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What B Vitamin Should I Take For Weight Loss

How Vitamin B12 Can Help You Lose Weight & Shed Fat

How Much B12 Should I Take Daily For Weight Loss?

Weight loss difficulties can be caused by a number of different conditions such as diabetes, stress, changes in the body, and also the hardest one to recognize of all a vitamin deficiency.

The body relies on a variety of vitamins to maintain optimal health, and B12 is among the most important for weight management. If you want to lose excess weight, vitamin B12 is not only energy-enhancing, it has also been linked to weight loss.

What Does Vitamin B12 Do

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin thats crucial for a variety of metabolic and hormonal functions, including the digestion and distribution of nutrients. Because it helps to convert and synthesize many other compounds in the body, there is evidence to recommend vitamins B12 for weight loss in addition to its documented role in:

  • Creating Red Blood Cells
  • Helping Synthesize DNA and RNA
  • Facilitating Conversion of Proteins and Fats
  • Helping Produce Hormones

B Vitamins Are Tied To Lower Stroke Risk

In addition to their role in metabolism and in maintaining healthy skin and hair, B vitamins have been linked to a lower incidence of stroke, a condition in which a blood clot blocks blood flow to the brain, or a blood vessel bursts in the brain. A review of randomized clinical trials that lasted six months or longer revealed that vitamin B supplements lowered risk of stroke by 7 percent for a large group of more than 50,000 participants. The study was authored by Xu Yuming and colleagues from Zhengzhou, China, and published in the September 2013 issue of the clinical journal Neurology. But before you begin taking vitamin B complex or any B vitamin supplement, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider.

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Best Vegan: Garden Of Life Vitamin B Complex

  • Free of gluten, fillers, and binders

  • Also contains raw fruit & vegetable blend and probiotic & enzyme blend

  • May not be suitable for those with grain sensitivities

Meeting the recommended daily intake for all B vitamins from food alone can be challenging for those that follow a vegan diet. Supplementing with a B-complex is recommended for vegansbut finding a product that does not use animal-derived gelatin can be hard. Garden of Lifes Vitamin B Complex – Vitamin Code Raw B Vitamin Whole Food Supplement is composed of all plant-based and vegan ingredients.

Containing all eight B vitamins, this product uses the active form of vitamin B12 , a win for consumers who may have slightly lower levels of vitamin B12. In addition to the B-complex, this product includes a RAW probiotic and enzyme blend for digestive support, as well as a blend of organic fruits and vegetables for additional nutritional support. For consumers with other dietary restrictions, this product is certified kosher, non-GMO, and gluten-free.

Form: Capsule | Type: Methylcobalamin | Dosage: 2 capsules daily, with or without food

  • Contains vitamin C, B6, B1, B2, B12

  • Free of sugar, milk, soy, gluten, wheat, fish

  • Vegetarian

  • May have too strong of a smell for some

As a pro-tip, take water-soluble vitaminssuch as B complex and Cwith non-caffeinated drinks. Caffeinated drinks can cause increased urination, which can decrease the concentration of these vitamins along with fluid loss.

Get Adequate Amounts Of All Essential Vitamins And Minerals

How Much B12 Should I Take Daily For Weight Loss

So, if you’re still wondering ‘what type of vitamins should I take to lose weight?’ we’ve highlighted a few standout micronutrients when it comes to losing weight and maintaining healthy body fat levels. It’s crucial to note, however, the importance of making sure you take in an adequate amount of all the essential vitamins and minerals if you’re looking to manage your weight. If you find yourself deficient in one or more of the key vitamins, your body will register the lack of nutrients and respond by increasing your hunger signals in order to restore your micronutrient levels. While this protective physiological mechanism would be appropriate if an individual found themselves malnourished or severely under fueled, it’s counterproductive for someone trying to trim down.

The MICROGEL multivitamin Bioactive Mutli by Healthycell, for example, is an ideal supplement to meet the nutritional demands that allow us to keep our weight in check. By offering the key micronutrients our body needs in a highly bioavailable format, the Bioactive Multi efficiently feeds our cells the necessary nutrients we need. This prevents a physiological “false alarm” that initiates overconsumption in an attempt to fill a nutritional void. So if you’re looking to lose weight and generally improve your overall health, prioritize your body’s intake of the full spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals with a multivitamin supplement like the Bioactive Multi by Healthycell.


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Does Vitamin B12 Help With Memory

In addition to controlling mood, vitamin B12 also plays an important role in memory and cognition. Low levels of B12 have been linked to a higher risk of dementia and Alzheimers disease. Studies havent been able to prove whether B12 can improve or reverse memory loss once it becomes problematic however, being proactive with taking B12 throughout your life may help prevent the onset of cognitive decline.

Vitamin B Can Help You Lose Weight

Vitamin B deficiencies in particular turn up often in those struggling to lose weight. One reason for this is that our bodies dont store the B vitamins in the same way that they store other vitamins. We end up excreting whatever B vitamins we take in but dont use right away. So stocking up on B vitamins in one sitting doesnt do us any good the next day. If we dont resupply our bodies with those essential nutrients, the systems that require vitamin B to function efficiently will suffer.

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When To Get Vitamin B12 Shots

B12 shots are usually prescribed by a doctor to treat vitamin B12 deficiency. The frequency at which you should receive B12 shots is normally determined by your doctor. When you first start getting B12 injections, you may be required to visit your doctor as often as once or twice per week during the first few months, after which you may receive shots once per month. Your doctor will usually perform assessments during your appointments to determine your need for future B12 shots.

Are you ready to take control of your weight and your health? At Garcia Weight Loss and Wellness Centers, our medically supervised weight-loss programs are custom tailored to help address your biggest health challenges and meet your goals. Schedule your no-cost consultation today!

This post was originally published in May, 2017, and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.

Medically reviewed by Jay J. Garcia, MD on November 5, 2018

Vitamin B And Weight Loss: What Is The Correlation

Doc Weight Loss – B Vitamins and Weight Loss

The Vitamin B complex is a group of eight B vitamins. They help convert food into glucose and thus provide the body with energy. The Vitamin B complex also helps neurological functions, and they help the body metabolize fats and proteins. All of the vitamins can be found in various foods and supplements.

What is in the B Complex?

Thiamine helps to strengthen the immune system. Riboflavin is an antioxidant and thus protects the bodys cells from free radicals. Niacin reduces the levels of bad cholesterol while increasing the levels of good cholesterol. Reducing bad cholesterol is believed to help prevent hardening of the arteries.

Pantothenic acid helps metabolize carbohydrates and fats, and it helps produce hormones including testosterone. Pyroxidine or Vitamin B6 helps make neurotransmitters and certain hormones, and it also helps boost the immune system. Biotin helps developing babies grow normally, and it keeps peoples hair, nails and skin healthy.

Folate also supports the growth of developing babies and prevents birth defects of the nervous system. It may also prevent memory loss and depression. Cobalamin works with folate to make red blood cells.

Does It Help People Lose Weight?

It is believed that certain vitamins in the Vitamin B complex can help people lose weight. Some of these vitamins are needed to help the body metabolize various nutrients. A 2013 study indicated that overweight and obese people were likely to have low levels of Vitamin B12.

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How Much Weight Can You Lose With B12 Injections

Theres no solid evidence that vitamin B12 injections aid weight loss. Some weightloss clinics offer vitamin B12 injections as part of their weightloss programs. Proponents of vitamin B12 injections say the shots give you more energy and boost your metabolism, helping you shed unwanted pounds.

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Do You Need A Vitamin B12 Supplement

Since the symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency are fairly commonespecially mid-pandemicit can be challenging to determine if your levels are too low. Symptoms are broad and include fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, and pernicious or megaloblastic anemia. Nerve problems, such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, are also a risk, Somer says. Over time, a deficiency of B12 can cause problems with balance, confusion, depression, poor memory and dementia, and it can even cause permanent damage to the nervous system. That means treating a deficiency as soon as possible is crucial.

A deficiency can result from several causes:

  • Poor dietary intake of vitamin B12, especially in vegetarians and vegans
  • Low secretion of either hydrochloric acid or intrinsic factor, two gastric substances required for the vitamins absorption
  • Medications that impact vitamin B12 absorption, such as metformin and some drugs used to treat heartburn or acid reflux

While poor intake is rare, poor absorption is not uncommon, especially as people age. As a result, about 15% of Americans are low in vitamin B12, Somer says. A physician can order blood tests to assess your vitamin B12 status, but if you suspect a nutrient deficiency, a comprehensive nutritional analysis may also be beneficial, Gray says.

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What Are The Sources Of Vitamin B12

If you want to get your B12 from fortified foods rather than take supplements, youd have to eat three separate servings of B12-fortified foods, ideally with each serving containing at least 190 percent of the Daily Value on the products nutrition facts label.

Foods sources of B12 include:

  • Fortified plant-based meats

Are there any green light foods that contain vitamin B12?

Nutritional yeast is a commonly B12-enriched food source and one of my favorites.

How much nutritional yeast would you need to meet the recommended daily B12 dosage for an adult under the age of 65? It depends on the brand. For instance:

  • Braggs: 1 teaspoon three times a day
  • NOW: 2 teaspoons three times a day
  • Bobs Red Mill: 1 tablespoon three times a day
  • KAL: 1 tablespoon three times a day
  • Red Star: 1 tablespoon three times a day
  • Trader Joes: 1½ tablespoons three times a day

Heads-up that Dr. Fuhrmans nutritional yeast and Frontier Co-ops are unfortified.

Which is better? I discuss this in my video The Best Type of Vitamin B12: Cyanocobalamin or Methylcobalamin.

I take cyanocobalamin as my B12 supplement for two reasons: its high stability and its track record of safety and efficacy.

Methylcobalamin is less stable than cyanocobalamin and is particularly susceptible to photodecompositionthat is, destruction from light exposure. One study found that even up to 2,000 micrograms a day of methylcobalamin wasnt enough to correct vitamin B12 deficiency in one of three vegans tested.

Vitamin B3 Breaks Down Food Into Energy

Taking B12 to Lose Weight: What You Should Know

We need vitamin B3, also called nicotinic acid or niacin, in our diets every day to break down food we eat into energy we can use. Females who are 14 and older need 14 mg a day males in this age group need 16 mg daily. Legumes, nuts, enriched breads, dairy, fish, and lean meats are all good sources of this type of vitamin B.

Not getting enough niacin in your diet causes the disorder known as pellagra. Symptoms of pellagra include both physical and mental difficulties, diarrhea, inflamed mucus membranes, and dementia. Pellagra can also result when the body is not able to absorb enough niacin because of alcoholism. Health benefits of niacin include its use as a treatment to help control high blood levels of cholesterol. Doses of niacin high enough to lower cholesterol are associated with several side effects and should only be taken with a physicians supervision.

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Dr Weils Guide To B Vitamins

The B vitamins are a class of water-soluble nutrients that play an important role in maintaining normal physiologic and metabolic functions. In all, there are eight individual members of the B family that are commonly referred to as B-complex. Although each B vitamin is unique, they have closely interrelated functions. The body does not store B vitamins well, and the need for them is increased by stress, smoking, use of alcohol and drugs, unhealthy dietary practices, shift work, illness, and demanding travel schedules.

The B vitamins play important roles in energy production, the synthesis and repair of DNA and RNA, and carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. They may also help calm and maintain a healthy nervous system, and can be important in the maintenance of healthy skin and muscle tone.

Best Vitamins For Weight Loss And Energy

When it comes to losing weight, nothing beats a good diet and a bit of exercise. However, quite often life gets in the way and you need some help. To boost weight loss your body NEEDS essential vitamins. In this article, Ill show you the best vitamins for weight loss so you can achieve your weight loss goals.

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Don’t Forget Your Diet

In addition to taking in vitamin B complex for weight loss, focus on adopting a balanced diet. Fill your plate with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, lean proteins, and avoid saturated fats and added sugars, per the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020. By eating these foods, not only will you be able to meet your weight-loss goals, but you’ll also be meeting your B vitamin needs and enjoying vitamin B benefits.

Riboflavin Boosts The Immune System

Vitamin B12 MIC Lipotropic Injections for weight/fat loss!! UPDATE!! -10lbs

A diet rich in vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is needed to avoid riboflavin deficiency. Recommended daily allowances of B2 are 1.3 mg a day for men and 1.1 mg a day for women. Pregnant women need 1.4 mg daily, and breast-feeding mothers should have 1.6 mg each day. You can get this B vitamin from natural sources such as nuts, green vegetables, meat, and dairy products.

Riboflavin helps your body break down and use the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in your diet and helps metabolize food into energy. This type of B vitamin also functions to keep your skin, the lining of your gut, and your blood cells healthy. Getting enough riboflavin may be preventive for migraine headaches and cataracts, according to the National Institutes of Health. Riboflavin may also increase energy levels, boost the immune system, and treat acne, muscle cramps, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

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Spotlight On Three Of The Bs: Folate Vitamin B6 And Vitamin B12

One of the advances that changed the way we look at vitamins was the discovery that too little folate is linked to birth defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly.

Folate Vitamin B9

Another line of research about folate and two other B vitamins, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, explores their roles in reducing some types of cancer and heart disease.

Vitamin B6

Do I Need To Take Vitamin B12 Supplements

Unless you have a B12 deficiency or have identified a risk factor for deficiency , theres no need to take a vitamin B12 supplement. Instead, include food sources of vitamin B12 into your diet, says Taylor.

If youre taking vitamin B12 supplements in addition to the vitamin-rich foods youre consuming, you could experience diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and headache. Symptoms of excessive intake are rare since your body will excrete an extra through your urine, adds Taylor.

The best thing to do? Consult with your doctor about a possible vitamin B12 deficiency. A simple blood panel will confirm your vitamin B12 levels and a plan of action can be developed from there.

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What Is The Recommended Intake Of Vitamin B Complex

According to the NHS, each individual B vitamin has a different recommended dosage per day, which is different for men and women. When you buy vitamin B complex supplements, its worth reading the ingredients list to make sure the dosages are close to the RDAs outlined below.

There is no specific guidance about daily dosages for B5 or B7 . Instead, the NHS recommends that a daily dosage of B5 should not exceed 200mg, and that a daily dosage of B7 should not exceed 0.9mg.

Follow The Sun To Increase Vitamin D

How Much Vitamin B

A 2011 study showed overweight adults who took vitamin D and calcium lost more fat from their abdomens than those who didnt. Vitamin D, which is a hormone, helps your body absorb calcium. To increase your levels, get sun exposure daily. You can also obtain vitamin D from a supplement or foods, such as salmon, tuna, egg yolks, and fortified milk, yogurt, and cereals.

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Best Vitamins For Weight Loss

Before I share with you the best vitamins for weight loss, I want to include a little disclaimer.

Some vitamins, such as fat-soluble vitamins, can be taken too much.

Not only can you overdose if you IGNORE the instructions on the labels, but some supplements may interfere with underlying medical conditions.

Always consult with your doctor before taking supplements to get the all clear.

For most of you these vitamins will help you to lose weight and feel healthier, but without knowing your medical history, its better to be safe and check.

Okay, on with the show.


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