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Is Ascorbic Acid The Same As Vitamin C

How To Take It

Ascorbic Acid is not Vitamin C

The best way to take vitamin C supplements is 2 – 3 times per day, with meals, depending on the dosage. Some studies suggest that adults should take 250 – 500 mg twice a day for any benefit. Talk to your doctor before taking more than 1,000 mg of vitamin C on a daily basis and before giving vitamin C to a child.

Daily intake of dietary vitamin C is listed below.


  • Men over 18 years: 90 mg
  • Women over 18 years: 75 mg
  • Pregnant women 14 – 18 years: 80 mg
  • Pregnant women over 18 years: 85 mg
  • Breastfeeding women 14 – 18 years: 115 mg
  • Breastfeeding women over 18 years: 120 mg

Because smoking depletes vitamin C, people who smoke may need an additional 35 mg per day.

The dose recommended to prevent or treat many of the conditions mentioned in the Uses section is often 500 – 1,000 mg per day.

Ascorbic Acid Vs Vitamin C

Today, the question is where are the differences between L-ascorbic acid, ascorbic acid, and natural vitamin C and which of them is harmful.

We keep hearing the stubborn opinion that ascorbic acid would be harmful because it is not natural, thus an inferior alternative to the otherwise powerful vitamin from acerola, citrus fruits and etc.

A paradox for many – and we are now creating clarity here. What is the point of these claims and what should you be aware of?

We have written you a comprehensive statement, which should help you with all questions about ascorbic acid, its effects and the difference to the natural vitamin as a comprehensive guide.

Side Effects Of Ascorbic Acid Tablets / Supplements

Many people claim that Ascorbic acid can cause problems for the users, however, I think this is more of a problem with the quality of the manufacturing rather than the Ascorbic Acid itself.

When the purity is correct and taken in the right proportion, Ascorbic acid can be very beneficial, but when manufactured with allergens can cause many different problems,

So you want to make sure that whenever you get Ascorbic Acid supplement, that the manufacturers are doing a good job to ensure the quality of Ascorbic Acid.

Moreover, people who take high doses of Ascorbic Acid put themselves at a risk for several health challenges.

One study demonstrated that doses of 500 mg a day or more of Ascorbic Acid increase the incidence of the Arterial Plague Build-up. Another study indicated that gallstones are more likely to appear in those taking Ascorbic Acid.

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How To Get Vitamin C Complex Daily

With the cold and flu season upon us, it’s time to get educated on the type of Vitamin C thats best for you.

Vitamin C is probably one of the first that comes to mind when someone mentions vitamins. It staves off the dreaded pirate scurvy, bolsters the immune system, acts as an antioxidant, and keeps the skin younger, firmer, and healthier.

Humans dont make Vitamin C on our own and so, we must rely on food for our daily vitamin requirements: we chug our orange juice, try to eat well when we can, and take our vitamins.

Known by its chemical name ascorbic acid, Vitamin C can be obtained from various food sources. They are mainly found in fruits and vegetables.

But not everyone can get the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C because many people dont eat five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Thats where supplementation comes in.

People who want to get 100% of Vitamin C daily but cant get it from natural food sources turn to supplementation to fill in the gap.

Of course, there are organic Vitamin C supplements, but most of the time, people turn to synthetic vitamins and multivitamins instead.

How Does Vitamin C Boost Your Immune System

NutriBiotic, Ascorbic Acid, 100% Pure Vitamin C ...

One of the main reasons people take vitamin C supplements is to boost their immunity, as vitamin C is involved in many parts of the immune system. First, vitamin C helps encourage the production of white blood cells known as lymphocytes and phagocytes, which help protect the body against infection .

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Vitamin C Bioavailability From Different Tablet Formulations

Doses of vitamin C up to 2000 mg/day are considered safe for general consumption . However, pharmacokinetic studies indicate that ingestion of single doses of vitamin C greater than 200 mg have lower relative bioavailability , indicating that ingestion of several smaller doses each day is preferable to a single large dose. A number of studies have investigated the relative bioavailability of vitamin C from different tablet formulations and have shown that slow-release formulations provide superior vitamin bioavailability . Salts of vitamin C, such as sodium and calcium ascorbate , have also been tested. Animal studies indicated that Ester-C was absorbed more readily and excreted less rapidly than ascorbic acid and had superior anti-scorbutic activity in ODS rats . Johnston and Luo , however, found no significant differences between Ester-C and ascorbic acid bioavailability in humans. Nevertheless, Ester-C has been shown to be better tolerated in individuals sensitive to acidic foods .

Three Studies Suggest Caution With High Dose Ascorbic Acid

The journal Wise Traditions cites three studies that give pause about large doses of vitamin C. The first, from the Jun 15, 2001 issue of Science, showed that synthetic vitamin C may contribute to the formation of genotoxins that can lead to cancer.

A second study presented to the American Heart Association showed a link between consumption of only 500 mg of vitamin C per day and a greater propensity toward thickening of the arteries .

More recently, athletes taking 1000 mg of isolated ascorbic acid per day showed reduced endurance capacity from interference with antioxidant enzymes .

This information should give pause to anyone who is actively taking synthetic vitamin C supplements such as those Emergen-C packets that are available everywhere, from pharmacies and health food stores to even gas stations!

Supplements like these are NOT boosting immunity and are NOT good for you!

Synthetic vitamins such as ascorbic acid act more like drugs in the body rather than whole food nutrients with all the available co-factors. Taking any synthetic vitamin can cause imbalances in the body and should be avoided.

Another worrisome and popular trend is the recommendation of some alternative health professionals to do a vitamin C flush during illness. This therapy calls for large doses of ascorbic acid until the onset of diarrhea.

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The Best Vitamin C Supplements

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Most people can get adequate vitamin C in their diet by eating fruits and vegetables. However, some people take a vitamin C supplement due to dietary restrictions or a medical condition.

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water soluble vitamin and antioxidant that is essential for health. It helps the immune system, skin, and bones function, and it combats damage from free radicals, which are molecules that can adversely affect the body.

This article looks at who may benefit from taking vitamin C, how much people need to consume per day, and some of the best vitamin C supplements available on the market.

National Institutes of Health , vitamin C deficiency is rare in the United States.

However, although most people can get enough vitamin C from fruits and vegetables, others may have difficulty getting enough vitamin C from their diet.

People who may be at risk of vitamin C deficiency include:

Anyone who is concerned that they have a deficiency can ask a doctor for blood tests to see which nutrients they need. Having a long-term deficiency in vitamin C can lead to scurvy.

In addition to those who have a vitamin C deficiency, some other people may also benefit from consuming more of this nutrient. For example, some evidence suggests that vitamin C can reduce the severity and duration of the common cold.

Vitamin C Dosage In Pregnant Patients

Vitamin C: Ascorbic Acid vs Natural Vitamin C – Dr Ekberg

In females, the hormonal changes result in increased oxidative stress. Lower vitamin C levels are usually detected in pregnant women due to several factors obesity and iron intake which could result in low birth weight .

Up till now, there is no evidence supporting harmful effect on using ascorbic acid injection for pregnant females. Caution should be taken when administrating injection in nursing women.

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Comparison Of Common Ascorbic Acid With A Fully Buffered Fully Reduced Ascorbate

Common Vitamin C :

  • Vitamin C is produced by plants and most animals .
  • Vitamin C/ascorbic acid is acidic.
  • The vast majority of the vitamin C found on store shelves today is corn-based and contains corn antigens.
  • The vast majority of the vitamin C found on store shelves today is at least one-half synthetic, in the D form, not the natural L form. This synthetic D form of vitamin C is not useful in the body.
  • The vast majority of the vitamin C found on store shelves today has a reduced antioxidant potential due to processing. Vitamin C becomes oxidized upon exposure to oxygen, moisture, light, and high temperatures.
  • The vast majority of the vitamin C found on store shelves today contains unwanted additives including colorings, flow agents, binders, stabilizers, and the like.
  • The vast majority of the vitamin C found on store shelves has an unpleasant acidic taste, which limits higher dose usage.

A Fully Buffered, Fully Reduced Ascorbate :

Whole Food Vitamin C Is Naturally Low Dose

The best way to get vitamin C on a daily basis is from whole foods sources. This will provide you this critical nutrient at a low dosage that will do no harm over the long term.

When you get the whole foods version of vitamin C, you dont need much at all. A truly natural vitamin C supplement with no isolated ascorbic acid is naturally low-dose and yet highly effective.

Dont forget about the benefits of fresh grassfed milk a great source of vitamin C. The vitamin C in milk is mostly destroyed by pasteurization, along with many other nutrients. This is why buying fresh and local is so important.

Fresh and lacto-fermented fruits and vegetables are other excellent sources of the whole vitamin C complex.

Perhaps folks feel the need to take large doses of synthetic vitamin C because all the processed foods they are eating are so devoid of the nutrient in its whole form. Switching to whole foods and dumping those vitamin C supplements in the trash would be a much better approach to boosting immunity!

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Ascorbic Acid Is Not Vitamin C Whole Food Vitamins

This will be a short chapter, but after youre finished with it, you will know more about vitamins than 95% of clinical nutritionists, doctors, supplement sales force, or bodybuilders. If that sounds arrogant or overstated, it really isnt my fault. Im just a messenger a purveyor of information. Either Im right or the 95% are right cant be both.

Without further ado, heres the kernel:

  • Ascorbic acid is not vitamin C.
  • Alpha tocopherol is not vitamin E.
  • Retinoic acid is not vitamin A.

And so on through the other vitamins. Vast sums of money have been expended to make these myths part of Conventional Wisdom. If you have several college degrees and all this is news to you, dont feel bad. Unless you think your education ended at Commencement. Which is generally true.


Vitamins are not individual molecular compounds. Vitamins are biological complexes. They are multi-step biochemical interactions whose action is dependent upon a number of variables within the biological terrain. Vitamin activity only takes place when all conditions are met within that environment, and when all co-factors and components of the entire vitamin complex are present and working together. Vitamin activity is even more than the sum of all those parts it also involves timing.

A vitamin is:

  • a working process consisting of the nutrient, enzymes, coenzymes, antioxidants, and trace minerals activators.

Royal Lee What Is a Vitamin?Applied Trophology, Aug 1956

Is All Vitamin C Synthetic

Buy Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) in India

Supplements that list nutrients individually, such as vitamin C, or use chemical names like ascorbic acid, are almost certainly synthetic. Bottom Line: Synthetic nutrients are dietary supplements made artificially in a laboratory setting or industrial process. Natural nutrients are those found in whole foods.

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Side Effects Of Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C

Vitamin C in high doses can do some damage. From kidney stones to heartburn, there are a number of side effects from consuming a lot of ascorbic acid.

Here are the most common side effects of excess Vitamin C :

  • Kidney stones
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Heartburn

Keep in mind these are the side effects of vitamin C from ascorbic acid. Its not surprising a vitamin created in a lab would have adverse effects.

Personal Care Products & Cosmetics

Cosmetics and other personal care products may include less acidic forms of ascorbic acid, such as calcium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, sodium ascorbate and sodium ascorbyl phosphate, which act as antioxidants to slow deterioration of the finished product caused by exposure to the air and also to control the pH of the product.

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Do Vitamin C Pills Work

Most scientists agree that vitamin C is not an effective treatment for the common cold. In a study by researchers at the University of Toronto, subjects were divided into two groups: an experimental group that received vitamin C pills at the onset of cold symptoms, and a control group that received placebo pills.

Why Is This Medication Prescribed

Ascorbic Acid is NOT Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is used as a dietary supplement when the amount of ascorbic acid in the diet is not enough. People most at risk for ascorbic acid deficiency are those with a limited variety of food in their diet, or who have intestinal malabsorption problems from cancer or kidney disease. Ascorbic acid is also used to prevent and treat scurvy . Ascorbic acid is in a class of medications called antioxidants. It is needed by the body to help wounds heal, to enhance the absorption of iron from plant foods, and to support the immune system. It works as an antioxidant to protect your cells against free radicals, which may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases.

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What Is Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an organic compound having the chemical formula C6H8O6. The molar mass of this compound is 176.12 g/mol. The melting point and boiling points are 190 °C and 553 °C respectively. This vitamin occurs in certain foods, and we can use it as a dietary supplement as well. The terms Ascorbic acid and L-Ascorbic acid are synonyms for this compound though they are slightly different from each other. Moreover, it is an essential nutrient for us because it can repair tissues in our body and can lead to the enzymatic production of some neurotransmitters. More importantly, it is an antioxidant.

The natural sources of this vitamin are fruits such as citrus fruits, kiwifruit, strawberries and other food such as broccoli, raw bell pepper, etc. However, longer storage or cooking can destroy the vitamin C in food. The deficiency of this vitamin may cause the Scurvy disease. This disease occurs when the collagen that our body produces is unable to function properly without vitamin C.

Figure 01: Citrus Fruits as a Source of Vitamin C

This vitamin is available in both natural and synthetic forms. We call the purest form of vitamin C as ascorbic acid. Most of the times, the purest forms are made in laboratories. The natural forms are in combination with other components. Therefore, we need to refine and process the food in order to get the vitamin out of the food.

Vitamin C Dosage In Stressful Patients

In people under stressful conditions either physically or emotionally, vitamin C deficiency is a common incidence. Serum levels of stress indicators were measured in pilots and reported as following 21.1% higher malondialdehyde , 21.7% higher superoxide dismutase , and 25.1% higher total antioxidant capacity . Higher doses of vitamin C are recommended . Among animals, their bodies can produce 5 times of vitamin C when exposed to stressful conditions. Doses of 30200 times greater than the RDA of 90 mg/day are recommended during stress .

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Synthetic Vitamin C Is Less Absorbable And Less Active

Many people take large doses during the cold and flu season, hoping to minimize the chances of getting sick. Theres a large problem with this.

As the dose of synthetic Vitamin C increases, the absorption decreases. The benefits of Vitamin C are also negated by the synthetic version.

Ascorbic acid has been linked to DNA damage and may actually increase oxidation instead of counteracting it.

Ascorbic acid also kills the beneficial bacteria in the intestines that aid in digestion and combat more dangerous bacterial infections. Ascorbic acid is also mainly derived from GMO corn, which has a host of problems too.

Whats The Best Vitamin C Supplement

NutriBiotic Immunity, Ascorbic Acid, 100% Pure Vitamin C ...

Cold and flu season is upon us and stocking up on a good vitamin C supplement is one way thats believed to keep sickness at bay.

Vitamin C is best known for boosting the immune system, but its also a powerful antioxidant with many other benefits, including fighting inflammation.

Your body doesnt produce vitamin C on its own, so if youre not getting enough vitamin C through your diet, youll want to consider a supplement. This shopping guide will help you navigate through all the types of vitamin C available and includes a few reviews at the end. Our top pick is HUM Nutrition Air Patrol, a vegan vitamin that features added bioflavonoids for increased absorption.

Considerations when choosing vitamin C supplements

Types of vitamin C

Vitamin C comes either in a pure form or bound to minerals to create an “ascorbate” form. The following are the most common types of vitamin C supplements:

Ascorbic acid: Also called L-ascorbic and L-ascorbate, ascorbic acid is vitamin C in its purest form. It’s the most bioavailable form, meaning it is readily absorbed by the body through the bloodstream.

Sodium ascorbate: Pure ascorbic acid can be too acidic for some people’s stomach . If this is the case, opt for ascorbic acid that is attached to a sodium molecule, which minimizes the acidity. Be aware that sodium ascorbate forms of vitamin C will raise your levels of sodium if you’re watching your salt intake.



Q. What’s the recommended dosage of vitamin C?

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