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Why Do We Need Vitamin D3

Lowers The Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

Vitamin D3 Explained – What, Why, And How Much

If you have diabetes in your family or have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, you might want to consider taking more Vitamin D. Recent studies have shown a link between Vitamin D deficiency, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. You may be able to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes by overcoming insulin resistance.

The cells in the pancreas that produce insulin have alpha-hydroxylase enzymes and VDRs, which are important in determining glucose tolerance and resistance to insulin.

Vitamin D deficiency can also reduce the secretion of insulin from the pancreas, which might cause insulin resistance and modify how the body responds to glucose. Given these findings, it is a good idea to consult with your doctor to see if taking extra Vitamin D improves your overall health.

Keeping A Wellness Notebook

You need to know the exact number and also have it written down in your personal health journey notebook.

I recommend keeping an actual notebook. You know, like one on paper. Has your phone or computer ever crashed or been hacked?

A health journal or wellness notebook reveals trends in our health which may help identify when a serious illness or disease is developing.

Before we move on to the signs and impacts of Vitamin D deficiency, I want to point out that no one is too young for Vitamin D testing.

All ages need to know their Vitamin D levels even babies.

When my precious triplet grandbabies were born at 34 weeks, we immediately put them on Vitamin D drops. They needed to boost their immune system and help their brain and bones.

You are in control of your health.

Be wise

& intentional.

Vitamin D And Illness

Vitamin D is not only essential for our body systems to be in top-notch working order, low levels are associated with the disease.

So, not only are our bodies struggling to maintain their normal functions when Vitamin D is missing, but theyre also more prone to illnesses.

Low Vitamin D has been shown to be associated with:

  • Cancer
  • Plus 200 other health issues!

Vitamin D is necessary for improving our overall health AND preventing disease.

Hopefully, this snapshot of why you need healthy levels of Vitamin D has not only helped you understand the importance of this vitamin but also motivated you to action.

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How Much Vitamin D Do You Need

Despite widespread assertions in the popular and scientific press that many Americans have a vitamin D deficiency, the term “deficiency” isn’t strictly accurate. The official definition of a vitamin deficiency means that specific health problems stem solely from the lack of a specific nutrient. An actual vitamin D deficiency results in bone disease, such as rickets, which is rare in the United States.

On the other hand, lower-than-optimal levels of specific vitamins, including vitamin D, may increase your risk of numerous health problems, even though they are not solely responsible for these problems. “Insufficiency” may be a better term for these lower levels than “vitamin D deficiency”.

So far, the most clearly established benefit of vitamin D is that it helps the body absorb calcium and therefore promotes healthy bones. However, a steady drumbeat of studies beginning in the 1980s started to build a case that low blood levels of D were connected with a variety of chronic health problems, leading to claims by a number of researchers that the RDA for D was way too low. The confusion and controversy surrounding optimal vitamin D intake and blood values prompted the U.S. and Canadian governments to request that the Institute of Medicine review the evidence on vitamin D and calcium and update the DRIs.

To learn more about the vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy, read , a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School.

Might Prevent Certain Types Of Cancer

Seeking Fit

Vitamin D3 can assist decrease the chance of developing particular types of cancer. Epidemiological studies have shown that people who reside in southern/equatorial regions and are more exposed to the sun have a lower risk of some malignancies.

Vitamin D has been linked to cancer in numerous studies. Vitamin D aids in the repair and regeneration of cells, which might slow the growth of cancerous tumors, stimulate the death of cells that have been damaged by cancer, and decrease blood vessel formation in tumors.

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What Is Vitamin D3

Looking to get more of the sunshine vitamin benefits? Not getting enough sun? Not eating enough vitamin D-rich foods? Think you can stand to get a little bit more to support your health?

Very good! Vitamin D is essential to your overall health and making sure you get enough is paramount to your well-being. Before you get started, it is important to know that there are different types of vitamin D: vitamin D3 and vitamin D2.

Vitamin D3, also known by its other alias cholecalciferol, is vitamin D in its natural formthe kind produced in your body as it absorbs sunlight. However, recent studies are beginning to find that vitamin D2 may be as effective as vitamin D3.

Whichever form of vitamin D you choose to take, make sure you get enough so you can enjoy healthy teeth and bones while protecting yourself from disease.

Cholecalciferol May Cause Side Effects Tell Your Doctor If Any Of These Symptoms Are Severe Or Do Not Go Away:

  • loss of appetite
  • vomiting
  • constipation

Cholecalciferol may cause other side effects. Call your doctor if you have any unusual problems while taking this vitamin.

If you experience a serious side effect, you or your doctor may send a report to the Food and Drug Administration’s MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program online or by phone .

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What Are The Differences Between Vitamin D And Vitamin D3

Both Vitamin D and Vitamin D3 are processed in the body by the liver to 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which increases 25D levels.

Vitamin D2 referred to as Vitamin D, is largely human-made and derived from plant sources. Vitamin D is produced by plants when theyre exposed to UV light .

Vitamin D2 is commonly found in fortified foods, such as milk and cereal products or in supplement form. While this form is often pressed into a tablet supplement and consumed by people adhering to restricted diets, your body doesnt actually produce this form of vitamin D naturally, making it a poor quality nutrient when it comes to fulfilling your daily requirement of vitamin D .

In food, vitamin D is measured in micrograms with the suggested daily intake of 25-100 micrograms per day is needed to maintain optimal blood levels .

Examples of Foods High in Vitamin D:

  • Fatty Fish = 9-17 micrograms per 3oz serving
  • Mushrooms = 7.9 micrograms per ½ cup serving
  • Whole Milk = 3.2 micrograms per 1 cup serving
  • Orange Juice = 2.5 micrograms per 1 cup
  • Eggs = 1.1 micrograms per 1 large egg

As you can see from the examples above, even the best food source of vitamin D doesnt contain nearly enough micrograms to provide sufficient delivery and function within the human body. Vitamin D2 is used as an inexpensive, low quality, and less effective option to boost nutrient quality as compared to Vitamin D3 .

Vitamin D3 Comes From Animals Vitamin D2 From Plants

Why you absolutely need to take oral Vitamin D3

As weve talked about, there are two main types of vitamin D:

  • Vitamin D2
  • Vitamin D3

Vitamin D2 is known as ergocalciferol and is found in plants and fungi e.g. mushrooms. Plants can generate vitamin D2 through exposure to UV light. If youre vegan, look for supplements that contain vitamin D2 as these will be sourced from plants rather than animal products.

You can learn more about supplements suitable for vegans by reading our blog.

Vitamin D3 is known as cholecalciferol and is found in animals and animal products, including oily fish like salmon and mackerel. This is also the type of vitamin D that our bodies generate through sun exposure. If you eat animal products, you can buy supplements that contain vitamin D3.

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How Do Vitamin D2 And D3 Differ

There are two main kinds of vitamin DD2 and D3 . D2 is found in plant foods, including fungi like mushrooms and yeasts. D3 is only available in animal foods, and its the type of vitamin D your body makes on its own when its exposed to UV light.

D2 is inexpensive to produce, so its often added to foodssuch as milkto boost their vitamin D content. However, D2 is not as well absorbed by the body as D3. Some studies indicate that D3 may be almost twice as effective at raising levels of vitamin D in the blood as D2 . If you supplement with vitamin D to achieve optimal levels, nutrition experts generally recommend choosing vitamin D3 supplements.

According to an American Journal of Clinical Nutritionreport, medical literature regarded D2 and D3 as equivalent and interchangeable for many years, yet this presumption of equivalence is based on studies of rickets prevention in infants conducted 70 years ago

Despite an emerging body of evidence suggesting several plausible explanations for the greater bioefficacy of vitamin D3, the form of vitamin D used in major preparations of prescriptions in North America is vitamin D2.

How Much Is Too Much

Many people don’t realise that you can have too much of a good thing. In very high doses, many minerals and vitamins can harm your body. Current guidelines say adults shouldn’t take more than the equivalent of 100 micrograms a day. But vitamin D is a ‘fat-soluble’ vitamin, so your body can store it for months and you don’t need it every day. That means you could equally safely take a supplement of 20 micrograms a day or 500 micrograms once a month. Don’t worry – your doctor or pharmacist aren’t trying to poison you! You can divide the monthly dose by 30 to give you the daily equivalent, which is what counts.

Of course, speaking of too much of a good thing, too much sunshine can be disastrous for your health. Any redness or even tanning of your skin is a sign that your skin has been damaged. In spring and summer, you can get your vitamin D from 15 to 20 minutes a day with arms and face uncovered in full sun. But don’t get burnt – this raises the risk of all kinds of skin cancer, but particularly of deadly melanoma.

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Vitamin D: A Necessary Supplement

Vitamin D. A topic almost as hot as the sun on a mid-summers day in the south. This amazing vitamin isnt just good for us, its essential. What makes Vitamin D3 the necessary supplement? Oh, so much!

Vitamin D is paramount for:

  • Physical health
  • Mental health
  • Emotional health

Weve learned more and more about Vitamin D in the last 10-15 years, but still many people dont know why its important or how to get the right numbers.

Its not just that you take a Vitamin D supplement, but also what kind you take and how much you take. Thats why Im covering:

  • Why its important to know your number
  • How to know your number
  • Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency
  • Illnesses related to low Vitamin D
  • How to boost your Vitamin D levels

My desire is to help you boost your immune system and arm you with everything needed to increase current and future health. Vitamin D is an essential part of our overall health.

Its not optional.

Not if you want to live the most vibrant and robust life possible.

Did you know your personal Vitamin D level determines your mental health, cancer prevention, hormones, and immunity?

Can Vegans Take A Vitamin D Supplement

Why do we need vitamin d3 by OTH Health

Vegans can be more susceptible to a vitamin D deficiency. The double whammy of not getting enough sunlight during the winter months and not being able to eat most of the food sources of vitamin D can make it a little more difficult.

However, even with meat, dairy and eggs off the menu, there are still natural vegan sources of vitamin D like mushrooms for vitamin D2 and lichen for vitamin D3.

As these are limited, a vitamin D supplement is recommended. Especially for vitamin D3 as we dont think many vegans will be chowing down on some lichen!

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What Does Vitamin D Do

Vitamin D has a wealth of benefits for your body and mind. For a start, were entering flu season right now, and Vitamin D has been shown to lower the risk of flu, as well as heart disease, certain cancers and MS. In terms of our mental health, the sunshine vitamin has been shown to lower levels of depression and anxiety in adults and it can also help to prevent the onset of dementia and certain mood disorders.

Just about everything from our immune function to our hair, skin, nails and bones benefits from Vitamin D, so ensuring that you are getting enough is important. In fact, the NHS suggests that it is an essential supplement during winter months due to lack of sunlight impeding our ability to create Vitamin D3 within our skin.

New Light On The Sunshine Vitamin

It used to be simple: just get a “healthy” tan and your body will make all the vitamin D it needs. Desk jobs and sunscreen have changed all that, just as research is underlining the importance of vitamin D and suggesting its possible role in preventing many health problems. That makes vitamin D a dilemma of modern life that has a modern solution: eating fish and drinking some low-fat fortified milk, along with judicious doses of vitamin D supplements.

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What Are The Best Sources Of Vitamin D

Its hard to get enough vitamin D from sunshine, but its even harder to get it from foodat least the way most people eat. The best source of dietary D is from fish livers, such as cod liver oil, but now ask yourself when was the last time you ate cod liver oil?

Mackerel, salmon, sardines, swordfish, trout, and tuna all offer D, as do mushrooms and eggs. If you eat them regularly, youll meet the government-recommended requirement, but if youre in the camp that thinks 600 IU is too low, youll need to be more aggressive to hit your D goals. Dairy products and cereals are fortified with vitamin D, which helps, but one review, and Harvard University, determined that supplementation with a multivitamin or concentrated vitamin D capsule provides a better insurance policy.

Of course, you shouldnt completely avoid the sun. According to a report in Alternative Medicine Review, the health benefits accruing from moderate UV irradiation, without erythema or excess tanning, greatly outweigh the health risks, with skin pigmentation providing much of the protection.

Vitamin D From The Sun

The Vitamin D3 Test – Do You Need It?

Dont forget the sun.

Unfortunately, the sun has gotten a bad rap in recent decades. However, its vital to our survival in many ways, not the least of which is as a source of Vitamin D.

The degree of warm weather, distance from the equator, elevation, and lifestyle all impact how much sun exposure we get.

These also impact how much Vitamin D our bodies can absorb and produce.

Ideally, we can each get an average of 15 minutes of pure sun exposure a day.

  • Use a break at work to take a quick walk or sit on the steps of your building enjoying the quiet with the sun and the Son.
  • Set a reminder on your phone to spend a few minutes outside pulling weeds, picking up toys little humans tend to leave scattered about, or praying for your neighbors.
  • Sit on a deck or patio or porch to work for an hour.

There are lots of creative ways to get outside each day , but we are much more likely to do it if were intentional.

Treat the sun not as a threat to be avoided, but as a resource given by our Creator to help our bodies.

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Your Skin Produces Vitamin D3

Another significant difference between D1 and D2 and D3 is that your skin produces Vitamin D3 when exposed to sunlight, which is the primary source of vitamin D for many people. To be more specific, the ultraviolet B radiation in sunlight causes your skin to produce vitamin D3 from naturally occurring 7-dehydrocholesterol compounds in your skin.

In laymans terms, sunlight equals vitamin D, though many people dont get their recommended daily allowances this way because they spend too much time indoors or cover up when outside. If you struggle to get enough sun or are worried about your vitamin D levels during winter, you may need to boost your intake with manufactured supplements.

Can Taking Too Much Vitamin D3 Hurt You

Although vitamin D is essential for good health, taking too much of it can be harmful. Vitamin D toxicity can cause nausea, vomiting, weakness, and poor appetite. It can also lead to more serious problems such as kidney stones and heart arrhythmias.

If you take too much vitamin D, be sure to drink plenty of fluids and get some rest. You may also want to see your doctor to be sure that you are not experiencing any other health problems.

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Mayo Clinic Q And A: How Much Vitamin D Do I Need

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have heard different recommendations from different sources regarding vitamin D. One doctor told my husband that everyone living in the Northern Hemisphere should take a vitamin D supplement every day, even in the summer. What do you recommend?

ANSWER: Understanding how much vitamin D you need can be confusing because there are different recommendations about how much vitamin D adults should get. Using the recommendations that fall on the low end, many adults dont get the amount of vitamin D they should. Because few foods contain vitamin D naturally, eating foods fortified with vitamin D and taking a supplement may be beneficial.

Vitamin D is important because it helps your body sustain normal levels of calcium and phosphorus. Because it works as a key that allows your body to absorb calcium, vitamin D plays a critical role in forming and maintaining healthy bones. It also helps keep your muscles, nerves and immune system healthy.

Research suggests that consistently getting enough vitamin D can significantly lower the risk for the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis. Low vitamin D also is associated with falls, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and some cancers. However, an association does not mean low vitamin D causes these conditions, or that taking a vitamin D supplement will adequately prevent or treat them.


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