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3000 Mg Vitamin C When Sick

Is Vitamin C Safe To Take

Can Vitamin C Boost Immunity?

In general, vitamin C won’t harm you if you get it by eating food like fruits and veggies. For most people, it’s also OK if you take supplements in the recommended amount.

The RDA, or recommended daily allowance, is 90 milligrams for men and 75 milligrams for women. High doses of vitamin C may cause kidney stones, nausea, and diarrhea.

If you’re unsure about taking vitamin C for colds, talk to your health care provider.

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What Supplements Do I Need To Take

No one can answer that aside from your doctor. To learn more about the various supplements that doctors commonly recommend, check out this article.

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Almost All Ascorbic Acid Is Made In China

To be clear, we are not inferring or implying that products using vitamin C made in China are less safe. With proper manufacturing processes and quality control, the molecule of ascorbic acid will be identical regardless of where it was made.

Still though, many consumers ourselves included simply prefer to buy foods and supplements made in America, UK, and other countries which have a better reputation for both quality control and human rights.

How much is made in China? The New York Times reports 80% and that was years ago.

That percentage is likely even higher today.

Now heres the real disgusting part. A dirty secret in the supplement world is that when a product says made in the USA, that doesnt mean the active ingredient are from America.

A company can legally claim to be US-made if the actual product capsule, tablet, etc. is manufactured in this country. As far as where the active ingredients come from, that can be anywhere in the world and theres no legal requirement to disclose it to you.

In fact, many supplement brands refuse to cite the country of origin, claiming its a trade secret. Yeah right, one can guess what their real motive is for not telling you they dont want to tell you its coming from China!

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Tips To Optimize Immune Health

Sure, you can take in some vitamin C . If you really want to keep those germs away try these tips.

  • Sleep: aim for 7 to 8 hours a night to keep your immune system strong
  • Eat a balanced diet to prevent any nutrient deficiencies.
  • Take steps to manage stress as it can wreak havoc on your system.

What Are The Benefits Of Vitamin C As An Antioxidant

food  Marilyn Horton

Over the years since his controversial book, Pauling has been at least partially vindicated for his belief in vitamin C. The key is the role of vitamin C supplements as potentially effective antioxidants. Antioxidants are helpful in protecting cells against damage caused by free radicals, molecules constantly produced by the body as it breaks down and metabolizes food, plus other sources like tobacco smoke, X-rays, and radiation from the sun.

A free radical is produced when an electron is lost, and since electrons must always exist in pairs, this means the single remaining electron goes looking for a partner. The problem is, it doesnt care where it gets the partner, which can result in damage to other cells that provide the second electron. This can create a cascading effect of damage as each cell that loses an electron goes searching for a replacement. Antioxidants intervene to provide an electron replacement, thus stopping the cascading damage.

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Your body produces antioxidants, but more is better. Because belief in a potential antioxidant benefit of extra vitamin C is strong, this has led to recommendations for higher daily doses. The minimal recommended dosage of 90 mg can easily be met naturally with good foods. For example, a medium-sized orange contains about 70 mg of vitamin C.

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Watch Out For These Fat

Here are details about vitamins A, E and K and the symptoms of overdose to look out for.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble nutrient that is naturally present in many foods, like beef, eggs and many fruits and vegetables. An overdose of this vitamin can lead to problems with confusion, hair loss, liver damage and bone loss. It can also cause an increased risk for death and lung-associated issues for those who have a history of smokingparticularly female smokers.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient found naturally in foods and added to some fortified foods that can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, such as air pollution. But taking too much of this supplement can increase your risk for bleeding and bleeding in the brain.

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble nutrient thats important for blood clotting, healthy bones and other bodily functions. Its rare that youll overdose on vitamin K by eating things like broccoli. But in supplement form, it can induce blood clots, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes, if you take too much.

Oral Ascorbic Acid Versus Zinc Gluconate Versus Both Agents Versus Standard Of Care

In an open-label clinical trial that was conducted at two sites in the United States, outpatients with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection were randomized to receive either 10 days of oral ascorbic acid 8,000 mg, zinc gluconate 50 mg, both agents, or standard of care.3 The primary end point was the number of days required to reach a 50% reduction in the patients symptom severity score. The study was stopped early by an operational and safety monitoring board due to futility after 40% of the planned 520 participants were enrolled .

Patients who received standard of care achieved a 50% reduction in their symptom severity scores at a mean of 6.7 days compared with 5.5 days for the ascorbic acid arm, 5.9 days for the zinc gluconate arm, and 5.5 days for the arm that received both agents . Nonserious adverse effects occurred more frequently in patients who received supplements than in those who did not 39.5% of patients in the ascorbic acid arm, 18.5% in the zinc gluconate arm, and 32.1% in the arm that received both agents experienced nonserious adverse effects compared with 0% of patients in the standard of care arm . The most common nonserious adverse effects in this study were gastrointestinal events.

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What Are The Benefits Of ‘organic’ Vitamin C Vs Supplements

This raises the question: Is supplementing with vitamin C helpful as an antioxidant? It’s hard to say. There are some modest research findings, but the results are mixed. Is this inconsistency of findings possibly due to differences in the amount of vitamin C ingested, or the quality? Or is it the source of vitamin C? In other words, does naturally occurring vitamin C provide an antioxidant that is helpful, while vitamin C synthesized in a laboratory is not?

To be sure, controversy abounds when it comes to organic versus synthetic supplements. Biochemists argue that because the biochemical structure of vitamin C can be replicated and synthesized exactly in the laboratory, the effects should be identical to naturally-occurring vitamin C. While this makes perfect sense, some experts argue that an important difference is the undetectable life force contained in natural sources that is absent in synthetic laboratory concoctions.

Reach Bryant Stamford, a professor of kinesiology and integrative physiology at Hanover College, at [email protected].

Can Vitamin C Help With Covid 19

Study: Vitamin K2, D helps help protect those sick with COVID-19

Although there is no clear evidence yet of vitamin C being able to prevent or cure COVID 19, there are indications that taking vitamin C intravenously may well help. Its important to note that research is ongoing and vitamin C has been used in conjunction with other interventions.

One of the most recent examples of megadosing vitamin C is in the fight against COVID 19. Experts from Shanghai China found that all patients who received the IV treatment improved and there no one died. There were also no side effects and the stay in hospital was 3-5 days shorter. There is currently a clinical trial on the effectiveness of IV vitamin C for COVID underway in Wuhan China. Results are expected to be out in September this year.

Based on these results and their recommendations, critically ill COVID patients in New Yorks state hospital system are being given a megadose of vitamin C thats repeated throughout the day. It has been found that vitamin C levels drop significantly when a patient suffers from sepsis (an inflammatory response when the body overreacts to the infection. By administering vitamin C intravenously, it helps restore these levels.

Dr. Andrew Weber, a critical-care specialist and pulmonologist, was quoted in the New York Post as saying: The patients who received vitamin C did significantly better than those who did not get vitamin C. It helps a tremendous amount, but it is not highlighted because its not a sexy drug.

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Does Vitamin C Help With A Cold Yes But It Wont Help Prevent It

  • The belief that vitamin C can help you steer clear of a nasty cold has been a myth for decades, but it has since been disproven.
  • Research shows that at least 200 mg per day of vitamin C, while youâre sick, can help you get better sooner and decreases the severity of your symptoms.
  • Though many people turn to supplements to get extra vitamin C, physicians recommend sticking to vitamin C rich foods, like papaya or red bell pepper.
  • This article was reviewed by Tania Elliott, MD, who specializes in infectious diseases related to allergies and immunology for internal medicine at NYU Langone Health.
  • This story is part of Insiderâs guide for Treating the Common Cold.

Walk through the aisles of any pharmacy when youâre trying to keep an impending cold at bay and youâll be met with a slew of options from over-the-counter medications to cough drops, herbal teas to vitamin C powders.

The belief that vitamin C can help you steer clear of a nasty cold has been around for decades but has since been disproven. That said, vitamin C can help with your cold in other ways. Hereâs what you need to know.

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Can I Take 2000mg Of Vitamin C At Once

2000 mg of vitamin C per day, or at once, is the peak limit for the allowed dosage of this vitamin. Still, we dont encourage consuming that amount on a daily basis without a consultation from your doctor.

Thats because this might only be required in case of the complete absence of any other sources of vitamin C present in the food you ought to be consuming throughout the day. Nevertheless, if you have an established healthy diet including different fruits and vegetables, then you cant ever require taking yourself to the upper limit.

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How To Handle An Overdose On Vitamin C

If youre healthy, theres no way you can die from a Vitamin C overdose. However, if you do have health conditions, taking too much Vitamin C in supplement form can have some serious consequences.

If youre experiencing symptoms such as nausea, cramping or headaches, you could also benefit from using some over-the-counter drugs.

If you suspect youre overdosing on Vitamin C and youre taking prescription medicines or have a health condition, speak with your doctor. And, if the conditions persist or youre experiencing serious side effects such as difficulty breathing or kidney stones, contact your doctor.

Your physician can then assess the situation and take actions such as ordering tests and procedures and/or offering a prescription to help ease your symptoms and preventing any further harm being done to your body.

Other Nutrients And Foods That May Help

Immune Supporting Supplements  iLiving Hong Kong

There is no cure for the common cold.

However, some foods and nutrients can help the body recover. In the past, people have used various foods to reduce their symptoms.

Few of these are scientifically proven to work, but some are backed by evidence.

  • Flavonoids: These are antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables. Studies suggest that flavonoid supplements may reduce the risk of infections in the lungs, throat and nose by 33%, on average (


Several other nutrients and foods may help you recover from a cold or even reduce the risk of catching one. These include flavonoids and garlic.

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Food Sources Of Vitamin C


Bell pepper, green, raw

Lemon juice

In large population studies, people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C appear to have a reduced risk for various types of cancer, including cancers of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, colon, and lung. But itâs not clear that these benefits come specifically from vitamin C. The Age-Related Eye Disease Study found that a daily supplement containing 500 milligrams of vitamin C, 400 international units of vitamin E, 15 mg of beta carotene, 80 mg of zinc, and 2 mg of copper can help slow the progression of macular degeneration, an age-related eye disease that causes vision loss. But we donât know what benefits, if any, are conferred by vitamin C in particular.

Many people take vitamin C supplements in unnecessarily high doses to prevent or treat various conditions for which its effectiveness is unproved. The vitamin C supplements have variously been touted for preventing cardiovascular disease and osteoarthritis, staving off sunburn, and improving the appearance of wrinkles. None of these purported benefits have been verified in scientific studies.

The recommended vitamin C dosage per day for healthy women is 75 mg per day . For adults, the tolerable upper intake level the highest daily intake likely to pose no risks is 2,000 mg per day.

The Side Effects Of Too Much Vitamin C

If youâre planning to take that much vitamin C every day for an extended period, it merits a talk with a doctor.

Sevilla says that taking more than 2,000 mg of vitamin C daily has been known to cause GI effects like nausea and abdominal pain. Itâs primarily because of those issues that the tolerable upper intake level the max you should take unless under the direction of a doctor is 2,000 mg for adults.

And if youâre debating between a food and a supplement, Sevilla recommends sticking with food as your source of vitamin C, if you can manage it.

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Can We Overdose On Vitamin C

Should You Take More Vitamin C to Protect Against COVID?

Yes, you can. Many people assume that since vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, you can never take too much of it. Their reasoning is that youll essentially just pee out any excess. Although this is true, if you take more than the amount your body is able to excrete, it will not go over well. Side effects include nausea and diarrhea two things any sane person should avoid.

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Supports The Immune System

The immune system needs vitamin C to function optimally. Dr. Thomas Levy describes this vitamin as the muscle of the immune system. Vitamin C helps with the production and function of several parts of the immune system. This includes phagocytes , leukocytes , and T-cells whose main role is to scan the body for infections and abnormalities.

Viral respiratory infections can be prevented with a megadose of vitamin C. The cells responsible for immunity accumulate vitamin C and use it to destroy invading viruses and bacteria. Research also shows that the immune system is weakened by inflammatory reactions to infections. With vitamin C, you can indirectly counter this by mitigating oxidative stress. All-in-all, vitamin C is essential for immune function and can help fight infections.

For more on the immune system, you might like to read: COVID 19 – What you need to know plus how to support your immune system.

What Are The Signs Of Vitamin C Deficiency

Most people associate a vitamin C deficiency with images of scurvy-ridden sailors. But even low levels of vitamin C can affect your health and functioning. Here are some of the signs of low vitamin C levels:

  • Frequent infections and a poor immunity
  • Skin thats bumpy and rough or dry and damaged
  • Joints that are painful and swollen
  • Weak bones and increased bone loss
  • Bleeding gums and teeth that are unhealthy
  • Wounds that are slow to heal
  • Easy bruising and low iron levels
  • Constant fatigue
  • Low mood or depression

Research has shown that low levels of vitamin C can lead tochronic degenerative illnesses. In fact, most infectious diseases are linked to minimal or no vitamin C supplementation.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin C is 40 mg/d. According to experts in this field, this vitamin C level is not sufficient for treating serious infectious diseases. A person requires several hundred to several thousand-fold times the RDA dosage to build a formidable wall against lifespan-threatening diseases.

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