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Can I Take Magnesium With Vitamin D

Vitamin D And Magnesium: Whats The Link

Supplements: The health benefits of magnesium

Its well known that certain nutrients have cofactors which they rely upon for proper utilisation and absorption.

Take vitamin D and vitamin K as an example: they work together to ensure proper calcium regulation.

While vitamin D is responsible for enhancing the absorption of calcium from food, vitamin K controls where that calcium ends up: in bones and teeth rather than in soft tissues .

Blood vessel calcification can lead to major health problems, which is why ensuring a healthy intake of vitamin K is important if you want to get the most out of your vitamin D.

Sodium and potassium are another dynamic duo, with potassium encouraging the kidneys to excrete sodium and thus promote healthy blood pressure. For this reason, our potassium-to-sodium ratio is considered a valid marker for cardiovascular health.

According to new research, there is a synergistic link between vitamin D and magnesium too. Specifically, those who fail to get enough magnesium may be unable to properly utilise vitamin D. In essence, magnesium deficiency causes vitamin D to be stored and inactive.

The review, which appeared in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, went further, pointing out that vitamin D supplements can increase a magnesium-deficient individuals calcium and phosphate levels.

Vitamin D And Magnesium Supplements

So what are the options? Firstly, if you want to avoid vitamin D deficiency, a supplement is almost definitely required unless you live in a warm climate and get plenty of sun on your face throughout the year.

Supplements we would recommend include Frunuttas sublingual Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D3.

  • Vitamin K2 provides 500 mcg of vitamin K
  • Vitamin D3 provides 5,000 i.u. or 1,000 i.u. of vitamin D

As discussed earlier, vitamin K is an important cofactor of vitamin D. As such, it is wise to supplement with both if you do not consume enough dietary vitamin K.

Food sources of vitamin K include leafy greens, broccoli, cabbage, Brussel sprouts and fermented dairy. Incidentally, vitamin K deficiency might be just as harmful as vitamin D deficiency.

Is a magnesium supplement essential? It shouldnt be, in an ideal world. However, the fact that magnesium deficiency is prevalent in our society indicates that most simply do not eat enough.

Furthermore, older adults, people will type 2 diabetes and gastrointestinal diseases, and those with an alcohol dependence have a higher need for magnesium. Elevated stress is another factor which increases ones magnesium needs.

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  • Positive Effects Of Vitamin D

    Studies have shown the ability of Vitamin D to switch off cancer-causing genes, switch on genes critical to immune system function, and have a positive impact on a variety of bodily systems. Examples of the positive effects of Vitamin D include:

  • Better Bone Health – Vitamin D plays a key role in the absorption of calcium, which makes it critical for maintaining bone density, promoting bone crystallization, and preventing bone disorders like osteoporosis. â
  • Greater Insulin Control – Vitamin D3 has been shown to stimulate the pancreas, triggering its insulin-production functions.â
  • Lower Blood Pressure – Vitamin D3 reduces the concentration of the enzyme renin in the kidneys, which impacts blood vessels and blood pressure. A Boston University study demonstrated an improvement in blood pressure among hypertensive subjects when administered Vitamin D3.â
  • Better Heart Health – Two studies have correlated low Vitamin D levels with susceptibility to heart attacks. The reasons for this effect are not entirely clear, but doctors suspect that Vitamin D regulates heart cells, preventing the ventricle walls from getting too thick. Vitamin D may also improve cardiovascular endurance.â
  • Doctors consider normal blood Vitamin D levels to be between 20 and 50 ng/ml . Less than 12 ng/ml is considered clinical Vitamin D deficiency.

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    If You Take Vitamin A

    Watch the amount of whatâs called preformed vitamin A. If youâre pregnant, doses over 10,000 IU a day can cause birth defects. High levels of both A and the usually safe beta-carotene may raise your chances of having lung cancer if youâre a smoker, and maybe even if youâre a former smoker.

    When And Why Do People Take Magnesium Supplements

    Calcium &  Magnesium with Vitamin D3

    People of all ages take magnesium supplements for a variety of reasons. Magnesium is safe to consume and readily available as an over-the-counter supplement. A doctor may recommend magnesium supplementation, or a patient may take magnesium of their own accord as a preventative or to treat a particular condition.

    Reasons to supplement with magnesium might include:

    • Known magnesium deficiency
    • Promote heart health, either as a preventative or after a cardiac event.
    • Prevent cancer in patients with a family history of certain cancers, like breast or colon cancer
    • Regulate blood pressure, either as a preventative measure or for patients with hypertension
    • Regulate blood glucose and insulin metabolism, as a preventative or for diabetic or prediabetic patients
    • Promote good bone health, especially in patients susceptible to bone disorders like osteoporosis
    • Promote good brain health, especially in patients susceptible to Alzheimerâs disease.
    • Treat various forms of inflammation
    • Treat symptoms of PMS
    • Treat cramps and muscle spasms
    • Treat sleep disorders like insomnia or restless leg syndrome
    • Treat or prevent mood disorders like depression or anxiety
    • Treat or prevent constipation, heartburn, and/or indigestion

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    Why Everyone Should Take Magnesium And Vitamin D

    Before delving into how amazing Vitamin D and Magnesium are, I thought I would quickly take a step back and talk a little about supplements in general.

    When it comes to supplements, there are 3 types of people, you’re either anti-supplements , or all for supplements , or like us somewhere in the middle .

    Furthermore, everyone is different, a mum working full-time will need a different nutrient programme to a semi-pro athlete. So this means that deciding on what nutrients you need requires research and experimenting with what works for you personally, which takes time and effort.

    So…should you supplement?

    Generally speaking, we believe in getting the majority of your nutrients from the food you eat. Thats why when thinking about supplements it is important to start with a nutrient-dense diet and then from there, look to optimise by supplementing nutrients according to your specific needs and goals at any point in time. Some things that will help inform your decisions are the intensity of your training programme, dietary restrictions, your stress levels, current injuries and health issues.

    That being said, when you think about the lives we all lead these days most of us are managing high levels of physical and/or mental stress. So even if your diet is pretty good its pretty likely that youll be deficient in one nutrient at some point or another. Some common deficiencies in the UK are Iron, Iodine, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Calcium, Vitamin A and Magnesium.

    Vitamin D And Magnesium Deficiency

    Anyone who spends little time outdoors is at a significant risk of having a vitamin D insufficiency. Even SPF creams, which are highly recommended when going out in the sun, can block the rays our skin needs to produce vitamin D.

    Having a vitamin D deficiency may lead to:

    • Aching or weakened bones
    • Increased risk of coughs and colds

    While these symptoms are fairly subtle, they can cause very harmful health issues if left unaddressed and untreated. You should check with your doctor about how to check your vitamin D levels.

    Magnesium deficiency may cause you to:

    • Experience heart palpitations

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    What Other Vitamins And Minerals Can I Take With Magnesium

    Vitamins and minerals maintain a delicate balance inside your body and must co-operate to have their best effect. Because of this, its important to know that some nutrients are helpful to each other and some arent.

    Certain vitamins and minerals need other vitamins and minerals to absorb properly into the bloodstream. Some have the opposite effect, hindering other nutrients absorption and often causing the body to develop vitamin deficiencies.

    The degree and rate at which your body can absorb a mineral or vitamin is influenced by how it interacts with other nutrients. Magnesium, for example, plays a crucial role in enabling your body to absorb:

    • minerals such as:
    • the health of your gastrointestinal tract

    Supplements And Your Prescriptions

    4 Things to Know Before You Take a Magnesium Supplement

    Even essential nutrients can interfere with many common medications. If you take a traditional blood thinner like warfarin, just the small amount of vitamin K in an MVM can cut its strength. Taking more than 1,000 mg of vitamin E per day can raise your risk for bleeding. And if you take thyroid medication, taking calcium, magnesium, or iron within 4 hours can cut its strength. Ask your doctor about how best to time it.

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    Should You Take Vitamin D

    Go ahead and supplement with vitamin D in the darker months, or if you dont get enough sunlight year-round. But keep your intake to a maximum of 2,000 IU. And dont forget your Natural Calm magnesium.

    Getting ones daily allowance for magnesium allows both supplemental and naturally produced vitamin D to function at its full potential. By consuming an optimal amount of magnesium, one may be able to lower the risks of vitamin D deficiency, and reduce the dependency on vitamin D supplements, says Razzaque.

    The Best Time To Take An Omega

    You might already be taking a fish oil or algae supplement, especially if youre vegan, vegetarian or just dont fancy much fish.

    With this supplement, it doesnt matter what time of the day you take it. But Thornton-Wood advises taking your omega-3 supplement which is fat-soluble with a meal for best absorption.

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    The Best Time To Take An Iron Supplement

    In a 2020 study of iron deficient athletes, researchers found that the best time to take iron was within 30 minutes of morning exercise. The study found that morning exercise opened up a short-term window where iron was best absorbed.

    If youre not one for an AM sweat session, though, whens the best time to take your iron?

    Iron supplements are best absorbed on an empty stomach, taken an hour before food, says Clare Thornton-Wood, registered dietitian and member of the British Dietetics Association. However, sometimes iron supplements upset your stomach, and if this is the case then take just after a meal.

    Some foods and drinks, such as coffee, tea and calcium-rich products, interfere with iron absorption. The NHS recommends leaving a two-hour gap between taking your supplement and having coffee, tea or calcium.

    If youre like me and have a cup of coffee or tea at-hand all morning, then the second half of the day is your best bet for optimal iron absorption .

    Unless this upsets your digestion and leads to trouble sleeping, then iron is fine to take in the evening, Glover says.

    Does Magnesium Hold The Key To Vitamin D Benefits


    New research finds that magnesium may hold the key to understanding how vitamin D levels relate to health and disease.

    Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, has enjoyed something of a celebrity status, receiving praise for a multitude of health benefits.

    Yet, in the complex web of biological processes that govern our health, few players ever work in isolation.

    New evidence shifts the focus onto magnesium, implicating it in playing a central role in determining how much vitamin D our bodies can make.

    In a study that features in the December issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a research team from Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN concludes that optimal levels of magnesium may play an important role in the vitamin D status of an individual.

    reported on the relationship between magnesium intake and vitamin D levels in over 12,000 individuals taking part in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 20012006 study.

    Here, Dr. Dai and team found that individuals with high levels of magnesium intake, whether from dietary sources or taking supplements, were less likely to have low levels of vitamin D.

    Importantly, the researchers also found a possible association between magnesium intake and a reduction in mortality, particularly when they looked at mortality due to cardiovascular disease and bowel cancer.

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    Baseline Characteristics Of The Study Population

    Four cycles of NHANES, 20072008, 20092010, 20112012, and 20132014, were used in this study. We identified 40,617 potential participants 22,673 adults who completed the interview and the MEC examination were enrolled in our study. Participants with missing data on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration were excluded. After excluding participants with missing data for covariates, the remaining 10,249 participants were included in our analysis. The flowchart of the exclusion criteria is depicted in Figure 1. As illustrated in the flow chart , a total of 10,249 subjects were included in the final analyses. Table 1 displays the descriptive characteristics of this study population according to dietary magnesium intake. Compared with the low magnesium intake individuals , those with a high intake of magnesium were more likely to be men, younger, well-educated, and mostly had a higher income. Individuals with high magnesium intake had lower values of 2-h glucose and a lower BMI. For dietary factors, intake of energy, protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D was lower in participants whose intake of magnesium was low. Season of examination, fasting glucose, smoking habits, physical activities, and risk for diabetes did not differ by magnesium intake.

    Figure 1. The flow chart of the study.

    Table 1. Baseline characteristics of participants.

    How To Take Vitamin D Calcium And Magnesium

    How To Take Vitamin D Calcium And Magnesium

    How To Take Vitamin D Calcium And Magnesium. Calcium is best absorbed when. Excessive amounts of calcium without the counterbalance of magnesium can lead to a heart. Use the d*calculator to see how much vitamin d it may take to reach your target. What is the proper way to take vitamin d?

    Calcium and magnesium are both present in the diet and the body at levels much higher than those of trace minerals such as iron. How many hours apart should i take calcium and magnesium? Opt for the loading dose for a quicker boost.

    Opt for the loading dose for a quicker boost. How many hours apart should i take calcium and magnesium? But that is only part of the story.

    Calcium carbonate should be taken with food. Tell all of your health care providers that you take calcium/magnesium/vitamin d. Vitamin b6 is also a cofactor in magnesium absorption, giving them the b6, which they need when covering the remainder of the body at.

    I recommend magnesium at bedtime. Vitamin b6 is also a cofactor for absorption of magnesium. The amount of magnesium that women and men need to consume varies depending on the season.

    Magnesium supplements should be taken 1 to 2 hours before you head to bed. Taking calcium with magnesium, vitamin k, and vitamin d is imperative if you actually want to absorb the calcium that you take. Calcium is best absorbed when.

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    Supplementing Magnesium And Calcium

    While your body can store calcium for gradual use over time, with magnesium it needs to replenish its levels each day. Eating a varied and balanced range of foods can provide you with a certain amount of magnesium but not always your full recommended daily intake , so its likely youll need to use magnesium supplements as well.

    Magnesium and calcium supplements come both in oral form and transdermal form . There are recommended daily doses you should keep to, and because magnesium and calcium work so closely together, its important to take the right amount of each.

    There are few side effects to taking magnesium and calcium supplements, and the symptoms that do sometimes occur tend to be confined to supplements taken orally. Transdermal supplements generally have no adverse effects.

    Why You Cannot Skip Magnesium When You Are Already Taking Vitamin D

    Should you take vitamins?

    Patients who know or suspect that they are deficient in their Vitamin D levels may be tempted to supplement with Vitamin D3. They may already be supplementing. But if they are not also supplementing with magnesium, they could be doing more harm than good.

    Remember, magnesium deficiency prevents the body from using the Vitamin D you are supplementing it with. Additionally, the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association points out that people with low magnesium levels who supplement with Vitamin D show markedly higher levels of calcium and phosphorus. This is probably due to the role that activated Vitamin D plays in the absorption of calcium into the bones and other tissues.

    Excess calcium in the bloodstream can lead to calcification of the inside of the arteries, resulting in poor cardiovascular health. Unabsorbed calcium can also cause nausea, frequent urination, fatigue, and kidney problems like kidney stones.

    Before starting a Vitamin D and magnesium supplementation regimen, it is worth discovering whether or not your magnesium levels are deficient first. People considering starting a Vitamin D3 regimen without the advice of a doctor should consider supplementing with magnesium as well to prevent the adverse effects of unabsorbed calcium.

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    Are Gummies Any Good

    Opinions about gummy vitamins are mixed. One study found that people who take vitamin D in gummy form get more from it than from a tablet. On the other hand, gummies can have a lot of sugar and calories. And because they taste like candy, itâs easy to go overboard and eat too many. They may even cause cavities. Also, not all brands contain all essential vitamins and minerals. Some may not even contain the amounts listed on the label.

    How Much Magnesium Do I Need To Balance Vitamin D

    According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. and bestselling author of The Magnesium Miracle, most North Americans arent getting enough magnesium. Dean recommends 500 mg daily as a healthy starting place, in line with the intake common for adults 100 years ago.

    Health Canada sets a lower bar, suggesting 350 mg/day as an adequate intake. Even based on this modest figure, up to 65% of us fall short. Today, many Canadian adults are getting only 200 mg/day.

    Unlike many nutrients, magnesium is depleted every twelve hours. It must be constantly replenished.

    Eating magnesium-rich foods like avocados, almonds, spinach and soy and drinking mineral water is important, but almost everyone can benefit from magnesium supplement like Natural Calm.

    Thats it for the health advice today! I hope theres a bit of sun peeking over your shoulder, wherever you are.

    Drop us a line here or on the Natural Calm Canada with any questions or comments.

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