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What Vitamins Should A 47 Year Old Woman Take

Nutritional Supplements Support A Healthy Lifestyle

What Vitamins Should Women Over 45 Take | What Vitamins to Take at 50

Nutritional supplementation, along with certain herbal products, can be an integral part of your health regimen. However, to be truly healthy as you age, its important to maintain the traditional pillars of wellness: a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.

Whatever your age, it is important to pay attention your bodys needs as they evolve, and to understand the unique factors influencing your health. If you do decide to take supplements to help achieve your health goals, select those made from the highest quality ingredients possible.

The 3 Best Multivitamins For Women Over 40 According To A Nutritionist

In a perfect world, we’d get all of our essential vitamins and nutrients from food. But given the influx of processed foods and artificial ingredients in our modern-day diets, that’s not always the case. That’s where a daily multivitamin can help, especially if you’re over 40.

“Women aged 40-plus are more likely to be dealing with poor digestion, hormonal imbalances, and nutrient deficiencies,” said JJ Virgin, a certified nutritionist specialist and four-time New York Times best-selling author. At this particular age, ingredients like vitamins D and K, omega-3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA, bioactive folate 5-MTHF, magnesium, calcium, and antioxidants can support hormonal, digestive, and immune health.

While the decision to take a daily multivitamin is ultimately up to you and your doctor, there’s no harm in doing some research ahead of that discussion. Below, read up on three multivitamins Virgin recommends for women aged 40 and up, as well as our editor-selected budget alternatives.

Women And Healthy Eating

Trying to balance the demands of family and work or schooland also cope with media pressure to look and eat a certain waycan make it difficult for any woman to maintain a healthy diet. But the right food can not only improve your mood, boost your energy, and help you maintain a healthy weight, it can also support you through the different stages in a womans life.

As women, many of us are frequently prone to neglecting our own dietary needs. You may feel that youre too busy to eat well or used to putting the needs of your family before your own. Or perhaps youre trying to stick to an extreme diet that leaves you short on vital nutrients and feeling cranky, hungry, and low on energy.

Womens specific needs are often neglected by dietary research, too. Nutritional studies tend to rely on male subjects whose hormone levels are more stable and predictable, thus sometimes making the results irrelevant or even misleading to womens needs. All this can add up to serious shortfalls in your daily nutrition.

While what works best for one woman may not always be the best choice for another, the important thing is to build your diet around your vital nutritional needs. Whether youre looking to improve your energy and mood, combat stress or PMS, boost fertility, enjoy a healthy pregnancy, or ease the symptoms of menopause, these nutrition tips can help you to stay healthy, active, and vibrant throughout your ever-changing life.

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Women’s Health Needs Evolve Over Time And Your Nutritional Profile Is As Unique As You Are Learn The Simple Way To Choose The Right Supplements For Your Age

Taking vitamins and supplements is a great way to boost your nutrition at any age. But choosing the right supplements is often overwhelming–there are a lot of options out there. Among the many options, each can play a number of roles in the body and touts various health benefits. Depending on your diet, lifestyle, routine and life stage, some supplements will hold distinct advantages over others.

To quickly give you a lay of the land: there are 13 vitamins and 16 minerals that are necessary for the body to function optimally. In addition, there are other sources of nutritional and health support with potential benefits, like fish oil or herbal supplements.

Women in their 30s, 40s, or 50s have very different biological needs, and often have unique goals related to their health, as well. We understand that choosing the most appropriate vitamins and supplements can be a daunting decision, so weve done the research to break down which vitamins and supplements are priorities at the various stages of life.

Best Supplements For People Over 40

The ONE supplement all women should take (especially if ...

Even if you focus on eating a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods, making sure you’re scoring enough vitamins and minerals can be a tricky business. This is especially true as you get older, sincewe’re sorry to sayyour body’s probably not functioning as efficiently as it used to. Obviously, you want to grab as many nutrients as you can from your favorite eats, but you might need to consider taking supplements to fill in specific nutritional blanks that aren’t being met by your food intake. Of course, before beginning any new supplement plan, be sure to consult your healthcare professional to determine if it is right for your needs.

Nowwhere to begin? Glad you asked. Here are 20 important nutrients to chat with your doc about that all contribute to a healthy life in your 40s and beyond. And if you’re looking beyond your health and hope to drop a few after you’ve reached the big four-oh, don’t miss these 40 Weight Loss Tips for People Over 40.

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The 10 Vitamins Black Women Need

Youre probably wondering why you need to know what vitamins are best for you because you already take a multivitamin.

Well, multi-vitamins, like the highly recommended One-A-Day Womens, adhere to the updated DRIs very closely, but even the best multi-vitamin cant stuff everything in. Use this list, which includes the top 10 vitamins African American women need and the recommended intake, to cross-reference the multi-vitamin you take or are considering taking.

1.) Vitamin AThe recommended daily value is 5,000 IU . 5,000 IU is too much for women with relatively healthy diets, which is why most multi-vitamins cut that amount in half.

2.) B Vitamins B6: 2 mg Thiamin: 1.5 mgNiacin: 20 mgBs are in plenty of foods, especially vitamin-spiked cereals, so there is usually not a high need for more.

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3.) Vitamin CThe recommended amount is 60 mg, but new research suggests that 60 mg is not enough. You can get more than enough from one glass of OJ, which packs 120 mg of Vitamin C.

4.) Vitamin D800 IU. Without Vitamin D, your body cant absorb calcium. Because its in not in a lot of foods, its hard to get through your diet.

5.) Vitamin E30 IU, but research is being performed to find out if extra vitamin E protects against cardiovascular disease and/or cancer.

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Q: Should People Consider Vitamin D Supplements

A: If the level of vitamin D in your blood is less than 20 nanograms per milliliter, your doctor may recommend taking a supplement. Many women already take calcium and vitamin D supplements together for bone health because vitamin D can help in calcium absorption, and they work best when taken together. Ask your doctor if supplements are right for you.

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Mayo Clinic Q And A: How Much Vitamin D Do I Need

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have heard different recommendations from different sources regarding vitamin D. One doctor told my husband that everyone living in the Northern Hemisphere should take a vitamin D supplement every day, even in the summer. What do you recommend?

ANSWER: Understanding how much vitamin D you need can be confusing because there are different recommendations about how much vitamin D adults should get. Using the recommendations that fall on the low end, many adults dont get the amount of vitamin D they should. Because few foods contain vitamin D naturally, eating foods fortified with vitamin D and taking a supplement may be beneficial.

Vitamin D is important because it helps your body sustain normal levels of calcium and phosphorus. Because it works as a key that allows your body to absorb calcium, vitamin D plays a critical role in forming and maintaining healthy bones. It also helps keep your muscles, nerves and immune system healthy.

Research suggests that consistently getting enough vitamin D can significantly lower the risk for the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis. Low vitamin D also is associated with falls, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and some cancers. However, an association does not mean low vitamin D causes these conditions, or that taking a vitamin D supplement will adequately prevent or treat them.

Vitamins For Women Over 50

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Contributed by Elizabeth Ward, MS, RD

Getting older can be overwhelming, but it doesnt have to be if youre taking care of yourself. If you look at the nutritional requisites for women above 50 years of age, some nutrients have higher daily recommended intakes and some you may need a little less.

Caloric needs decrease as we get older due in part, to gradual muscle tissue loss. Muscle burns more calories than fat. Less physical activity further reduces your caloric needs.

While calorie requirements decrease, suggested intakes for certain vitamins and minerals also change. Here are the important nutrients women can get from food, multivitamins, and other dietary supplements when necessary, to feel their best.

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Should Older Adults Take Iron Supplements Revisiting A Controversy

One of the discomfiting contradictions of living in the Information Age is the realization that a surplus of information doesnt necessarily lead you closer to the truth. Were constantly bombarded by contradictory sets of facts from every corner of the internet, making it almost impossible to know what is right. Except for maybe politics, this is probably most true in personal health.

Do you have a glass of red wine every night? Thats very goodunless, of course, it is bad. What about dark chocolate? Eating that is very bad for you, unless, of course, it is good. Heres a supplement that doctors Dont Want You To Know About, which, in the amped-up carnival barker argot of internet scams, is a good thing.

One of the areas of contention is iron supplements for older adults. Iron is an important mineral, and iron deficiencies can lead to serious health issues. For that reason, iron supplements are a huge seller and are often pushed toward older adults with the idea that they can prevent anemia and help boost energy.

The problem is that having a surplus of iron is also dangerous, and most older adults get the iron they need from diet alone. So there are many cases where taking iron supplements can actually be bad for your health. In fact, most older adults probably shouldnt be taking iron supplements at all.

Primal Blueprint’s Master Formula

A top-rated multivitamin, Primal Blueprint’s Master Formula is brimming with 51 potent minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients all designed to fill the perceived nutritional gaps in our modern diets. Virgin notes that all of the ingredients included in the formula are bioavailable, meaning they’re easiest for our bodies to use and absorb. According to reviewers, the Master Formula is well worth the money. It contains all of the essential vitamins and minerals in one formula that you’d otherwise have to buy separately .

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Turmeric To Suppress Inflammation

Turmeric spice, and its main component, curcumin, are used in Ayurvedic medicine to reduce age-related aches and pains and to support liver function and immunity. Turmeric has undergone a recent revival thanks to research that shows it reduces inflammation by suppressing a substance called TNF-alpha in the same way as prescription-only drugs that have to be given by injection. If you are experiencing muscle and joint aches and pains, you may well find turmeric helpful. Turmeric also stimulates fat burning and is traditionally used to support weight loss. As pure turmeric is not well absorbed, look for supplements that include it in bioenhanced formulations, or combined with a black pepper extract called piperine. Ive recently started taking it in combination with glucosamine, boswellia and other joint support ingredients in a supplement called Flexi6 Gold . See my recommended turmeric supplements on and .

Supplements You Should Be Taking After Menopause

What Vitamins Should a 30 Year Old Woman Take?

Hormonal shifts are responsible for most of the wonderful side effects of menopause, including an increased risk of certain diseases and conditions. When estrogen drops, the risk for osteoporosis and heart disease risesas does the tendency to suffer from symptoms such as hot flashes, mood changes, and vaginal dryness.

To combat this, vitamins and supplements can be a key component of a woman’s care during and after menopause, but the process of deciding which ones to take can be overwhelming. “When it comes to supplements for menopause, there isn’t just one pill,” says Jacqui Justice, a clinical nutritionist at the NY Health & Wellness Center. “It’s a process. It’s a complex system.”

Keep in mind that supplements are not regulated or evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, but you can often get a better quality supplement with fewer fillers and more of the key ingredient when you purchase them through a certified practitioner, says Mark Menolascino, MD, a board-certified physician in internal medicine, holistic medicine, and advanced hormone management and anti-aging medicine, and key medical opinion leader at Lycored. “Functional medicine practitioners like me use pharmaceutical-grade supplements that have been tested prior to and after manufacture. They are 99% pure, whereas the average retail supplement may be only 1 to 20% pure and full of binders,” explains Menolascino. “If you work with a practitioner who understands the quality, then there is a huge benefit.”

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Best Vitamins For Women Over 50

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Women over 50 are prone to nutrient deficiencies. The good news is vitamins for women over 50 have come a long way. But first, lets talk about why you need to get serious about your nutrients as you enter perimenopause, menopause, and beyond.

Aging is a beautiful experience but it frankly comes with some tough pills to swallow. Youre likely well-acquainted with several of agings less than pleasant side effects, but one you might not be aware of is the that happens as you get older.

Due to less stomach acid, your body is not able to absorb nutrients as well as it used to. This in combination with a decreased need for as many calories can cause nutritional deficiencies.

If youre over the age of 50, its very important to eat a healthy diet rich in whole foods, fruits and vegetables but it also may be necessary to supplement with additional vitamins.

Below, we cover the best vitamins and multivitamins for women over 50.

Best Supplements For Women Over 50

One of the most common questions Im asked is which supplements I take. Everyone is different, and the supplements I take will not necessarily suit you, but heres an overview of what I believe are the best supplements for a woman over 50. Why the age cut off? Because your needs change as you get older. Your ability to absorb nutrients from food reduces , you synthesise less vitamin D in your skin on exposure to sunlight than in your youth, and your need for iron decreases after the menopause.

While you wont want to take all of the below supplements, my explanations for how they can help will help you select those that are right for you.

Quick summary: In a hurry? See some of the supplements I take on and their best equivalents on otherwise, read on below for more information!

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Increasing Vitamin D Without Supplements

Sidestepping supplements entirely helps you avoid the potential side effects of vitamin D toxicity. And you can get vitamin D through certain foods in your diet. Mushrooms grown under UV light contain vitamin D, and many dairy products are fortified with the vitamin as well. You can also meet your vitamin D needs through modest sun exposure, since your skin produces vitamin D upon exposure to UV rays. Going out in the sun has obvious health risks, though hello, skin cancer? so talk to your doctor about how much exposure you need in your climate, and slather on the SPF the rest of the time to protect yourself.


Dosage For Enhancing Exercise Performance

6 Essential Supplements for Women Over 50

Various studies on magnesium supplements effects on exercise performance have shown that the improvement potential is largely based on dosage.

For example, two studies that used doses of 126250 mg of magnesium daily showed no significant change in exercise performance or muscle gain.

Researchers concluded that any benefits from supplementing with magnesium at these doses were not strong enough to be detected (

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How Much Vitamin D Should Women Over 40 Years Old Take

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A woman’s body can obtain vitamin D in three ways: through foods that are naturally rich in vitamin D or that have been fortified through synthesis in her skin when it is exposed to sunlight and through dietary supplements. Although sunlight exposure and diet are the best ways for a 40-year-old woman to get the vitamin D she needs, some women may need supplements to avoid deficiency. Before taking vitamin D supplements, talk to your doctor about the possible dangers and advantages.


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