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HomeHow Much Vitamin D Is Needed Daily

How Much Vitamin D Is Needed Daily

How Much Vitamin D Should I Take For Specific Conditions

How much Vitamin D do you need in one day

How much vitamin D should I take if Im deficient?

If a blood test has revealed that youre low in vitamin D, you can either take smaller doses for a long period of time to bring your level up, such as 5,000 to 10,000 IU per day, or a high dose administered over the course of several weeks. For adults with low vitamin D levels, the Endocrine Society recommends taking at least 1,5002,000 IU per day.

If youre taking a very high dose all at once, such as more than 40,000 IU, then its possible that side effects may occur due to vitamin D toxicity. The best thing to do is talk with your doctor about supplementing with higher doses of vitamin D if you are severely deficient or have a very low level according to a blood test.

How much vitamin D should I take for depression?

Theres some evidence that low vitamin D levels are linked with depression, although this doesnt mean that vitamin D deficiency causes depression. Rather, its speculated that people who dont spend much time outside or eat vitamin D foods may also be more likely to develop depression. The dosages of vitamin D used in studies that have focused on depression have varied, typically between 600 IU/day to 4,000 IU/day.

How much vitamin D should I take to lose weight?

Should Vegans Take Vitamin D Supplements

Vitamin D supplementation is considered pretty safe. Vitamin D toxicity is rather unlikely to happen if you dont exceed the upper safe dose of vitamin D.

On the contrary, sunlight exposure can be dangerous.

In any case, you should consult your physician before taking vitamin D supplements.

You better take vitamin D supplements with food. Especially fat. A 2015 study showed that people who consumed dietary fat with vitamin D supplementation increased its absorption by 32%.

The best dietary sources of fat are seeds and nuts.

Youll find a wide variety of vitamin D supplements on Amazon.


Can You Get Enough Vitamin D From The Sun Alone

Some people will be able to get enough vitamin D just from sunlight. However, it depends on where in the world they live, the time of year, the time of day, and their skin color.

People who live nearer the equator get more sun exposure. In the Northern Hemisphere, a person may not get sufficient vitamin D from sunlight during the winter.

The sun is usually strongest between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. In the summer, a person does not need to be out in the sun for very long during this period to make enough vitamin D.

The amount of melanin a persons skin contains affects how much vitamin D they can make. Less melanin results in lighter skin, which does not protect as well against harmful ultraviolet rays.

People with more melanin in their skin have better protection from the sun, but take longer to make vitamin D. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Mexican-Americans and non-Hispanic black people are more likely to have vitamin D deficiency.

These varied factors make it difficult to recommend how much sunlight a person should get to make the vitamin D that their body needs.

The Vitamin D Council gives some examples:

  • At noon during summer in Miami, someone with a medium skin tone would need to expose one-quarter of their skin to sunlight for 6 minutes.
  • At noon during summer in Boston, someone with a darker skin tone would need to expose one-quarter of their skin to sunlight for 2 hours.

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A Lack Of Vitamin D Is Probably Not As Terrible As We Once Thought

Not having enough vitamin D can no doubt lead to problems. But a recent study showed that the vitamins positive impact may not be as big as we once thought particularly for adults who are otherwise healthy and not at increased risk for certain bone conditions.

I do think for people who are older, who are frail, who have certain medical conditions, who might be at risk of osteoporosis, I think it is important for them to get adequate amounts of vitamin D either through sun exposure or supplements or diet, Clines said.

On the other hand, Clines stressed that while vitamin D is crucial, the health care system may have been putting too much emphasis on its importance for people who are otherwise healthy.

Previous studies linked healthy vitamin D levels with a reduction in certain kinds of deaths, but Clines said its now unclear if that link is simply because people who go outside have more sun exposure and are moving around more.

The study also showed that vitamin D did not reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke or death from these diseases, Clines said. Historically it was believed that vitamin D could help reduce bone fractures . But the latest research found this was not the case for healthy adults who dont have any bone issues.

Because the study only followed healthy adults, its worth noting that people who are at higher risk of fractures could still benefit from vitamin D, Clines said.

How Much Vitamin D Is Needed Daily

How much Vitamin D do you need each day?

For everyone else, more vitamin D isnt necessarily better. So how much vitamin D do healthy people need? “The dose that was used in this study is a little bit higher than what is normally recommended for most Americans,” Azar said.

These are the recommended dietary allowances for vitamin D, according to the NIH:

012 months: 10 mcg

113 years: 15 mcg

1418 years: 15 mcg

1950 years: 15 mcg

5170 years: 15 mcg

> 70 years: 20 mcg

“Its really important also to point out again this study was done in normal healthy people,” said Azar. So the takeaway from this study “doesn’t necessarily apply to people who have risks for osteoporosis or who have low bone mass,” she added.

So if you have a vitamin D deficiency, you can and should absolutely keep taking your vitamin D, said Azar. But healthy individuals may not reap as much benefit from these supplements.

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People At Risk Of Vitamin D Deficiency

Some people will not make enough vitamin D from sunlight because they have very little or no sunshine exposure.

The Department of Health and Social Care recommends that adults and children over 4 take a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D throughout the year if they:

  • are not often outdoors for example, if they’re frail or housebound
  • are in an institution like a care home
  • usually wear clothes that cover up most of their skin when outdoors

If you have dark skin for example you have an African, African-Caribbean or south Asian background you may also not make enough vitamin D from sunlight.

You should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D throughout the year.

Should Everyone Get Their Vitamin D Levels Checked Generally No

Karl Insogna, MD, director of Yale Medicines Bone Center

Most people should be fine. Testing is important only for certain populations: for people who are institutionalized for patients with a gastrointestinal disorder or osteoporosis those who have had weight loss surgery those on anti-convulsant medications and children who are immobilized and not outside and active. If youre over 70, I recommend getting your levels checked at least one time.

People whose cultural or religious beliefs require them to be fully clothed, especially if theyre living in northern climates, and whose dietary habits include little or no dairy , may also be vitamin D-deficient and should be tested.

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Will I Know Right Away If I Took Too Much D3

It can take weeks or even months for symptoms of vitamin D toxicity to develop. If you experience any of the symptoms listed above, stop taking your supplement and call your doctor immediately.

Your doctor will likely order a blood test to check your vitamin D levels. They may also recommend other tests to rule out other possible causes of your symptoms.

Why Is D3 Measured In Iu’s

How Much Vitamin D Should I Take (How Much Vitamin D You Need Daily)

The body only needs a small amount of vitamin D each day. However, because it is difficult to get enough from food sources alone, many people choose to take supplements. Vitamin D is measured in International Units and the Recommended Dietary Allowance for adults is 600 IU/day.

Some experts recommend higher doses of vitamin D, particularly for people at risk for deficiency. The tolerable upper limit for adults is 4000 IU/day. Higher doses may be necessary to treat deficiency in some people, but this should only be done under the supervision of a healthcare provider.

If you are considering taking vitamin D supplements, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider first. This is especially important if you are taking other medications, as vitamin D can interact with some drugs.

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Reading Food Labels How Much Calcium Am I Getting

To determine how much calcium is in a particular food, check the nutrition facts panel for the daily value . Food labels list calcium as a percentage of the DV. This amount is based on 1,000 mg of calcium per day. For example:

  • 30% DV of calcium equals 300 mg of calcium.
  • 20% DV of calcium equals 200 mg of calcium.
  • 15% DV of calcium equals 150 mg of calcium.

My Recommended Daily Dose For Vitamin D In Older Adults

For most older adults, I recommend a supplement of vitamin D 1000 IU/day.

I do this because:

  • The American Geriatrics Society recommends that clinicians tell older patients to take vitamin D 1000 IU/day, to help prevent fractures.

I also do this because:

  • Many older adults have risk factors for vitamin D deficiency. These include having osteoporosis and spending limited time outdoors.
  • The skin becomes less able to synthesize vitamin D as people get older.
  • Vitamin D seems to be involved in muscle function. Some research has suggested it can help reduce falls, other research hasnt confirmed this finding. Either way, it seems sensible to avoid frank deficiency.
  • In the vast majority of older people, taking vitamin D 1000 IU as a supplement every day has very low risk of harm.
  • Research suggests that taking vitamin D 1000 IU/day will prevent low vitamin D levels in most older adults.

Other expert groups have provided similar vitamin D guidance. For instance, in 2010 the Institute of Medicine published a report with age-based Recommended Daily Allowances for vitamin D in normal healthy persons. For people aged 1-70, they recommended 600 IU/day. For people aged 71+, they recommended 800 IU/day.

Research suggests that low levels of vitamin D are common in older adults who dont take supplements, but are uncommon in those who do take supplemental vitamin D.

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Recommended Sodium Intake For Older Adults

Sodium is another important mineral. In most Americans diets, sodium primarily comes from salt . Whenever you add salt to your food, youre adding sodium. But the Dietary Guidelines shows that most of the sodium we eat doesnt come from our saltshakers its added to many foods during processing or preparation. We all need some sodium, but too much over time can lead to high blood pressure, which can raise your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

How much sodium is okay? People 51 and older should reduce their sodium intake to 2,300 mg each day. That is about one teaspoon of salt and includes sodium added during manufacturing or cooking as well as at the table when eating. If you have high blood pressure or prehypertension, limiting sodium intake to 1,500 mg per day, about 2/3 teaspoon of salt, may be helpful. Preparing your own meals at home without using a lot of processed foods or salt will allow you to control how much sodium you get. Try using less salt when cooking, and dont add salt before you take the first bite. If you make this change slowly, you will get used to the difference in taste. Also look for grocery products marked low sodium, unsalted, no salt added, sodium free, or salt free. Also check the Nutrition Facts Label to see how much sodium is in a serving.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Vitamin D

Daily Intake Of Vitamin D3 For Adults

Vitamin D is so important for the human body.

It plays an important role in testosterone synthesis, skin health, cell growth, neuromuscular function, immune function, and reduction of inflammation. Most noteworthy, vitamin D has been linked to the prevention of:

  • bone and tooth loss. Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption. Also, it regulates calcium and phosphate in the blood. They are vital for normal bone growth.
  • osteoporosis. Vitamin D along with high doses of vitamin K2 may protect elderly people from osteoporosis.
  • cancer. Vitamin D may decrease the risk for certain cancers, such as colon, prostate, and breast cancer.

Moreover, according to studies, vitamin D may play some role in the prevention and treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity, constipation, glucose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, and depression.

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How Much Vitamin D Should You Take For Optimal Health

Adda Bjarnadottir, MS, RDN Jared Meacham, Ph.D., RD, PMP, MBA, CSCS

Vitamin D is essential for good health.

Its often referred to as the sunshine vitamin and is made in your skin when exposed to sunlight.

Despite that, vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world.

Up to 42% of the American adult population has low vitamin D levels, which can cause health problems (

Vitamin D is crucial for bone health and immune system function.

This article discusses how much vitamin D you need.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin thats involved in many essential body functions.

There are two forms of vitamin D in the diet and supplements:

  • Vitamin D2 : found in some mushrooms.
  • Vitamin D3 : found in oily fish, fish liver oil, and egg yolks.

D3 is the more powerful of the two types and raises vitamin D levels almost twice as much as D2 .

Significant amounts of vitamin D can also be made in your skin when exposed to UV rays from sunlight. Any excess vitamin D is stored in your body fat for later use.

Almost every cell in your body has a receptor for vitamin D. Its essential to many processes, including bone health, immune system function, and can help protect against cancer (

How Much Vitamin D Does The Average Person Need

In November 2010, the Institute of Medicine’s expert panel established a new “dietary reference intake” for vitamin D.

Assuming a person receives virtually no vitamin D from the sun and that they consume enough calcium, the IOM committee recommends consuming these amounts of vitamin D from food or supplements:

· 400 IU/day for infants age 0 to 6 months the maximum safe upper level of intake is 1,000 IU/day for children aged 0 to 6 months

· 400 IU/day for 6- to 12-month-olds maximum safe upper level of intake, 1,500 IU/day

· Adequate intake, 600 IU/day maximum safe upper level of intake, 2,500 IU/day

· Adequate intake, 600 IU/day maximum tolerable upper level of consumption, 3,000 IU/day for ages 4-8 years.

· Adequate intake, 600 IU/day maximum tolerable upper level of intake, 4000 IU/day Adolescents and adults may use up to 4,000 IU per day. Children 9 through 70 months require only 600 IU each day.

· Adequate intake: 800 IU/day maximum safe upper level of intake, 4,000 IU/day for persons over 71 years old.

Note: You should never give infants or children supplemental vitamin D without talking to your doctor first.

The Vitamin D Council recommends that healthy adults consume 2,000 IU of vitamin D each day — more if they don’t get enough sun.

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How Much Vitamin D Should I Take For Optimal Health

Your need for vitamin D goes up if any of these factors apply to you:

  • You know youre already deficient in vitamin D
  • You have dark skin
  • Youre an older adult over 70 . Infants, children and older adults are all at risk for low vitamin D.
  • You spend little time outdoors or always wear sunscreen when exposed to sunlight
  • Youre a shift worker, health care worker or another indoor worker, which means you get little outdoor time and sunlight exposure
  • Youre overweight or obese
  • You are a nursing home resident or hospitalized patient
  • You have a health condition, such as celiac disease, Crohns disease or cystic fibrosis, that interferes with absorption and processing of vitamin D in the intestines, kidneys or liver
  • Breast-fed infants are also at risk for vitamin D deficiency, which is why supplementing is recommended

How much vitamin D should women take per day?

According to the USDA and National Institutes of Health, the standard recommendation of vitamin D that adult women should take in order to prevent deficiency is between 600 to 800 international units per day, depending on age. The exact number is debatable, and some experts feel that a higher dose of vitamin D, around 2,ooo to 5,000 IU per day, may be more beneficial.

How much vitamin D should men take per day?

The standard recommendation for adult men is also between 600 to 800 IU of vitamin D per day. Adults over 70 should supplement with more, at least 800 IU per day, while younger adults need at least 600 IU daily.


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