Drop In Vitamin C Levels
The team pointed out that vitamin C levels can drop in patients with acute respiratory infections, giving cause to top up levels, irrespective of the vitamins influence an observation also noted by Dr Weber.
Vitamin C levels in coronavirus patients drop dramatically when they suffer sepsis, an inflammatory response that occurs when their bodies overreact to the infection, he said. It makes all the sense in the world to try and maintain this level of vitamin C.
At least three clinical trials have started in China studying the effects of high-dose IV vitamin C for the treatment of COVID-19 with one beginning as recently as 14 February.
In addition, the Shanghai Medical Association released the first and only official government guideline on March 1 for the treatment of COVID-19 where high-dose IV vitamin C was endorsed by experts.
Its publication may have played a part in an explosion of vitamin C supplement sales in the country, where Chinese e-commerce giant, JD reported a five-fold increase in consumer purchases.
Sales of health products including vitamin C effervescent tablets, Traditional Chinese Medicine brand Banlangen, and Xiao Chaihu saw big increases.
JD said the virus outbreak was the cause of the surge consumption, and its higher online sales was attributed to consumers preferring to order delivery online instead of going to supermarket to purchase products.
General Treatments And Standard Procedure Of Ventilation Supports
In addition, other general treatments followed the latest COVID-19 guidelines . Oseltamivir and azithromycin were usually used in the general ward. After ICU admission, low weight molecular heparin was applied for the prevention deep vein thrombus. Piperacillin/tazobactam was used for patients receiving tracheal intubation.
If the patients showed the symptoms of rapid deterioration of hypoxemia, severe ARDS, or septic shock, hydrocortisone could be considered.
Respiratory support were given to patients with hypoxic respiratory failure and ARDS. If respiratory failure could not be improved or worsened continuously within a short time after using HFNC or NIV, intubation were performed and the approach of lung-protective ventilation was applied. ECMO was considered as the rescue therapy when the refractory hypoxemia was difficult to be corrected by protective lung ventilation . When patients respiratory functions improved and were ready for weaning from the ventilators, the spontaneous breathing test was performed. After the SBT was passed, invasive ventilator was considered to remove with the endotracheal tube extubation.
Get Rid Of Cold Or Flu With Vitamin C Megadose
Is it possible to get rid of a cold or the flu in one day with megadoses of vitamin C?
In some cases, yes, but time is of the essence and you have to be prepared AHEAD of time. If on the day your throat starts itching or gets sore or you feel other symptoms, and you dont have the right resources available, things may get worse quickly and develop into full blown sickness. The moment you notice symptoms, you have to strike hard and give your body/immune system what it needs in order to reduce symptoms fast.
I personally have used this information to avoid getting a full blown cold for the last 9 years. When I have noticed the beginning stages of symptoms , I have dealt with things so swiftly and powerfully that symptoms go away in a day or two. So here is exactly what I would do.
Can you do intravenous Vitamin C?
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The Controversial History Of High
Utilizing high doses of vitamin C as a cancer therapy is no exception to this controversy. Nearly 60 years ago Toronto physician William McCormick observed that cancer patients often presented with severely low levels of vitamin C in their blood and featured scurvy-like symptoms, leading him to postulate that vitamin C might protect against cancer by increasing collagen synthesis. In 1972, extending this theory, Ewan Cameron, a Scottish surgeon, hypothesized that ascorbate could suppress cancer development by inhibiting hyaluronidase, which otherwise weakens the extracellular matrix and enables cancer to metastasize. He began treating terminally ill cancer patients and published a case report of 50 patients in which some of the treated patients benefited from high dose vitamin C.
Food Sources Of Vitamin C
Bell pepper, red, raw
Bell pepper, green, raw
Lemon juice
In large population studies, people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C appear to have a reduced risk for various types of cancer, including cancers of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, colon, and lung. But it’s not clear that these benefits come specifically from vitamin C. The Age-Related Eye Disease Study found that a daily supplement containing 500 milligrams of vitamin C, 400 international units of vitamin E, 15 mg of beta carotene, 80 mg of zinc, and 2 mg of copper can help slow the progression of macular degeneration, an age-related eye disease that causes vision loss. But we don’t know what benefits, if any, are conferred by vitamin C in particular.
Many people take vitamin C supplements in unnecessarily high doses to prevent or treat various conditions for which its effectiveness is unproved. The vitamin C supplements have variously been touted for preventing cardiovascular disease and osteoarthritis, staving off sunburn, and improving the appearance of wrinkles. None of these purported benefits have been verified in scientific studies.
The recommended vitamin C dosage per day for healthy women is 75 mg per day . For adults, the tolerable upper intake level the highest daily intake likely to pose no risks is 2,000 mg per day.
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Vitamin C Intake Neutralizes A High Fat Meal
In a study conducted by Dr. Plotnick, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 20 healthy men and women were fed on one of the three breakfasts:
A high-fat meal consisting of an Egg McMuffin, Sausage McMuffin, and two hash brown patties.
The same meal, but after the subjects were given 1,000 mg of Vitamin C and 800 IU of vitamin E.
A low-fat breakfast of cereal, skim milk, and orange juice.
In this study, Dr Plotnick discovered that a single high-fat meal increased blood triglyceride levels by more than 60 percent and decreased endothelial function by two to four hours. The decrease in endothelial function also correlated with an increase in triglyceride levels, but not with fasting triglyceride levels. The researchers were also pleased to note that taking megadose Vitamin C and Vitamin E just before the high-fat meal helped to maintain normal endothelial functions. Surprisingly, the effects of the vitamin were the same as eating the low-fat meal, which produced no increase in triglycerides or decrease in endothelial function.
Vitamin C Helps To Normalize Blood Flow
In order to determine the effects of megadose Vitamin C on normalizing blood flow, researchers measured the thickness of the intima in the carotid arteries of 231 people with atherosclerosis and an equal number of healthy people. The intima is the innermost layer of the blood vessel walls and a thickened intima is a sign of cardiovascular disease. High blood levels of carotenoids, particularly lutein and zeaxanthin are related to normal intima thickness. During an animal study conducted using rabbits, it was reported that the rabbit’s blood flow decreased and red blood cells clumped together in small blood vessels after being fed a high-cholesterol diet. However, when these rabbits were given supplemental Vitamin C, their blood flow returned to normal.
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My Vitamin And Mineral Protocol To Prevent Infection
For optimal health and to prevent infection by viruses, I recommend taking a multivitamin, along with additional vitamin C, vitamin D , vitamin E , magnesium , and zinc . To find your correct dose of vitamin C, learn about “bowel tolerance” — the daily dose just below the amount that causes a laxative effect. Many people find that when they’re not sick, a dose of 3000 mg – 10,000 mg/day taken all at once will cause a laxative effect, but they can tolerate the same daily dose of vitamin C when taken in divided doses. However, when an infection starts, much higher doses can prevent it from taking hold. Of course I recommend healthy eating, and daily exercise, and not smoking or drinking alcohol to excess. You may want to discuss doses of vitamins and minerals with your doctor. You might indeed be doing your physician a favor.
What Exactly Is Megadosing
Just like the name implies, megadosing is used to describe large doses of a specific nutrient or vitamin, which are advised to be administered in higher quantities where chronic health conditions are concerned. In these cases a megadose of a vitamin is multiple times bigger than the proposed daily dose, and it is usually recommended in the treatment of more serious or chronic health conditions that require additional care.
Although megadosing is often touted as an attractive vitamin practice for even the average healthy person, it is important to note that it can have harmful side effects, especially if the vitamin is fat soluble. Nevertheless, even though Vitamin C is water-soluble, it doesnt diminish the risk of exceeding the tolerable dose, which can lead to unwanted side effects like: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, headache, or insomnia. It is always recommended to consult a medical professional first. The quantity of a vitamin which should not be surpassed is referred to as the tolerable upper intake level, and for vitamin C this number can vary greatly based on whether the patient is megadosing or not. Consulting a medical professional prior to this
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Vitamin C Protects Endothelial Oxidation
Vitamin C protects endothelial function by stopping LDL oxidation, platelet aggregation, and leukocyte adhesion to the endothelium.
A study was conducted on a group of healthy men to see if low plasma antioxidant levels increased ox-LDL levels. Ox-LDL is associated with oxidative damages to cells. The result showed that low plasma tocopherol levels were significantly associated with increased ox-LDL levels. Additionally, smoking raises ox-LDL levels further. The study concluded that alpha-tocopherol protected against oxidative cell damages. Supplementing with Vitamin C would help to decrease this damage, especially in smokers.
Vitamin E when combined with megadose Vitamin C was proven in many studies to reduce apoptosis and oxidative damages to healthy heart muscles and endothelial cells. During a study conducted on AMI patients, it was reported that when these patients were given supplements of Vitamin E and C, the production of free radicals in leukocytes was decreased.
Vitamin C Prevents Diabetes
Dr. Farris K. Timimi and his team at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, found that the short-term infusion of Vitamin C improved blood vessel functions in 10 of the patients with diabetes, but not in the other 10 patients who were non-diabetics.
During the course of study, this team also examined the functions of the endothelium and the layer of cells that lines the insides of blood vessels, which helps them to dilate and contract. They also concluded that Vitamin C helps to destroy free radicals present in the endothelium. These oxygen-derived free radicals are harmful molecules accumulated in the body as one age.
Infusions of methacholine chloride, a substance that makes blood vessels dilate was given to the patients before and after intravenous Vitamin C administrations. Subsequently, the researchers measured the patient’s blood flow in the forearms. Within the diabetic groups, Vitamin C increased the ability of the endothelium to help relax the blood vessels.
In the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Timimi’s team concluded, “This result supports the notion that oxygen-derived free radicals may contribute to abnormal vascular function in patients with diabetes mellitus.” The investigators also noted that the blood levels of Vitamin C would be difficult to achieve with over-the-counter supplements.
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What Drugs Interact With High
A drug interaction is a change in the way a drug acts in the body when taken with certain other drugs. High-dose vitamin C, when combined with some anticancer drugs, may cause them to be less effective. So far, these effects have been seen only in some laboratory and animal studies. No clinical trials have been done to further research these drug interactions in humans.
- Combining vitamin C with an anticancer drug called bortezomib has been studied in cell cultures and in animal models. Bortezomib is a targeted therapy that blocks several molecular pathways in a cell, causing cancer cells to die. Several studies showed that vitamin C given by mouth made bortezomib less effective, including in multiple myeloma cells. A study in mice transplanted with human prostate cancer cells, however, did not show that giving the mice different doses of vitamin C by mouth made bortezomib therapy less effective.
- An oxidized form of vitamin C called dehydroascorbic acid has been studied in cell cultures and in animals with tumors. Several studies have found that high doses of dehydroascorbic acid can interfere with the anticancer effects of several chemotherapy drugs. Dehydroascorbic acid is found in only small amounts in dietary supplements and in fresh foods.
What Is Bioavailability
Bioavailability refers to the proportion of a substance that enters the circulation system upon the intake of a vitamin C supplement or foods. With traditional vitamin C supplements, only about 200mg of vitamin C can be used by the body because of having to pass through the digestive system and the special transporter.
Although common vitamin C supplements may boast high amounts of this vitamin, because of the limitation in how much the body can absorb, most supplements have low bioavailability and a large percentage of the vitamin is excreted.
Incorporating foods that contain vitamin C will help increase levels of this vitamin in your body. But, when taken in from natural sources, the bioavailability of ascorbic acid is high at lower doses, but as your dosage increases, it drops to below 50%. This trend has led some to a general belief that vitamin C should only be taken in smaller doses resulting in many experiencing low levels and possibly even a deficiency.
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How To Take It
The best way to take vitamin C supplements is 2 – 3 times per day, with meals, depending on the dosage. Some studies suggest that adults should take 250 – 500 mg twice a day for any benefit. Talk to your doctor before taking more than 1,000 mg of vitamin C on a daily basis and before giving vitamin C to a child.
Daily intake of dietary vitamin C is listed below.
- Men over 18 years: 90 mg
- Women over 18 years: 75 mg
- Pregnant women 14 – 18 years: 80 mg
- Pregnant women over 18 years: 85 mg
- Breastfeeding women 14 – 18 years: 115 mg
- Breastfeeding women over 18 years: 120 mg
Because smoking depletes vitamin C, people who smoke may need an additional 35 mg per day.
The dose recommended to prevent or treat many of the conditions mentioned in the Uses section is often 500 – 1,000 mg per day.
Megadosing With Liposomal Vitamin C
There were times when the healing properties of Vitamin C were called into question by the medical industry but an overflow of scientific evidence has proven the complete opposite in more recent decades. Today, we now know that Vitamin C has an irreplaceable role in preventing and treating numerous diseases and the human body cannot produce it on its own. Given that we’re restricted in this sense various Vitamin C sources and technologies have been the focus of the health supplement discussion for years, especially the concept of megadosing.
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New Trial Could Bring Answers
Professor Bellomo said many of the previous trials used a lower dose of vitamin C than the researchers did in both the animal study and the Austin did in the COVID-19 patient.
The amount of vitamin C given in this trial was 50 times greater than any other tried before for sepsis.
Doctors at Melbourne’s Austin Health have now begun a randomised controlled trial, giving some patients with septic shock a megadose of vitamin C and some a placebo.
Blood samples will be collected to gauge the patients’ immune response.
Researcher Dr Yugeesh Lankadeva said the trial would help establish the “optimal dose and treatment” that could be used by intensive care doctors in treating sepsis as a “potential life-saving option for patients with multi-organ failure”.
As for the Melbourne man who was able to walk out of hospital after the experimental treatment, his doctor Professor Bellomo said it’s an incentive to keep trialling this approach.
“We were encouraged, of course,” he said.
“This has provided us with further ammunition to investigate this intervention, to understand what the mechanisms might be and the extent of the achievement that might come from it.”
While Australia is doing well keeping COVID-19 under control, he said doctors from around the world have already been in touch to find out more about the megadose treatment.
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