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What Vitamins Can Help Regulate Periods

Natural Supplements For Perimenopause

Will taking birth control pills regulate my periods, or will they be irregular again after I stop?

Perimenopause symptoms can be a source of pain and discomfort. Thankfully, there are several options to help manage unwanted symptoms and adapt to this phase of your life. Not only are some of the best perimenopause supplements completely natural, they actually lower your chances for developing menopause-related conditions. Just remember to check with your doctor before adding any new medications or supplements to your daily routine.

As you approach menopause, your ovaries start producing varying, diminishing amounts of estrogen and progesterone. Both of these hormones play a vital role in regulating your menstrual cycle and other bodily processes.

Subsequent hormonal dips and surges create random and unexpected symptoms during perimenopause, including:

  • Mood swings

Furthermore, both perimenopause and menopause increase your overall risk of developing chronic conditions, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Oral health issues
  • Urinary incontinence

Your bodys previous levels of estrogen and progesterone offered a degree of protection from these diseases. This is no longer the case once you enter menopause.

Phytoestrogens are plant-based compounds possessing estrogen-like properties. Some studies claim they reduce hot flashes, prevent osteoporosis, treat acne, and promote cardiovascular health. Research on their ability to fight other perimenopausal symptoms, however, has been inconclusive.

Get a daily dose of phytoestrogens in the form of supplements or by eating estrogen-rich foods like:

Pick Up A Pineapple Or Papaya

Tropical fruit to the rescue!

Spiky sugar bomb pineapple is full of bromelain, which *might* help regulate your periods by softening your uterus. Theres also preliminary research to suggest that it could help relieve cramps.

Papaya contains carotene, an antioxidant that supports healthy estrogen levels. Happy hormones = punctual periods.

Sometimes its tough to get all the nutrients your body needs. If thats true for you, talk with your doc about taking dietary supplements. Getting your nutritional intake on track could also help regulate your periods.

Make Sure Youre Getting Enough Fats

Consuming enough fats may support hormone levels and ovulation. Polyunsaturated fatty acids appear to make the most difference.

Common sources include:

  • walnuts
  • flax seeds

The Cleveland Clinic recommends that 20 to 35 percent of your daily calories should be from fat. Approximately 5 to 10 percent of these calories should come specifically from PUFAs.

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Natural Tips For Healthy Menstrual Cycles

  • Eat a well-balanced diet built from real foods
  • Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins and healthy fats daily
  • Incorporate an exercise regimen that provides the benefits of exercise without overly taxing your system
  • Manage stress daily
  • Focus on adequate intakes or targeted supplementation with menstrual cycle nutrients like Vitamin C, B6, magnesium, probiotics, and fish oil

Causes Of Irregular Menstrual Bleeding

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Irregular menstrual bleeding is a broad term that encompasses any alteration in the normal menstrual cycle in relation to frequency, regularity, duration and volume of flow. According to a May 2019 article in StatPearls, one-third of women will have abnormal bleeding at some point in their lives, and it most commonly occurs during the onset of menstruation and in the period before menopause.

Normal cycles are typically 24 to 38 days, with bleeding lasting seven to nine days and blood loss equaling 5 to 80 milliliters. Anything outside of these parameters is considered abnormal. Some examples of menstrual problems women may experience include:

  • Missed periods
  • More frequent or less frequent periods
  • Menstrual flow that is significantly heavier or lighter than normal
  • Periods that are longer or shorter than normal
  • Periods that are accompanied by pain, nausea, vomiting or cramping
  • Bleeding or spotting between periods, during menopause or after intercourse

According to Cleveland Clinic, common reasons for menstrual abnormalities include:

Lifestyle changes, including gaining or losing a significant amount of weight, dieting, exercise changes, travel, illness and stress.

Uterine polyps are small benign growths in the uterus lining, and uterine fibroids are tumors, also typically benign, that attach to the uterus wall. Both can cause pain and heavy menstrual bleeding.

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What Vitamins Help Regulate Periods

vitamin Dvitamin D

. Similarly one may ask, does Vitamin E help regulate periods?

Vitamin E May help reduce pain and menstrual blood flow. Dose: 200 IU vitamin E daily commence two days prior to periods and continue for three days from onset of periods. May cause gut upset. Avoid high doses over 400 IU daily.

Additionally, how can I increase my menstrual cycle naturally? Drink one tsp of apple cider vinegar mixed in water daily for 10 days before your periods to delay them. Drinking apple cider vinegar has so many benefits and some of the few involve getting rid of excess fat and toxins from the body.

Correspondingly, what to eat if periods are not coming?

Here are some home remedies which can help you with irregular periods

  • Unripe Papaya. Green, unripe papaya is considered useful in regulating menstrual flow as it helps contract muscle fibers in the uterus.
  • Turmeric.
  • Cinnamon.

Can vitamin deficiency cause irregular periods?

Research shows that vitamin D may also help regulate ovulation. A 2015 study found links between low levels of vitamin D and irregular periods. Irregular periods are a common symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome .

Vitamin D For Painful Periods: Study Details

Excess production of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins can trigger painful periods. Vitamin D is known to reduce their production.

Lasco’s team randomly assigned the 40 women to get either vitamin D or placebo pills. The women took them five days before the expected start of their cycle.

For two months, the women tracked their menstrual pain. They told whether they took any off-the-shelf painkillers, like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs .

Those on vitamin D not only reported less pain, none said they took any NSAID painkillers during the two months.

Forty percent of the women on placebo said they took an NSAID painkiller at least once.

The NSAID painkillers are typically prescribed for painful periods. However, long-term use can carry risks such as gastrointestinal problems.

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Take Hormonal Birth Control

Hormonal birth control is often prescribed to help with irregular periods.

There are different types of products, but they all work to keep hormone levels more steady. They may also regulate cycles and provide relief from symptoms, like severe cramping or acne. Some products may eliminate your period altogether.

A doctor can help you to select a hormonal contraceptive that may work best for you. You may experience some side effects, including nausea, weight gain, or headaches.

Be sure to tell your doctor if you smoke. It may increase your risk of blood clots.

Will My Irregular Periods Keep Me From Getting Pregnant

Birth control pills can help women with polycystic ovary syndrome

The short answer: Maybe.

Its pretty common to have an off month once in a while. But when your cycles have no rhyme or reason, babymaking gets complicated.

Youre most likely to get pregnant before or during ovulation. This window of opportunity lasts just a few days. The more irregular your periods are, the more difficult it is to pinpoint your fertile window.

If you have irregular periods or a health condition that affects fertility , you might have trouble getting pregnant. Its best to talk with your doctor or a fertility specialist if youre itching to make a baby soon.

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How Can I Regulate My Menstrual Cycle

You can try to regulate your menstrual cycle with some at-home remedies.

First, use the Flo app to track your periods and symptoms each month. Even if your period is irregular, you may be able to detect some symptom patterns and be better prepared.

Some other suggestions include:

  • Practice yoga. Yoga can help relieve stress. You dont have to be an expert to do it successfully. Check out some beginner poses and concentrate on breathing and relaxing to help you de-stress. Feeling less stressed overall can help make your periods arrival more predictable.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. If youre overweight or obese, you may experience heavier periods. If youre severely underweight, you may experience irregular menstruation as well. Its important to eat a balanced diet and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Exercise regularly, but dont overdo it. Exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight, which in turn can help make your periods more regular. But remember, too much exercise can have an adverse effect and make your periods more irregular. Aim for at least 30 minutes a day, three times a week.
  • Ginger Theres some evidence to suggest that daily ginger supplements may help reduce the amount of blood lost during periods. It may also help relieve PMS symptoms.

What Does This Mean For My Skin

With or without birth control, our skin can be a mirror for our 40-something hormonal upheaval. The underlying hormonal changes that impact your flow can also impact your skin, says Dr. Javaid. Estrogen pulls water with it, she explains, so when those levels drop, skin becomes drier. Collagen production also dips when estrogen does, and acne is a common occurrence with hormonal cascades. When acupuncturist Sandra Chiu sees a new patient for any skin disorder, she always asks about and evaluates their menstrual cycle. It gives us clues about what might be off internally that could affect healthy skin function, she says, adding that rosacea and melasma are issues she often sees among women in their 40s with menstrual irregularities.

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Irregular Periods 5 Lifestyle Changes That Could Make All The Difference

Are your unpredictable and irregular periods causing you hassle? As much as they are irregular its certainly more common than you think. The female health experts at her1, explain five lifestyle hacks that could make all the difference. From lowering stress, fixing poor sleep to changing the way your workout, heres what you can try to make your periods more regular.

Get LIT and switch to Low-Intensity TrainingOver-exercising is a common factor that may have put your cycle out of sync. Participating in high-intensity training is fantastic, but if you are training like that all the time, rather than the recommended twice or maximum three times per week, with little or recovery, then problems will arise. In plain terms, the body gets burned out from doing too much and resting too little and has no energy to produce an egg. It simply doesnt feel in a safe state to get pregnant when put under so much stress. Moving away from HIT training and replacing it with lower intensity and lower impact activities like yoga, mobility focused workouts, Pilates and even light walking might be the best forms of activity to switch to, for your body to get back to a less stressed state.

Spinach is packed with Magnesium which is required for the production of many hormones. Magnesium is also often recommended in supplement form to ensure adequate intake.

Avocados and nuts are rich in Vitamin B 6 and some studies have suggested that this vitamin may help ease PMS symptoms.

Healthy Menstrual Cycle Diet

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A diet that supports a healthy menstrual cycle is one that provides adequate total calories, balanced macronutrients, and plenty of micronutrients. Accomplishing these three things ensures that dietary stress on the body is at a minimum and the body has the raw materials it needs to manufacture hormones.

Opting for a variety of real foods, whenever possible, helps fill potential micronutrient gaps. Building meals to contain a source of protein, healthy fat, and carbohydrate together can help make sure blood sugar stays balanced and macronutrient needs are met.

A healthy diet can significantly reduce common PMS symptoms.

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How Long Does It Take For A Period To Regulate

Young women just starting their period and those stopping hormonal birth control often find irregular periods can take up to six months or even longer to regulate. Its common to experience a little uncertainty during this time.

If you feel you need extra support, contact a qualified integrative womens health doctor to evaluate your individual cycle.

Keep A Healthy Weight

Rapid weight loss or weight gain can mess with your menstrual cycle. Other factors, such as high body weight or health issues like PCOS, can also influence your flow.

A 2017 survey of almost 5,000 women found an association between weight loss or gain and an increased risk of irregular periods. And other research suggests that having particularly high or low body fat can influence your hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system , which regulates your reproductive hormones.

Bodies come in all sizes and shapes, so theres no perfect weight for regulating your flow. Instead, focus on settling into a stable, healthy weight for your body.

Regular exercise has all kinds of health benefits, including regular cycles and period pain relief. Getting your blood pumping = fewer cramps and a potentially more predictable flow.

The CDC recommends aiming for 30 minutes of aerobic activity per day. That includes:

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Foods That Can Induce Periods Naturally

From stress to lifestyle, irregular periods can be caused by a variety of things. Lets fix that naturally!

Irregular periods are a pain in the . . . well, you know where. They are especially troublesome when you have a special event or trip planned but have no way of predicting when you might get your periods.

We hardly ever get time for exercise, our diets are unregulated and a sedentary lifestyle are all detrimental to our health. For women, the consequences of such a lifestyle may manifest in irregular or painful periods. Some superfoods may help you get them back on track.

Warning: We are not claiming that these foods are a foolproof way of ensuring your periods arrive on time, but the inclusion of emmenagogue in your diet can help regulate your system. Another point to remember is that if you think your period may be late due to pregnancy, then the use of emmenagogues to induce your period may terminate your pregnancy.

It is not advisable to induce your periods every month. Ideally, your cycle should start every 26-30 days but if they are consistently delayed or advanced, consult a gynaecologist.

Spice Things Up With Ginger

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Ginger is used as a home remedy for treating irregular periods, but there isnt any scientific evidence to show that it works. However, ginger does seem to have other benefits related to menstruation, primarily related to relieving pain.

A 2014 clinical study of 92 women with heavy menstrual bleeding showed that daily ginger supplements may help reduce the amount of blood lost during menstruation.

Taking 750 to 2,000 mg of ginger powder during the first 3 or 4 days of your period has also been shown to be an effective treatment for painful periods.

demonstrated that 200 mg of ginger every six hours is effective in relieving pain in those with primary dysmenorrhea.

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Vitamin D For Painful Periods: Perspective

The Italian study is believed to be the first to look at vitamin D for painful periods, according to JoAnn E. Manson, MD, DrPH, of Harvard Medical School, and Elizabeth Bertone-Johnson, ScD, of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. They wrote a commentary accompanying the study.

However, they say the study is a starting point only. Larger studies are needed, with longer follow-up.

It’s not known whether a single dose would be enough. If repeat doses are needed, the focus needs to be on keeping the dose at a safe level, they say.

Researchers also need to look at long-term risks and benefits, they say. Women would likely take this remedy, if it bears out, for many years.

“I would call it more of a pilot study,” says Bardawil. “The rationale to use 300,000 IU needs to be justified.”

The cost for the dose would be low, about $10.

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Can Irregular Periods Affect Your Fertility

Although an occasional irregular period is common, a consistently irregular period may make it harder to get pregnant.

The key to getting pregnant is to have sex before and during ovulation, which is your most fertile window. An irregular monthly cycle makes it difficult to determine when you are, or will be, ovulating.

In some cases, an irregular period may be caused by another condition that affects fertility, such as PCOS or a loss of ovary function.

If your periods are irregular and youre looking to conceive, consider setting up a preconception appointment with a doctor.

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Can Taking Vitamins Cause Irregular Menstrual Bleeding

An unpredictable menstrual cycle is not only inconvenient but also reason for worry. Many things can cause abnormal menstrual bleeding, but taking vitamins to regulate a menstrual cycle is not one of them. However, being deficient in vitamin D could cause irregular menstruation.

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Taking vitamins will not affect menstruation however, a vitamin D deficiency may cause abnormal bleeding.

Go Light On The Fiber

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Some research from 2009 led scientists to suspect that eating too much fiber could affect ovulation .

Thats because fiber contains low-level concentrations of these hormones that are important for your cycle:

  • estrogen
  • luteinizing hormone
  • follicle-stimulating hormone

But take this research with a grain of salt the findings are a little thin, and not all experts agree that fiber affects your cycle.

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