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Do Prenatal Vitamins Make You Fertile

Should You Take Prenatal Vitamins When Trying To Get Pregnant

Is it okay to take women’s fertility blend, green prenatal vitamins, and Vitex?

A prenatal vitamin will definitely give you the vitamins and minerals youll need while preparing for pregnancy and when pregnant, while a regular multivitamin might not do the trick but youll need to check the label of any vitamin you plan to take to be sure.

The most important nutrient that youll want to check for is folic acid. Prenatal vitamins contain the amount of folic acid needed for a babys healthy cell and neural tube development during pregnancy and its particularly important to get this amount early in pregnancy. In fact, the US Preventive Services Task Force recommends all women of childbearing age take 400-800 micrograms of folic acid daily. And the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that all pregnant women get 600 mcg of folic acid each day. But because it can be hard to get that much folic acid just from food alone, ACOG also recommends that pregnant women take a daily prenatal vitamin with at least 400 mcg prior to getting pregnant and early on in pregnancy at least one month before getting pregnant and during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

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Prenatal Vitamins: Everything You Need To Know

We discuss various nutrients and dietary supplements in this article that may or may not be helpful. If you purchase recommended products, services, or treatments, it may benefit CNY Fertility financially. Read more about our financial relationships here. The supplements discussed in this article are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, take any medications, or have been diagnosed with a medical condition, consult with a healthcare provider before taking any dietary supplement.

When you are pregnant and breastfeeding, your body requires heightened levels of specific nutrients. Most of these nutrients can be found in foods, but it is extremely difficult to ensure appropriate levels through diet alone. Prenatal vitamins can help to support a healthy diet and provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to support a healthy pregnancy and developing baby. In this article, we will discuss the most important nutrients during pregnancy, when to start taking them, the supplements we recommend at CNY Fertility, and more.

Which Prenatal Supplement Is Right For Me

To choose the best supplement for you, consult with your doctor first. They will need to assess your current nutrition levels and identify any deficiencies present. They will need to take into account your dietary restrictions, if any. For example, vegetarians may struggle more with iron and vitamin B12 levels. Based on all of these factors, you and your doctor can choose the best supplement for you.

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When Should You Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins

Its much earlier than you may think! The ideal time to start a prenatal vitamin is around 3 months before conception. Heres why you should start taking prenatals before pregnancy:

  • Your eggs develop 90 days before they are released, and healthy eggs are key to a healthy pregnancy. Its important that your body has quality nutrients to pull from.
  • The first few weeks of pregnancy are a really important time for fetal health and development. Taking folic acid and other prenatal vitamins can help reduce the risk of early pregnancy birth defects. Start taking folic acid at least 1 month before you start trying to get pregnant. Keep taking prenatal vitamins throughout your entire pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy is taxing on the bodys nutritional stores. Give yourself a boost by taking a multivitamin to bridge any gaps. Starting a prenatal now will help you avoid any nutritional deficiencies during early pregnancy. Youll also have time to try out a few brands to see what works for your body.

Dont Rely On ‘dr Google’

4 Best Prenatal Gummy Vitamins

While its easy to jump online to find instant answers to any questions you have, the Internet is full of myths regarding pregnancy and prenatal care, Fiorentino says. Many opinions broadcast by social media storm can quickly turn from myth to fact.

Before you take what you read online to heart, ask your doctor about it.

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Do Prenatal Vitamins Make You Fertile

Nathan has two daughters. When he and his wife were trying to have a baby, they did considerable research on issues concerning pregnancy.

Couples who are wanting to have babies want to know what increases the chances of conception and, therefore, what increases fertility. Much preparation and precautions are taken to ensure pregnancy is a healthy one, and that it is a successful one.

But first things first. When are you fertile? And what can you do to make sure conception occurs successfully and you are pregnant? What about prenatal vitamins? What about ovulation?

Prenatal Vitamins Vs Fertility Supplements

Prenatal vitamins are taken during pregnancy to support the growth and development of a fetus in the womb. Prenatal vitamins dont improve fertilitythats not what theyre intended to do. While prenatals are recommended for IVF patients, thats because its best to start them about 3 months prior to pregnancy, and IVF patients are typically hoping to get pregnant within that time frame.

PS: The most important ingredient in prenatal vitamins is folic acid or folate, which has been shown in many, many studies to prevent fetal neural tube defects which can be devastating. The reason neural tube defects are so rare in the developed world is almost exclusively due to the widespread use of prenatal vitamins along with folate enrichment in foods like bread and cereal.

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I’m Trying To Get Pregnant: Tips From Upmc In Central Pa

You are trying to get pregnant! Here are some tips that may help increase your chances of becoming pregnant:

  • Have sex every other day during the fertile window. The “fertile window” spans a six-day interval, the five days prior to ovulation and the day of it. These are the days each month when a woman is most fertile. One study found that intercourse is most likely to result in a pregnancy when it occurs two days before ovulation.
  • Strive for a healthy body weight. Being too heavy can reduce your odds of conceiving, but being too thin can make it even harder to have a baby. Research has shown that a woman who is overweight, with a Body Mass Index greater than 35, can take twice as long to become pregnant as a woman whose BMI is considered normal. A woman who is underweight, with a BMI less than 19, might take four times as long to conceive.
  • Take a prenatal vitamin. Start taking a prenatal vitamin even before becoming pregnant. Or take a daily multivitamin, as long as it contains at least 400 micrograms per day of folic acid. Folic acid is a B vitamin that’s important for preventing birth defects in a baby’s brain and spine. Getting a head start on folic acid is a good idea because the neural tube develops into the brain and spine three to four weeks after conception occurs, before you may realize you are pregnant.
  • Can Taking Prenatal Vitamins Help You Get Pregnant

    Prenatal Vitamins | Parents

    Im sure you already know the wonderful benefits of prenatal vitamins.

    They are one of the simplest to make sure you and your baby are off to the best possible start.

    They do a thorough job at bridging any nutritional gaps you might have in your diet.

    This helps ensure that both of you are well taken care of and free from harmful nutrient deficiencies.

    Prenatal vitamins are best utilized before, during, and after pregnancy.

    The reason theyre so useful before getting pregnant is because they set you up with the proper amount of vitamins and minerals and safeguard you against any deficiencies.

    That being said could they help you get pregnant in the first place?

    Lets take a look!

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    Remind Me What Does My Baby Need

    In summary the research overwhelmingly suggests that you should be taking a prenatal vitamin when trying to conceive, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

    Take a look at this inforgraphic for what you would have to eat in order to get the same amount of nutrients as a prenatal vitamin:

    Embed the “What Would You Have to Eat” infographic on your site :

    To help you understand mineral rich foods as an alternative to prenatal vitamins, take a look at the following infographic:

    Embed the “Mineral Rich Foods” infographic on your site :

    What Are The Key Nutrients I Should Look For In A Prenatal

    Lets talk about folic acid/folate a little more

    Folic acid, folate or methylfolate–found in a prenatal–are all a different form of the same essential B vitamin, that plays a key role in preventing birth defects of the brain and spine, such as spina bifida. The neural tube develops into the babys brain and spinal cord within the first 28 days of conception.

    A birth defect can occur if the neural tube does not close and this is called a neural tube defect. This critical time period of fetal development is so early in the pregnancy that most women and couples do not know that they are pregnantanother reason to be taking a quality prenatal many weeks or months prior to conception. Folic acid/folate is also necessary for DNA synthesis of red blood cells, nervous system, and proteins and cellular growth and reproduction.

    What is the difference between FOLIC ACID, FOLATE, and METHYLFOLATE?

    Folic acid is the synthetic form of vitamin B-9. This synthetic version is found in multi-vitamins, prenatal vitamins, and used to fortify foods such as breakfast cereals, pasta, and breads. Once consumed, folic acid is converted by the body into folate. Since folic acid has been added to grain products in the US–together with a greater emphasis on taking prenatals with folic acidthere has been a 50-70% reduction of neural tube defects.

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    Will Taking Prenatal Vitamins Increase Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant

    Sorry to break it to you but taking your prenatal vitamin wont make you any more likely to get pregnant. Prenatal vitamins will, however, make it significantly more likely that you experience a healthy pregnancy. So, we recommend that you add prenatals into your trying to conceive journey, but dont expect them to be magic fertility pills.Taking a prenatal vitamin is also healthy for someone not looking to conceive. While it wont support fertility, it will replenish folic acid, iron, vitamin D, and calcium stores in the body. This can help keep you strong and prevent potential health complications in an unexpected pregnancy.


    We Don’t Know If Those Same Micronutrients Can Have An Impact On Conception

    Conceive Plus His + Hers Fertility

    Despite all we know about how micronutrients may affect reproductive function on a cellular level, theres a surprising gap of research on how micronutrients may affect chances of conception in humans in the real world and, to our knowledge, there havent been any clinical trials run by prenatal manufacturers on whether prenatals are associated with higher pregnancy rates or shorter time to pregnancy. In terms of pregnancy loss? Studies found no association between prenatal vitamins and lowered miscarriage rates.

    There have been some studies looking at whether taking multivitamins or specific micronutrients may impact chances of conception, but were still far from being able to say that any specific vitamin formulation or individual micronutrient actually boosts chances of conception. Until large-scale randomized controlled trials systematically compare pregnancy rates or time to conception in people who do and do not use micronutrient supplements, the jurys out on whether they have an effect.

    Scientists at the Center for Science in the Public Interest dug for evidence of effectiveness for 39 different womens fertility supplements . A minority of companies referenced scientific studies, but not a single referenced study found positive effects on ovulation, time to pregnancy, or pregnancy outcomes in women.Our suggestion? Approach any supplements that make these sorts of claims with a critical eye.

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    Vitamins Foods And Activity That Can Help Fertility

    Certain nutrients are good for reproductive health.

    • Calcium is supposed to help you conceive. You can find calcium in dairy products, fortified juices, tofu, soy products, broccoli, greens, sesame and salmon.
    • Magnesium is good for the functioning of your reproductive system. Magnesium is in spinach, carrots, broccoli, whole grains, nuts, bananas and raisins.
    • Zinc is supposed to be good for reproductive health and if you are low in it, it could impair your fertility. You can find zinc in turkey, beef, pork, lamb, chicken, almonds, beans, wheat germ, yogurt, oatmeal, corn, eggs, breads and cereals, and shellfish.

    It is also advisable to exercise regularly and limit stress and such things as caffeine.

    When Should You Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins And Why

    When many think of prenatal vitamins, they think of a prescription prenatal being taken during pregnancy, not before pregnancy. However, as the word PRENATAL suggests, think of taking prenatal multivitamins before pregnancy. It’s a good idea to start taking prenatal vitamins at least three months before trying to conceive. It takes 90 days for an egg to develop before they are released fully. A well-nurtured egg is ideal before conception.

    Before an egg reaches its full maturation, it takes a 90-day adventure, changing and preparing for ovulation. During this time, the egg is impacted by both healthy and unhealthy influences. Some factors affecting healthy eggs and ovaries are nutritional intake, stress, hormonal balance, and oxygen-rich blood flow.

    As many have heard before, you are what you eat! Your nutritional intake can have a positive or negative impact on the health of your eggs and ovaries. The lack of nutrients like folic acid, selenium, and omega-3 fatty acids can negatively affect your reproductive system. Check out our, Feel Good Food For A Healthy Pregnancy Recipe Book for nutrient-rich recipes & nutrition guidelines to help with nutritional intake.

    Stress can overall affect your health, including harming your developing egg. When you are continuously under stress, your body produces cortisol and other stress hormones, interfering with or preventing regular ovulation. Reducing your stress levels can help improve your egg health.

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    Do Prenatal Vitamins Really Increase Fertility

    Need for Vitamins if youre trying to conceive! If you are trying to conceive then using vitamins is definitely the write answer. Studies have backed the importance of vitamins in conception. Most commonly it is considered that women who are trying to conceive should increase vitamins and supplementary intake, but it is equally important for men as well.

    If youre looking for something to boost the chances of you getting a baby then this article is all you need as it will mention all vitamins and nutrients you need to take to have a better of being a mother/father!

    Lifestyle Changes For Promoting Healthy Fertility

    Study: Supplements to improve fertility in women do not have same results in men

    Of course there are also simple lifestyle changesthat also guard against infertility and subfertility, such ask exercising moderately and regularly, decreasing sugar, alcohol, and caffeine intake, eating a well-balanced diet with healthy fats, colorful fruits and vegetables, and whole, minimally grains, as well as taking good care of your gut, and getting a good nights sleep. Managing your stress levels and emotional health are both important ways to promote healthy fertility, too. If you are struggling with the emotional impacts of infertility, Organic Conceptions is a program that helps couples manage the emotional stress of trying to conceive. As a bonus, Organic Conceptions works very well in conjunction with FAMs. It is also very important to be gentle with yourself, and to remember that even the perfect diet and all of the right supplements might not be the answer to all of your reproductive issues.

    With the guidance of a medical provider trained in Fertility Awareness Methodsfor achieving pregnancy, such as NaProTechnology or FEMM, you will be in the best position possible for navigating the nutritional, emotional, and physiological aspects necessary for healthy fertility.


    Folic Acid Helps Prevent Some Birth Defects. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at:

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    Folic Acid And Fertility

    There are so many exciting moments to look forward to when trying to get pregnant discovering the gender, feeling your baby kick for the first time, setting up the nursery and finally, meeting your tiny bundle of joy.

    However, if youre trying to conceive, the most important thing to focus on is making sure your body is a strong and healthy environment for your baby to develop. Taking folic acid can not only improve your chances of conceiving, but it also reduces the risk of serious birth defects that can occur in the first month of pregnancy.

    Disadvantages Of Taking Prenatal Vitamins When Not Pregnant

    So what could be the bad part of taking prenatal vitamins if youre not pregnant or trying to conceive?Prenatal vitamins are specific are formulated to make up the common nutritional deficiencies you experience during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But they arent reallyyy intended for or optimized if youre not pregnant or breastfeedingFor example, taking too much folic acid each day can have the adverse side effect of masking a vitamin B-12 deficiency. Excess iron can be a problem and is associated with health problems like constipation, nausea, and diarrhea.Also, quality is an important consideration when selecting a prenatal vitamins because the FDA is not required to review dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed to consumers. In 2015, the New York State Attorney Generals office investigated top-selling supplements at leading retailers like Target and Walgreens and found that four out of five of the products didnt contain the ingredients listed on the label.We recommended using Labdoor as a resource that offers you more insight into prenatal vitamin quality. After performing a chemical analysis of a supplement in an FDA-approved lab, Labdoor produces a quality score for the product. Also, we always recommend consulting your primary care provider when selecting a prenatal vitamin.

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