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What Does Vitamin D Come From

How Much Vitamin D Do I Need Every Day

What Is Vitamin D For? Where Does Vitamin D Come From What Does It Do? Low Vitamin D Cholecalciferol

The population reference intake is 15 micrograms per day for adults. For other population groups, PRIs are currently being assessed and will be published in 2021.

It should be noted that the PRI for vitamin D was defined considering only the vitamin D intake from food and not the contribution from exposure to the sun.

According to data from the INCA 3 study, the average vitamin D intake in the French population through food is:

  • 5.2 micrograms/day for children between the ages of 1 and 3 years
  • 2.6 micrograms/day for children between the ages of 4 and 10 years
  • 2.9 micrograms/day for children between the ages of 11 and 17 years
  • 3.1 micrograms/day for adults between the ages of 18-79 years.

These intakes are higher for men than for women.

What Doses Are Available

Most supplement manufacturers have to keep their pills small enough for the average person to swallow comfortably. The most common dosage of vitamin D from supplements is 400 IU, the Linus Pauling Institute reports, but theyre also available in 1000 IU and 2000 IU. Some calcium supplements also contain vitamin D.

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You Value Is Higher Than 150 Ng/ml

These values could harm your health. You should therefore take steps to reduce your 25D value to below 100 ng/ml. To achieve this, simply stop taking vitamin D dietary supplements and avoid sunbathing. After roughly 3 months, have your 25D levels retested. After your Vitamin D value is back in the normal range, adjust your vitamin D intake accordingly.

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Common Side Effects Of Vitamin D Vs D3

There are no common side effects to therapy with either vitamin D2 or D3. Side effects related to vitamin D are the result of hypervitaminosis D, an extremely rare condition that occurs when you intake too much vitamin D. This is sometimes seen in patients who take megadoses of vitamin D, leading to vitamin D toxicity. The result is a build up of dangerously high levels of calcium in the blood which can lead to nausea, vomiting, constipation, and frequent urination. If left untreated, irreversible renal failure can occur along with calcification of organs and soft tissues.

The following table lists side effects related to hypervitaminosis D, not normal vitamin D supplementation. More information on vitamin D toxicity may be obtained from your doctor or pharmacist, as this may not be a complete list.

Source: DailyMed.

The Final Verdict On Vitamin D

source of vitamin D

No bones about it, the endocrinologists we interviewed agree with our dermatologist.

“Just being outdoors, you get a fair amount of sun exposure and some sun-related generation of vitamin D, says Dr. Insogna. Because skin cancer, particularly melanoma, can be such a devastating disease, it’s best to use sunblock when outdoors in strong sunlight for any prolonged length of time. Because this may limit the amount of vitamin D you get from sun exposure, make sure your diet includes sources of vitamin D from foods or supplements, he says.

Both your skin and your bones will thank you.

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What Is The Difference Between Vitamin D2 And D3

Vitamin D2 and D3 are two important forms of vitamin D. D2 comes from plants and D3 comes from mainly animal sources or it is made by our bodies when our skin is exposed to sunlight. D3 is better absorbed and more potent than D2. Fortified milk or juice is more likely to contain D2 because it is cheaper to produce.

My Doctor Prescribed 50000 Ius Of Vitamin D Isnt That Too Much

A dose of 50,000 IUs of vitamin D once a week is a common prescription to boost your vitamin D level if it is low. Pay attention to how often your doctor wants you to take this. It is not once a day that would be too much.

Typically your doctor will have you take this dose once a week for 2 to 3 months and then recheck your vitamin D blood level.

Some doctors recommend that you continue the dose of 50,000 IUs every other week for long term maintenance rather than prescribing a daily dose.

Note that the prescription strength of 50,000 IUs is vitamin D2. Some online sources that do not require a prescription may supply vitamin D3. A dose of 50,000 IUs of vitamin D2 should be taken at intervals no greater than three weeks because the blood levels wane. One dose of vitamin D3 lasts longer but you should take 50,000 IUs of vitamin D no greater than one month apart.

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Chewable Vitamin D For Children

It looks like a sweet treat, it tastes like a sweet treat, no wonder your kids will probably prefer chewable vitamin D capsules!

We stock a wide range of chewable vitamin D, such as Wellkid Peppa Pig Vitamin D Soft Jellies which contain the exact level of Vitamin D recommended by the Department of Health England.16

We also offer child and Teen Omega 3 Fish Oil Chewy Capsules with Vitamin D, so they get their all-important omega 3s along with their daily dose of vitamin D.

Vitamin D Across The Life Cycle

The Side Effects of Vitamin D Come From a Magnesium Deficiency

Overall, vitamin D’s role at different life stages is less clearly age-related than that of calcium, and also less well understood, with numerous gaps in basic information. Although some aspects of vitamin D nutrition and physiology have been found to differ with life stage, most of the functions of vitamin D are quite consistent across life stages from infancy and childhood, to adolescence, adulthood, and old age. For all life stages highlighted below, specific studies and conclusions are detailed in .

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Vegan Vitamin D Spray

If you want a vegan source of the faster-acting vitamin D3 or simply cannot stand taking tablets or capsules, a vitamin D spray could be for you.

Vitamin D sprays act incredibly fast as they bypass the digestive system and deliver vitamin D directly into the bloodstream.

Beware however, that not all vitamin D sprays are vegan, but BetterYou Dlux Vegan Vitamin D Spray is. Give it a go and see if it works for you.

Synthesis In The Skin

Vitamin D3 is produced photochemically from 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin of most vertebrate animals, including humans. The precursor of vitamin D3, 7-dehydrocholesterol is produced in relatively large quantities. 7-Dehydrocholesterol reacts with UVB light at wavelengths of 290â315 nm. These wavelengths are present in sunlight, as well as in the light emitted by the UV lamps in tanning beds . Exposure to light through windows is insufficient because glass almost completely blocks UVB light.

Adequate amounts of vitamin D can be produced with moderate sun exposure to the face, arms and legs , averaging 5â30 minutes twice per week, or approximately 25% of the time for minimal sunburn. The darker the skin, and the weaker the sunlight, the more minutes of exposure are needed. Vitamin-D overdose is impossible from UV exposure: the skin reaches an equilibrium where the vitamin degrades as fast as it is created.

The skin consists of two primary layers: the inner layer called the dermis, and the outer, thinner epidermis. Vitamin D is produced in the keratinocytes of two innermost strata of the epidermis, the stratum basale and stratum spinosum, which also are able to produce calcitriol and express the VDR.

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Health Effects Of Low Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency does not always have obvious symptoms but without treatment there can be significant health effects. These can include bone and muscle pain, and softening of the bones such as rickets and osteomalacia .

Some people are at greater risk of vitamin D deficiency, including:

  • people with naturally very dark skin this is because the pigment in dark skin doesnt absorb as much UV radiation
  • people who avoid the sun due to previous skin cancers, immune suppression or sensitive skin and those people who have limited sun exposure, such as nightshift workers
  • people who wear covering clothing or concealing clothing
  • people who spend a long time indoors such as those who are housebound or institutionalised
  • people who are obese
  • people who have a disability or a disease that affects vitamin D metabolism, such as end stage liver disease, renal disease and fat malabsorption syndromes such as cystic fibrosis, coeliac disease and inflammatory bowel disease
  • people who take medication that affects vitamin D metabolism
  • breast-fed babies of vitamin D deficient mothers

If you think you may be at risk of vitamin D deficiency, talk to your GP for advice. Your GP may recommend taking a vitamin D supplement.

Overexposure to UV is never recommended, even for people who have vitamin D deficiency.

How Does Sunlight Give Us Vitamin D

The Low

When we get sunlight on our skin, our body produces a substance called cholecalciferol.

This is then turned into calcidiol and then calcitriol by the liver and kidneys.

Calcitriol is what your Doctor would measure to assess your Vitamin D levels.

There are three ways to get enough Vitamin D:

  • from exposure to enough sunlight on your skin
  • from food sources
  • from a good Vitamin D supplement
  • During sunny months, your body might make excess calcidiol. But it will not go to waste. Any extra will be stored in your body fat as a kind of back up for those grey winter days.

    Experts think that just 10 minutes of sunlight on your skin is enough to avoid Vitamin D deficiency. So get outside when you can!

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    What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency

    Severe lack of vitamin D causes rickets, which shows up in children as incorrect growth patterns, weakness in muscles, pain in bones and deformities in joints. This is very rare. However, children who are deficient in vitamin D can also have muscle weakness or sore and painful muscles.

    Lack of vitamin D is not quite as obvious in adults. Signs and symptoms might include:

    • Fatigue.

    Assays For Serum 25ohd

    Serum 25OHD comprises the sum of 25OHD2 and 25OHD3. Because of the widespread use of both vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 in the United States and Canada, analysts must measure both 25OHD2 and 25OHD3 in order to provide the total 25OHD level in serum. This is in contrast to the situation in Europe where there has been a tradition of using only vitamin D3 and where commercial methods that purport to measure only 25OHD3 are available.

    In North America, several assay types are currently in use, each with strengths and weaknesses . The two most common types of assays are

    • Antibody-based methods, which use a kit or an automated clinical chemistry platform and
    • Liquid chromatography -based methods, which use automated equipment featuring either UV or mass spectrometric -detection.

    As discussed below, both these methods are equivalent in terms of measuring the physiologically relevant parameter , but there remains controversy over the performance of these assays in clinical and research laboratories. Moreover, reports in the literature for serum 25OHD measures should be interpreted with care, taking into account the type of assay employed, use of automation, year of analysis, and context of the analysis.

    Overview of Assay Methodology

    Thus, a variety of methods are available to determine serum 25OHD levels, each with its advantages and disadvantages that must be considered in evaluating the data arising from them.

    Assay Performance Concerns

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    Different Effects On The Immune System

    A recent study found that vitamin D2 and D3 supplementation had different effects on genes important for immune function. These findings are significant, as most previous research has failed to find much difference in the effect of supplementation with either vitamin D2 or D3.

    Most of the research published to date has suggested that the main difference between vitamin D2 and D3 supplementation is the effect on circulating vitamin D levels in the bloodstream. Studies have repeatedly shown that vitamin D3 is superior at raising levels of vitamin D in the body. These findings were supported by a recent review of the evidence which found that vitamin D3 supplementation increased vitamin D levels in the body better than vitamin D2. But not all studies agree.

    Very few studies support vitamin D2 supplementation being superior to vitamin D3. One trial showed that vitamin D2 was better at treating immune issues in patients who were on steroid therapy. However, other than increasing vitamin D levels in the body, there is not much evidence that vitamin D3 supplements are better than vitamin D2 supplements. One study found that vitamin D3 improved calcium levels more than vitamin D2. But we need more research to provide definitive answers.

    What Supplement Should I Take If I Am At Risk Of Low Vitamin D

    Does Vitamin D Influence Mood?

    The UK government recommendation stays at a minimum of 10µg vitamin D a day for vulnerable groups like the over 65s, people with darker skin and those who cover a lot of their skin for religious reasons, etc.

    They just recommend that you take it all year round, and not just in autumn and winter.

    We hope this guide has helped you determine which vitamin D supplement is best for you.

    As always, this information cannot replace medical care, so please check with your doctor before trying any new supplements.

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    What Foods Have Vitamin D

    Only a few foods contain vitamin D. Vitamin D can be found in foods and supplements as either D2 or D3.

    Food sources of vitamin D2 include:

    • Mushrooms
    • Fortified foods containing D2
    • Butter
    • Oily fish and fish oil
    • Fortified foods containing D3

    Since D2 is cheaper to produce, its the most common form in fortified foods.

    Vitamin D : Why Do I Need An Adequate Intake And How Can I Make Sure I Get It

    Keywords : Nutrition, Vitamins

    Vitamin D plays a key role in maintaining bone and muscle tissue and boosting our immune system. However, most French people do not get enough. What foods should I eat to ensure an adequate intake? What are the health risks in the event of vitamin D deficiency? Is the consumption of food supplements the answer to preventing deficiency? Do some population groups need more vitamin D than others? Is there a risk in the event of excess intake? ANSES answers all your questions.


    Vitamin D is also involved in:

    • hormonal regulation
    • differentiation and activity of immune system cells
    • differentiation of certain skin cells

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    Whats The Difference Between Vitamin D2 And D3

    There are two main forms of vitamin D vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 and the difference between them has to do with their chemical structure and the way theyre made. Vitamin D3 is the form of vitamin D that the body makes from sunshine hitting your skin. You can get it from animal-derived sources. Vitamin D2, on the other hand, is plant based.

    How Can I Help Prevent Vitamin D Deficiency

    Hum Nutrition Here Comes the Sun Vitamin D Supplement

    The goals of treating and preventing the lack of vitamin D of treatment and prevention are the sameto reach and keep an adequate level of vitamin D in the body. Your healthcare provider will let you know if you need to take or keep taking vitamin D supplements. If so, they will also let you know how much you should take. You might also want to consider:

    Eating more foods that contain vitamin D: See the vitamin D food sources table included in this article. Keep in mind that foods alone usually don’t meet the daily recommended levels of vitamin D.

    Getting some exposure to sunshinebut not too much: Exactly how much sun exposure is needed isnt clear. 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure two to three times a week to the face, arms, legs or back may be all that is needed to absorb a suitable amount of vitamin D. You might need more sun exposure if:

    • You are older.
    • You have a darker skin color.
    • You live in northern climates.

    The use of sunscreen, and standing behind a window, prevents vitamin D from being produced in the skin. However, you should remember that too much sunshine increases the risk of skin cancer and ages the skin. That is why taking an appropriately dosed D supplement is far safer than intentionally getting routine sun exposure.

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    How Long Should We Spend In The Sun

    Most people can make enough vitamin D from being out in the sun daily for short periods with their forearms, hands or lower legs uncovered and without sunscreen from late March or early April to the end of September, especially from 11am to 3pm.

    Its not known exactly how much time is needed in the sun to make enough vitamin D to meet the bodys requirements.

    This is because there are a number of factors that can affect how vitamin D is made, such as your skin colour or how much skin you have exposed.

    But you should be careful not to burn in the sun, so take care to cover up or protect your skin with sunscreen before your skin starts to turn red or burn.

    People with dark skin, such as those of African, African-Caribbean or south Asian origin, will need to spend longer in the sun to produce the same amount of vitamin D as someone with lighter skin.

    How long it takes for your skin to go red or burn varies from person to person. Cancer Research UK has tips to help you protect your skin in the sun.

    Your body cant make vitamin D if youre sitting indoors by a sunny window because ultraviolet B rays cant get through the glass.

    The longer you stay in the sun, especially for prolonged periods without sun protection, the greater your risk of skin cancer.

    If you plan to be out in the sun for long, cover up with suitable clothing, wrap-around sunglasses, seeking shade and applying at least SPF15 sunscreen.


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