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HomeWhat Are All The Vitamins You Need In A Day

What Are All The Vitamins You Need In A Day

When To Take Your Multivitamin


Generally, the time of day you take your multivitamin is not important. However, taking it with food may minimize stomach discomfort and aid in absorption. In addition, supplemental calcium and iron bind together in the gastrointestinal track. For optimal absorption of a calcium supplement, avoid taking it with your multivitamin, and if you take Synthroid, take it four hours before or after your multivitamin or calcium supplement for optimal effectiveness.

For more information about multivitamins and healthy nutrition, reach out to our clinical nutritionists. You can request an appointment online or call us at .

What The Numbers Mean

Many of the terms you see on labels or supplement web sites can help you understand how much of the vitamin or mineral you should take. For example, here are some guidelines set up by the Institute of Medicine:

The RDA and the AI are the amounts of a vitamin or mineral you need to keep healthy and stay well-nourished. They’re tailored to women, men, and specific age groups.

The UL is the maximum amount of daily vitamins and minerals that you can safely take without risk of an overdose or serious side effects. For certain nutrients, the higher you go above the UL, the greater the chance you’ll have problems.

The DV is the only measurement you’ll find on food and supplement labels. That’s because space is limited, and there’s a need for one single reference number. That number is the amount of a vitamin or nutrient that you should get for top health from a diet of 2,000 calories a day. The DV is sometimes the same as the RDA.

Although the details may be different, remember that the RDA and DV are both set up to help you get the nutrients you need to prevent disease and avoid problems caused by lack of nutrition.

When To See A Doctor

The symptoms of vitamin deficiency vary. Some deficiencies have no symptoms at all. In general, if you have any of these symptoms, you should contact your doctor:

  • You are losing your hair.
  • You feel weak.
  • You are often tired, even when you get plenty of sleep.
  • You have cracks in the corners of your mouth.
  • You have acne-like bumps on your cheeks, upper arms, thighs, and buttocks.
  • Your vision is getting worse, especially at night.
  • You have dry eyes.
  • You are having panic attacks.
  • You have tingling or numbness in your hands and feet.
  • Your gums bleed.

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Still Wondering What Vitamins You Should Take Try Our Simple Approach To Finding Personalized Vitamins And Supplements For Your Unique Health Goals

Almost everyone has some experience with vitamins, even if the last ones you took were shaped like a cartoon family. However, with thousands of products on the market, the process of choosing the right vitamins and supplements can be overwhelming. The process is made even more complicated by contradicting information and misleading advertising. You know there is a way to improve your long-term health, but how can you make sure you are taking the right vitamins and supplements?

The key is to know what essential vitamins and nutrients to look out for, to carefully assess your diet, and to consider how your lifestyle and long-term health goals come into play. Remember that vitamins and supplements are not meant to replace a healthy diet. Beyond nutrients, fresh fruits and vegetables provide antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber, all of which are important.

Should You Take Vitamin Supplements

Requirement of Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Many of us choose to take supplements, because we think we’re not getting the right amount of vitamins in our body – but you might not realise that taking a high dosage, or taking them for too long, can do more harm than good, especially if youre already taking prescription medication.

Not only that, vitamin supplements can be expensive – and unnecessary. Your kidneys will simply flush out what your body doesnt need, which could mean that your expensive supplements end up going straight down the toilet.

GP Dr Liz Green says: ‘Its always good to ensure that you take supplements only in the recommended daily allowance amounts and discuss with your GP why you’re taking them and why they’re needed.’

Nevertheless, vitamin supplements can be helpful for some people, so we asked the experts to help us identify the most common deficiencies to look out for in older people, along with some advice on how to prevent them.

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How To Select Your Daily Vitamin Regimen

Heres the thing. Theres no one perfect supplement regimen thats going to be work for everyone. Your nutritional needs can vary greatly depending on your stress level, activity levels, gender, age, and other factors.

Start by evaluating your lifestyle and diet. Once you have identified which nutrients youre likely to be deficient in, there are several vitamin companies that specialize in creating personalized supplement regimens. MBSF has the best roundup of custom vitamin brands, which makes the whole process very easy. Some even offer quizzes to help you pinpoint your regimen even further.

How Much Folate Do I Need

Adults need 200 micrograms of folate a day. A microgram is 1,000 times smaller than a milligram . The word microgram is sometimes written with the Greek symbol μ followed by the letter g .

There are no long-term stores in the body, so you need to eat folate-containing foods frequently.

Most people should be able to get the amount of folate they need by eating a varied and balanced diet.

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Signs Youve Chosen The Right Multivitamin

As kids, many of us took daily chewable multivitamins, and for a lot of us, that habit has continued into adulthood about one-third of American adults take multivitamins.

Some people take multivitamins for the comfort of knowing theyre filling potential nutrient gaps. Others take them with the belief that theyre boosting their immune system, improving their brain function or skin tone, or enhancing hair health or health in general.

People who benefit from taking an appropriate multivitamin include:

  • Those who are eating or absorbing fewer calories
  • Some older individuals
  • People who have undergone bariatric surgery

Some multivitamins claim to support heart health, but results from the Physicians Health Study II and Womens Health Study suggest that long-term use of multivitamins does not reduce risk of stroke, heart attack, or cardiovascular mortality. Additionally, a recent meta-analysis that included 18 studies, 2,099,262 participants, and 18,363,326 person years, reported that multivitamins did not lower the incidence of stroke or mortality from stroke, cardiovascular or coronary heart disease.

Advice For Adults And Children Over 4 Years Old

How to get all the micronutrients you need (5 a day rule)

During the autumn and winter, you need to get vitamin D from your diet because the sun is not strong enough for the body to make vitamin D.

But since it’s difficult for people to get enough vitamin D from food alone, everyone should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D during the autumn and winter.

Between late March/early April to the end of September, most people can make all the vitamin D they need through sunlight on their skin and from a balanced diet.

You may choose not to take a vitamin D supplement during these months.

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What Does A One

This one-day sample menu contains about 2,000 calories and the daily recommended amount of vitamins for a female adult of childbearing age.


  • ½ cup of old-fashioned oats cooked with:
  • 1 cup of 1% milk or calcium-fortified soy milk

Topped with:

  • 1 cup of sliced strawberries
  • 2 tbsp. raisins
  • 2/3 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • ½ cup of blueberries
  • 1 cup of cooked black beans
  • ¼ medium onion

What About Gummy Vitamins

Preliminary research suggests the median doses of vitamins are often higher than the recommended amounts in gummy versions. Manufacturers are aware that degradation is more likely in the gummy form, so a higher concentration of vitamins may be added to account for this anticipated loss. In addition, iron is omitted due to its metallic taste.

Gummy vitamins may be helpful for those who have difficulty swallowing supplements, but keep in mind that quality may be less consistent due to manufacturing challenges, and that they typically contain sugar or sugar alcohols, so calories will be present.

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Folate And Folic Acid

Folate is a B vitamin found in many foods. The manmade form of folate is called folic acid.

Folate is also known as folacin and vitamin B9.

Folate helps:

  • the body form healthy red blood cells
  • reduce the risk of birth defects called neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, in unborn babies

A lack of folate could lead to folate deficiency anaemia.

Coconut Water For Extra Hydration

Is It Possible To Have Too Many Vitamins?

Suggested portion: 1 cup of coconut water

Your morning smoothie will provide a dose of hydration, but dont stop there. Keep drinking plenty of water throughout the day to help your body process all of these nutrients!

In addition to regular ol water, switch things up by sipping some coconut water. It contains antioxidants, electrolytes, and nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and calcium.

Important: Check the label of the coconut water before you buy to see what percentage daily value of nutrients it contains as the amounts vary quite a bit brand to brand. Trader Joes Organic King Coconut Water is a great option, containing 18 percent DV of potassium, 120 percent DV of vitamin C, and 8 percent DV of calcium.

Throughout the rest of the day, try to aim for 8 glasses of water. But if your lifestyle has you sweating , drink even more.

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Sometimes Supplements Are Needed

Supplements do have a role to play for some groups of people. For instance, people on long-term restrictive weight loss diets or people with malabsorption problems, such as diarrhoea, coeliac disease, cystic fibrosis or pancreatitis, can benefit from supplements.

Folic acid supplements are strongly recommended for women planning a pregnancy to reduce the risk having a baby with neural tube defects, like spina bifida. Also, people who follow vegan diets, especially if pregnant, may benefit from vitamin B12 supplements.

People who are advised by their doctor that they need to take vitamin supplements are encouraged to consult an accredited dietitian, who can work with their doctor to provide dietary advice related to the persons situation.

If you need to take a supplement, it is best to take multivitamins at the recommended dietary level, rather than single nutrient supplements or high-dose multivitamins.

Essential Vitamins Your Body Needs: Pyridoxine

Vitamin B6 is an essential vitamin for good health. It promotes protein metabolism, metabolism of carbohydrates and the release of energy. It also plays a role in proper nerve function and the synthesis of red blood cells.

Where to get Vitamin B6: Meat, fish, poultry, grains, cereals, bananas, green leafy vegetables, potatoes, soybeans.

Make sure you avoid these surprisingly unhealthy foods at all costs.

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What Do Vitamins And Minerals Do

Vitamins and minerals boost the immune system, support normal growth and development, and help cells and organs do their jobs. For example, you’ve probably heard that carrots are good for your eyes. It’s true! Carrots are full of substances called carotenoids that your body converts into vitamin A, which helps prevent eye problems.

Vitamin K helps blood to clot, so cuts and scrapes stop bleeding quickly. You’ll find vitamin K in green leafy vegetables, broccoli, and soybeans. And to have strong bones, you need to eat foods such as milk, yogurt, and green leafy vegetables, which are rich in the mineral calcium.

First Up: Smoothie Time


Suggested portion: 1 to 2 cups

A smoothie is an easy way to get a ton of your nutrients in one fell swoop. For this concoction, were focusing on natural sweeteners yes, leafy greens and fruit can make a drink sweet protein, and healthy fats.

Our approach ensures you get the fiber, vitamins, and minerals you need to get your day off to a solid start.

Stick to this power combo and youll check off many of the above nutrients with a healthy dose of probiotics, and potassium, to boot:

  • yogurt
  • a scoop of protein powder
  • your milk of choice

Pro tip: For folks who eat vegan or gluten-free, try an all-in-one protein powder such as KOS Plant Protein, which includes some of the additional vitamins and minerals of a daily multivitamin.

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The Body Can Also Go Without Any Vitamins

Our bodies need vitamins, minerals, and nutrients for us to survive. But the reality is that our bodies do hang onto many of these for a little while by storing them in various parts of our systems. So some play devil’s advocate, arguing that you don’t really need any vitamins every single day because, in fact, the body can go some time without eating at all.

“There are actually no vitamins that our body needs every day,” Ben Tanner, founder of Fasting Well, told Health Digest. Tanner has been a physician assistant in family practice, emergency medicine, and urgent care for over a decade. “How do I know this? Because people can fast for days on end without any significant adverse health consequences. In fact, their health significantly improves from fasting!”

While Tanner admits that certain quantities of some vitamins and minerals stay stored in our livers and other places, so the body would still have access to them while fasting, he says that you can go a few days without certain vitamins.

How Much Do You Know About The 13 Essential Vitamins Your Body Needs

The 13 essential vitamins your body needs are vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the B vitamins: thiamine , riboflavin , niacin , pantothenic acid , pyroxidine , biotin , folate and cobalamin .

The four fat-soluble vitaminsA, D, E, and Kare stored in the bodys fatty tissues. The other nine vitamins are water-soluble and therefore must be replenished regularly because they are removed from the body in your urine. Vitamin B12 is the only water-soluble vitamin that is stored in the liver.

The best way to get enough of the 13 essential vitamins is to eat a balanced diet from a variety of foods. Here is a guide to why you need each essential vitaminand the best food sources from which to obtain them.

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Always Talk With A Professional

While the nutritionists we spoke to agree that supplements can be helpful, it’s important to always talk with your healthcare provider before jumping in with a vitamin regimen. Most vitamin supplements contain 100 percent of the recommended daily amount, so if you’re already consuming a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables throughout the day, you would be taking in way more than the National Institutes of Health recommends.

Unfortunately when it comes to vitamins, you really can have too much of a good thing.

According to the National Institutes of Health, a meta-analysis of studies looking at more than 400,000 people found that a daily vitamin supplement was associated with an increased cancer risk. A separate study of women found that a daily supplement was linked to an increased risk for skin cancer.

Taking vitamin A supplements with beta-carotene has been proven to increase the risk of lung cancer in study participants. In one study, the increased risk was a whopping 28 percent, which caused the researchers to actually end the study early.

Calcium supplements have not been proven to improve bone density. In fact, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that participants taking a daily calcium supplement were more likely to suffer a hip fracture.

A Closer Look At Trace Minerals

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A thimble could easily contain the distillation of all the trace minerals normally found in your body. Yet their contributions are just as essential as those of major minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which each account for more than a pound of your body weight.

Trace minerals

Trace minerals carry out a diverse set of tasks. Here are a few examples:

  • Iron is best known for ferrying oxygen throughout the body.
  • Fluoride strengthens bones and wards off tooth decay.
  • Zinc helps blood clot, is essential for taste and smell, and bolsters the immune response.
  • Copper helps form several enzymes, one of which assists with iron metabolism and the creation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood.

The other trace minerals perform equally vital jobs, such as helping to block damage to body cells and forming parts of key enzymes or enhancing their activity.

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Supplements Containing Vitamins A C And D

Children aged 6 months to 5 years should take vitamin supplements containing vitamins A, C and D every day.

Find out more about vitamins for children or ask your health visitor for advice.

A GP may also recommend supplements if you need them for a medical condition. For example, you may be prescribed iron supplements to treat iron deficiency anaemia.

The 13 Essential Vitamins

At the most basic level, vitamins are essential organic substances your bodys cells require to function, grow, develop and heal properly. There are 13 essential vitamins: vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and the B vitamins, B6, B12, biotin, folate, niacin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, and thiamine. A major deficiency in any one of these vitamins could lead to serious health problems.

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