How Is Vitamin D Deficiency Diagnosed
It may be suspected from your medical history, symptoms, or lifestyle. A simple blood test for vitamin D level can make the diagnosis. Blood tests for calcium and phosphate levels and liver function may also show changes linked to a low level of vitamin D. Sometimes a wrist X-ray is done for a child in order to see how the bones are developing. This can assess how severe the problem is by looking for changes in the wrist bones.
Side Effects Of Vitamin D Deficiency
When it comes to a lack of vitamin D for babies, side effects in the long term include:
- Rickets: A disease that causes softness and weakness in bones. It can occur after prolonged vitamin D deficiency.
- Seizures: Due to low calcium levels for proper brain function.
- Heart issues: Since vitamin D has been linked to muscle strength. Because the heart is a muscle, a babys heart can weaken if there isnt enough vitamin D to support the vascular system.
Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to spot low vitamin D levels before your child comes anywhere near these side effects.
Study: Many New Moms Babies Deficient
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends vitamin D supplementation of 400 IU for all breastfed babies and those who are drinking less than 1 liter a day of formula.
But pediatrician Frank R. Greer, MD, who headed the committee that came up with the new guidelines, says pediatricians are not selling the message to new parents.
âI am frankly surprised that more pediatricians are not recommending supplementation, especially to new moms who are breastfeeding,â he says.
The CDC study appears in the April issue of Pediatrics, along with another study, which finds a high rate of vitamin D deficiency among new mothers and their babies living in Boston.
Overall, more than half of the infants and more than a third of the mothers were considered vitamin D deficient. More than a third of the infants and a fifth of the mothers were considered severely deficient.
Study researcher Anne Merewood, MPH, says she was most surprised by the high rate of deficiency among the moms.
âMany of these women were taking prenatal vitamins, but this did not ensure that they had adequate vitamin D levels,â she says.
Merewood points out that supplementation may be especially important for darker-skinned people who absorb less light from the sun and for lighter skinned people who have little exposure to the sun.
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Maintenance Therapy After Deficiency Has Been Treated
Once vitamin D deficiency has been treated, the body’s stores of vitamin D have been replenished. After this, maintenance treatment is often needed long-term, to prevent further deficiency in the future. This is because it is unlikely that any risk factor for vitamin D deficiency in the first place will have completely resolved. The dose needed for maintenance may be lower than that needed to treat the deficiency.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms: Signs On Your Hand To Spot That Could Go Undetected
Vitamin B12 deficiency can be spotted in your hands
- 11:54, 25 FEB 2022
Vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in the nervous system, and its absence can cause some symptoms which are easy to miss.
A vitamin B12 deficiency can present itself with many symptoms, including fatigue, headaches, depression, pale or yellow skin, mental impairment, and pain and inflammation in the mouth and tongue as reported by The Express.
But there is another area of the body where symptoms can be detected if you know what you’re looking for.
Vitamin B12 deficiency may cause pins and needles in the hands or feet – with a severe deficiency having the potential to damage nerves, or cause a loss of sensation in the hands or feet or muscle weakness.
Sometimes the pins and needles or tingling sensation can appear as a sharp stabbing pain in the palm of one or both hands, says Thyroid Patient Advocacy.
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Vitamin D Deficiency In Children
Vitamin D is a vital metabolically active compound that is either synthesised by the body using UVB light or absorbed via the digestive system from certain foods. The role of vitamin D is to facilitate calcium absorption from the gut and maintain calcium homeostasis. Deficiency of vitamin D is implicated in a great number of orthopaedic conditions, including SUFE, Perthes, osteomalacia and fragility fractures.
For babies up to one year of age the recommended daily allowance is 400 IU . For children and adults aged 1-40 years the RDA is 600 IU .
Vitamin D deficiency is very common in the UK due to diet, lifestyle, weather and our northern latitude. It is estimated that 16% of children in the UK will be deficient in vitamin D leading to myriad signs and symptoms.
Typical presentations include:
- Pain: especially lower limb long bone pain that might wake the child up from sleep at night
- Deformity: genu valgum, genu varum or growth retardation
- Development: delay in walking
- Muscle: aches and pains or weakness
- Calcium imbalance: tetany, cardiomyopathy, seizures
Management Of Symptomatic Hypocalcaemia
Hypocalcaemia with seizures
Administer 10 per cent diluted calcium gluconate 0.5 mL/kg IV over 30-60 minutes .
Hypocalcaemia and no seizures
Administer 40-80 mg/kg/day of oral calcium gluconate in four to six divided doses and Calcitriol 50-100 ng/kg/day orally in two to three doses until serum calcium level is > 2.1 mmol/L.
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Treatment Of Vitamin D Deficiency:
The child needs to compensate for vitamin D deficiency if its level is less than 50 nmol/L in blood.
While the treatment of rickets caused by vitamin D deficiency involves taking daily doses of vitamin D for a period ranging from two to three months.
The dose varies according to age:
- Newborns : the daily dose is 1000 IU.
- Babies from one month to one year: the daily dose is 1000 to 5000 IU.
- For children above one year: the daily dose is 5000 IU.
Advice For Adults And Children Over 4 Years Old
During the autumn and winter, you need to get vitamin D from your diet because the sun is not strong enough for the body to make vitamin D.
But since it’s difficult for people to get enough vitamin D from food alone, everyone should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D during the autumn and winter.
Between late March/early April to the end of September, most people can make all the vitamin D they need through sunlight on their skin and from a balanced diet.
You may choose not to take a vitamin D supplement during these months.
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What Is Vitamin D For
Vitamin D is vital for regulating the amount of calcium and phosphate we have in our bodies.
Calcium and phosphate are what we use to keep the bones in our body as strong as we can, while experts at Harvard University in the US say it can reduce cancer cell growth, help control infections and reduce inflammation.
A lack of Vitamin D is an obvious problem and may cause health issues over time.
The NHS explained: A lack of Vitamin D can lead to bone deformities such as rickets in children, and bone pain caused by a condition called osteomalacia in adults.
The health service also says that government advice is that everyone should consider taking a Vitamin D supplement during the autumn and winter months. This is because we absorb this particular vitamin mainly from sunlight, of which there is a reduced amount in the darker parts of the year.
Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms
Many people have no symptoms, or may complain of only vague ones such as tiredness or general aches. Because symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are often very nonspecific or vague, the problem is often missed. The diagnosis is more easily reached in severe deficiencies with some of the classical symptoms and bone deformities.
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Getting Enough Of The Sunshine Vitamin
Your body works in miraculous ways like manufacturing its own supply of vitamin D. Unfortunately, many factors both within and beyond your control can interfere with your bodys ability to do this. If youre concerned you may have a serious vitamin D deficiency, consult with your doctor. In the meantime, vitamin D supplements are a great way to ensure your body is truly getting the sunshine it needs.
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Do Breastfed Babies Really Need Vitamin D
We often hear that breast milk is a complete food, containing everything your baby needs. But tests have shown that breast milk is lacking in vitamin D.
Infants should get vitamin D drops starting in the first few days of life, Dr. Liermann says. Its especially important in breastfed babies because they get minimal, if any, vitamin D from breast milk.
Infant formula contains vitamin D, but its not enough for younger babies. Formula-fed babies need a vitamin D supplement until they are taking 32 ounces of formula every day, says Dr. Liermann. This usually happens after the first few months of life, but is different in every baby. Newborns, in the first few months of life, dont consume enough formula to get the recommended daily amount of vitamin D.
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Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms In Kids
Many signs show up in young people when there is a deficiency of nutrition D in their body. But nutrition D deficiency can reason one of a kind signs and symptoms in every child. Let us understand about the signs considered when there is a deficiency of diet D in children.
1. Weakening of bones of children.
2. Symptoms of muscle weakness.
3. The baby’s head is very tender.
4. The baby does now not obtain weight and stops the boom of the body.
5. Decreased bone density.
6. Having ache in the physique and troubles associated to bones.
7. Crooked fingers.
8. Difficulty in taking walks and sitting of children.
9. The hassle of anemia.
10. Recurrent pneumonia.
Vitamin D And Sunlight
Children need sunlight on their skin for their bodies to make vitamin D. They get about 80% of their vitamin D this way.
Scientists arent sure exactly how much sun Australian children need for good levels of vitamin D. But we do know that the amount of sun your child needs depends on where you live in Australia and the time of year.
It also depends a bit on your skin colour. People with naturally very dark skin need 3-6 times more sun to make vitamin D than the amount fair-skinned people need.
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What Are The Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency In Babies
- late hardening of the skull,
- deformity in bones,
- Inability to lengthen the neck
- Muscle weakness ,
- Moodiness,
- anorexia ,
- Conditions such as sweating indicate vitamin D deficiency in infants.
Does vitamin D deficiency in babies cause insomnia? Lets answer the question. Yes, vitamin D deficiency can lead to insomnia as it severely affects other hormones as well.
Rickets is the most important disease seen in vitamin D deficiency in infants. Rickets is a disease that includes all the symptoms mentioned above and manifests itself with bone development disorder. In particular, the legs that have taken the form of braces are typical. What causes vitamin D deficiency in babies? As an answer to your question, we can tell you this disease.
How To Prevent Vitamin D Deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency can be prevented by stepping out in the sun for at least a few minutes in the morning and consuming food rich in Vitamin D. Those who are vegans, should include mushrooms in their diet and ask a doctor if they need dietary supplement. Vitamin D supplements are readily available as over-the-counter tablets and should be taken upon prescription in case of any warning signs. Fortified food stuffs should be consumed regularly to meet the lack of Vitamin D.
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How To Fix Vitamin D Deficiency In Babies
We said above that breast milk does not contain enough vitamin D. Therefore, treatment of vitamin D deficiency in infants is usually done with drugs in the form of drops. Babies are given vitamin D supplements as soon as they are born. The choice of vitamin D for babies is made by the doctor and the dose is adjusted with the advice of experts. In other words, How should the use of vitamin D in infants be?, Which vitamin D is the best for babies? You can only get answers to questions like these from your doctor. Do not try to give your baby vitamin D medicine without consulting his doctor, based on hearsay information!
It should be noted that if the baby is formula-fed, he may not need a vitamin D supplement. Because vitamin D in formula foods can be enough to meet its deficiency. The doctor will make this decision based on the babys values.
As the baby starts complementary foods, the need for vitamin D supplements will gradually decrease.
Lets come to What is good for vitamin D deficiency in babies? to the answer to the question! With the approval of your doctor, you can prevent vitamin D deficiency in babies by following the recommendations below.
Vitamin D Deficiency In Children: 8 Symptoms Every Parent Should Know
Deficiency of Vitamin D can be very harmful for your little one. Some of the signs of Vitamin D deficiency in babies include bone deformities, soft skull and delay in normal development. You can also notice a weakness of muscles or bone pain. Your baby may have a sweaty head due to this also. Respiratory infections, cavities and frequent tummy troubles are also signs to look for.
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How much Vitamin D is ideal for my baby?
Depending on the age of your child, there are different dosage of Vitamin D recommended by doctors. If you arent sure if your baby is getting enough or not, here is a reference:
- Infants need 10 Mcg of Vitamin D daily
- Kids above the age of one need 15Mcg daily
What can cause deficiency of Vitamin D?
There are many causes for your baby to not have enough Vitamin D. It maybe because your baby is not getting enough from the food that he or she is eating. It may also be because their bodies are unable to make it. Here are some causes of your baby having Vitamin D deficiency:
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Vitamin D Deficiency And Breastfeeding
Infants who are exclusively breastfed but who do not receive supplemental vitamin D or adequate sunlight exposure are at increased risk of developing vitamin D deficiency and/or rickets,. Infants with darker pigmentation are at greater risk of vitamin D deficiency, a fact explained by the greater risk of deficiency at birth and the decreased vitamin D content in milk from women who themselves are deficient.
Although vitamin D concentrations can be increased in milk of lactating women by using large vitamin D supplements, such high-dose supplementation studies in lactating women have not been validated and demonstrated to be safe in larger, more representative populations of women across various parts of the world. Recommendations to universally supplement breastfeeding mothers with high-dose vitamin D cannot be made at this time. Therefore, supplements given to the infant are necessary.
Vitamin D Dosage For Children
Vitamin D deficiency in children can either be mild or severe. Treatment and the dosage would depend on the condition. In either case, a paediatrician should be consulted. For children above 1 year of age, the recommended dosage of Vitamin D is 400 IU. But before you consider this for your child, you must check with your childs doctor.
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Vitamin D Dosage For Babies
The dosage schedule may be a low dose every day or high dose once a week or once a month for 1-6 months duration depending on the age of the child and whether the deficiency is mild, moderate or severe.
The standard dose is:
Up to 1 year age: 1000-5000 IU per day
More than 1 year old: up to 10,000 IU per day
The weekly dose is usually 50,000 IU and has better compliance.
6 monthly or annual 6L IU injections
The blood level is rechecked after 1 month in infants and after 3 months in the older children in moderate to severe deficiency. In mild cases, recheck is not necessary.
After the levels are in the normal range, a maintenance dose of 400 IU per day is continued for a considerable period.
With ongoing risk factor, once a year or so, keep checking the levels and continue the daily or annual maintenance dosing.
The forms of Vitamin D supplements available in the Indian market are:
- Vitamin D3 as oral drops 400 IU/mL
- Syrup 400 IU/5mL
- Oral tablets, 1000 and 2000 IU with blister packing
- Powder form in a sachet with each sachet containing 60000 IU of Vitamin D3.
Supplementation of elemental calcium:
Higher doses of calcium are important in the early course of therapy. Later the doses are cut down to half for the next 1 to 2 weeks. When the Vitamin D supplement dose has been reduced to 400 IU /day with normal blood levels, calcium supplementation is not required in most cases.
Vitamin D And Your Baby
Vitamin D helps our bodies use calcium to build and maintain strong bones and teeth.
Low levels of vitamin D in babies/children can cause rickets. Rickets can result in weak bones, delayed walking, bowed legs, and swollen wrists or ankles. If untreated, rickets can lead to failure to grow, deformed or broken bones, pneumonia and seizures.
Every year a number of babies/children in New Zealand are diagnosed with rickets.
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