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Does Vitamin K Thicken Or Thin Your Blood

Conversion Of Vitamin K1 To K2

Vitamin K2 – Blood Clotting

The ability to convert vitamin K1 to K2 varies widely between species and breeds of animals. Vitamins K1 and K2 chemically share a common ring-structured nucleus but possess different types of side chains. The first step in the conversion of K1 to K2 appears to be the cleavage of its side chain in either the liver or the GI tract, yielding vitamin K3 or menadione much of this metabolite is detoxified by the liver and excreted in the urine, while the remaining portion can be used to synthesize K2 in tissues.

Humans require dietary preformed vitamin K2 for optimal health, due to its superiority over K1. Vitamin K2 is at least three times more effective than vitamin K1 at activating proteins related to skeletal metabolism. While intake of vitamin K2 is inversely associated with heart disease in humans, intake of vitamin K1 is not. This nutritional superiority makes it clear why it is important to use food rich in vitamin K2 like the organs and fats of grass-fed animals and the deeply colored orange butter from animals grazing on rich pastures.9

Does Vitamin K2 Thicken Your Blood

Vitamin K2Vitamin Kainforbloodthickena

. Consequently, does Vitamin k2 affect blood clotting?

Vitamin K activates proteins that play a role in blood clotting, calcium metabolism and heart health. One of its most important functions is to regulate calcium deposition. This idea is supported by an animal study showing that vitamin K2 reduced blood vessel calcification whereas vitamin K1 did not .

Secondly, what vegetables thicken your blood? Green leafy vegetables, such lettuce and spinach, and other vegetables such as broccoli and brussels sprouts are high in vitamin K.

One may also ask, is Too Much Vitamin k2 bad for you?

Kidney disease: Too much vitamin K can be harmful if you are receiving dialysis treatments due to kidney disease. In fact, high doses of vitamin K can make clotting problems worse in these people.

Does mk7 thicken blood?

Anti-coagulant drugs like warfarin work by blocking the production of those clotting proteins, helping to “thin” the blood and prevent clotting. However, MK-7 has been shown to interfere with anti-coagulant therapy, and at much lower doses than vitamin K1.

Why Do I Have Blood Tests

The aim of treatment with warfarin is to thin your blood but not stop it clotting completely. Getting this balance right means your dose of warfarin must be carefully monitored.

You’ll have a regular blood test called the international normalised ratio . It measures how long it takes your blood to clot. The longer your blood takes to clot, the higher the INR.

Most people taking anticoagulants have a ratio of between 2 and 3.5. This means their blood takes 2 to 3.5 times longer to clot than usual.

The dose of warfarin you need depends on your blood test result. If the blood test result has gone up or down, your warfarin dose will be increased or decreased.

You’ll have the blood tests at your GP surgery or local hospital’s anticoagulant clinic.

If your blood test results are stable, you might only need a blood test once every 8 to 12 weeks. If it’s unstable or you have just started on warfarin, you might need to have a blood test every week.

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Contributes To Bone Health

Vitamin K is also required for the synthesis of proteins needed for strong bones, like osteocalcin, the vitamin K-dependent protein that’s responsible for maintaining bone strength, per Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

“Healthy bone mineralizes and turns over throughout life, so all the ‘players’ are needed in adequate amounts to help build, maintain, turn over and repair in order to preserve bone strength,” Bazilian says. “Vitamin K is critical to this ongoing process, since the enzyme that plays a role in forming proteins for bone depends on its presence.”

Research supports the connection between vitamin K and healthy bones. People with the highest intakes of vitamin K were found to have a 22 percent lower risk of fractures compared to people with the lowest intakes, according to an April 2017 meta-analysis in Medicine.

Cod Liver Oil Supplements

Pin on Natural Blood Thiners

Cod liver oil, either in natural form or in capsule supplements, is made from the oil of codfish and is very high in vitamin D. It is high in omega-3 fatty acids and used to treat a wide variety of medical conditions including coronary artery disease and high cholesterol. Cod liver oil often comes with small amounts of vitamin E, added to keep it from spoiling. Both omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E are known to act as natural blood thinners that affect the coagulation rate of your blood.

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Does Vitamin K Thicken Blood

Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

HealthTap doctors are based in the U.S., board certified, and available by text or video.

One: Diet And Lifestyle

  • 1Alter your diet one to two weeks in advance. It can take days or weeks for the thickness of your blood to change due to dietary and lifestyle habits alone. Start making these changes as early as possible to maximize the potential impact they have on your blood.
  • Talk to your doctor before altering your diet. They’ll be able to give you specific instructions about any dietary changes you should make before your surgery.
  • Preoperative instructions from your doctor may include not eating garlic, cayenne, flax seeds, green tea, tomatoes, eggplants, and potatoes. These foods can affect anesthesia and the thickness of your blood.XResearch source
  • You may also be asked to avoid foods that are known to cause allergies, like nuts, eggs, milk, fish, wheat, and soy.
  • 2Eat a well-balanced diet so you’re getting enough vitamin K. Vitamin K plays an important role in maintaining a normal thickness of the blood. As long as you’re eating a well-balanced diet, you should be getting enough vitamin K. Make sure your diet includes foods like:XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • Leafy greens
  • Dairy
  • 3Stop drinking alcohol. Alcohol tends to thin the blood and cause more bleeding to occur, so you should avoid consuming alcohol as much as possible at least one week before surgery.XResearch source
  • Your doctor may have you stop taking aspirin 1 week before your surgery.
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
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    Main Food Sources Of Vitamin K

    High Content Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, spinach, kale, turnips
    Average Content Asparagus, avocado, broccoli, carrots, celery, cauliflower, red cabbage, cucumber, watercress, green beans, oils , lettuce , fresh parsley, leek, green peas, tomato

    So, in answer to the original question, no, it isnt necessary to avoid green vegetables because the Vitamin K they contain enables a better control of both coagulation and medication. Good to know, those who have the most difficulty managing their INR are often those who do not eat Vitamin K and green vegetables.

    Our heart-healthy menus are approved by the nutritionists at EPIC, Montreal Heart Institutes Center for Preventative Medicine, even for their anticoagulation therapy patients. Why not give them a try to help plan your meals?

    Seek Care Immediately If:

    Vitamin K and Blood Thinners
    • You have red or black bowel movements.
    • Your urine is red or dark brown.
    • You have bleeding from your gums or nose.
    • You have heavy bleeding from a wound that does not stop, or unusually heavy monthly periods.
    • You have a severe headache.

    The above information is an educational aid only. It is not intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatments. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see if it is safe and effective for you.

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    Blood Thinners And Alcohol

    Alcohol may interact with blood thinners by either decreasing or increasing the anticoagulation effects of the drugs. For example, people who drink while taking warfarin may be at risk of excessive bleeding because alcohol can enhance drugs anticoagulation effects.

    Alternately, chronic drinkers may metabolize warfarin more quickly, causing them to need a higher dose for the same therapeutic effect. Either way, warfarin and alcohol are a dangerous mix.

    Other Natural Ways To Help Thin Blood

    Besides foods that thin blood, there are other things you can do to keep your blood thin naturally. Here are some good tips:

    • Sunshine. Sunshine has been found to maximize circulation and to keep the blood thin. It is believed to be helpful because sunshine gives us vitamin D when we expose the skin to the sun.
    • Exercise. People who exercise too much run the risk of having vitamin K levels that are too low. It has been found in elite women athletes that they have vitamin K deficiencies. So exercise regularly but not too much.
    • Avoid foods that thicken the blood. There are some foods that cause the blood to thicken. These include kale, spinach, collard greens, parsley, cauliflower, asparagus, leeks, and celery. You shouldn’t eat these foods if you want to have thin blood.

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    Vitamin K In Popular Foods

    Below, find more details on the amount of vitamin K present in different foods, including leafy greens, vegetables and other foods as provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

    When it comes to blood thinners, the more you know the better you can manage your diet. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.

    What Is Inr And How Does It Vary

    Blood Thinners: Types, Side Effects and Drug Interactions

    The INR is a test used by doctors and pharmacists to check the effectiveness of blood thinning medication and to adapt the dosage. Ideally, you should maintain as stable an INR as possible, meaning you should maintain an optimal blood coagulation rate.

    Several factors can influence and unbalance this rate, the seven main ones are:

    • Travelling
    • Green tea
    • St. Johns Wort

    Always speak to your pharmacist before you start or stop taking a supplement. If you take supplements, make sure you tell your doctor and your pharmacist.

    Now that were reviewed some basic facts, lets get to the nitty gritty: diet and its effect on medication! Several vegetables, particularly green ones, contain Vitamin K, in varying quantities. As mentioned earlier, warfarin is a Vitamin K antagonist. Its presence or absence from the diet can play a role in the medications effectiveness.

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    How Do Vitamins K1 And K2 Affect Inr

    INR is a measure of clotting time. The lower your INR, the faster your blood clots. Conversely, the higher the INR, the ‘thinner’ the blood.

    An INR range of 2.0 to 3.0 is the typical therapeutic range for people taking warfarin, while a number under 1 is considered normal for healthy folk.

    Long-term consumption of Vitamin K1 of 700 mcg reduced INR values from 2 to 1.5. Vitamin K2 supplementation is more potent at reducing INR and 200 mcg of K2 will reduce INR values from 2 to 1.5.

    Vitamin K2 supplementation higher than 50 mcg per day requires INR monitoring by your doctor because the K2 may be undoing some of the intended effect of Warfarin.

    50 mcg of Vitamin K2 is what you’d get from 3 to 4 ounces of European hard cheese. This much K2 is expected to disturb INR by only about 10%, which may be an acceptable variability in your treatment. Please discuss with your doctor.

    Managing a relatively steady INR while ingesting enough K2 to maintain strong bones is a balancing act that you and your doctor will have to sort out using blood tests.

    You can use this tool to track INR levels.

    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

    Foods That Contain Vitamin K:

    Dark green leafy vegetables have the highest amounts of vitamin K. Foods that contain vitamin K include the following:

    • Foods with more than 100 mcg per serving:
    • ½ cup of cooked kale
    • ½ cup of cooked spinach
    • ½ cup of cooked collard greens
    • 1 cup of cooked broccoli
    • 1 cup of cooked brussels sprouts
    • 1 cup of raw collard greens
    • 1 cup of raw spinach
    • 1 cup of raw endive
  • Foods with 50 to 100 mcg per serving:
  • 1 cup of raw broccoli
  • ½ cup of cooked cabbage
  • 1 cup of green leaf lettuce
  • 1 cup of romaine lettuce
  • Foods with 15 to 50 mcg per serving:
  • 4 spears of asparagus
  • 1 medium kiwi fruit
  • 1 cup of raw blackberries or blueberries
  • 1 cup of red or green grapes
  • ½ cup of cooked peas
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    Does Vitamin K2 Thicken Blood

    Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

    Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

    HealthTap doctors are based in the U.S., board certified, and available by text or video.

    Why You Shouldnt Avoid Green Vegetables

    Purity Products – Vitamin K and Blood Thinners

    Two main reasons can explain why reducing your intake of green vegetables is not necessary, even if youre going through anticoagulation therapy.

    Firstly, despite what you might have heard, the presence of Vitamin K in the diet helps better balance your INR. Indeed, regularly eating vegetables, particularly green ones, helps you to be less sensitive to daily variations in Vitamin K. This is explained by the fact the liver stocks some Vitamin K, because it is a fat soluble vitamin.

    For example, if you eat green vegetables every day, your liver stores Vitamin K. If, one day, you have a lower intake of Vitamin K, this will have practically no repercussions. Vitamin K stored in the liver will be used. This way, you can maintain you INR as stable as possible. However, if you never eat green vegetables, you dont have Vitamin K stores, so if you eat a good amount of green vegetables one day, youll experience a peak of Vitamin K, which will then destabilize your INR.

    Secondly, Vitamin Ks bioavailability depends on several factors like cultivation, storage and cooking of foods. Whats more, we only know the Vitamin K content of around half the food in the North American diet. Its therefore practically impossible to establish and respect a recommended daily intake of Vitamin K.

    Note: if you are a fan of Asian cuisine and regularly eat natto , it would be a good idea to avoid it, because it contains a large quantity of Vitamin K , which can influence your INR.

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    Can You Take Vitamin K2 With Blood Thinners

    by Ford Brewer | Oct 6, 2020 | Plaque, Supplements

    Vitamin K2 is one of our channel subscribers favorite topics. We also get a lot of questions about blood thinners and vitamin K2.

    For instance, heres a question posted by a viewer on our YouTube channel.

    Does vitamin K thin your blood? No. In fact, vitamin K makes blood thicken or coagulate to form a clot. If youre wounded or get a cut, it is this clotting process that would stop the flow of blood.

    However, vitamin K can interfere with a specific class of blood thinners called VKA .

    The Emerging Role Of Vitamin K2

    Manouchehr Saljoughian, PharmD, PhDAlta Bates Summit Medical Center,Berkeley, California

    US Pharm

    Vitamin K refers to a group of fat-soluble vitamins with similar chemical structures that are needed for blood coagulation. Research over the last few decades has shown a new and emerging role for this vitamin in treating osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. Other new and exciting applications for this vitamin have been found in treating Alzheimers disease, skin aging, and a variety of cancers. This vitamin was discovered in the 1920s and was called K for koagulation due to its role in blood coagulation.1 Unfortunately, many people are not aware of the health benefits of vitamin K. The K vitamins have been underrated and misunderstood until very recently by both the scientific community and the general public.

    Although the effect of magnesium and vitamin D3 on calcium metabolism was previously known, the importance of vitamin K in regulating the healthy function of calcium has only recently been recognized.2 Vitamin K has now been found to have a role in putting calcium in the right places in the body, such as in the bones and blood, and preventing pathologic calcification of the vessels and soft tissues.2

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    Can You Take Vitamin K While On Blood Thinners

    As mentioned earlier, warfarin and other VKA blood thinners are affected by vitamin K.

    So if youre taking warfarin or any VKA blood thinner, talk to your doctor first before taking supplementary vitamin K or foods including a heavy amount of vitamin K.

    How about other blood thinners?

    Outside VKAs, the other types of blood thinners are not affected by vitamin K intake .

    However, this information about the connections between blood clotting, vitamin K, and blood thinners usually refers to vitamin K1 , which is just one type of vitamin K.

    Theres another type called vitamin K2 , touted to be beneficial for cardiovascular health. To complicate things, vitamin K2 has many subtypes, from MK-4 to MK-13.

    British Columbia Specific Information

    Best Vitamin K Thickens Blood

    Vitamin K helps make proteins that keeps your bones strong and causes your blood to clot when you are bleeding. You need some vitamin K every day for good health. For information on foods that contain vitamin K, see Food Sources of Vitamin K.

    Warfarin, also known as Coumadin, is a blood thinner that helps prevent blood clots or keeps a clot from getting bigger. Vitamin K and Warfarin work against each other in your body. When you are on Warfarin, it is important to keep eating the same amount of vitamin K foods that you usually do, and not suddenly eat a lot more or a lot less. For more information, see Warfarin and Food: A guide for Patients.

    If you want to make any changes to your diet, speak to your health care provider about how to do this safely. Your health care provider may need to adjust your Warfarin dose based on your blood work. The International Normalised Ratio measurement is routine blood work for those on Warfarin. It measures how long it takes to form a blood clot and is used by your health care provider to determine how much Warfarin you should be taking. Always check with your health care provider before making changes in what you eat, or before taking any herbal supplements and other medications , while taking blood thinners.

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