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HomeExclusiveWhat Vitamins Should Be Avoided When On Blood Thinners

What Vitamins Should Be Avoided When On Blood Thinners

Foods And Spices Are Natural Blood Thinners

Purity Products – Vitamin K and Blood Thinners

Sadly, were hearing more about strokes and blood clots lately. Apparently, this is a rare, but possible concern with coronavirus and it is disheartening because, at first, researchers thought this virus stayed in the lungs. But now, we know it can penetrate all human tissues and organs.

A research study led by doctors at RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences in Dublin, Ireland found that some patients admitted to their hospital experienced abnormal clotting, and that this was the main contributing factor to their death. In those patients, they identified hundreds of tiny clots in the lungs. This explains why oxygen levels drop so quickly and so dramatically in the most severe cases of the disease.

Clotting in your blood matters. You want it to clot so you dont get a paper cut and bleed to death. But you dont want it to clot so much that the debris forms an obnoxious piece of gunk that ends up blocking blood flow to your brain, heart or lungs. Theres a healthy balance thats in-between both extremes and we call the balance homeostasis.

Today, Id like to share what I know about clotting and then later, the natural foods and spices that play a role in clotting mechanisms. Blood can be manipulated by foods, spices and drugs. Basically, we can thin it, or we can avoid foods that thin it and allow it to clot faster.


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Things To Avoid If Youre On Blood Thinners

While leafy greens, grapefruit and green tea are generally considered healthy diet staples, they may counteract the effects of some blood thinners.

Patients on the blood thinners Coumadin or Warfarin need to avoid vitamin K-rich foods and supplements, said Dr. Samantha Crites, a cardiologist at Mon Health Heart and Vascular Center. While blood thinners prevent and/or dissolve blood clots, Vitamin K can thicken your blood.

If a patient is prescribed Coumadin or Warfarin and consistently eats foods high in vitamin K, the vitamin K will work against the medication and make it harder to regulate the patients blood, she added.

New oral anticoagulants are not affected by vitamin K and do not have these dietary restrictions, said Dr. Crites. If foods high in vitamin K are a big part of your diet, discuss these options with your doctor.

Dr. Crites recommends patients who take Coumadin or Warfarin avoid or limit the following:

Leafy greens

Leafy greens like kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts and lettuce contain high amounts of vitamin K.

If a patient eats the same amount of these foods daily, their medication can be adjusted, Dr. Crites said. But adjusting medication doesnt work if the patient is eating these foods inconsistently.

Good replacements for these foods include tomatoes, potatoes and cucumbers.

Green tea

Cranberry juice

If youre taking a blood thinner, even the new types, cranberry juice can increase the risk of bleeding.



Talk To Your Other Doctors

Because you take a blood thinner, you will be seen regularly by the doctor who prescribed the medicine. You may also see other doctors for different problems. When you see other doctors, it is very important that you tell them you are taking a blood thinner. You should also tell your dentist and the person who cleans your teeth.

If you use different pharmacies, make sure each pharmacist knows that you take a blood thinner.

Blood thinners can interact with medicines and treatments that other doctors might prescribe for you. If another doctor orders a new medicine for you, tell the doctor who ordered your blood thinner because dose changes for your blood thinner may be needed.

Tell all your doctors about every medication and over-the-counter product that you take.

Tell your doctor about all your medicines.Always tell your doctor about all the medicines you are taking. Tell your doctor when you start taking new medicine, when you stop taking a medicine, and if the amount of medicine you are taking changes. When you visit your doctor, bring a list of current medicines, over-the-counter drugssuch as aspirinand any vitamins and herbal products you take. A personal, medication wallet card can help you keep track of this list. Go to to download a printable wallet card that you can use to record the medicine and other products that you take.

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What Is Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a naturally occurring vitamin. Vitamin K is primarily found in leafy green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and lettuce, and enters your body when you eat these foods. Vitamin K is produced by the bacteria in your intestines, and it is also in vitamin and nutritional supplements. Your body uses vitamin K to produce some of the clotting factors that helps blood clot.

Foods High In Vitamin K

14 Foods That Have Anticoagulant Properties

You should not avoid vitamin K altogether, because this vitamin is still an essential nutrient. In addition to helping regulate blood clotting, vitamin K is important for bone health. The Mayo Clinic states that women should consume 90 micrograms of this nutrient per day, while men should consume around 120 micrograms.

According to the Mayo Clinic, National Institutes of Health and a February 2014 study in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, foods rich in vitamin K include:

  • Chinesecelery
  • Chayote

Of course, some of these foods may be more likely to affect you compared to others. While you might easily consume a whole bowl of spinach or bok choy, chances are that your use of basil or scallions will be fairly minimal. Regardless, you should be aware of foods high in vitamin K so you don’t accidentally consume excessive amounts.

In addition to these plant-based foods, the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics also specifically warns against consuming animal liver, especially beef liver, because it’s also often rich in vitamin K.

Read more:The 14 Best Foods for Your Heart

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Fish Oil And Gingko Biloba

Omega-3 fish oil supplements may tame inflammation and improve your mood, but when you take these supplements with herbs that thin the bloodsuch as ginkgo biloba or garlicthey may prevent clotting and can lead to uncontrolled bleeding, Dr. Cooperman says. To be safe, split them up by at least two hours. Find out which vitamins are a waste of money and could even be dangerous.

Foods To Avoid On Coumadin

Certain foods may need to be completely eliminated if you’re following a warfarin diet. For instance, the National Institutes of Health states that 3 ounces of natto has 1,062 percent of the daily value for vitamin K. Half a cup of collard greens has 662 percent of the DV, while turnip greens have 532 percent of the DV. Consumption of such vitamin K-rich foods may interfere with your blood thinning medications.

Spinach, generally considered rich in vitamin K, has 181 percent of the DV per cup when cooked, while the same amount of kale has 141 percent of the DV. Just half a cup of boiled broccoli has 138 percent of the DV for vitamin K.

The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics states that beet greens, dandelion greens and mustard greens are also foods high in vitamin K. A serving of these vegetables has between 400 and 800 micrograms per serving. Although all of these foods contain substantial amounts of vitamin K, consuming them in limited amounts can be part of a healthy diet.

You may also need to monitor your consumption of other nutrients while taking Coumadin. The National Institutes of Health explain that vitamin E supplements can antagonize vitamin K-dependent clotting factors. This means that it can increase your risk of bleeding and other side effects associated with taking blood thinners.

Fortunately, you shouldn’t need to worry too much about your vitamin E consumption. Only large amounts consumed through supplements are likely to cause this problem.

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Foods To Avoid While Taking Blood Thinners

One way to make sure your anticoagulants remain your friends is to keep a watchful eye on your diet. People taking blood thinners are not necessarily constrained to specific diet, but there are certain foods and drinks that can negatively interact with blood thinners. It is typically advised that you avoid foods rich in Vitamin K, such as kale, broccoli, blueberries, prunes, spinach, Brussels sprouts, and more. You should also avoid cranberries, cranberry juice, most other fruit juices, and alcohol.

Ibuprofen is also to be avoided, along with other over-the-counter pain relief medications, as these interact with blood thinners and amplify their effects, making you more susceptible to excessive internal and external bleeding. This is thought to be true of some other dietary supplements, such as Omega-3s. Before you begin taking blood thinners, be sure to talk to your physician about all your vitamins and supplements in order to ensure you are not setting yourself up for additional health complications.

St Johns Wort And Antidepressants

Diet when taking blood thinners | Ohio State Medical Center

You need to be wary of over-the-counter or prescription drugs that can interact poorly with supplements, says Robert Glatter, MD, an assistant professor of emergency medicine at Northwell Health in New York City. For example, St. Johns wort may cause fever, confusion, and anxiety if its taken with other antidepressants. Antidepressants and St Johns wort both increase levels of the feel-good brain chemical serotonin. This can cause serotonin syndrome and in severe cases, it may lead to muscle rigidity and seizures, he says.

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How Vitamin K And Warfarin Affect Your Risks And Your Test Results

To find out how well warfarin is working, you will get blood tests to measure how long it takes for your blood to clot. Your lab results are called your Prothrombin Time and International Normalized Ratio values. You may just hear about your INR.

Your INR needs to be in a safe rangeânot too high and not too low. Vitamin K can change how warfarin works, which changes your INR.

  • Vitamin K lowers your INR values. The lower your INR, the less time it takes for your blood to clot. A low INR means that warfarin isn’t working well enough to prevent a dangerous blood clot.
  • Warfarin raises your INR values. The higher your INR, the more time it takes for your blood to clot. A high INR means that warfarin is working too well, so you bleed more quickly and easily. This can be dangerous.

Keeping your warfarin and vitamin K intake steady every day helps keep you in a safe INR range.

When You’re Taking A Blood Thinner

Warfarin is one of the commonly used blood thinners. It slows the clotting process. Doctors usually prescribe it to help lower your risk of:

Its not a good idea to take this drug with a supplement that thins blood. It raises your chances of severe bleeding inside and outside your body.

If your doctor wants you to start using warfarin, you might wonder if you can take a supplement instead. But theres no good scientific evidence that shows they work as well as prescription drugs.

Always talk to your doctor before using any kind of supplement. Theyll tell you if itll affect any medications youre taking.

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Can I Take Vitamins With Blood Thinners

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Examples of supplements which may reduce warfarin’s ability to thin the blood include vitamin K, ginseng, St. John’s wort, and, in very high doses, green tea. CoQ10 is chemically similar to vitamin K2 and may also decrease the effects of warfarin, although the evidence for this is mixed.

Additionally, can you take vitamin C with blood thinners? Warfarin — There have been rare reports of vitamin C interfering with the effectiveness of this blood-thinning medication. However, if you take warfarin or another blood thinner, talk to your doctor before taking vitamin C or any other supplement.

Likewise, people ask, which vitamins are blood thinners?

Vitamin E reduces blood clotting in a few different ways. These effects depend on the amount of vitamin E that a person takes.4.Vitamin E

What supplements should not be taken with warfarin?

Common supplements that can interact with warfarin include:

  • Coenzyme Q10

Why You Shouldnt Avoid Green Vegetables

Blood Thinners

Two main reasons can explain why reducing your intake of green vegetables is not necessary, even if youre going through anticoagulation therapy.

Firstly, despite what you might have heard, the presence of Vitamin K in the diet helps better balance your INR. Indeed, regularly eating vegetables, particularly green ones, helps you to be less sensitive to daily variations in Vitamin K. This is explained by the fact the liver stocks some Vitamin K, because it is a fat soluble vitamin.

For example, if you eat green vegetables every day, your liver stores Vitamin K. If, one day, you have a lower intake of Vitamin K, this will have practically no repercussions. Vitamin K stored in the liver will be used. This way, you can maintain you INR as stable as possible. However, if you never eat green vegetables, you dont have Vitamin K stores, so if you eat a good amount of green vegetables one day, youll experience a peak of Vitamin K, which will then destabilize your INR.

Secondly, Vitamin Ks bioavailability depends on several factors like cultivation, storage and cooking of foods. Whats more, we only know the Vitamin K content of around half the food in the North American diet. Its therefore practically impossible to establish and respect a recommended daily intake of Vitamin K.

Note: if you are a fan of Asian cuisine and regularly eat natto , it would be a good idea to avoid it, because it contains a large quantity of Vitamin K , which can influence your INR.

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Things To Avoid When Taking Blood Thinners

Blood thinners can prevent blood clots in the body. You may know clots as scabs: the itchy covering your body forms over cuts and scrapes. Clots can form internally and externally. Inside your body, clots can block blood flow to essential organs including the heart, lungs and brain. This means they can do serious damage if left untreated.

Are Anticoagulants and Blood Thinners the Same?

Blood clots can cause a number of severe health problems, including:

  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Artery blockage

Physicians often prescribe blood thinners to patients with risk factors for blood clots. These risk factors include heart rhythm issues and recent leg or foot surgery.

As with any medication it’s important to understand how to use blood thinners safely. All drugs – over-the-counter or prescribed – come with a clear label. The label explains how to correctly use the drug and how to avoid potentially harmful interactions. These interactions can come from food or other medications.

Despite the drug label, it can still be hard to understand how to minimize harmful reactions to blood thinners. To help consumers use blood thinners correctly, we’ve compiled this list of things to avoid while taking blood thinners.

Melatonin And Other Sedating Herbs

You can easily overdo herbs or supplements with sedative properties. These include melatonin, valerian, ashwagandha, kava, and St. Johnss Wort: When taken together, they can cause too much sleepiness, Dr. Cooperman says. Always read the labels to find out what you can expect from supplements. Here are some more things to know if you are going to take melatonin.

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Natural Blood Thinners You Already May Have In Your Kitchen

By Christine Ruggeri, CHHC

Anticoagulant medications have been implicated in serious adverse reactions, with countless case reports indicating the use of these drugs can lead to hospital admission from issues like excessive bleeding. Because of their potential for harm, being aware of natural blood thinners as potential alternatives is critical.

Blood clots are among the most preventable types of blood conditions. Thats because they can be prevented with simple lifestyle and dietary changes.

Adding natural blood thinners to your diet and wellness routine can have a tremendous impact, without the fear of adverse side effects.

Dont Cut Vitamin K Out Completely

7 Natural Blood Thinners â Dr.Berg

You dont want to cut out vitamin K completely, as it is present in a variety of healthy, nutrient-rich foods. These include leafy greens and many vegetables. Instead, be smart about how much vitamin K you consume, be consistent, and work with your doctor to find just the right balance.

For example, if you eat a diet rich in vitamin K, you may need to check your blood a little more frequently or take more warfarin. If you change your diet and eat fewer foods containing vitamin K, you may need to take less warfarin.

Work with your doctor to find the right dose for you.

Here are three tips to help you safely manage your vitamin K intake:

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Talk To Licensed Pharmacists At Rx Connected

At the end of the day, Eliquis is a relatively safe medication and may be more convenient for folks than older drugs like warfarin. Just make sure you maintain good communication with your doctor and ask any questions about your medicine if youre not sure about something.

DISCLAIMER: The content in this article is intended for informational purposes only. This website does not provide medical advice. In all circumstances, you should always seek the advice of your physician and/or other qualified health professionals for drug, medical condition, or treatment advice. The content provided on this website is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


Coq10 And Your Diabetes Meds

CoQ10 is a powerful compound that helps your heart. Dr. Glatter warns that CoQ10 can also lower blood sugar, and if you are taking other diabetes drugs, you run the risk of developing low blood sugar, he says. CoQ10 can also lower blood pressure. In combination with blood pressure medications, this can cause dangerously low blood pressure, he says. This can happen out of the blue, often after you have been taking CoQ10 for six to eight weeks, and it could precipitate a fall or head injury. Watch out for these other symptoms of low blood pressure.

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