDA Food Composition Database.

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How We Supplement: Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a crucial vitamin when it comes to immunity support, and we dont get enough. Up to 70% of people are D deficient. Low levels of vitamin D are associated with an increased risk of infection and disease . For example, a recently published a study found that a sufficient amount of vitamin D can reduce the risk of catching coronavirus by 54%. Foods rich in vitamin D include salmon , egg yolks, UV-exposed mushrooms, but most of us do not meet our vitamin D need from a food alone. Get your vitamin D levels checked . And, if approved by your dietitian or physician, take a safe, evidence-based dose is around 2,000-4,000 IU of Vitamin D3 per day .” rel=”nofollow”> 2).

What Is Vitamin D Good For

Vitamin D is one of the essential nutrients which plays an imperative role in the regulation and absorption of various vital minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphate in your body.

Vitamin D is also known as Sunshine Vitamin because your body can make and absorb vitamin D from sun exposure.

Your body needs vitamin D to help absorb calcium.

Calcium and vitamin D are essential nutrients that help in building strong bones when youre young and to keeping them strong and healthy as you age.

Vitamin D plays an important role in protecting your bones, both by helping your body absorb calcium and by supporting muscles needed to avoid falls.

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Whats The Difference Between Vitamin D2 And D3

There are two main forms of vitamin D vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 and the difference between them has to do with their chemical structure and the way theyre made. Vitamin D3 is the form of vitamin D that the body makes from sunshine hitting your skin. You can get it from animal-derived sources. Vitamin D2, on the other hand, is plant based.

Vitamin D From Mushrooms

Best Food Sources for Vitamin D

Just to be clearmushrooms arent technically considered vegetables, but they are packed with high levels of vitamin D after being exposed to sunlight at very high levels. The best part is that there are various kinds of mushrooms, which means you are not limited when incorporating them into your diet:

  • White Mushrooms: Also called white button mushrooms. They are a great source of vitamin D when they have been exposed to the suns rays while in the growing stage. Not only do they provide adequate amounts of vitamin D, but they also have other health benefits i.e. research shows that if you use white mushrooms in place of red meat they can help enhance weight loss. So incorporating these mushrooms into your diet can improve your health in every aspect. Per serving, every ounce of white mushrooms will give you 8 IU of vitamin D.
  • Shiitake Mushrooms: Shiitake mushrooms provide about three percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin D, but if they are exposed to higher volumes of sunlight, the intake levels can be much higher. For every four shiitake mushrooms served, your body consumes 20 IU of vitamin D.

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Sunlight And Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a unique vitamin. This is because your body can make it when it is exposed to sunlight.

Many factors can reduce how much vitamin D your body makes, including:

  • smog
  • amount of skin exposed to sunlight
  • age:
  • you make less vitamin D as you get older
  • amount of melanin :
  • it takes longer for people with more melanin to make vitamin D from the sun’s ultraviolet rays
  • These factors make it hard to estimate the amount of vitamin D you make from sun exposure.

    The Top Vitamin D Foods

    In a recent nutrient survey, many respondents were rightfully concerned they weren’t getting enough D, with 22% actively looking for it in foods. But just 9% knew that salmon is a good natural source of the vitamin, and only 5% recognized fortified tofu as one, too. Here are some other ways to get more foods with vitamin D in your diet:

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    Fish Eggs And Meat With Vitamin D

    Eggs are a very efficient way of getting your daily dose of vitamin D and you can add them to any meal of the day! Because vitamin D comes from the yolk of the egg, it is essential that you use the whole egg instead of just the egg white . But you cant get all of your vitamin D from eggs. Each egg contains 200 mg of cholesterol, and the recommended dose of cholesterol, according to the American Heart Association, is 300 mg a day.

    Cod liver oil is one of the purest, more efficient sources of vitamin D. Though it might not sound enticing, it is effective, and it can also be found in capsule form. One tablespoon contains 1,300 IU of vitamin D it does not exceed the dietary limit, which is 4,000 IU per serving for people over eight years of age, but it does exceed the limit for infants, which is 1,000 IU per day.

    Who Is At Risk Of Vitamin D Deficiency

    source of vitamin D
    • If you get limited sun exposure.
    • If you are obese or have had gastric bypass surgery.
    • Those with dark skin.
    • If you are an older adult.
    • Infants who are exclusively breastfed without vitamin D supplementation.
    • If you are suffering from certain digestive diseases that result in malabsorption. Ayurvedic herbs and spices can also contribute a lot in treating digestive disorders.

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    Advice For Infants And Young Children

    The Department of Health and Social Care recommends that babies from birth to 1 year of age should have a daily supplement containing 8.5 to 10 micrograms of vitamin D throughout the year if they are:

    • breastfed
    • formula-fed and are having less than 500ml of infant formula a day, as infant formula is already fortified with vitamin D

    Children aged 1 to 4 years old should be given a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D throughout the year.

    You can buy vitamin D supplements or vitamin drops containing vitamin D at most pharmacies and supermarkets.

    Women and children who qualify for the Healthy Start scheme can get free supplements containing vitamin D.

    See the Healthy Start website for more information.


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