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HomeNewsWhat Is Vitamin D3 For In The Body

What Is Vitamin D3 For In The Body

The Many Benefits Of Vitamin D3

Health & Nutrition : Health Benefits of Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 can have an impact on as many as 2,000 different genes within the body, and has a direct role on far more aspects of health than many might realize.

Vitamin D receptors are found in nearly every cell, and as soon as D binds to a receptor, it turns genes on or off, prompting changes at the cellular level. Studies completed over the last two decades have proven that this process turns off cancer-causing genes, turns on immunoprotective genes, and even tells cells which vitamins and minerals to absorb. This all has a great effect on many important body processes, including:

Bone health

Strong bones are a result of good vitamin D3 intake because it helps regulate and control the bodys ability to absorb phosphorus and calciumtwo compounds that provide density and strength to the skeletal system and teeth.

Insulin control

Vitamin D3 stimulates the pancreas and triggers the process to make insulin. This is key for managing blood sugar levels more effectively and can help diabetics better control the disease.

Lower blood pressure

A study from Boston University found that those with high blood pressure experienced a drop in numbers when vitamin D levels were increased. D3 actively reduces the concentration of renin, an enzyme secreted by the kidney that has an affect on blood vessels.

Possible cancer prevention

Hearth health


How Is Vitamin D Deficiency Treated

The goals of treatment and prevention are the sameto reach, and then maintain, an adequate level of vitamin D in the body. While you might consider eating more foods that contain vitamin D and getting a little bit of sunlight, you will likely be told to take vitamin D supplements.

Vitamin D comes in two forms: D2 and D3. D2, also called ergocalciferol, comes from plants. D3, also called cholecalciferol, comes from animals. You need a prescription to get D2. D3, however, is available over the counter. It is more easily absorbed than D2 and lasts longer in the body dose-for-dose. Work with your doctor to find out if you need to take a vitamin supplement and how much to take if it is needed.

Should Everyone Get Their Vitamin D Levels Checked Generally No

Karl Insogna, MD, director of Yale Medicines Bone Center

Most people should be fine. Testing is important only for certain populations: for people who are institutionalized for patients with a gastrointestinal disorder or osteoporosis those who have had weight loss surgery those on anti-convulsant medications and children who are immobilized and not outside and active. If youre over 70, I recommend getting your levels checked at least one time.

People whose cultural or religious beliefs require them to be fully clothed, especially if theyre living in northern climates, and whose dietary habits include little or no dairy , may also be vitamin D-deficient and should be tested.

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Should I Take Vitamin D Or D3

Vitamin D and vitamin D3 are each effective vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D2 is approved in the treatment of hypoparathyroidism, vitamin D resistant rickets, and hypophosphatemia. Both supplements are commonly used for vitamin D supplementation.

Studies have shown that vitamin D3 supplements may be superior in raising the bodys vitamin D stores. There are many health benefits to vitamin D supplementation, but your doctor should use lab tests to recommend the amount of vitamin D you should take and which form.

Up Your Level Of Vitamin D Today For Optimal Health

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What does vitamin D3 do for the body?

As you can see from the above information, quite a lot! As a recap, to ensure you get the appropriate levels, look at ways you can get enough vitamin D.

Whether you get it from the sun, food, or supplements, get it from your favorite sources each day.

Fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel are the top sources of vitamin D, but if you prefer a vegan approach, you can also get it from reindeer lichen, which you can find in our INTENSE DEFENSE shot.

Lastly, the upper limit for daily intake is 4,000 IU for those ages 9 and older, according to the National Institutes of Health. If youre curious about your vitamin D levels, speak with your doctor about measuring it and if you might be in the at-risk category for a deficiency.

Grab a case of our INTENSE DEFENSE today to ensure youre getting enough of your daily vitamin D! We make it easy, too. Youll find a single shot contains 235% of your recommended daily value of vitamin D.

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How Much Vitamin D Do You Need

In healthy people, the amount of vitamin D needed per day varies by age. The chart below shows the often-cited recommendations of the Institute of Medicine, now the Health and Medicine Division of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. It is important to know that these are general recommendations. If your doctor is checking your blood levels, he or she might recommend higher or lower doses based on your individual needs.

If you have osteoporosis, your doctor might suggest a blood test of your vitamin D levels. The amount of vitamin D supplement can be customized for each person, based on the results. For many older patients, a vitamin D supplement containing anywhere between 800 to 2000 IUs daily, which can be obtained without a prescription, can be both safe and beneficial. It is important to speak with your doctor about your individual needs.

People by age

*refers to adequate intake vs recommended dietary allowance of the other age groups.

Vitamin D3 Vs Vitamin D

Vitamin D
Manufactured both in plants and animals Manufactured specifically in animals and is found on the skin of animals
Exists in five forms as vitamin D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5 Vitamin D3 is Cholecalciferol
It is not always beneficial for the body. The vitamin D2 can be toxic for the body Vitamin D3 is good for the body
It is a micronutrient necessary for the absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphate A subtype of vitamin D produced by the skin

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What Are The Health Effects Of Vitamin D Deficiency Vitamin D Natural Source: 5 Foods Rich In Vitamin D If There Is A Lack Of Vitamin D In The Body Then You Must Include In Your Diet

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What is Vitamin D?What Does It Do in Your Body?

Getting enough vitamin D may also play a role in helping to keep you healthy by protecting against the following conditions and possibly helping to treat them. These conditions can include:

Vitamin D: Everything You Need To Know

VITAMIN D: Its Role, Function, and Levels

Your body can generate vitamin D3 with the help of sunlight exposure, but this isnt always a sustainable way to get the levels you need. Read this for more information on how Vitamin D3 supplements can support optimal health.

7 minute read

Vitamin D is not just one vitamin, but rather a family of nutrients that have similar chemical structures. Vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 are the most commonly found members of this family.

Both vitamins will help you achieve required daily levels of vitamin D, and will help to support calcium absorption and bone health as well as support immune function. Both are also fat-soluble. However, there are important differences between these two forms.

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So What Exactly Does Vitamin D Do

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin and for good reason. Its necessary for a wide array of your bodys functions. Vitamin D helps support the health of your:

  • Bones
  • Heart, and
  • Immune system2

A lack of vitamin D may also play a role in your bodys inflammatory processes. Now, keep in mind, inflammation is your bodys response to perceived threats. But chronic inflammation can actually lead to the development of serious health problems.3

Vitamin D is also famous for its partnership with calcium. Now, youre probably well aware that calcium is absolutely necessary for maintaining strong bones and preventing the onset of osteoporosis.4 Vitamin D works with calcium in a couple ways:

1. It allows your intestine to absorb calcium from dietary sources,


2. It helps your bones maintain a steady amount of calcium.5

Vitamin D Vs D: Differences Similarities And Which Is Better For You

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The D vitamins are fat-soluble vitamins that play an important role in calcium absorption and bone health, as well as immune function. Our skin produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, but due to the skin cancer risk, many people avoid sun exposure or use sunscreen, which prevents the body from producing vitamin D. Many types of milk and dairy products, along with orange juice, are also fortified with vitamin D. Still, many of us do not get enough vitamin D and need to take a supplement. There are two forms of vitamin D dietary supplements: vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 , and it is important to understand their differences when choosing which vitamin D supplement to take.

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Achieving Good Health Wellness And Longevity Is About Optimal Nutrition Being Physically Active On A Regular Basis And Enjoying Life

But while a diet rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients can promote an athletic and aesthetic physique, a lack of good nutrition can lead you down the slippery slope of illness and disease.

In this article we take a look at vitamin D3 the sunshine vitamin as its otherwise known.

Many people just dont get enough of this wonder nutrient, and nearly half of the US population have a deficiency.

If you want to know more about the symptoms and treatment of vitamin D3 deficiency youre in the right place.

Can We Get Vitamin D3 Overdose

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Vitamin D overdose is a risk of hypercalcemia. Extremely high doses of vitamin D can, therefore, lead to hypercalcemia, an excessive intake of calcium, which represents a considerable health risk. When used correctly, vitamin D preparations, therefore, do not pose any risk of overdosing.

For your health, please ask your doctor about the benefits and side effects of Vitamin D3.

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Vitamin D Can Help Prevent Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes

While studies are not conclusive, vitamin D may be helpful for preventing both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, says Newgent. One such study, published in 2006 in the journal Diabetes Care, found that while vitamin D on its own did not effectively lower the risk of an overabundance of sugar in the blood, a combined daily intake of > 1,200 mg calcium and > 800 IU vitamin D could effectively lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Muscle Problems That Are Thought To Be Caused By Statins

Its possible that muscle aches and pains that are often thought to be caused by statins are actually caused by a lack of vitamin D. Too little vitamin D can cause muscle weakness and tenderness in the bones these muscle problems seem very similar to the ones linked to statins.

Because a lack of vitamin D is so common, its likely that many people who are taking statins dont have enough vitamin D.

Your doctor can check if you have enough vitamin D in your blood using a simple blood test.

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The Sixth Steroid Hormone

Vitamin D is often referred to as a steroid hormone because it has a potent effect on other hormones. In the research youll often find it labelled as a secosteroid, purely due to its action on the endocrine system.

It acts kind of like a chaperone, guiding nutrients into manufacturing other important hormones.

There are two forms of the nutrient:

  • Ergocalciferol D2
  • Cholecalciferol commonly referred to as D3

Vitamin D3 its much more bioavailable than ergocalciferol in fact, taking a D2 dose can actually reduce D3 levels .

How To Obtain Vitamin D

How Much Vitamin D3 Is Too Much? Your Vitamin D3 Daily Intake Based On The Research

Before we look at what vitamin D3 can do for you, lets first take a quick look at how you can obtain vitamin D. Vitamin D3 actually refers to a form of this vitamin that can be obtained through supplements. This is an excellent form of vitamin D that is easily absorbed by the body thus offering numerous benefits to the human body. Sunlight is also an effective sourced vitamin D.

In addition to taking supplements, there are also numerous food sources that offer a decent amount of vitamin D. Including these in your daily diet can also help you obtain an adequate supply of this vitamin daily. According to Dr. Axe, high vitamin D foods include cod liver oil, sardines, mackerel, salmon, caviar, raw milk, and tuna.

Vitamin D3 Sorces and Benefits. Shutterstock Images

Also Check: How Long Does It Take To Restore Vitamin D Levels

How Do Health Care Professionals Diagnose A Vitamin D Deficiency

Considered safe < 100 ng/mL

The largest meta-analysis ever conducted on all of the published studies between 1966 and 2013 regarding 25D levels and all-cause mortality found that the lowest mortality risk is seen when the levels are > 40 ng/mL. According to this, the IOM guidelines are too low and there is a plea calling on the public health authorities to change the recommendations for both the ideal blood level and the requirements needed to achieve this level.

Your 25D level will change by season if you vary how much time you spend in the sun each season. Keep this in mind when scheduling your test.

Drug Interactions Of Vitamin D2 Vs D3

Vitamin D2 and D3 each are metabolized by the liver to 25D, and therefore the potential drug interactions are similar for both forms. Vitamin D may increase the serum levels of aluminum when taken with aluminum hydroxide, a common antacid, and therefore the combination should be avoided. Thiazide diuretics, such as hydrochlorothiazide, may increase the chance of vitamin D raising calcium levels in the blood to a dangerously high level. Patients on both thiazide diuretics and vitamin D supplementation should be monitored for this effect by their healthcare provider. Some drugs may decrease the absorption and effectiveness of your vitamin D supplement. Bile-acid sequestrants, such as cholestyramine, are an example of a drug which will impair vitamin D absorption. Vitamin D and cholestyramine should not be administered at the same time.

The following table may not be a complete list of drug interactions. Please consult your pharmacist or healthcare provider for more information and a complete list of interactions.


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What Happens If I Have Too Much Vitamin D

It is very rare to have too much vitamin D. If you have too much vitamin D the level of calcium in your blood may increase and this causes a condition known as hypercalcaemia, which can cause a number of symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, tiredness, confusion, depression, headaches, muscle weakness, the need to pass urine more frequently and feeling thirsty. However, this condition is very rare.

Why Do I Need Vitamin D And How Do I Get It

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Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. Calcium is one of the main building blocks of bone. Vitamin D also has a role in your nervous, muscle, and immune systems.

You can get vitamin D in three ways: through your skin, from your diet, and from supplements. Your body forms vitamin D naturally after exposure to sunlight. But too much sun exposure can lead to skin aging and skin cancer, so many people try to get their vitamin D from other sources.

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Vitamin D Level: Confusion Reigns

There is no universal agreement on what constitutes an ideal vitamin D level, and studies are contradictory. In 2007, Michael F. Holick, M.D., Ph.D. published an article in The New England Journal of Medicine stating that vitamin D levels ranging between 21 to 29 ng/mL were linked to an increased risk of various diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and depression, among others. Thus, he opined that the normal values at that time should be lowered to below 21.

Then, in 2010, the United States and Canadian governments asked the Institute of Medicine to assess data on health outcomes associated with calcium and vitamin D. Their was a vitamin D level of 20 ng/ML or higher was normal and a vitamin D deficiency occurred only in levels below 20 ng/ML.

To make things even more confusing, in 2011 The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism published a study that suggested vitamin D levels of 30 ng/mL were considered normalbut to guarantee an optimal level, 40 to 60 ng/mL was recommended in adults and children.

So, whats the right vitamin D level? Below 20 ng/ML? Above 20? Above 30? Above 40?

Choosing Vitamin D Supplements

Because it’s inadvisable to expose skin to excess UV rays and it can be challenging to get enough vitamin D from food, one way to boost vitamin D intake is with supplements.

There are two forms of vitamin D supplements: ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol . While some experts prefer D3 supplements, there is no strong evidence to believe that one is better than the other when consumed in nutritional doses. At high doses, D2 may be less potent.

Vitamin D supplements come in capsule, gummy, liquid, or chewable tablet forms. Vitamin D is also often found in multivitamins and calcium supplements. Whichever you take, it’s important to read labels so that you know how much you’re getting.

Most vitamin D supplements provide 400 IU per dose, which is several hundred IU shy of the RDA. But most individuals get some vitamin D naturally from sun exposure and by consuming fortified foods.

It is also important to make sure you’re not getting too much vitamin D. The upper limit for children over age 9 and adults is 4,000 IU per day. Too much vitamin D can be harmful. Signs of toxicity include nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, constipation, weakness, and weight loss.

Excess vitamin D also can cause damage to kidneys and increase the levels of calcium in the blooda condition called hypercalcemia that can cause confusion, disorientation, and problems with heart rhythm.

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