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Does Vitamin B12 Cause Acne

B12 Deficiency And Acne

Does Vitamin B12 Treat or Cause Acne?

Some people who use retinoid drugs for acne need B12 injections to prevent high homocysteine. Retinoid drugs applied directly to the skin, such as topical tretinoin and Renova, dont have this effect. Retinoid drugs taken as a pill, however, can interfere with the action of an enzyme called cystathionine-beta-synthase. This enzyme converts homocysteine, which can inflame the arteries, into a harmless form.

Taking more B12 compensates for the poor performance of the enzyme and helps prevent cardiovascular complications. Just one injection usually is enough.

What About Vitamin B12 Ointments And Lotions For Acne

There is no evidence that creams and lotions or any other kind of topical skin care products containing vitamin B12 have any special value in treating acne. There is a little evidence that vitamin B12 creams may help psoriasis. There is also a product that contains an anti-irritant known as licochalcone with vitamin B12 for treating eczema in children, although the product is currently only available in Thailand. A study done about 30 years ago found that vitamin B12 is involved in the immune systems response to staph infections, but no follow-up research confirmed the initial observations.

On the other hand, there is no evidence that creams or lotions or any other kind of topical skin care products containing vitamin B12 make acne worse. There is no reason to reject a product because it contains vitamin B12, but there is no reason to buy it, either.

You can spend a lot of time looking for special products that dont really work all that well. Or you can spend far less time and far less money for an acne-fighting system offered with a money-back guarantee, such as Exposed Skin Care.

Porphyrin Production Is Promoted In P Acnes With Vitamin B12 Supplementation

To test the above hypothesis, we investigated whether porphyrin production is promoted in P. acnes by vitamin B12 supplementation. We supplemented 10 g/mL vitamin B12 to P. acnes cultures, and found that vitamin B12 persistently repressed the expression of cob/cbi operons. The previously mentioned three genes in the vitamin B12 biosynthesis pathway, cysG+cbiX, cbiL, and btuR, were significantly down-regulated by the addition of vitamin B12 from day 2 to day 14 in cultures . In the meantime, we compared the amounts of porphyrins produced in the P. acnes cultures with or without vitamin B12 supplementation. We found that the addition of vitamin B12 significantly increased porphyrin production by 39% during the exponential phase on day 8 and nearly 19% at the stationary phase on day 14 . Our results demonstrated that vitamin B12 supplementation repressed the gene expression of vitamin B12 biosynthesis in P. acnes and increased the biosynthesis of porphyrins.

Vitamin B12 supplementation repressed the expression of cob/cbi operons in the vitamin B12 biosynthesis pathway and promoted porphyrin production in P. acnes cultures.

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Common Vitamin Has Been Linked To A Higher Risk Of Acne

Vitamin B12 – found in many meat and dairy products and taken as a supplement for better brain function and to stave off anaemia – might alter the genetic make-up of facial bacteria, promoting rapid inflammation that’s been linked to the formation of pimples, according to a 2015 study.

As many poor souls are well aware, acne isn’t just for teenagers. In fact, it affects most of us at some point in our lives, with an estimated 80 percent of people between the ages of 11 and 30 around the world experiencing a breakout at some point.

The unluckiest of us will have to deal with the unsightly lumps and bumps well into our forties and fifties, and the worst part is that despite being an incredibly common affliction, scientists don’t actually know much about what causes acne and how to prevent or treat it.

To investigate, Huiying Li, a molecular pharmacologist at the University of California-Los Angeles, and her team decided to focus on high levels of B12 as a possible culprit, based on research from the past six decades that’s linked it to higher instances of the condition.

“It has been reported several times that people who take B12 develop acne,” she told Arielle Duhaime-Ross at The Verge back in 2015.

The first thing they did was identify the molecular pathway that produces vitamin B12 in the skin bacterium Propionibacterium acnes, and compared it in people with good skin, and people with acne-prone skin.

A version of this article was first published in June 2015.

Can Vitamin B12 Trigger Acne

Why does Vitamin B12 Cause Acne?

Some people claim that in the course of a high dosage vitamin B12 therapy they experience either an increased outbreak of spots, or the emergence/worsening of acne . In fact, many B12 supplements cause acne as a known side effect until now it has not been fully explained why . In this article, we will explore some of the various theories that are currently in circulation, which outline the cause as:

  • Excessive production of porphyrin by skin bacteria stimulated by B12
  • A cobalt allergy
  • Relative deficiency of vitamin B12 cofactors
  • A detoxification reaction
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    Vitamin B12 Acne And Biotin

    Biotin is required for an important metabolic step in the citric acid cycle of the mitochondria. Here it helps to convert propinonyl-CoA to methylmalonyl-CoA. B12 then converts this methylmalonyl-CoA mutase into succinyl-CoA in a further step. It is possible that an injection of B12 in this way leads to an increased consumption of biotin. This could cause a relative biotin deficiency and have an influence on the skin. But also, the opposite way is conceivable: if there is a lack of biotin, vitamin B12 cannot fulfil its function in the citrate cycle and remains unused in the tissue possibly leading to the behavioural change of the skin bacteria already discussed.

    What Are The Side Effects Of Vitamin B12 Supplements

    Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a key role in the normal function of the brain and nervous system as well as for the formation of blood. Vitamin B12 is naturally found in foods such as fish, meat, eggs, milk and dairy products. Vitamin B12 is also available in supplement form, in both prescription and over-the-counter forms. Side effects of Vitamin B12 supplements may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weakness, constipation, headache, itching, sore throat, ringing in the ears, confusion, numbness or tingling, vision changes, memory problems, depression, trouble sleeping, rashes, or worsening of an existing skin condition.

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    Can Vitamin B12 Cause Acne

    Vitamin B12 plays a super important role in our health particularly in the production of our red blood cells and the well-being of our central nervous system. The rate of vitamin b12 deficiency is on the rise, leading to a subsequent increase in vitamin b12 supplementation.

    B12 is a particularly “hot topic” in the vegan community. Since this vitamin is only available in animal products , many vegans and vegetarians have resorted to supplementing with synthetic forms of b12 to maintain health. Ironically, there is some speculation that Vitamin b12 supplements may actually contribute to the onset or worsening of certain health issues including acne breakouts.

    The Transcriptional Activities Of The Skin Microbiota In Acne Patients Were Distinct From Those In Healthy Individuals

    Can Vitamin B12 Cause Acne? | Studies & Personal Experience

    To determine whether the transcriptional activities of the skin microbiota contribute to disease development, we compared the metatranscriptome of the skin microbiota in acne patients to the one in healthy individuals in a cross-sectional study. We collected the follicular contents of the nose skin from four acne patients and five healthy individuals . We analyzed the microbial gene expression using RNA-Seq with a high sequencing depth of 44182 million paired-end reads per sample . We found that P. acnes was the most transcriptionally abundant bacterium . Additionally, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, and Shigella were detected in the metatranscriptome with much lower total transcriptional abundance. Given the predominance of P. acnes in all samples, we focused our further analysis on the gene expression profile of P. acnes.

    The gene expression profiles of P. acnes in the skin microbiota were distinct between acne patients and healthy individuals.

    Based on the gene expression of P. acnes in the skin microbiota, acne patients formed a separate cluster from healthy individuals in an unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis.

    136 differentially expressed P. acnes OGUs were identified between acne patients and healthy individuals. Among them, 109 OGUs were up-regulated and 27 OGUs were down-regulated in acne patients. The OGU names are listed in .

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    Do You Need To Take A B12 Supplement If You Have Acne

    If you are not using any oral medications for treating acne, you do not need extra B12 for fighting acne. Nonetheless, there are many situations in which taking supplemental vitamin B12 is a very good idea.

    If you take a proton pump inhibitor such as lansoprazole or omeprazole , the drugs may reduce the amount of acid in your stomach to the point it cannot release vitamin B12 from food, although there is enough stomach acid to dissolve vitamin B12 from supplements. Deficiency conditions usually take several years to develop. The H2-receptor antagonists such as cimetidine , famotidine , and ranitidine can also interfere with the release of vitamin B12 from food, but their effects are not as severe.

    The diabetes medication metformin binds vitamin B12 to calcium. If you use metformin, as tens of millions of type 2 diabetics do every day, then taking your vitamin B12 supplement within two hours before or after eating dairy products will not do you any good. And taking the antibiotic Neomycin by mouth can also interfere with the absorption of vitamin B12.

    Vitamin B: What Is It Good For

    The eight B vitamins are necessary for nearly every process within the body. They help turn food into energy and affect the health of our nervous system, metabolism, organs, muscles, skin, and hair. Theyre also essential for cell growth, development, and overall functioning. As such, they offer serious benefits to skin health, since our skin is constantly regenerating. The healthier your skin, the faster it renews.

    However, weve got a relatively small storage tank for B vitamins, which means we need to keep refilling it each day. Since each B vitamin impacts skin health differently, its helpful to know which foods provide what vitamins, and the role each vitamin plays in the body.

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    Vitamin B12 Supplementation In Healthy Subjects Repressed Vitamin B12 Biosynthesis Genes In P Acnes

    It is known that vitamin B12 is a regulator of its own biosynthesis pathway. Previous studies in other bacterial species, including Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli , showed that vitamin B12 repressed the expression of the cob/cbi operons in vitamin B12 biosynthesis pathway through cobalamin riboswitches. Cobalamin riboswitches are conserved RNA structural elements that regulate the expression of vitamin B12 biosynthesis operons upon vitamin B12 binding . In P. acnes, the upstream regions of cob/cbi operons also encode cobalamin riboswitches .

    Vitamin B12 supplementation in healthy subjects repressed P. acnes cob/cbi operons.Vitamin B12 supplementation in the host altered the transcriptome of P. acnes in the skin microbiota.

    The differentially expressed P. acnes OGUs between the Day0 samples and Day14 samples from the healthy subjects supplemented with vitamin B12. The red and green colors represent the fold change of the OGUs. Red indicates up-regulation after vitamin B12 supplementation and green indicates down-regulation. The functional categories of the OGUs are labeled by the color bars next to the OGUs names.

    What Supplements Do I Need To Take

    Can Taking Vitamin B12 Supplements Make Your Skin Break ...

    No one can answer that aside from your doctor. To learn more about the various supplements that doctors commonly recommend, check out this article.

    Supplements aside, dont forget to incorporate a regular exercise regimen into your daily routine. Check out our PRO Plan to see how we can help you stay active, motivated, and focused every day!

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    Why Does Vitamin B Affect The Skin

    According to the National Institutes of Health, when users consume a supplement containing B6 and B12 vitamins, the skin has a reaction that makes small papules appear. Though the users may believe that the vitamins are directly the cause of the skin issues, it is actually the bodys reaction to the vitamin that causes these papules to appear.

    When a persons skin becomes oily, it is due to the body overproducing sebum. Sebum is produced by the pores in the skin. If there is additional oil added to the skin by excess activity or exercise, bacteria and dirt may get mixed in with the sweat in the pores, creating a pimple. As bacteria multiply under the skin and on the surface, numerous blemishes may form and double on the skin.

    The direct reason for the correlation between the intake of B6 and B12 vitamins to cause acne is actually unknown. However, researchers are led to believe that the vitamins may produce a negative reaction with the follicular epithelium of the body. This, in turn, causes an inflammation of the skin with bacteria involved. The follicular epithelium is the skin tissue within the body.

    Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms

    Most people get enough vitamin B12 through their diet. However, some people arent getting enough of it on a daily basis, or their body doesnt allow for proper absorption of this vitamin. This can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency.

    As we age, the absorption of vitamin B12 becomes progressively harder. Some lifestyle habits such as drinking, certain types of medication and surgeries might also cause poor absorption. In addition, there are several health conditions that might result in vitamin B12 deficiencies such as pernicious anemia, Crohns disease, celiac disease, parasites, atrophic gastritis, or some autoimmune diseases like Graves and lupus.

    If youre vegan or vegetarian and you dont supplement with B12 regularly, youre also at the risk of being deficient.

    Here are a few symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency that you should be aware of:

    • Vision loss
    • Digestive issues, constipation, diarrhea, excessive gas
    • Numbness in certain areas of the body and muscle weakness
    • Heart palpitations and shortness of breath

    For most people, supplementing is enough to solve the problem. Make sure to consult with your doctor if you suspect that you have any of the abovementioned symptoms.

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    Vitamin B12 Deficiency And Acne

    Vitamin B12 deficiency might result in more than one skin problem. There are a few skin-related signs youre B12 deficient that you might want to watch out for. these include:

    When it comes to acne, it can definitely indicate low B12 levels. There are many testimonials out there from people whose stubborn acne cleared a few months after following regular supplementation. Some doctors claim that higher vitamin B12 levels lower cortisol levels, which is the stress hormone. And weve all heard by now that stress can lead to acne, so its not very surprising that supplementation might work in this case.

    What Are The Natural Sources Of Vitamin B

    B12 and acne.

    Natural sources of vitamin B are found in specific animal-sourced foods, which include meat, shellfish, dairy products, and eggs. Fortified cereals and nuts are also a sufficient source of vitamin B as well.

    If a person has lactose intolerance or gluten allergy, a doctor may recommend that they take vitamin B supplements in order to replace their lack of vitamin intake from natural sources.

    From the ages of 14 and on, a person should consume at least 2.4 micrograms per day of vitamin B. A person who regularly has a balanced diet of dairy and meat will more than likely get their daily intake with no problem.

    However, as a person gets older and their medical problems begin to increase, their intake of natural vitamins should be boosted depending on their age and health status.

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    The 101 On Vitamin B12


    Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin the ability to dissolve via water and is essential for keeping the bodys nerve and blood cells healthy and helps make DNA, as well as preventing megaloblastic anemia, a rare form of anemia in which bone marrow produces immature and abnormally large blood cells. Vitamin B12 is absorbed in the stomach with the help of a protein called intrinsic factor and, because our bodies are truly amazing, if you consume more than your body needs, the extra is stored in the liver to aid in avoiding deficiency.

    Luckily, most Americans receive the recommended daily doses of vitamin B12 from their diet. Daily doses of vitamin B12 differ depending on age. For example, adults and teenagers 14 to 18 years of age are recommended to consume at least 2.4 micrograms a day, while children under 13 are recommended half that dosage ranging between 1.2 to 1.8 micrograms daily.

    Yet, due to the fact that natural sources of vitamin B12 come from animal-based products, those that practice a plant-based lifestyle without the knowledge of this fact have an increased risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.


    So, where do you obtain this essential vitamin?

    Unfortunately, for strict plant-based eaters , there arent natural forms of vitamin B12. Therefore, if you arent adding fortified products or supplements to your diet, its possible you may become vitamin B12 deficient.

    The Transcriptional Profile Of The Skin Microbiota In Hl414 Was Different From Other Healthy Subjects After Vitamin B12 Supplementation

    To understand why subject HL414, not others in our healthy cohort, developed acne after vitamin B12 supplementation, we further investigated the specific bacterial transcriptional changes in HL414 compared to the other subjects 14 days after vitamin B12 supplementation. Based on the RNA-Seq data, we found 397 OGUs differentially expressed in HL414-Day14 compared to the other nine Day14 samples. We compared the list of these genes with the genes that were significantly altered after vitamin B12 supplementation in all healthy subjects . This comparison is based on the reasoning that bacterial factors involved in vitamin B12-associated acne should be regulated by vitamin B12. We found that 11 OGUs that were differentially expressed between HL414-Day14 and the other Day14 samples were also regulated by vitamin B12 with differential expression between Day0 and Day14 samples . Among them, PPA0693 encodes the E2 component of the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, which functions in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. It was down-regulated in all the healthy subjects after vitamin B12 supplementation . Among all the Day14 samples, HL414-Day14 had the lowest expression. This gene was also down-regulated when we compared the acne patients to the healthy individuals in our cross-sectional study . This suggests that the gene down-regulation of the E2 component of the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex is regulated by vitamin B12 and is involved in acne pathogenesis.

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