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What Vitamin Helps With Erectile Dysfunction

What Are Male Enhancement Pills

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Male enhancement pills are dietary supplements that contain natural plant extracts, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that support sexual performance. These pills can improve your sex life in a few different ways.

First, male enhancement pills typically contain ingredients that raise testosterone levels. Testosterone plays a significant role in your reproductive health, libido, energy levels, and feelings of youthfulness. Because your testosterone levels decline as you age, taking a dietary supplement with testosterone boosters can counteract this decline.

Certain male enhancement pills also contain natural aphrodisiacs. These ingredients may boost your libido and your romantic attraction to your partner. While their effects are only mild, combining these aphrodisiacs with the other effective ingredients can work wonders for improving sexual performance.

Additionally, many male enhancement supplements include vitamins and minerals your body needs for daily functioning. Supplementing your dietary intake of these ingredients can promote your overall health and well-being, which can support your reproductive health in turn.

Zinc To Prevent Low Testosterone

Zinc is an essential mineral that is necessary for many processes of the body including digestion, metabolic function, cell growth, and testosterone production. In fact, a scientific study showed that zinc supplementation in deficient men resulted in increased testosterone levels. Therefore, if youre looking for a way to naturally boost testosterone levels, try supplementing zinc into your diet.

How We Ranked The Best Sexual Enhancement Pills For Men

The natural male enhancement pills on our list are only a few of the dozens of male enhancement supplements available on the market. However, many male enhancement products do not actually produce their stated benefits. Some of these supplements may even be harmful to your health.

When we created this review of the best male enhancement supplements, we examined numerous supplements before narrowing our list to the seven products above. Here are the factors we considered when choosing the top enhancement pills.

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Can Vitamin C Improve Other Aspects Of Male Sexual Health

Vitamin C can also raise testosterone levels. Both blood flow and healthy testosterone levels can affect your sex life.

Low testosterone can make it tricky to achieve and keep an erection. The testosterone is here to stimulate the penile tissues to create nitric oxide.

If the testosterone level is too low, then it is important to find a way to manage it. But, more research is necessary to evaluate the vitamins full impact and capabilities.

Best Food For Harder Erection #12 Ginger


Image Source: Well Being Secrets

According to a published study in the International Journal of Cardiology found that by consuming a teaspoon of ginger a few times a week showed a considerable positive health benefit in cardiovascular and arterial disease.

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Aromatase Inhibitors Testosterone Restoration And Testosterone/ Estrogen Balance

Physicians versed in male hormone restoration know that exogenous administration of testosterone may increase estrogen levels in aging men, in particular aging men with significant amounts of visceral fat. The conversion of testosterone into estrogen is called aromatization and is mediated by an enzyme called aromatase . Aromatase inhibitors are drugs that inhibit the activity of the aromatase enzyme, thereby reducing the amount of testosterone converted into estradiol.

When used concurrently with testosterone supplementation, aromatase inhibitors allow testosterone levels to rise without being converted into excess estrogen. Reports suggest that aromatase inhibitor therapy can improve sexual function in men .

Maintaining healthy testosterone/estrogen balance has other important implications for aging males. For example, in a study among men with heart failure, both low and high estradiol levels were associated with significantly increased chances of death compared to balanced levels . More about estrogen/testosterone balance in men is available in the Life Extension Magazine article entitled Why Estrogen Balance is Critical to Aging Men.Life Extension suggests an optimal estrogen level of 20 40 pg/mL for men.

Revitalize Your Sex Life With Ed Treatments In Dallas

Let us at Dallas Anti-Aging & Wellness help you feel like the man you used to be! Our erectile dysfunction doctors can help you with our various ED treatment options so you can have the sex life you deserve.

Dallas Anti-Aging & Wellness is a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

Our clinical practice consists of preventative, functional, and regenerative medicine, and we provide safe, effective, and proven treatment solutions. With our help, you will regain your sex drive, look and feel years younger, and improve your overall quality of life.

Stay healthy as you age! Contact Dallas Anti-Aging & Wellness today at 214-646-1523 for a consultation to learn more about erectile dysfunction treatments!

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Considerations For Vitamins/herbal Supplements For Ed

A few things to keep in mind when youre considering vitamins or supplements for the treatment of ED: Unlike prescription drugs, vitamins and supplements are not FDA-approved or regulated. So you cant be absolutely sure of their potency or quality. Many of them also lack sufficient evidence regarding their effectiveness too.

Certain vitamins and supplements could affect other health conditions you have or interact dangerously with prescription medications youre taking. You should always consult your healthcare provider before starting any vitamins or supplements.

What Vitamins Are Good For Erectile Dysfunction

What are the side effects of Vitamin B Complex?

There is a lack of strong scientific proof that vitamin supplements can improve erectile function. ED is often treatable with prescription medications or medical procedures, however, getting enough vitamins, either in your diet or with the help of dietary supplements, is a healthy goal.

Talk with your doctor first about taking vitamins and other supplements. If you take certain medications, you may need to be careful of taking large doses of vitamins. Too much of anything, even something healthy like a vitamin, can cause health problems.

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Individuals On A Vegetarian Diet

According to multiple surveys, 86.5% of grown-ups on a vegetarian diet regularly lack a sufficient amount of vitamin B12 in their system .

If you are consuming mainly plant-based meals, you need to make sure you are getting vitamin B12 elsewhere.

Since 2.4 mcg is tricky to get with a vegetable diet, its best to add a supplement. It could help use six mcg of B12 daily to replenish the vitamin supply .

Can Erectile Dysfunction Be Cured

If ED is caused by a lifestyle factor, health condition, or a medication youre taking, it may be possible to reverse it by addressing the underlying cause. Surgery may also cure ED in some cases.

On the other hand, medications treat ED symptoms and can improve ED but do not cure the underlying condition.

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Which Supplements Are Good For Your General Health

The general advice from the NHS is that if you eat a healthy, varied and balanced diet you should get all the nutrients you need from your food. This means you shouldnt need to take supplements.

One exception is vitamin D. During the autumn and winter months, its advised that Brits take 10 micrograms of vitamin D every day. This is because our bodies generate most of our vitamin D through sun exposure, and in the winter months the sun isnt strong enough in the UK for this to happen.

Other than vitamin D, you might need to take supplements if youre on a restricted diet that cuts out whole food groups. For instance, if youre vegan, you might benefit from:

  • Vitamin B12 supplements
  • Iodine supplements
  • Selenium supplements

You can get some of these essential nutrients by consuming fortified foods and drinks e.g. calcium-enriched soya milk. To find out more you can read the Vegan Societys Eatwell Guide.

If you think you might have a vitamin deficiency, its always a good idea to visit your GP rather than to self-diagnose and simply start taking supplements. There may be an underlying condition, like a problem with the stomach or intestines, that is causing the deficiency and that requires medical attention.

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How Much Vitamin D Do You Need To Combat Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction Kit (ED KIT)  Sambhav Nature Cure Hospital

As per the Institute of Medicine, the RDA for vitamin D is 600 IU per day for young adults and 800 IU per day for adults older than 70.

To sustain or improve erectile function, male adults must take at least 1500-2000 IU/day of supplemental vitamin D.

Along with putting you on vitamin D supplements, your doctor might also suggest taking enough sunlight in the mornings to get your required dosage naturally.

But, if you live in places where there is little sunlight available, you may have to rely on the supplements alone. Moreover, high levels of vitamin D also have adverse side effects on the body, such as nausea, constipation, fatigue, or thirst.

So, a better way of combating erectile dysfunction is to rely on natural erection pills.

These do not come with any side effects and can be taken in conjugation with your vitamin D supplements. These will work immediately on your erections and boost your libido.

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Tired Of Having Weak Erections Want To Treat Your Erectile Dysfunction Naturally And Have Great Sex With Your Partner Every Time Read On

Letâs face it, as a man it is embarrassing to not be able to perform well in bed with a girl that you like. If you are a man who suffers weak erections, erectile dysfunction or Ed, impotence, low sex drive and libido, you have 2 solutions. The long term solution and a short term solution.

1- Long term solution to treat weak erections, impotence and Erectile dysfunction .

  • Eat the foods that can improve erections.
  • Consume the best vitamins for erections.
  • Do the exercises for stronger erections.
  • Sleep well, 7 to 8 hours every night.

2- Short term Solution for your erection problem.Works Fast, in 1 hour o less

  • Use a Natural herbal supplement for Strong erections and to treat your Erectile dysfunction

When To Contact A Specialist

Erectile dysfunction can be a persistent or short-term problem. The temporary issues are much easier to get under control. But, the longer it remains unmanaged, the higher the risk of stress and exhaustion.

As you grow older, the odds of intimate dysfunction accelerate. Most elderly patients will experience this kind of problem with age.

If your dysfunction is lasting a long time and causes discomfort, pain, and other problems, contact a specialist as soon as you can. Eventually, a single vitamin wont be able to solve the problem.

Depending on the severity of the complication and underlying health issue, you might have to use treatment. So, never postpone treatment for these problems to the last moment. Try to get help as soon as the dysfunction emerges.

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Vitamins For Erectile Dysfunction

For a long time, people depended on vitamins for help. Healthy men experience a potent erection, but for some, it was hard to achieve it.

There is not much proof to show that vitamin supplements can treat erectile dysfunction. However, some studies prove the efficiency of vitamins in such prospects. Experts feel that with further tests, they can find out more about the effects of vitamins in treating ED.

There is no substantial evidence to prove that vitamins help in treating sexual dysfunction. Many manufacturers started producing herbal supplements that promise to aid in treating impotence in men.

They ended up suffering from severe health issues. It is crucial to note that ED is often manageable. People find help through prescription drugs.

Therefore, it is essential to take caution when it comes to buying random drugs. Most people get carried away by big claims, which land them in huge trouble.

It is essential to make sure that you get enough vitamins in your system to manage stable health.

Commanding robust health will require you to either seek the help of health supplements or get vitamins in your diet. Your sexual function will get better so long as you maintain your overall health.

Where To Find Quality Vitamins And Supplements

ED Medications

There is some evidence that these vitamins and supplements can help with ED, but more research is necessary to confirm their safety and effectiveness.

It is important to note that the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate herbal supplements in the same way it regulates medications.

The FDA has also found numerous products online marketed as natural ED remedies, when, in fact, they contained undisclosed or illegal substances.

A person should discuss with a doctor any supplements before trying them. The doctor will be able to recommend a suitable place to purchase them.

For more in-depth resources about vitamins, minerals, and supplements, visit our dedicated hub.

General physical and mental health have a significant impact on ED. As such, making lifestyle changes may also benefit a persons symptoms. These changes could include:

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Risks Of Ed Supplements

There are many supplements advertised online as a treatment for ED, but none have been proven to be effective and safe. Some may also contain dangerous combinations of ingredients or overly high doses.

More research on people needs to be done on herbal remedies and other supplements for ED. If you decide to try one, be sure to talk with your doctor first. They can help you determine whether the treatment may be safe and if itll react with any medications youre taking.

Vitamin C Benefits: 9 You Should Know About

A single glass of orange juice will give you about twice what you need every day. But just because its nutritious doesnt mean you should be downing extra. Your body doesnt absorb it past a certain point, meaning youll just be peeing it out.

Speak with a provider to find out if you need to up your intake and explore ways to get the vitamin C you need.

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Taking Vitamins For Ed

A vitamin is an organic compound that the body requires in smaller quantities. The majority of vitamin sources come from food. Since the body may not produce or create them on its own, it will need an extra boost to function normally.

Each organism has a distinct vitamin requirement. For instance, you cant acquire a substantial quantity of vitamin D through food. The body synthesizes vitamin D the moment it gets exposed to direct sunlight. This is, by far, the ideal source of vitamin D.

Those, however, who dont get enough sunlight, can benefit from a vitamin D supplement.

But what about vitamins for ED? A couple of vitamins for ed could promote sexual health and help people improve their sex life.

Here is a list of some of the most viable male enhancement supplements you might want to consider.

Supplements For Erectile Dysfunction


There have been few advances in the treatment of erectile dysfunction over the centuries, and it wasn’t until 1998 that the world got its first prescription ED med: Viagra®. A few years later, Levitra® and Cialis® were approved by the FDA, ushering in a new era of great medications for guys.

While its hard to beat the effectiveness of modern day prescription ED medications like these, there are a few supplements that may be able help with the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, at least in one way or another. Keep reading to learn more about these potential ED supplements.

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Vitamin B Battles Erectile Dysfunction

19 August 2011

A daily dose of niacin, also known as vitamin B3, improves erectile function in men with high cholesterol, a new study finds.

The results show that the 80 men who took niacin and began the study with moderate or severe erectile dysfunction reported an improvement in their ability to maintain an erection. The 80 men who took a placebo pill, who also began the study with only mild ED, did not have a change in symptoms, the study said.

In addition to ED, all 160 men also had high cholesterol and lipid levels.

âThe exciting thing about this finding,â said study author Dr. Chi-Fai Ng of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, âis that niacin is a very old drug and the safety of it is quite well-documented. Basically, itâs just a vitamin, and so this would be a very simple way to improve erectile function.â

The results were published online on Aug. 2 in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.

The cholesterol tie-in

In patients with atherosclerosis, which is the accumulation of fats along blood vessel walls, niacin is known to improve both cholesterol and lipid levels. So itâs no surprise that niacin also helps ED, because atherosclerosis and ED have similar causes, the researchers said.

âItâs not that coronary disease causes erectile dysfunction,â said Dr. Howard Herrmann, of the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. âItâs that they both have same underlying pathophysiology.â

The convenience factor

Final Thoughts On Male Performance Pills

If youve been looking for a solution to low libido or poor performance in the bedroom, male enhancement supplements are an excellent option to consider. Our list includes the top seven best enhancement pills on the market, allowing you to narrow your options and choose the best product for your needs.

Because all of these products come with a money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose by trying them out. Order one of the male enhancement pills on our list today it just might transform your sex life.

*This article is provided by an advertiser. Statements made are not meant to offer medical advice or to diagnose any condition. Any studies cited here may be preliminary, may or may not be peer-reviewed, and may or may not have sufficient participants to be statistically relevant. Anecdotal accounts should not be taken as scientific results. Products discussed in this article are not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. The FDA does not evaluate dietary supplements. Consult your doctor about possible interactions, allergies, and if you are considering using natural and/or dietary supplements for any condition. Individual results will vary.

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