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HomeWhat Vitamins Give You Energy

What Vitamins Give You Energy

What Is Vitamin B

Nutrition & Diets : What Vitamins Can Give You Energy?

Vitamin B-12, or cobalamin, is a nutrient you need for good health. Its one of eight B vitamins that help the body convert the food you eat into glucose, which gives you energy. Vitamin B-12 has a number of additional functions. You need it for the:

  • production of elements of DNA
  • production of red blood cells
  • regeneration of bone marrow and the lining of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts
  • health of your nervous system, which includes your spinal cord

The most serious condition associated with vitamin B-12 deficiency is megaloblastic anemia. This is a chronic blood disorder in which the bone marrow produces overly large, immature blood cells. As a result, the body doesnt have enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body.

Best Ways To Boost Energy Naturally

At BrainMD, we believe that the best way to attain and maintain peak performance, both physically and mentally, is to be as natural as possible. We recommend whole, healthy foods, with supplements to fill any nutrient gaps first and foremost before putting medications or other harmful substances into your body.

Our line of brain-healthy vitamins, essential minerals and other supplements are ultra-pure, clinical strength and brain directed. The ingredients in these high-quality supplements come from the finest sources, have undergone rigorous clinical testing and have been formulated for maximum absorption and utilization by the bodys 30 trillion cells. They enhance your bodys built-in energy enzymes, allow you to boost your energy as you need it, and give you improved capacity to handle stress or mental strain.

If you regularly experience periods of low energy, what should you grab instead of coffee or an energy drink?

Vitamin C Iron And Magnesium Are Also Involved In Energy

Vitamin C is needed for two dioxygenase enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of carnitine, an essential cofactor in the transport of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria. It thus plays an important role in the production of energy via beta-oxidation so impaired carnitine metabolism, including through insufficient vitamin C supply, can be responsible for weakness or muscle aching .

Iron is included within the porphyrin ring structure of heme enzymes, such as for the family of cytochromes required for cellular energy production. Cytochromes serve as electron carriers during the synthesis of ATP in the electron transport chain: the reduction of ferrous iron to ferric iron is coupled with the acceptance of electrons. Among the 40 different proteins that constitute the respiratory chain, there are six different heme iron proteins and six others with iron-sulphur, located in complexes I, II and III . Among those, succinate dehydrogenase is as a key enzyme in the citric acid cycle .

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Vitamins That Give You Energy

There are many ways to boost up your body’s energy levels, but vitamins that give you energy acquired through food are the safest. This is because they provide the correct amount of energy needed to sustain our life without the side effects associated with other energy stimulants and supplements. Here we give you all the vitamins and minerals that have already proved their worth in fighting fatigue and providing energy.

Different Definitions Exist For Concepts Such As Energy Or Fatigue

Can Vitamins Really Give You Energy?

From a nutrition science perspective, energy is provided by food, which is the only form of energy animals and humans can use to maintain the bodys structural and biochemical integrity. For the general public, energy is associated with the feelings of well-being, stamina and vitality that result in the ability to undertake their daily physical or intellectual activities and social relationships. Conversely, fatigue is often described as a perceived lack of energy or a feeling of low vitality .

Energy, vitality and fatigue are interrelated concepts, with the first two and the last sometimes seen as opposite ends of the same continuum . Each can be defined as the sum of certain mental and physical components As examples the former may include degree of emotional and psychological well-being, level of perceived fatigue, mental resilience and perseverance, with the latter including feeling strong and fit, or unable to do anything) .

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Optimize Cell Function With Iron

Iron is an essential mineral that helps oxygen circulate throughout the body. It is also necessary for the bodys cell to function and develop properly. Iron deficiency is the primary cause of anemia, which can impair cognitive abilities, decrease immunity, and negatively impact work performance.

Meat and seafood are excellent sources of dietary iron. If you are vegetarian, then nuts, beans, lentils, spinach, and fortified grain products will be some of your go-to foods for iron. If necessary, iron supplements will help maintain proper levels of iron, but be mindful that iron supplements can cause severe side effects when taken in excess. Make sure to consult with your doctor before supplementing with iron.

Iron is especially important for women who experience heavy menstrual cycles, or for pregnant women because of irons importance for fetal development.

B3 For Energy And The Body

If mushrooms or avocado are on the menu, so is a big dose of B3. Vitamin B3 or niacin gained popularity in the medical field for the treatment of cholesterol. Yet, niacin helps with revving metabolism and stimulating blood flow, much like B5. Vitamin B3 also improves sexual health and energy, giving a boost in the bedroom!

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How To Learn More About Vitamin A

Everyone needs vitamin A to maintain proper energy levels, stave off hundreds of different diseases, ensure proper growth, and more. The first step consumers should take is self-education, which begins with learning about the varied roles that vitamin A plays in physiological health.

Its wise to learn about the role that each essential vitamin plays in human health and wellness.

Note that amounts of vitamin A are measured differently in the U.S. and Europe. It is a good idea to scrutinize supplement labels and make sure you understand whether the dosages are listed in International Units or Retinol Activity Equivalents. Most U.S. supplements use the IU protocol, which means you can use 5,000 IU as a baseline amount that is typically cited by the Food and Drug Administration as a healthy amount of vitamin A.

Keep in mind that each individual will have different needs, which is why you should consult a healthcare professional before using supplements or changing your diet in a significant way.

The role of vitamin A on human energy levels is only now being understood. For about 100 years before 2010, very little was known about how this important chemical substance helped the body supply us with the right amounts of energy at the right times.

The bottom line is that active adults, even those who face no serious health challenges, need vitamin A in order to provide enough energy for routine stressors of daily life.

People Deficient In B Vitamins

What vitamins give you energy?

Dietary deficiencies are relatively uncommon in the United States and, in the case of B vitamins, it can take weeks of deficiency before symptoms appear. However, some eating patterns can increase the risk of vitamin B deficiencies, such as a vegetarian diet, and deficiencies can also occur if food is scarce due to poverty.

If you believe that you may be deficient in B vitamins, your doctor can do a blood test. If a deficiency is diagnosed, a B complex supplement may be suggested to help correct this deficiency and boost your energy.

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Fatigue Lack Of Energy And Lower Physical And Cognitive Performance

While the above-quoted surveys rely on subject report, their findings are consistent with more objective assessments of the effects of fatigue on mood and physical and cognitive performance. However, because current terminology does not reflect the wide range of fatigue states, and because validated experimental models are still missing, it is difficult to precisely describe and quantify how fatigue influences human performance . Nevertheless, numerous studies have reported that fatigue elicited by physical training translates into worsened sport performance. For instance, cross-country skiers had decreased double poling performance after a 25 min trunk fatiguing exercise sequence, compared with a 25 min rest , and fatigued ballet dancers exhibited impaired movement control, which may increase the risk of injury . Interestingly, impaired performance appeared to be associated with not only physical and muscular fatigue, but also mental fatigue. For example table tennis players hit the ball with lower speed and accuracy when they had previously completed a 90 min cognitive task .

The Synthesis Of Neurotransmitters Is Dependent On Vitamins B1 B5 B6 B9 And C

Thiamine is required for the synthesis of fatty acids, steroids, nucleic acids and aromatic amino acids, which are precursors to a range of neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine, glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid .

Pantothenic acid is required for the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, as shown by experimental studies in rats in which pantothenic acid was depleted using chronic alcohol exposure that displayed a decreased synthesis of acetylcholine in the brain .

In the brain, the aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase, an enzyme dependent on PLP , catalyzes the synthesis of two major neurotransmitters: serotonin from tryptophan and dopamine from phenylalanine. The synthesis of other neurotransmitters, including glutamate or gamma-aminobutyric acid, is also catalyzed by enzymes that require vitamin B6 as cofactors .

Vitamin B9 enables cerebral methylation processes and this affects the metabolism of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, which are important in mood regulation. More precisely, folate has been linked to the maintenance of adequate cerebral levels of tetrahydropterin, a key cofactor in the hydroxylation reactions that lead to the synthesis of serotonin and catecholamines. .

Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis and modulation of some hormonal components of the nervous system. It is a cofactor of the enzymes that catalyze the formation of catecholamines: , and of enzymes that are active in the biosynthesis of neuropeptides

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Magnesium Promotes Better Sleep

Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body, required for more than 300 different biochemical reactions, including muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and energy production. It is commonly found in foods like fish, almonds, and whole grains, and is an excellent source of energy.

According to a 2012 study published by the National Institute of Health, magnesium has been shown to improve symptoms of insomnia. If difficulty falling asleep is contributing to your fatigue, a magnesium supplement may improve your sleep quality, and help you feel more rested.

People Who Are Pregnant

Vitamins That Give You Energy

The B vitamins are especially important during pregnancy, supporting the mother’s health and strength as the baby grows. Prenatal vitamins typically contain a number of the B vitamins, though they are meant to support a healthy diet and not replace it. Folic acid must be taken pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects.

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Supplements To Boost Energy

We lead extremely busy lives we wake up early and often go to bed far too late. Many of us get nowhere near the recommended amount of sleep. This can leave us feeling fatigued throughout the day making even the most basic of chores that much more difficult.

For many people simply getting enough sleep can fix the problem but chronic fatigue is a far bigger issue.

Although it does little for you in the long run, many people feel that they cant get going until they have had a strong cup of coffee or three. Coffee certainly stimulates you in the short term but it also puts stresses on your adrenal glands and you may well suffer an energy dump later in the day.

Similarly, high energy drinks will not do your body a great deal of good. They depend on sugar and caffeine for immediate stimulation but contain no valuable nutrients that are in any way good for our health.

Good energy levels depend on several key factors sleep, exercise and diet. These are all factors that will help you to stay physically and mentally alert. Getting the right nutrients from an organic food source and hydrating yourself with water can make all the difference. Starting up an exercise program or increasing the amount of exercise you do will also help and it goes without saying that getting more sleep is a must.

Why You Need Vitamin B12 For Energy

Vitamin B12, like some of the other B vitamins, is an important player in energy metabolism in that it helps break down the food you eat into energy your body can use all day long. Vitamin B12 acts as a cofactor in reactions converting food, especially fats and protein, into usable energy to fuel various processes in your body. Because of this, vitamin B12 is often marketed as one of the best vitamins for energy.

While vitamin B12 is needed in converting food into energy, its also crucial to get enough of this essential vitamin for nerves to work properly and for normal nervous system function, including brain function, where vitamin B12 is needed to make certain neurotransmitters like serotonin.1 Vitamin B12 is also a cofactor in making SAM-e, a compound that supports a healthy mood.

Vitamin B12 is only found in foods of animal origin. Good food sources of vitamin B12 include:

  • Beef
  • Eggs
  • Chicken

Read More: A Guide to the B Vitamins

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More About Zinc And Acne

Topical treatments with vitamin A can help reduce the severity of acne, research has shown. Consumers should know that regular, oral supplements of vitamin A work differently than topical creams and lotions, both of which are available in stores. Sellers of the various topical acne treatments usually change the vitamin into retinoid form so that they can help restore and heal damaged skin. Tazorac and Differin are two of the most common topical products, but you need a prescription to purchase them.

A note of caution: Women who are pregnant should avoid retinoid creams and topical products.

Zinc, on the other hand, can be used as a cream or can be taken orally to stave off acne. Zinc is one of the best-known remedies for the condition. The main way zinc works if by cutting down the skins production of natural oils. It also assists the body in fighting against swelling and bacteria-related infections.

Most adults only need a very small amount of zinc, specifically 10 milligrams per day for otherwise healthy men and women. Taking both vitamin A and zinc to treat acne is quite common, and seems to have something of a synergistic effect for some people. However, those who wish to use zinc often take about three times the normal daily dose to maximize the healing effect. That translates into a daily dose of about 30 milligrams of zinc.

Protection From Certain Cancers

How do B vitamins give you energy?

Some studies have found that Vitamin D might have a protective effect against a number of cancers, particularly colorectal and breast .

That could be because vitamin D regulates the genes that control cell differentiation, division, and death. Vitamin D also bolsters the immune system and reduces inflammation. All those processes can affect the development of cancer.

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Turning To Vitamins For Energy Instead Of Caffeine

Theres nothing wrong with a quick caffeine fix. While this chemical affects everyone differently, many of us enjoy a cup or two cups of coffee or tea throughout the day. Caffeine works as a stimulant to your nervous systemincluding your brainhelping you stay alert and focused for a short period of time.9 But how much is too much caffeine?

The US Food and Drug Administration has cited up to 400 mg caffeine/day is generally not associated with negative side effects in healthy people.10 However, some people are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine and may experience side effects like insomnia, jitters, fast heart rate, upset stomach, and nausea.10 While caffeine can help you stay alert and focused on a task for a short period this chemical will not provide your body with the energy that it needs to fuel your bodys processes and keep you going. For that, you need to eat well and make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need to help your body convert the food you eat into usable energy every day.

It all starts with what you eat, but we know its hard to focus on a healthy diet every day. Supplements, including a daily multivitamin, can help bridge any nutrient gaps that may be missing from your diet. If your diet lacks any of the nutrients and vitamins for energy described above, talk to your healthcare provider about adding a new supplement to your daily routine.


Impact Of Inadequate Status Of Vitamins And Minerals On Physical Fatigue

Frank deficiencies in most vitamins and minerals have been associated with lethargy or physical fatigue, which can also be observed in marginal deficiencies, but these symptoms are often missed because they are nonspecific.

6.1.1. Inadequate Status of Individual B Vitamins and Physical Fatigue

Beriberi, the disease resulting from severe thiamine deficiency affects several organs, including the muscular and peripheral nervous systems . General symptoms include fatigue, ataxia due to muscle weakness in the legs and arms, muscle pain and tenderness, and dyspnoea on exertion.

Riboflavin deficiency is most often accompanied by other nutrient deficiencies and it is thus difficult to clearly identify specific symptoms. Anemia, a condition related to fatigue, is associated with low riboflavin status. For example, in 1253 adult Chinese individuals followed for 5 years, more than 97% had inadequate riboflavin intake at baseline and this was associated with an increased risk of anemia at follow-up . High rates of marginal and deficient riboflavin status have been found in healthy women from both Canada and Malaysia and were indicative of a higher risk of anemia , which enhances the risk of associated fatigue symptoms.

Inadequate niacin intakes or status lead to nonspecific clinical symptoms and include weakness, loss of appetite, fatigue and apathy .

6.1.2. Inadequate Status in Vitamin C and Physical Fatigue

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