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How Much Is 1000 Mg Of Vitamin C

One Bottle Lasts For 2 Months

Vitamin C supplement – Nature’s Bounty 1000 mg vitamin C

We have sealed a huge dose of vitamin C in just one capsule. You do not have to swallow another dose every 3-4 hours, as in the case of other similar products. With Vitamin C 1000 you just have to take one capsule per day. That is all you need to boost your immunity and take advantage of all vitamin C health beneficial properties.

Recommendations For Vitamin C

Vitamin C recommendations vary depending on gender, certain life stages and whether or not you smoke. Men, for example, need 90 milligrams of daily vitamin C from the age of 19 and all throughout adulthood, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. Women over age 19 require 75 milligrams per day. However, during pregnancy, the recommendation is 85 milligrams and then increases further to 120 milligrams if you breast-feed. Smoking further ups your vitamin C needs by an additional 35 milligrams, since oxidative stress from free radicals increases when you smoke.

How To Use C

Take this vitamin by mouth with or without food, usually 1 to 2 times daily. Follow all directions on the product package, or take as directed by your doctor.

If you are taking the extended-release capsules, swallow them whole. Do not crush or chew extended-release capsules or tablets. Doing so can release all of the drug at once, increasing the risk of side effects. Also, do not split extended-release tablets unless they have a score line and your doctor or pharmacist tells you to do so. Swallow the whole or split tablet without crushing or chewing. Take this product with a full glass of water unless your doctor directs you otherwise.

If you are taking the wafers or chewable tablets, chew them thoroughly and then swallow. If you are taking the lozenges, place the lozenge in your mouth and allow it to slowly dissolve.

If you are taking the powder, mix it thoroughly in the proper amount of liquid or soft food and stir well. Take all of the mixture right away. Do not prepare a supply for future use. If you are using the liquid form of this vitamin, carefully measure the dose using a special measuring device/spoon. Do not use a household spoon because you may not get the correct dose.

Dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment.

Use this vitamin regularly to get the most benefit from it. To help you remember, take it at the same time each day.

If you think you may have a serious medical problem, seek immediate medical attention.

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What Do We Use Ourselves

We believe there is a reasonable burden of scientific evidence to suggest that on a short-term basis, taking large amounts of vitamin C might offer benefits which outweigh the potential risk of increased ROS generation.

Based on studies, that may range from 1,000 mg to 5,000 mg daily for a period of days or weeks. However its important to remember that using beyond the RDA has not been proven to offer any increased health benefit. It should not be used for the treatment of any disease. High amounts should be viewed as a dietary supplement only.

For long term usage, such as several consecutive months or 1+ years, taking too much vitamin C does not seem worth it when you weigh the risk for kidney stone formation and the still lingering unknown of how much excess ROS might be created from its Fenton reactions.

During pregnancy, to avoid any potential risk for vitamin C toxicity or adverse reactions, we would stay within the Tolerable Upper Intake Levels both on a short and long term basis. Thats 1,800 mg per day for women 14 to 18 years of age who are pregnant or breastfeeding and for ages 19+ thats 2,000 mg.

All of us at Superfoodly use numerous supplements but we do not take vitamin C capsules or tablets on a daily or even weekly basis. Rather, we rely on a plant-based whole food diet that is already a rich source, combined with an organic multivitamin that provides a more moderate among for long term usage 80 mg which equals 130% of daily value.

Vitamin C As An Antioxidant

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant. The role of antioxidants in the body is to neutralize and control free radicals cells that cause damage and increase the likelihood of diabetic complications.

Antioxidants can help prevent and repair free radical damage caused by oxidative stress, which in turn improves insulin secretion and glycemic control.

Antioxidants found in whole fruits and vegetables, including vitamin C, can help preventdiabetes complications.

However, there islittle evidence to support that antioxidant supplements have the same effect. Most likely because vitamin C works as part of an elaborate network of antioxidants all working synergistically together to exert their benefits.

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How Much Do I Need

Vitamin C dissolves in water and is not stored in the body, so we do need a consistent supply to maintain adequate levels, says registered dietitian Jillian Greaves. The recommended daily intake is about 75 mg per day for women and 90 mg per day for men. For women, you could get more than your daily requirement by eating one kiwi and men could have half a papaya and call it a day.

Tolerable Upper Intake Level

The Institute of Medicine’s Food and Nutrition Board has set the tolerable upper intake level, or UL, of vitamin C for an adult over 19 years old at 2,000 milligrams per day. This means that unless you regularly consume more than 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C each day — including your intake from both food and supplements — you should not experience any potentially harmful side effects.

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What Dosage Of Vitamin C Is Too Much Anyway

According to the National Institutes of Health, vitamin C has low toxicity and its rather unusual to cause serious adverse effects. Even at high intakes. The maximum dosage of vitamin C for adults is 2,000 mg daily.

Better consult your doctor before taking any supplements. Especially if youre taking other medication. Vitamin C supplements may interact with other drugs.

Vitamin C Can Act As A Pro

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What is a pro-oxidant? Its the opposite of an antioxidant. Instead of neutralizing reactive oxygen species it creates them by generating oxidative stress. This is a drawback that antioxidants can have to varying degrees, dependent on their concentration and the environment they are in.

In short, a pro-oxidant effect is the opposite of what you want!

Fully describing the Fenton and Haber-Weiss reactions will have to be a topic for another time!

In the case of vitamin C, the concerning reason it can act as a pro-oxidant is because it has been found to reduce metal ions through whats called the Fenton reaction. A symptom of overdose that you cant even detect!

Describing the Fenton reaction in full will make your eyes glaze. The important thing to know about is that its considered one of the most powerful methods of oxidation. This effect has been theorized to be a contributor to Parkinsons, Huntingtons, and Alzheimers diseases, among others.

Its inconclusive whether the thousands of different polyphenol antioxidants, which are non-vitamin micronutrients found in plants, also have the tendency to spur the Fenton reaction. Not to say they dont, but at least to date, theres not evidence to support that and research strongly suggests their antioxidant activity to be quite beneficial for your health.

What makes ascorbic acid unique is that it can recycle ferrous iron ions to continue to generate ROS, with more Fenton cycles. This is why vitamin C and iron is a bad combo.

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Whats The Best Way To Take Vitamin C

Both experts stress that the best way to take vitamin C is through food. Whole foods contain a vitamin and micronutrient complex which cannot be fully replicated in vitamin supplements, says Dr. Serino. Also, your body absorbs more of the vitamin through food than through a supplement.

In my experience, most people do not need to supplement with vitamin C since it is abundant in food, says Greaves. The best sources of vitamin C are foods like bell pepper, brussels sprouts, strawberries, and citrus fruit. For example: A half cup of raw red pepper has about 95 mg of vitamin C.

If you dont like any of that stuff, you can eat a medium potato and a cup of red cabbage to get your daily dose. If youve got guava around, youll get 206 mg from eating just one!

Make sure to eat a few servings of fruits and vegetables each day, and youll likely have more than enough vitamin C to make your body happy. Its important to know that research doesnt show any benefit of supplementing with vitamin C beyond the recommended daily intake, says Greaves. So more is definitely not better!

How To Treat And Prevent Vitamin C Overdose

The single best way to prevent vitamin C overdose is to avoid taking supplements in high doses and to get the vitamin C your body needs from foods instead, especially fresh vegetables and fruits. Some of the foods richest in vitamin C include citrus fruits like oranges, leafy green vegetables, red peppers, melon, berries, kiwi, mango and sweet potatoes.

As mentioned above, vitamin C is water-soluble. What does this mean in terms of getting extra vitamin C out of your body? Do you pee out excess vitamin C?

Because vitamin C is water-soluble, its not as risky to take too much vitamin C as it is to take fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A or D. Unmetabolized ascorbic acid is excreted in the urine.

That said, overdose of vitamin C is still possible if someone takes supplements in high doses for an extended period of time, especially if that person also consumes lots of vitamin C from his or her diet and/or fortified foods.

How long does it take to get vitamin C out of your system?

Vitamin C can stay in the body for weeks. However, excess amounts are usually urinated out in a matter of hours.

Vitamin C will stay in someones body longer if that person doesnt already have high levels or are deficient. In order to prevent vitamin C from being lost in the urine, its best to take smaller, multiple doses spread out throughout the day.

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How Much Vitamin C Is Too Much

Since vitamin C is water-soluble and your body excretes excess amounts of it within a few hours after you consume it, its quite difficult to consume too much.

In fact, it is nearly impossible for you to get too much vitamin C from your diet alone. In healthy people, any extra vitamin C consumed above the recommended daily amount simply gets flushed out of the body .

To put it in perspective, you would need to consume 29 oranges or 13 bell peppers before your intake reached the tolerable upper limit (

19 ).

All the adverse effects of vitamin C, including digestive distress and kidney stones, appear to occur when people take it in mega doses greater than 2,000 mg .

If you choose to take a vitamin C supplement, it is best to choose one that contains no more than 100% of your daily needs. Thats 90 mg per day for men and 75 mg per day for women .


Its nearly impossible to consume too much vitamin C from food. However, if youre supplementing with this vitamin, you can minimize your risk of getting too much by taking no more than 90 mg per day if youre a man, or 75 mg per day if youre a woman.

Vitamin C is generally safe for most people.

This is especially true if you get it from foods, rather than supplements.

Individuals who take vitamin C in supplement form are at greater risk of consuming too much of it and experiencing side effects, the most common of which are digestive symptoms.

Vitamin C: Daily Requirements For Type 2 Diabetes

Vitamin C Tablets Do They Work

The recommended daily allowance for the general adult population is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men, with an upper limit of 2000 mg daily.

However, for people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes, you may need more.

According to research, people with diabetes have approximately 30% less vitamin C circulating in their blood compared to the general population.

If you have type 2 diabetes along with complications, you may even have lower levels compared to those without diabetes related complications. And thats not great because large studies have found that vitamin C levels and A1c levels are associated.

In fact, as your vitamin C level declines researchers have found that A1C level increases.

So why are your vitamin C needs higher when you have diabetes?

Oxidative stress caused by increased free radical production is common in type 2 diabetes. When your body is in a chronic state of oxidative stress, there is an unseen battle going on between pro-oxidants and antioxidants.

As the battle rages on in your body, your level of antioxidant resources gets depleted, leading to a decline in your antioxidant levels .

On top of this, when your blood glucose levels are elevated, vitamin C cant be absorbed into cells as efficiently and you can have increased urine losses.

Therefore, as a person with type 2 diabetes, your requirements for vitamin C are closer to 95 mg for women and 120 mg/day for men , especially if you have poorly controlled diabetes.

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In Conclusion Is 1000 Mg Of Vitamin C Safe

In general, the daily consumption of 1,000 mg of vitamin C is pretty safe. There are no side effects for most people. Certainly, people on medication should consult their health care provider, before taking any supplement.

Its a good idea to boost vitamin C intake, especially in the winter, as vitamin C seems to be beneficial against the flu and common cold. It may boost the immune system.

Moreover, we should take at least 1,000 mg of vitamin C during the summer, as well. Vitamin C naturally boosts collagen production, protecting us from skin aging and reliving us from sunburns! Also, it helps us burn body fat and lose weight!

Certainly, eating foods high in vitamin C is the best way to boost your daily intake. Furthermore, taking a 1,000 mg tablet wont do any harm. Moreover, vitamin C supplements are pretty cheap. You can compare prices on Amazon.

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    Whats The Recommended Intake

    The Institute of Medicine has developed a set of reference values for specific nutrient intake levels, including for vitamin C.

    One set of guidelines is known as the Recommended Dietary Allowance and considers average daily nutrient intake from both foods and supplements.

    RDA recommendations for specific gender and age groups should meet the nutrient needs of 9798% of healthy individuals (

    Here are the RDAs for vitamin C :

    Life stage
    Adult women 75 mg
    Adult men 90 mg
    Pregnant women 85 mg
    Breastfeeding women 120 mg

    In addition to the RDA recommendations for vitamin C, the Food and Drug Administration has issued a recommended Daily Value .

    The DV was developed for food and supplement labels. It helps you determine the percentage of nutrients in a single serving of food, compared with the daily requirements. On food labels, this is displayed as %DV .

    Currently, the recommended DV for vitamin C for adults and children aged 4 and above is 60 mg regardless of gender. However, in January 2020, this will increase to 90 mg .


    The RDA for Vitamin C ranges from 1575 mg for children, 75 mg for adult women, 90 mg for adult men, and 85120 mg for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

    Vitamin C is essential for overall health and wellness, and the nutrient may particularly benefit certain conditions.

    The vitamin is especially helpful for immune health, as it supports your immune systems cellular function .

    Too Much Vitamin C May Cause Digestive Symptoms

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    The most common side effect of high vitamin C intake is digestive distress.

    In general, these side effects do not occur from eating foods that contain vitamin C, but rather from taking the vitamin in supplement form.

    Youre most likely to experience digestive symptoms if you consume more than 2,000 mg at once. Thus, a tolerable upper limit of 2,000 mg per day has been established (


    Ingesting more than 2,000 mg of vitamin C per day may lead to gastrointestinal upset, including symptoms like diarrhea and nausea.

    Vitamin C is known to enhance iron absorption.

    It can bind to non-heme iron, which is found in plant foods. Non-heme iron is not absorbed by your body as efficiently as heme iron, the type of iron found in animal products .

    Vitamin C binds with non-heme iron, making it much easier for your body to absorb. This is an important function, especially for individuals who get most of their iron from plant-based foods .

    One study in adults found that iron absorption increased by 67% when they took 100 mg of vitamin C with a meal .

    However, individuals with conditions that increase the risk of iron accumulation in the body, such as hemochromatosis, should be cautious with vitamin C supplements.

    Under these circumstances, taking vitamin C in excess may lead to iron overload, which can cause serious damage to your heart, liver, pancreas, thyroid, and central nervous system .

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