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What’s The Difference Between Vitamin D And D3

Is Vitamin D The Same As D3 And D2 And Whats Better

What’s The Difference Between Vitamin D and D3?

D2 is produced in fungi and plants. And some commercially-sold mushrooms contain more D2 because their manufacturers intentionally expose them to higher amounts of UV rays.

On the other hand, D3 is naturally produced by your body, and its also found in foods from animal sources .

Harvard T.H. Chan explains an ongoing debate on whether D3 is better than D2 . But well explain this in more detail a little further down.

What is the difference between vitamin D and vitamin D3 and vitamin D2?Are there similarities?

D2 and D3 are two different kinds of vitamin D, but they share some similarities.

When ingested, both vitamin D2 and D3 pass through the kidneys and liver, processing them into a usable and active vitamin D form.

However, research around D2 and D3 can contradict. Harvard Medical School explains that studies that examined daily dosages of D2 and D3 indicate that both boost vitamin D equally and effectively.

Therefore, choosing the type of vitamin D is potentially less important than ensuring you get the right dose. Many experts suggest 600 to 800 IUs of the sunshine vitamin daily. But, check with a nutritionist or doctor to get more detailed information and dosage amounts.

On the flip side, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study explaining more about vitamin D3 vs D and D2.

Is D3 the same as vitamin D regarding how we get it? Vitamin D production from time outdoors tends to be the primary way in which we get the nutrient.

  • Consume more mushrooms.
  • Similarities Between Vitamin D2 And Vitamin D3

    While their chemical makeup and sources differ, vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 have much more in common. When ingested, both vitamin D2 and D3 have to pass through the liver and kidneys, where they get processed into the active, usable form of vitamin D. Both forms of vitamin D are readily available as over-the-counter oral supplements. However, high doses of vitamin D2 are only available through a prescription.

    Vitamin D3 Comes From Animals Vitamin D2 From Plants

    As weve talked about, there are two main types of vitamin D:

    Vitamin D2 is known as ergocalciferol and is found in plants and fungi e.g. mushrooms. Plants can generate vitamin D2 through exposure to UV light. If youre vegan, look for supplements that contain vitamin D2 as these will be sourced from plants rather than animal products.

    You can learn more about supplements suitable for vegans by reading our blog.

    Vitamin D3 is known as cholecalciferol and is found in animals and animal products, including oily fish like salmon and mackerel. This is also the type of vitamin D that our bodies generate through sun exposure. If you eat animal products, you can buy supplements that contain vitamin D3.

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    Vitamin D2 Vs D: What Is The Difference And Which Is Better

    Vitamin D, also called calciferol, is a fat-soluble vitamin produced by your body when your skin is exposed to sunlight. It is available as a dietary supplement and a prescription medication, and it is naturally present in or added to some foods. Vitamin D2 and D3 are the two primary forms of vitamin D. Although they are often used interchangeably, you may ask, what is the difference between vitamin D2 and vitamin D3?

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    Coverage And Cost Comparison Of Vitamin D Vs D3

    Vitamin D3 vs Vitamin D2

    Vitamin D2 in prescription form is commonly covered by most commercial and Medicare insurance plans. The over-the-counter formulations are typically not covered by commercial or Medicare insurance plans. The price can vary greatly depending on dosage. The average cost of the 50,000 IU dose for 12 weeks of therapy is $54. With a coupon from SingleCare, this price drops to as low as $2.

    Vitamin D3 is over-the-counter, and therefore is typically not covered by insurance plans. The price varies depending on dose. D3 can cost as much as $50 per one month supply, but if your doctor prescribes the medication you can get it for as low as $8 with a SingleCare discount coupon.


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    What Are The Sources Of Vitamin D3

    Foods that are naturally high in vitamin D3 are derived from animal sources such as cod liver oil, trout, and salmon. Smaller amounts of D3 can be found in eggs, sardines, tuna, and beef liver.

    Vitamin D3 is also produced when the skin is exposed to sunlight, specifically ultraviolet B . Unlike vitamin D supplementation, you cannot overdose on Vitamin D3 produced by sunlight when the body has enough it simply produces less. Its important to remember adequate sun protection, though!

    Drug Interactions Of Vitamin D Vs D3

    Vitamin D2 and D3 each are metabolized by the liver to 25D, and therefore the potential drug interactions are similar for both forms. Vitamin D may increase the serum levels of aluminum when taken with aluminum hydroxide, a common antacid, and therefore the combination should be avoided. Thiazide diuretics, such as hydrochlorothiazide, may increase the chance of vitamin D raising calcium levels in the blood to a dangerously high level. Patients on both thiazide diuretics and vitamin D supplementation should be monitored for this effect by their healthcare provider. Some drugs may decrease the absorption and effectiveness of your vitamin D supplement. Bile-acid sequestrants, such as cholestyramine, are an example of a drug which will impair vitamin D absorption. Vitamin D and cholestyramine should not be administered at the same time.

    The following table may not be a complete list of drug interactions. Please consult your pharmacist or healthcare provider for more information and a complete list of interactions.


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    Get Your Levels Checked

    The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force does not recommend routine vitamin D screening in asymptomatic adults, therefore, its important to talk to your healthcare provider if you think you may have a vitamin D deficiency.

    Before you start taking vitamin D3 supplements, ask for a blood test to check your levels. That way, you know youre taking a dosage that is both adequate and safe for your needs.

    Best Sources Of Vitamin D2 And D3

    What is the difference between vitamin D2 and vitamin D3?

    As there are few natural food sources of vitamin D2, many manufacturers artificially add it to their products. These manufacturers typically rely on plant sources to add D2 to their products, such as:

    • Dairy and plant milk products like soy, almond, and oat milk
    • Breakfast cereals

    The vitamin D content depends on who makes it. You can check the nutrition label to know the vitamin D content of the product. Mushrooms are another good source of D2. Half a cup of mushrooms gives you 46% of your daily vitamin D needs.

    Animals are the primary source of vitamin D3. These include:

    • Trout: 16.2 micrograms per serving contains 81% of the daily value
    • Salmon: 14.2 micrograms per serving contains 71% of the daily value
    • Cod liver oil: 34 micrograms per serving contains 170% of the daily value
    • Tuna: 1 microgram per serving contains 5% of the daily value
    • Beef liver: 1 microgram per serving contains 5% of the daily value
    • Eggs: 1.1 micrograms per serving contains 6% of the daily value
    • Sardines: 1.2 micrograms per serving contains 6% of the daily value
    • Cheese: 0.4 micrograms per serving contains 2% of the daily value

    Dietary supplements for vitamin D2 and D3 are widely available. The preparation of vitamin D2 supplements usually involves treating ergosterol in yeasts with UV radiation. Ergosterol is the animal equivalent of cholesterol.

    But most studies reveal that vitamin D3 increases blood vitamin levels to a greater extent and maintains these levels for a longer time than vitamin D2.

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    Are All Types Of Vitamin D The Same

    The two types of vitamin D are distinguished by their dietary sources. Vitamin D3 is only present in animal-based foods, whereas vitamin D2 is more common in plant-based items and fortified meals. Because vitamin D2 is less expensive to produce, it’s the most widely used form in fortified meals.

    Both vitamin D and vitamin D3 are essential for human health, but they have some key differences. Vitamin D3 is more effective than vitamin D2, and it’s only present in animal-based foods.

    Can I Take Vitamin D3 Everyday / How Much Should I Take

    Yes, you can take daily vitamin D supplements. There are some dosages that are designed for once weekly or once monthly dosing, so it is important to go over this with your healthcare professional. Many Americans are vitamin D deficient, but should we all be taking the same amount? The answer is no. The appropriate dose for your supplementation will depend on your health status, your sun exposure, whether or not you are pregnant, and your age, just to name a few factors. Consult your physician or pharmacist for a recommendation.

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    Should I Take Vitamin D Daily Or Weekly

    Current guidelines say adults shouldn’t take more than the equivalent of 100 micrograms a day. But vitamin D is a ‘fat-soluble’ vitamin, so your body can store it for months and you don’t need it every day. That means you could equally safely take a supplement of 20 micrograms a day or 500 micrograms once a month.

    Difference Between Vitamin D And D3

    What Is The Difference Between Vitamin D And Vitamin D3

    The D vitamins are fat-solvent vitamins that assume a significant job in calcium absorption and bone health, just as immune function. Our skin produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, yet due to the skin cancer risk, numerous individuals avoid sun presentation or use sunscreen, which keeps the body from producing vitamin D. Numerous kinds of milk and dairy products, alongside squeezed orange, are likewise fortified with vitamin D. In any case, a considerable lot of us do not get enough vitamin D and need to take a supplement. There are two forms of vitamin D dietary supplements: vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 , and it is imperative to understand their differences while picking which vitamin D supplement to take. Here, in this article, we will study about the vitamin D and D3, and the difference between vitamin D and D3 in detail.

    Let us first learn in brief about what is vitamin D and vitamin D3.

    Vitamin D and D3

    Vitamin D

    Vitamin D is a significant vitamin obtained from sunlight. It is fundamental for solid bones and enables the body to utilize calcium from the diet. It is normally present in fish, fish liver oils, egg yolk, and so on. Lower levels of vitamin D may lead to cancers, cardiovascular diseases, extreme asthma in children, and so forth.

    Vitamin D3

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    Vitamin D3 Is A Better Source

    While both vitamin D2 and D3 play the same role once they enter your body, they have minor differences in their molecular structures.

    D2 and D3 raise the serum vitamin levels, but D3 is widely considered the better vitamin source. A 2012 study found that D3 is considerably more effective than D2 at raising serum vitamin D levels when taken every day. The study also indicated that eating D3 supplements led to a 31% increase in blood vitamin levels compared to D2 supplements.

    It also found that the bioavailability of vitamin D from the D3 supplementation was considerably higher than from D2. The study further revealed that the blood vitamin levels were much higher from D3 supplementation for both oral and intramuscular methods.

    Keep in mind that this study only tested supplement sources of vitamin D2 and D3, not natural ones. The study also recommended that more research is needed to understand how D2 and D3 supplements affect people from varied backgrounds, such as their age, gender, and ethnicity.

    A separate 2016 study also indicated that D3 supplements could indeed be more effective than D2 supplements. The study involved 38 participants divided into two equal groups. One group was given D2 supplements, while the other was given D3 supplements. All the participants in the same group were matched for age, body mass index, and ethnicity.

    • Zero to 12 months: 10 micrograms
    • One to 70 years: 15 micrograms
    • Over 70 years: 20 micrograms

    Vitamin D2 To D3 Conversion

    D2 and D3 are variants of the same vitamin, and perform the same basic functions in the body. While both are fat-soluble, studies show that D3 is significantly better at raising vitamin D levels.â¹

    Who should take vitamin D2?

    If youâre a committed vegetarian, then vitamin D2 is the only dietary or supplemental form of vitamin D that complies with your diet, beyond the D3 you make yourself when your skin is exposed to sunshine.

    Who should take vitamin D3?

    If youâre not vegan or vegetarian, most studies¹Ⱐsupport taking D3 supplements¹¹, as it is better converted by the bodyâmore than twice as effective,¹² in fact!

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    What Other Nutrients Or Supplements Can Help My Body Absorb Vitamin D3

    There are a few other nutrients and supplements that can help your body absorb vitamin D. These include:

    Vitamin C: helps the body absorb vitamin D more effectively.

    Omega-3 fatty acids: help to reduce inflammation in the body, which can improve the absorption of vitamin D.

    Probiotics: can help to improve the health of the gut, which can also improve the absorption of vitamin D.

    If you are interested in taking a vitamin D supplement, be sure to talk to your doctor first. They can help you determine if you need a supplement and what form would be best for you.

    Vitamin D is an important nutrient that your body needs for many reasons. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking any supplements, and if you are taking a supplement, be sure to take the most active form of vitamin D, which is D3.

    Do I Have A Vitamin D Deficiency

    Magnesium and Vitamin D: Interesting Relationship

    Most people living in first-world countries dont have many vitamin deficiencies. We can get most of the nutrients we need through food alone, and many foods have vitamins added to them to ensure that we get enough. Vitamin D deficiency, however, is still rampant, even among otherwise healthy people.

    The main reason why is lack of sun exposure. Contrary to what you might think, just walking around outside on a sunny day usually isnt enough, even if you live on a tropical island. Clouds and shade dramatically cut down on ultraviolet lightthe stuff that your skin needs to produce vitamin Dand window glass blocks it completely. Furthermore, the National Institutes of Health explain that wearing sunscreen with an SPF of eight or more wont allow your body to absorb enough light to make D, although its obviously important to use some anyway to avoid sunburn and long-term skin damage.

    Ethnicity also plays a factor. Melanin is a pigment that darkens the skin, but it also reduces the skins ability to absorb vitamin D. African Americans and Hispanics typically have more melanin than white people, so they tend to be more deficient.

    Senior citizens are also in jeopardy. A trial in the American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy stated that elderly subjects had insufficient D levels, despite vitamin D intake consistent with national recommendations.

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    Is Vitamin D Or D3 Better

    We mentioned that vitamin D2 doesnt affect your overall levels of vitamin D as much as D3. But that doesnt always mean vitamin D3 is the better form. While D3 does appear to be more effective than D2 in raising blood serum levels of vitamin D, Hunnes underscores that the best supplement is the one you can stick to taking.

    And for most vegans and vegetarians , that makes D2 a more practical method for preventing deficiency. In fact, once either D2 or D3 is converted by your body into the active form of vitamin D, they both benefit your body in the same way.

    While D3 is found in some animal products, D2 is found in plant products such as some mushrooms, some plants, and yeast. Vitamin D2 supplements are made from fungus and yeast, not sheeps wool.

    Does Vitamin D Reduce Belly Fat

    Studies at the University of Minnesota and Laval University found that D triggers weight loss primarily in the belly. One explanation: The nutrient may work with calcium to reduce production of cortisol, a stress hormone that causes you to store belly fat, says Zemel. 4 You’ll lose weightand help your heart.

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    Whats The Difference Between Vitamin D2 And Vitamin D3

    Vitamin D2 vs. vitamin D3: may the showdown commence!

    The main difference between vitamin D2 and D3 is the sources that they come from. As we touched on earlier, vitamin D3 can be produced by the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight, as well as being present in some animal sources. Vitamin D2 on the other hand, comes from a few plant-based sources, including some types of wild mushrooms and fortified foods such as cereal.

    Although both vitamins may come from different sources, they behave in the same way in the body. However, some studies have shown that vitamin D3 may be more effective at raising and sustaining blood serum levels than D2.

    Which One Is Better Vitamin D2 Or Vitamin D3

    What Is The Difference Between Vitamin D And Vitamin D3

    Vitamin D is measured in the body by the levels of calcifediol .

    Both vitamin D2 and D3 are absorbed effectively into the bloodstream, however, they are metabolised differently by the liver.

    It is thought the D3 is more stable and nearly twice as effective at raising blood levels of calcifediol in the blood than D2.

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