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What Is The Function Of Vitamin C

Umzu Boost Immunity With Vitamin C Elderberry & Zinc

Vitamin C: Metabolism and Function

Image courtesy Umzu

Need a delicious way to get your daily vitamins? Check out our Boost Immunity with Vitamin C, Elderberry & Zinc Gummies. Packed with 50mg of zinc and 500mg of Vitamin C, they’ll help support your immune system all year long. Plus, they’re made with organic plant-based extracts and natural ingredients so you can feel good about taking them.

How Much Vitamin C Do I Need Per Day

How much vitamin C you need per day changes according to your age, sex and life-stage.

The dietary reference value for healthy adults is between 95-110 mg of vitamin C per day. During pregnancy and lactation, needs can go up to 105 mg and 155 mg of vitamin C per day, respectively.

We can get enough vitamin C from our diets by eating a variety of foods. Following your country’s dietary guidelines on a healthy and balanced diet will help you meet your needs for vitamin C.

* These values are based on the population reference intake estimates from European Food Safety Authority . They should not be interpreted as nutrient goals. To know more about DRVs in Europe .

Vitamin C Strengthens The Immune System

Perhaps vitamin Cs best-known benefit is the positive effect it has on the immune system. In a review published in November 2017 in Nutrients, vitamin C was found to support the immune system by protecting against oxidative stress, aiding in microbial killing, and decreasing the potential for tissue damage. A deficiency in this vitamin has been shown to increase the rate of infections. Its unlikely that loading up on vitamin C once you start sniffling will keep you from getting a cold, but it could help you recover more quickly, according to a prior review.

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Vitamin C In Health And Disease: Its Role In The Metabolism Of Cells And Redox State In The Brain

  • Laboratorio de Estrés Oxidativo y Plasticidad Cerebral, Departamento de Fisiología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, Mexico

Ever since Linus Pauling published his studies, the effects of vitamin C have been surrounded by contradictory results. This may be because its effects depend on a number of factors such as the redox state of the body, the dose used, and also on the tissue metabolism. This review deals with vitamin C pharmacokinetics and its participation in neurophysiological processes, as well as its role in the maintenance of redox balance. The distribution and the concentration of vitamin C in the organs depend on the ascorbate requirements of each and on the tissue distribution of sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter 1 and 2 . This determines the specific distribution pattern of vitamin C in the body. Vitamin C is involved in the physiology of the nervous system, including the support and the structure of the neurons, the processes of differentiation, maturation, and neuronal survival the synthesis of catecholamine, and the modulation of neurotransmission. This antioxidant interacts with self-recycling mechanisms, including its participation in the endogenous antioxidant system. We conclude that the pharmacokinetic properties of ascorbate are related to the redox state and its functions and effects in tissues.

What Is Vitamin C

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)

Vitamin C, or L-ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient. That means your body doesn’t make it, so you have to get it through diet or supplements. Vitamin C is in many foods, such as oranges, red and green peppers, and kiwi.

Research has confirmed some general health benefits of vitamin C. When it comes to using it as a treatment or preventive measure for specific conditions, though, many of the studies have been inconclusive or found no benefit.

Dietary supplements are not regulated in the United States, meaning the Food and Drug Administration does not approve them for safety and effectiveness before products are marketed. When possible, choose a supplement that has been tested by a third party, such as USP , Consumer Labs, or NSF International.

However, even if supplements are third-party tested, they are not safe for all or effective in general. Therefore, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider about any supplements you plan to take and check-in about potential interactions with other supplements or medications.

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Which Type Of Vitamin C Is Best

Here, the best vitamin C supplements:

  • Best Overall: Nature’s Bounty Vitamin C. …
  • Best Organic: Garden of Life Vitamin C with Amla. …
  • Best Capsule: Solgar Vitamin C 1000 mg. …
  • Best Gummy: NOW Chewable Vitamin C-500. …
  • Best Boosted: Pure Encapsulations Essential-C & Flavonoids. …
  • Best Tasting: MegaFood C Defense Gummies.

Food Sources Of Vitamin C

It is always best to get your nutrients from food rather than supplements.

Fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, are good sources. Foods naturally rich in vitamin C include:

  • Raw red bell peppers: 95 milligrams per 1/2-cup serving
  • Orange juice: 93 milligrams per 3/4-cup serving
  • Orange: 70 milligrams per one medium fruit
  • Kiwi: 64 milligrams per one medium fruit
  • Raw green peppers: 60 milligrams per 1/2-cup serving
  • Cooked broccoli: 51 milligrams per 1/2-cup serving
  • Strawberries: 49 milligrams per 1/2-cup serving
  • Cooked Brussels sprouts: 48 milligrams per 1/2-cup serving
  • Tomato juice: 33 milligrams per 3/4-cup serving
  • Cantaloupe: 29 milligrams per 1/2-cup serving

If you don’t get enough vitamin C from what you eat, a supplement can help get you to the right levels.

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Vitamin And Mineral Deficiencies And Supplements

The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K can be locked away in the liver and body fat, and stored for a long time. The water-soluble vitamins, including B-complex and vitamin C, are mostly only stored for a shorter period.A vitamin deficiency takes weeks or months before it will affect your health. For instance, it would take months of no vitamin C before you developed scurvy.

Vitamin and mineral supplements may be recommended in certain circumstances to correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies such as folate for women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Others who may be at risk of a vitamin or mineral deficiency include:

What Happens If I Have Too Much Vitamin C

Vitamin C / Ascorbic acid Animation – Metabolism,Sources, Synthesis , functions, Scurvy

Vitamin C is not considered harmful and its unlikely that we get too much of it from foods alone.

However, having 3-4 times more than the DRV can upset our stomach and gut, causing, for example, diarrhoea. Moreover, theres no evidence for an increased intake of vitamin C beyond the recommendation to result in any health benefits or consequences in healthy people.

Before taking vitamin C supplements, check with your doctor or a registered dietitian/nutritionist or consult your national dietary guideline.

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What Foods Contain Vitamin C

We can find vitamin C in a variety of foods, but some of its richest sources include:

Usually, meat and fish dont have much vitamin C, but kidney and liver are two good animal sources of this vitamin.

Some herbs and spices are also rich in vitamin C however, they dont really increase our intake of this vitamin because we only eat them in very small amounts.

While vitamin C is particularly high in fruits and vegetables, the amount of this vitamin in plant foods varies depending on factors such as the plants growing conditions, type of soil, season of harvesting, transport and shelf time prior to use.

What Causes Vitamin C Deficiency

Vitamin C deficiency is most commonly caused by not consuming enough foods that are rich in vitamin C. While citrus fruits are the best known source of this nutrient, other good sources include bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe, kiwi, mangoes, potatoes , strawberries, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes. Some people may also need to take a vitamin C supplement to ensure they are getting enough of this important nutrient.

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It’s Essential For Innate And Adaptive Immunity

For example, as nutritionist Joanna Foley, R.D., CLT, previously shared with mindbodygreen, vitamin C promotes the multiplication of lymphocytes and helps immune cells, such as white blood cells , neutralize unwanted microbes.*

And that’s just the beginning. As mbg’s vice president of scientific affairs Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., RDN, explains, “Research on this essential water-soluble micronutrient and immunity indicates that vitamin C is fighting on our behalf in numerous and targeted ways, from skin barrier functions and phagocytosis to neutralizing microbes, cleanup of exhausted immune cells, and gene regulation.”*

Neurodegenerative And Mental Health Disorders

Detox C  Gluten

Vitamin C’s antioxidant activity may play a role in brain heath.

Research suggests regular dietary intake plus supplements may protect you from neurodegeneration related to aging and diseases such as:

Studies suggest vitamin C deficiency may contribute to the development of these mental and neurodegenerative conditions and that supplementation may help alleviate symptoms. However, this work is preliminary and more research is needed.

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How Can I Prevent Vitamin C Deficiency

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in many body functions. It is involved in the synthesis of collagen, a protein that helps wounds heal. Vitamin C also helps the body absorb iron from food and aids in the formation of red blood cells.

Most people can get enough vitamin C by eating a variety of fruits and vegetables. However, some people may be at risk for vitamin C deficiency. These include smokers, people with certain medical conditions, and those who do not eat enough fruits and vegetables.

Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency include fatigue, muscle weakness, joint pain, gum disease, and easy bruising. If left untreated, vitamin C deficiency can lead to more serious health problems such as scurvy.

If you think you may be at risk for vitamin C deficiency, talk to your doctor about getting a blood test to check your levels. Treatment for vitamin C deficiency includes taking supplements and/or increasing your intake of foods rich in this nutrient.

Its Antioxidant Properties Help Guard Against Chronic Disease

Many of the benefits of vitamin C can be traced to its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants act to neutralize free radicals, which are volatile and harmful substances produced in the body that cause damage to cells and tissues, Samuels says. According to the Mayo Clinic, antioxidants can protect against the development of serious health conditions, such as cancer or heart disease. More studies especially ones involving human participants are needed, however, to show whether vitamin C specifically can prevent cancer or cardiovascular disease, per Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

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How To Take It

The best way to take vitamin C supplements is 2 – 3 times per day, with meals, depending on the dosage. Some studies suggest that adults should take 250 – 500 mg twice a day for any benefit. Talk to your doctor before taking more than 1,000 mg of vitamin C on a daily basis and before giving vitamin C to a child.

Daily intake of dietary vitamin C is listed below.


  • Men over 18 years: 90 mg
  • Women over 18 years: 75 mg
  • Pregnant women 14 – 18 years: 80 mg
  • Pregnant women over 18 years: 85 mg
  • Breastfeeding women 14 – 18 years: 115 mg
  • Breastfeeding women over 18 years: 120 mg

Because smoking depletes vitamin C, people who smoke may need an additional 35 mg per day.

The dose recommended to prevent or treat many of the conditions mentioned in the Uses section is often 500 – 1,000 mg per day.

Is It Ok To Take Vitamin C Every Day

Role of Vitamin C in your health | Best Sources of Vitamin C

While most other animals can make vitamin C, humans need a bit of help. Because we can’t synthesize vitamin C , we have to consume it daily.

Ferira, a nutrition scientist and registered dietitian, puts things in further perspective, sharing that, “almost half of American adults have a vitamin C deficit from their diet. As a nation, we are failing to meet these baseline levels, or basic needs, much less benefit from effective doses.” She goes on to explain, “We cannot assume vitamin C will just happen for us Monday through Sunday. It has to be an intentional nutrition approach with planning and strategy involved.”

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Linus Pauling Institute Recommendation

Combined evidence from metabolic, pharmacokinetic, and observational studies, and from randomized controlled trials supports consuming sufficient vitamin C to achieve plasma concentrations of at least 60 mol/L. While most generally healthy young adults can achieve these plasma concentrations with daily vitamin C intake of at least 200 mg/day, some individuals may have a lower vitamin C absorptive capacity than what is currently documented. Thus, the Linus Pauling Institute recommends a vitamin C intake of 400 mg daily for adults to ensure replete tissue concentrations an amount substantially higher than the RDA yet with minimal risk of side effects.

This recommendation can be met through food if the diet includes at least several servings of vitamin C-rich fruit and vegetables as part of the daily recommended fruit and vegetable intake . Most multivitamin supplements provide at least 60 mg of vitamin C.

Older adults

Copyright 2000-2022 Linus Pauling Institute

Sports Research Vitamin C Antioxidant Support Vegan Non

Image courtesy Sports Research

Our delicious gummies are packed with Vitamin C, providing antioxidant support! SR® only uses the best ingredients that taste great and are easy to take. Our products comply with cGMP standards in the United States, so you can Trust our dietary supplements come from a reputable source.

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Vitamin C And Cancer Therapy

Vitamin C may help treat cancer, though experts have not confirmed this.

As an antioxidant, vitamin C protects the body from oxidative stress, which can occur when ROS levels are high. Oxidative stress can lead to cell damage and may play a role in some cancers.

A found that taking high doses of vitamin C may slow the growth of some types of cancerous tissue. The paper suggests that vitamin C could, one day, become a new treatment for colorectal cancer.

Also, the authors of a suggest that vitamin C might work well alongside other treatments to benefit people with cancer.

The note that some alternative therapists already use intravenous vitamin C when treating cancer, fatigue, and infections. However, they note that more research is necessary.

Intravenous vitamin C

2,000 mg per day .

Taking too much vitamin C is unlikely to cause any significant problems, but if a person consumes more than 1,000 mg of vitamin C per day, they will not absorb it all. This may lead to diarrhea and gastrointestinal discomfort.

People are unlikely to consume too much through their diet, and their bodies cannot store it. However, having a high intake through supplements may result in kidney stones.

This may also increase the risk of cardiovascular problems in females after menopause, but there is not enough evidence to confirm this.

Functions Of Vitamin A B C D E

Health Benefits of Vitamin C

Vitamins are essential micronutrients which the body requires for normal development, functioning and growth. These nutrients can not be synthesised within the body and therefore they are taken up by the body from the food that we consume. The deficiency of any vitamin can have adverse effects on the body, therefore it is important to have a vitamin-rich balanced diet. It is essential to know the functions of vitamins A, B, C, D, and E and the roles they play in the human body.

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As Reducing And Capping Agent

Ascorbic acid acts as a reducing and capping agent for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles such as silver, gold, copper, etc. Ascorbic acid molecules can cap or surround the particle and prevent the uncontrolled growth of the particles to micron-sized dimensions. A study by Khan et al., in 2016 reported the synthesis of copper nanoparticle by using ascorbic acid as both the reducing agent . Sun et al. reported in Journal of Materials Science in 2009 that gold nanoparticles can be synthesised in reverse micelles without the addition or introduction of any other reducing or capping reagent . In analytical methods in 2014, Dsouza et al. reported the use of AA-Au NPs as a colorimetric probe for detection of dichlorvos in water and wheat samples. The influence of AA concentration on the aggregation induced by dichlorvos in AA-AuNPs and the optical property of the AA-Au NPs was investigated by UV-Vis spectroscopy .

Figure 4.

Analytical process for detecting dichlorvos using AA-Au NPs as a colorimetric probe .

Elm & Rye Vitamin C Gummies

Image courtesy Elm & Rye

All our products are of the highest quality and purity, as verified by an independent, third-party lab. We carry Vitamin C in both capsules and gummies.

Vitamin C is not only responsible for growth and repair, but many other vital functions as well. For instance, collagen production, proper immune system function, wound healing, and maintaining healthy bones and teeth.

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Vitamin C And Iron Absorption

Vitamin C in the diet can enhance the absorption of iron from plant sources and improve the absorbability of fortification iron added to diets that contain inhibitors of iron absorption . The effects of ascorbic acid and of foods containing the same amount of ascorbic acid appear to be the same. A two to threefold increase in absorption of non-heme food iron from a meal can be expected from adding foods that contain about 50â100 mg of ascorbic acid . In the past few years, concern about the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in recipient populations has provoked recommendations to increase the present level of iron in commodities from 15 to 30 mg/kg . However, this may result in organoleptic problems, as well as accelerated ascorbic acid oxidation during storage. It is the committee’s understanding that the feasibility of increasing the ferrous fumarate content of WSB and CSB is as yet unresolved. However, the efficiency of absorption of ferrous iron added to CSB is likely to be relatively poor . The addition of about 25 mg of ascorbic acid to a meal approximately doubles the percentage of non-heme iron absorbed . However, data on the effect of increased levels of vitamin C added to corn-soy milk showed no significant improvement in iron absorption .


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