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HomeCan Low Vitamin D Cause Memory Problems

Can Low Vitamin D Cause Memory Problems

Symptoms Of Too Much Vitamin D

Low vitamin D cause faster memory loss in older adults

Some signs that you might be getting an excessive amount of vitamin D include:

  • Appetite loss
  • Thirst
  • Tinnitus

If you are experiencing these symptoms, talk to your doctor. Be sure to tell them which supplements, medications, and substances you are taking, including the dosages of each. If your doctor suspects that your symptoms might be linked to too much vitamin D, they may administer lab tests to check your blood serum levels.

Vitamin D toxicity can result in other consequences, including kidney and bone problems. Your doctor may also look for signs of the following problems that can be caused by excess vitamin D.

Vitamin D Deficiency And Breast Cancer

Its not just prostate cancer that shares a link with low vitamin D levels. We have also seen a link with vitamin D deficiency and breast cancer, says Byrn.

A review published in December 2017 in Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research found that most of the vitamin D studies support the inverse association between vitamin D level and breast cancer risk. That means that a vitamin D deficiency was associated with a higher breast cancer risk.

Another preliminary study published in July 2019 in Breast Cancer Research found that breast cancer cells exposed to high concentrations of vitamin D were associated with reduced severity. Studies in humans are needed.

Correlation Between Vit D Doses And Oxidant/antioxidant Parameters In Hippocampal Tissues

Results showed that there is a significant correlation between 3 doses of Vit D-MDA and Vit D-total thiol concentration in the UCMS groups . Furthermore it was observed that the correlation between all doses of Vit D with SOD activity is significant . Additonally, the results showed that there is no significant correlaton between catalase activity and 3 doses of Vit D .

Figure 9

Correlation of Vit D doses with MDA , total thiol , catalase and SOD . As indicated, there is a positive correlations between doses of Vit D and total thiol content and SOD activity , however, this was found to be negative in case of MDA levels . No significant correlation was found for catalase activity .

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Illnesses Linked To Vitamin D Deficiency

The benefits of vitamin D may range from healthy bones and muscles to strong heart function. But do vitamin D deficiency diseases exist too?

Everyday Health

You probably know that the primary source of vitamin D is right outside your door and up in the sky. The sun helps synthesize vitamin D in the skin promoting the growth of strong bones and cognitive health, to name only two of the vitamin’s functions, according to the Mayo Clinic. But just as vitamin D can be a boon to your health, a lack of it may lead to health issues.

We see a lot of associations between vitamin D deficiency and poor health outcomes, says , an associate professor at Loyola University in Chicago, who studies vitamin D.

Although these are relationships and we are unable to conclude cause and effect, taking vitamin D supplements or exposing yourself to the sun in a safe manner to increase vitamin D naturally are easy ways to improve your health and try to reduce your risk of multiple diseases, Dr. Byrn says.

You can also get vitamin D through food, but your options are limited. Vitamin D is found in few foods naturally, though some foods are fortified with it, says Sarah Gold Anzlovar, RDN, a dietitian in private practice in Boston.

Vitamin D Test: Can A Blood Test Detect A Deficiency

Low vitamin B

If you are feeling more tired than normal at the moment or your aches and pains seem worse, now you are not getting your full quota of vitamin D from the suns rays, your instinct may be to get a vitamin D test.

If we follow the trends identified in studies, one in five people in the UK could have low vitamin D levels.10 It is a common deficiency, but how important is it to be diagnosed with a vitamin D test?

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Dementia And Vitamin D Pre

Neha et al. have identified various models of cognitive disorders that have a direct bearing on the clinical concept of dementia, including senescence accelerated mouse models of dementia, chemically induced memory deficits, transgenic animal models of dementia, high fat diet induced dementia, hypoxia induced memory deficits, brain injury induced animal model, electroshock induced memory deficits and thiamine deficiency induced animal models. The conclusions made by Neha et al. showing such diversity in animal models are important as some of the models tap into a few distinct subtypes of cognitive disorders linked to dementia.

In their study, Molnár et al. showed a transgenic mouse breed to have a shorter lifespan and characteristic features of dementia, suggesting that vitamin D3 supplementation significantly increases the lifespan of transgenic animals. The problem with this study was that it had not been equipped to report whether a longer life span was associated with intact cognitive functioning.

Patel and Shah , in their review, have suggested that A deposition, often thought to be one of the primary pathologies in the development of cognitive disorders, can be slowed down using vitamin D supplementation. Similarly, Durk et al. have reported that VDR play a critical part in reducing amyloid- peptides in mice and conversely, if the pathological processes are induced, it is possible to reverse them using vitamin D supplementation.

Does Vitamin D Deficiency Make You Tired

Yes, if youre not getting enough vitamin D you will likely experience low energy and feel tired.

An observational study, this one in 200 female nurses, found that only 9.5% of them had normal vitamin D levels, while 89% were found to have vitamin D deficiency. The study results found a significant relationship between vitamin D levels and fatigue scores, leading the study authors to conclude that high prevalence of fatigue among nurses could be attributed to a vitamin D deficiency.

Even children with vitamin D deficiency are prone to sleep issues, with this study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine concluding that this deficiency was linked to decreased sleep duration, poorer sleep efficiency, and even delayed bedtimes. The authors suggested that future studies in children should examine whether vitamin D deficiency leads to sleep disturbance or whether it is the other way around.

This article from Healthline notes that several studies demonstrated the positive impact that raising vitamin D levels can have on reducing fatigue.

For instance, in this study published in the North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 77% of the 174 adults who presented with fatigue were also found to have low vitamin D levels. After receiving vitamin D treatment for 5 weeks, their fatigue symptoms improved significantly as indicated by the comparison results of their pre- and post-treatment fatigue assessment questionnaires.

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Vitamin Deficiencies Can Mess With Your Mental Health

Youd be hard-pressed not to stumble on a social media #ad for vitamin packs. Trendy supplement brands like Ritual or Care/Of promise their products will help alleviate a series of vitamin deficiencies, which companies warn can cause health issues including problems with your mental health.

We know we need proper nutrients in order to function properly. But just how much of an impact do they really have on our minds?

Optimal mental health requires adequate availability and absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino and fatty acids as essential building blocks for our brain cells and neurotransmitters, said Dr. Jennifer Kraker, a New York-based psychiatrist who specializes in nutrition and mental health. When our nutritional biochemistry is imbalanced, our mental health is affected.

For most people, a healthy diet will take care of that. For others, a doctor may need to prescribe a vitamin supplement if the body doesnt metabolize nutrients properly.

Because were all unique, one person may tolerate lower levels of a certain nutrient very well, and another might not, Kraker said. Rinse and repeat for most all micronutrients.

More commonly, nutrition-related issues are experienced as symptoms like reduced ability to manage stress, increased anxiety or edginess, lower mood, and poorer concentration or focus, said Nicole Beurkens, licensed psychologist and board-certified nutrition specialist at Horizons Developmental Resource Center in Caledonia, Michigan.

Distinguishing Between Types Of Dementia

Low Vitamin D Levels Might Be Linked To Dementia

For physicians and families intent on pinning down a diagnosis, one major complicating factor is the existence of so many kinds of dementia. More than 50 conditions can mimic or cause dementia.

Alzheimers disease is by far the most common intractable condition. But other causes of irreversible dementia include blood vessel diseasevascular dementia), other degenerative disorders , slow-growing brain tumors, or infections of the central nervous system .

In some types of dementia, treatment will improve mental functioning, and in a small percentage, the dementia is completely reversible if treatment begins before permanent brain damage occurs. Thats why it is important to report to a doctor any signs of dementia as early as possible.

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Why Vitamin B12 Causes Mental Confusion:

According to the National Institues of Health Office of Dietary Supplements:

Researchers have long been interested in the potential connection between vitamin B12 deficiency and dementia. A deficiency in vitamin B12 causes an accumulation of homocysteine in the blood and might decrease levels of substances needed to metabolize neurotransmitters. Observational studies show positive associations between elevated homocysteine levels and the incidence of both Alzheimers disease and dementia. Low vitamin B12 status has also been positively associated with cognitive decline.

Vitamin B12 keeps nerves and blood cells working properly, so it is crucial for cognitive function. Older adults may not absorb this nutrient from foods as efficiently as younger people.

Results from a cohort study indicate that vitamin B12 deficiency causes mental confusion.

The Boston Puerto Rican Health Study involves 1,408 older adults who completed comprehensive cognitive function tests . People with low circulating levels of vitamin B12 and folate scored lower on these assessments.

Vitamin B12 deficiency was common in this group of older people. The authors encourage health professionals to pay more attention to the identification and treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency in such populations. Foods that are high in this nutrient include:

Organ meats such as liver Clams Beef Cereal that is fortified with B12

Vitamin D: Origin Metabolism And Biological Function7

The term Vitamin D also represents D2, D3 or both . It is produced in the skin from sun exposure or obtained from foods that naturally contain Vitamin D including cod liver oil, fatty fish , foods fortified with D and supplement pills. When the skin is exposed to sunlight, 7dehydrocholesterol is converted to Pre-vitamin D3. Ninety five percent of pre-vitamin D3 is in the epidermis and cannot be removed by skin washing. Pre-vitamin D3 is converted to D3 and some is converted by photo-conversion to other products like 7dehydroxy cholesterol and lumisterol. These latter two products are inactive on calcium metabolism and are produced during prolonged exposure to ultraviolet B radiation from the sun, preventing sun induced vitamin D intoxication.

Cutaneous vitamin D3 is influenced by skin pigmentation, sunscreen use, time of day, season, latitude, altitude and air pollution. In winter, early morning and late afternoon, the solar UV-B photons have to travel through the ozone layer, which absorbs these rays. In places where sun shines 24 hours a day , vitamin D synthesis occurs only between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. because of this ozone phenomenon. In cities like Los Angeles and Mexico City where there are high nitrous oxide and ozone levels, little UV-B photons reach people. Glass also absorbs all UV-B radiation and no D3 is produced.

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Vitamin D Deficiency And Depression

If youre familiar with seasonal affective disorder , you may not be surprised to hear that vitamin D deficiency may be linked to a higher risk of depression. After all, the nickname for vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin, and thats not just because, as Harvard Medical School points out, many people generate much of the vitamin D they need thanks to sun exposure.

Vitamin D status is also connected to a sunny mood. There is research evidence that shows a relationship between mood and vitamin D levels, where deficient vitamin D levels are related to depression, says Byrn.

One of her Journal of Diabetes Research, found that vitamin D supplementation helped improve the mood of women with type 2 diabetes. All the women in the small study were given a high dose of vitamin D for six months. Byrn and her colleagues found there was a significant decrease in depression and anxiety and an improvement in mental health.

A meta-analysis published in April 2014 in Nutrients included research that suggested vitamin D supplements may in some cases be as effective as antidepressant medication, though more studies are needed.

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Low Vitamin D Tied To Memory Problems

Signs Of Vitamin D Deficiency : Human N Health

Low levels of vitamin D may play a role in memory problems and the onset of Alzheimers disease and other forms of dementia in the elderly, according to a new report. The findings underscore the importance of identifying vitamin D deficiency in older men and women, say the researchers, from the University of California, Davis, and Rutgers University.

The researchers found that memory skills declined two to three times faster in those with low blood levels of the vitamin compared to those with adequate vitamin D levels. This work, and that of others, suggests that there is enough evidence to recommend that people in their 60s and older discuss taking a daily vitamin D supplement with their physicians, said study author Joshua Miller, now at Rutgers.

For the study, the researchers followed 382 men and women living in northern California for about five years. Their mean age was 75. Some had dementia or mild cognitive impairment, a serious form of memory loss that may eventually lead to a diagnosis of Alzheimers disease.

The researchers found that about 60 percent of the study participants were low in vitamin D. A healthy vitamin D level is general defined as about 20 to 25 nanograms of the vitamin per milliliter of blood.

They also found that seniors in the study who had dementia had lower vitamin D levels than those with mild cognitive impairment or normal cognitive function.

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Is Vitamin D Deficiency The Cause Or Effect Of Ibd

Although vitamin D deficiency is common among IBD patients, including those recently diagnosed, it is unclear if this is a cause or consequence of the disease. A large prospective study of over 72,000 women suggested that vitamin D deficiency was a cause of IBD after observing a significant inverse association between dietary vitamin D and ulcerative colitis. Another study confirmed this finding, concluding that vitamin D deficiency is likely a contributor to the pathogenesis of IBD.

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However, the truth is likely to fall somewhere in the middle. It appears that even if vitamin D plays a role in the pathogenesis of GI disease, it is also expected that GI disease will exacerbate vitamin D deficiencies if malabsorption is present. Intensified vitamin D malabsorption secondary to GI disease will only worsen the problem. Vitamin Ds role in maintaining GI barrier integrity, gut microbiota, and inflammatory immune responses is essential in decreasing risk for developing IBD and improving symptoms of the disease if it already present.

Reduction In The Brains Scaffolding

Burne explains the motivation for the study, saying, Over a billion people worldwide are affected by vitamin D deficiency, and there is a well-established link between vitamin D deficiency and impaired cognition.

Unfortunately, exactly how vitamin D influences brain structure and function is not well-understood, so it has remained unclear why deficiency causes problems.

To determine the underlying mechanism, Burne and colleagues deprived healthy adult mice of dietary vitamin D for 20 weeks, after which they used tests to compare them with a group of control mice.

Cognitive tests revealed that the mice that lacked vitamin D were less able to learn new things and remember compared with the mice in the control group.

Scans of the rodents brains showed a reduction in the so-called perineuronal nets in the hippocampus the brain area that is key for memory formation.

The perineuronal nets act like scaffolding in the brain. These nets form a strong, supportive mesh around certain neurons, and in doing so, they stabilize the contacts these cells make with other neurons, Burne explains.

The researcher goes on to report that, There was also a stark reduction in both the number and strength of connections between neurons in .

Although the study did not firmly establish this mechanism, the researchers think that vitamin D deficiency makes perineuronal nets more vulnerable to the degrading action of enzymes.

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Vitamin D Deficiency And Memory Decline

Receptors for vitamin D are found throughout the brain andplay a critical role in making memories. A team of researchers at TuftsUniversity in Boston analyzed vitamin D blood levels in over 1,000 people overthe age of 65 to determine its relationship to cognitive function. Out of the1,000 study participants, 65% had insufficient or deficient levels of thesunshine vitamin. These people performedworse on tests of executive function , attention, and processing speed compared with those whohad optimal levels of vitamin D.

Other research appearing in a 2015 issue of JAMA Neurology showed that older adults with low levels of the sunshine vitamin experienced memory loss faster than those with healthy levels. The study included seniors with dementia, with mild cognitive impairment , and with normal cognitive function. The MCI group had lower levels of vitamin D than the cognitively healthy people, and those with dementia had even lower levels than the MCI group. The older adults with insufficient or deficient levels of vitamin D experienced accelerated rates of decline in terms of executive function and episodic memory compared with those who had normal levels.


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