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What Vitamins Do You Take After Gastric Sleeve

Why Do I Need To Take Vitamins After Gastric Sleeve


A study has shown that patients who undergo sleeve gastrectomy are at risk for nutritional deficiencies in iron, folate, and B12 and D due to the procedure. Due to the fact that the sleeve decreases stomach acid production, it may affect absorption of iron and B12, which are both important for bone health.

Calcium Citrate With D3

Dosage:Calcium Citrate 1500-2000 mg/day â Vitamin D3 800-2000 UI /day

Divide this into 2-3 servings per day to reach the daily recommended dosage and for better absorption.

Choose a brand that contains Calcium Citrate and vitamin D3. Avoid Calcium Carbonate or Calcium Caltrate.Remember: separate the multivitamin with iron from calcium citrate by 2+ hours for maximum absorption.

If possible, give preference to Calcium brand that contains Magnesium, otherwise take Magnesium separately.

Magnesium Citrate Dosage: 400 â 500 mg per day

We recommend that you start taking Omega 3 during your pre-op diet and resume as soon as you can tolerate it after surgery, preferably 2- or 3-months post-op. Give preference to brands that source fish oil from non-farmed wild species. If you are allergic to fish, use capsules with flaxseed oil, also a great source of Omega 3.

Omega-3 Dosage: 2000 mg per day .

The Consequences Of Vitamin Deficiency


  • Read the list below for the common issues for each type of vitamin deficiency

Not routinely having your blood tested or ignoring your doctor s supplementation guidelines can lead to significant problems up to and including death

  • Calcium deficiency leads to osteoporosis.
  • Iron deficiency can cause anemia , increased feelings of fatigue and hair loss
  • Folate deficiency can also lead to anemia.
  • Protein deficiency protein is one of the most important components of your body as it makes up most of your major organs. Not getting enough can lead to a myriad of problems, including muscle deterioration, organ failure, gallstonesand even death.
  • Thiamin deficiency affects the heart, digestive system and nervous system. If not caught and treated quickly, learning and memory could be permanently affected. Ultimately, coma and death could be the result.

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How Common Is The Problem Of Vitamin Deficiency After Gastric Bypass

What many dont realise, is that most patients, if not all, who undergo gastric bypass surgery will need to take vitamin supplements for the rest of their lives. Vitamin deficiency after gastric bypass is something experienced by almost 40% of all gastric bypass patients. Whether it be due to patients not adhering to the strict dietary and supplementation guidelines after surgery, or physicians not diligently checking their patients vitamin levels, the problem of vitamin deficiency after gastric bypass surgery is surprisingly very common.

Best Bariatric Multivitamins For Bariatric Patients

What Vitamins Should I Take After Gastric Sleeve

Taking multiple micronutrient pills, tablets or liquids daily in the precise amounts and as per the exact schedule may not be easy for some patients. To ensure compliance, your surgeon may recommend the best bariatric multivitamins, which are an all-in-one solution for your daily nutrition supplement needs. Here are some of the key ingredients which are included in the best bariatric multivitamins.

  • Vitamin B12: This is vital to regulate your nervous system activity and brain function. A deficiency may cause a memory slowdown and other risks.
  • Vitamin D + Calcium: These are critical to maintain your bone health, strong teeth, and energy levels. Severe deficiency can cause osteoporosis.
  • Iron: Oxygen supply in your bloodstream is regulated with iron. Weakness, fatigue and acute anemia may occur if you have a deficiency of iron.
  • Folic acid: In combination with vitamins B12 and B6, folic acid will help in mitigating your risk of stroke and will work to improve your heart health.
  • Zinc: This is a strong immunity booster, which will help you ward off infections after bariatric surgery, and minimize the risk of pneumonia.

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Average Weight Loss 6 Months After A Gastric Sleeve

The average amount of excess weight loss seen within 6 months after gastric sleeve has been about 50%. Excess weight is calculated by taking your actual weight and subtracting it by what is considered your ideal weight. If your excess body weight comes out to be 100 pounds, then the average excess weight loss within 6 months from gastric sleeve would be around 50 pounds, provided you stay on a healthy gastric sleeve diet after surgery.

The 6 month mark after bariatric surgery is typically when weight loss starts to slow down a little. Keep in mind that rapid weight loss can result in loose skin. Some bariatric patients report that this causes issues, such as irritation and rashes, possibly requiring surgery to fix it.

There may be some other ways to tighten loose skin after bariatric surgery without plastic surgery. These options include healthy diet, exercise, skin care routines, collagen, and yoga. After consulting with your healthcare provider, you can usually start with toning exercises to help avoid loose skin.

Individuals will generally see desired weight loss soon after 6 months. Within a year, the gastric sleeve expected weight loss is 75% of excess weight. Many patients can reach weight goals within two to three years after bariatric surgery.

Pace yourself and take the time to enjoy the process rather than only thinking about results. This will help you stick to your new healthy lifestyle plan.

What Happens If I Dont Take Vitamins After Gastric Bypass

Not taking vitamins after gastric bypass surgery and skipping vital supplementation can be incredibly dangerous. Nutrients work together, not individually. The body relies on a steady supply of these essential nutrients together not independently. Thats why after gastric bypass surgery, you cant simply eat enough food and potentially absorb nutrients in the same way before surgery you need to supplement your daily healthy food intake with vitamins and mineral supplements.

So, what happens if you dont take supplements and vitamins after gastric bypass surgery? There are a number of specific conditions that can be driven by inadequate mineral and vitamin absorption after gastric bypass. These include:

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Life After Bariatric Surgery

Weight-loss surgery can start you on the path to a healthier, longer and more fulfilling life. It is not a cure for obesity but rather a tool to help you lose weight. Long-term success depends on your ability to follow guidelines for diet, exercise and lifestyle changes.

The UCSF Bariatric Surgery Center offers comprehensive follow-up care, including a support group, dietitian services and continuing education, to help you achieve and maintain your goals.

You Will Need The Following:


A complete A-Z multivitamin and mineral formula daily

Begin to take your multivitamin and mineral as soon as possible after surgery. You will be given a soluble formula when you are discharged from hospital. After this your GP can prescribe you with tablets. Take your supplement with or after food to reduce the risk of side effects such as nausea.

Calcium and Vitamin D formula 1200-1500mg/daily from food and supplements

Calcium is an essential mineral for your bone health, cell and muscle function, and is better absorbed with the presence of vitamin D.Taking calcium and iron together can interfere with the others absorption, so take these supplements at separate times across the day, leaving at least a 2 hour gap between them.

An iron supplement daily for women of menstrual age

Iron is essential for the formation of red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body. Iron deficiency can cause anaemia and symptoms include fatigue, palpitations, pale skin, hair loss and a sore mouth.

Taking iron and calcium together can interfere with the others absorption, so take these supplements at separate times across the day, leaving at least a 2 hour gap between them.

A separate Vitamin D3 20,000IU once each week

Vitamin D helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. It helps to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy. In adults Vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone pain caused by a condition called Osteomalacia in adults.

Here is an example:

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What Happens If I Dont Take Vitamins

When our patients start their weight loss surgery journey, we try to stress the importance and permanence of the commitment they are making. Not only does bariatric surgery permanently change your body, it is ultimately changing the way your gastrointestinal system works. Whether you choose a gastric sleeve or gastric bypass, you will be eating differently than before and your body will now react to food differently. Because of this, we want to be very aware of how your body is maintaining levels of certain vitamins and minerals that we know can be affected by weight loss surgery. If you dont take your vitamins, they cant help you. So, what happens if you dont take the recommended vitamins and minerals?

What Vitamins And Minerals Do I Need After Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass is a very safe and effective weight loss procedure. However, dietary supplementation needs to begin immediately after the surgery, while the patient is still in the hospital. Vitamin absorption after gastric bypass surgery is heavily reliant on the patient complying with prescribed supplements, and physicians diligently monitoring patients for nutritional deficiencies.

Regardless of which bariatric surgery you undergo, the fact of the matter is, you will be consuming less food after your surgery. This means that it is difficult to meet your nutrient needs each day, putting you at risk of nutritional deficiencies.

Still wondering What Vitamins and Minerals Do I Need After Gastric Bypass?the vitamins and supplements that you need to take after gastric bypass will depend on your dietician, physician and surgeons advice. Generally speaking, doctors recommend that gastric bypass surgery patients take a complete multivitamin, calcium with vitamin D, iron and vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin B12. However, others may be recommended depending on your medical history or health concerns.

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Calcium And Vitamin D

Following your procedure, your requirement of calcium is1200-1500mg per day. You can reach this through diet and perhaps an additional supplement might be needed. You will also need to take an additional supplement of at least 20µg of vitamin D. We may advise you to take a higher dose of vitamin D if your blood test results indicate low levels.

Chewable :

  • Accrete D3 One A Day 1000mg/880unit once daily
  • Accrete D3 One A Day 1000mg/880unit once daily
  • Adcal D3 twice daily
  • Boots Chewable Calcium + Vitamin D twice daily and Boots Vitamin D once daily
  • Calceos 500mg/400unit twice daily
  • Calci-D 1000mg/1000unit once daily
  • Calcichew D3 1000mg/800unit once daily
  • Calcichew D3 Forte twice daily
  • Colecalciferol 400unit / Calcium carbonate 1.25g twice daily
  • Colecalciferol 400unit / Calcium carbonate 1.5g twice daily
  • Evacal D3 1500mg/400unit twice daily
  • Kalcipos-D3 500mg/800unit once to twice daily
  • Natecal D3 600mg/400unit twice daily
  • SunVit-D3 500mg/400unit twice daily
  • SunVit-D3 600mg/400unit twice daily
  • TheiCal-D3 1000mg/880unit once daily

Effervescent granules :

  • Cacit D3 effervescent granule sachets twice daily)
  • Colecalciferol 880unit / Calcium carbonate 2.5g once daily

Effervescent tablet :

  • Adcal-D3 Dissolve 1500mg/400unit twice daily
  • ColeKal-D3 Dissolve 400unit/1500mg twice daily

Tablets :

  • Accrete D3 twice daily
  • Vitabiotics Ultra Calcium & Vitamin D twice daily

Benefits Of Bariatric Vitamins

Iron + Vitamin C

Vitamins and minerals are important for all of us, and getting enough from the foods we eat can be challenging. This is particularly true after weight loss surgery. Taking daily supplements is recommended for patients after surgery to make sure they get the vitamins and minerals they need.

Our office is proud to provide excellent nutritional care throughout the bariatric surgery process. Keep reading to learn more about how nutritional supplements after bariatric surgery can pave the way for long-term weight loss success!

Recommended Reading: How Many Milligrams Of Vitamin D Should I Take

Need More Information On Bariatric Vitamins

Bariatric surgery is not just a procedure to help you shed off excess pounds and reclaim a proportionate, attractive figure. With good nutrition and the right back-up of bariatric vitamins, it can keep you fit and healthy for decades to come. If you are ready for a long, fulfilling, and disease-free life after your weight loss surgery, stay committed to your recommended bariatric vitamins and be in charge of your own health and beauty.

For more information about your gastric sleeve or gastric bypass vitamin schedule, consult with a bariatric surgeon today. Accomplished and resourceful surgeons will have an in-house team or a network of nutrition consultants who can provide you professional guidance and support. Bariatric vitamins are an essential element in your post-surgery toolkit to lead a healthy, happy, and wholesome life.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery: An Overview

Gastric sleeve surgery is a safe and effective procedure that supports weight loss and improves various chronic health conditions. It falls under the umbrella of bariatric procedures, similar to gastric bypass in that it is proven to help patients reduce chronic disease and lose weight quickly.

What sets gastric sleeve surgery apart from gastric bypass is the change in anatomy within the gastrointestinal tract. Gastric sleeve surgery is a laparoscopic procedure where small incisions are made on the abdomen and most of the stomach is removed.

After gastric sleeve, the stomach is 20% the size it was before surgery and takes on a sleeve-like appearance. Since a large portion of the stomach is removed, the stomach cant hold as much food as before. This causes the feeling of fullness to set in quicker and last longer.

Because of the change in the stomachs anatomy, absorption within the stomach also changes. With the . This alters how medications move through the gastrointestinal tract after surgery.

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The Most Important Vitamins For Bariatric Patients

So what are the most important vitamins for bariatric patients? Since the body processes the vitamins differently after weight loss surgery, it is important to make sure that you are adding in certain vitamins and minerals. Specifically, you need to add iron, B12, calcium and vitamin D.

You should take a multivitamin daily. Look for one that has at least 18 mg of iron. Make sure you are getting 1500 mg of calcium a day to prevent bone density loss. To make sure you are getting the best absorption possible, split the dosage of calcium between 3 doses a day. Do not mix the calcium and iron together since iron can have an effect on calcium absorption. To make sure you are getting enough Vitamin D, you will want to take 800 to 1000 IU daily. It is best to take this in 2 doses and take them at the same time you take the calcium. You can also opt for a vitamin that is calcium and Vitamin D together. The last vitamin you want to make sure you are getting enough of is Vitamin B. You can take this as 500 mg daily or as a monthly injection.

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Why Vitamin And Minerals Are Important


Bariatric surgery is all about improving your health, and a big part of improving your health is proper nutrition. Proper nutrition isnt complicated. There are three things you need to think about water, macronutrients, and micronutrients.

Youre probably already tracking your water intake and macronutrients carbs, fats, and proteins. We recommend using an app like Baritastic to track. After surgery, you and your medical team will be monitoring your micronutrients, too.

Micronutrients are a five-dollar word for vitamins and minerals. Theyre called micronutrients, because, compared to carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, which you need in large quantities, the amount you need each day is exponentially less.

But theyre no less important, and that can present a challenge for those of us living the bariatric life. The fact is, its hard enough to get everything you need with a normal digestive system. After surgery, its even more difficult.

If youve had gastric sleeve surgery, you dont have the capacity in your surgically altered stomach to consume enough food to get adequate amounts of key micronutrients. Digestive enzymes may be reduced, limiting the breakdown of food as it passes into your digestive tract.

Most bariatric practices require patients to take supplements once, or maybe even twice a day and follow up with blood work to catch any deficiencies.

Here are a few to look out for, no matter what stage of the bariatric journey youre at.

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The Role Of Nutritionists

A good nutritionist is an important part of your weight loss surgery team. Meeting with a nutritionist before and after your surgery helps you avoid deficiencies and improve weight loss results. Prior to surgery, your doctor and nutritionist should develop a clear picture of your specific dietary needs by discussing the following with you:

Existing health problemsWeight historyAny deficiencies prior to surgery found through blood work.Your doctor and nutritionist will also discuss factors that might impact long-term success, like cooking ability, access to healthy food, work environment, level of support, readiness for change and financial situation. After surgery, a nutritionist can help you create a diet and supplement plan based on your needs.

Avoid The Risks Of Nutritional Deficiencies Post

Research has shown that patients who undergo sleeve gastrectomy are at risk for nutritional deficiencies in iron, folate, and vitamins B12 and D.2-4 This is due to the fact that the sleeve decreases acid production in the stomach, which may affect iron and B12 absorption. Vitamin B1 deficiency could lead to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, a type of neurological disorder. Despite universal supplementation, the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was the most commonly observed deficiency five years postoperatively in sleeve gastrectomy patients.

Research also has shown that most bariatric patients do not adhere to their vitamin/mineral recommended protocol. We encourage you take your vitamins and minerals as recommended by your surgeon and doctors, and continue to get your annual checkups with your surgeons office in order to monitor for micronutrient deficiencies.

  • Consider a bariatric brand of vitamins/minerals, which may be more expensive, but will meet your needs post-surgery.
  • Set an alarm on your phone to remind you when to take your supplements
  • Continue with chewable/liquids if better tolerated or preferred
  • Take supplements after consuming a meal to decrease nausea and improve vitamin absorption
  • Consider a bariatric powdered vitamin/mineral supplement you can add to water

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