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Do Breastfed Babies Need Vitamin D

Vitamin D For Breastfeeding Babies

Why does my breastfed baby need more vitamin D?

So babies urgently need vitamin D , but the sun is almost always a source. CaIt depends on the mothers vitamin D status. While the requirement for infants is between 400 IU and 500 IU vitamin D for breastfeeding, the breast milk of many mothers contains only about 60 IU per liter due to the poor supply.

The daily intake of vitamin D allows the mother to increase this value . However, it is not possible to provide this at the doses officially recommended today sufficient concentration of vitamin D to meet the childs needs.

This may seem a lot in view of the official recommendations. But it is much more like a natural supply from the sun. Which would produce over 10,000 IU per day for the mother.Mothers who want to feed their child through breast milk need at least 5000 IU of vitamin D daily.

Breastfeeding mothers should therefore depending on the season supplement 2500 to 5000 IU to enrich their breast milk with sufficient vitamin D. It is important to take vitamin D daily.

Does My Breastfed Baby Need Vitamin D

by thebirthcenter | Apr 15, 2021 | Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, and Motherhood |

As mothers, we are told that our breast milk is the perfect food for our baby and contains everything that he or she needs, so we are left puzzled when our pediatrician recommends a vitamin D supplement. Why does the American Academy of Pediatrics consider breast milk the optimal source of infant nutrition if it doesnt have enough vitamin D? Is breast milk really lacking this essential nutrient?

The answer is mixed. As humans, one of the most common ways that we get vitamin D is through exposure to sunlight. In order to do this, we require direct sunlight exposure without sunscreen. Since direct sun exposure puts us at risk for skin cancer, mothers are advised to limit their babys sun exposure as much as possible, especially without sunscreen. This means that since most babies cannot safely get enough exposure to sunlight, they need another way to get vitamin D. Humans can also get vitamin D through dietary sources and supplements. Many foods such as milk and cereal are fortified with vitamin D and most multi-vitamins contain vitamin D. Still, it is believed that many mothers are not receiving enough vitamin D through their diets to make up for the lack of sun exposure. This leaves very little vitamin D to be passed through to breast milk.

Can I Take 50000 Iu Of Vitamin D While Breastfeeding

Breast milk can be enriched with vitamin D through daily or intermittent high-dose maternal supplementation to meet infants vitamin D requirements. Alternatively, oral vitamin D, 50,000 IU every 2 months, can be given to healthy infants with routine vaccinations to prevent vitamin D deficiency.Jan 12, 2017.

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Do Babies Who Are Both Breastfeeding And Bottle

If your baby is toggling between nursing and formula, your pediatrician will probably suggest you give him an iron supplement and vitamin D. If he’s mostly taking a bottle, he may be getting all the nutrients he needs, depending on how much fortified formula he’s taking in. If your baby is a double-duty feeder, talk to your pediatrician about whether or not he needs a supplement.

But once he starts solids especially when hes eating them regularly and drinking less formula itll be a whole new nutritional ball game. Hell start to get less of his nutrition from formula and more of his nutrition from foods, so at that point, youll want to have a conversation with your pediatrician about supplementing both vitamin D and iron , especially if you have a fussy eater on your hands.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You’re Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  • What to Expect the First Year, 3rd Edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  • What to Expect the Second Year, Heidi Murkoff.

If I Am Breastfeeding And I Eat Foods Rich In Vitamin D Do I Still Need To Give My Baby A Supplement

Why does my breastfed baby need more vitamin D?

Yes. Although some foods are good sources of vitamin D, they wont provide enough vitamin D to enrich your breast milk to the level your baby needs.

If you are breastfeeding, talk to your doctor about whether a supplement of up to 2000 IU/day is right for you. If it is, this will help your baby maintain a healthy vitamin D level.

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How Much Sun Do Children Need To Make Vitamin D

Heres a guide to how much sun your child needs to make vitamin D, without putting your childs skin at risk of sun damage.

In Brisbane and Darwin, right through the year, a few minutes most days of the week should be enough.

In Canberra, Perth and Sydney:

  • in June and July, 2-3 hours per week should be enough
  • in summer, a few minutes most days of the week should be enough.

In Adelaide, Hobart and Melbourne:

  • from May to August, 2-3 hours per week should be enough
  • in summer, a few minutes most days of the week should be enough.

Be sun smart No matter where you live in Australia, you have to be careful about how much sun children get on their skin. Too much sun can lead to sunburn, skin damage and even skin cancer. This is why its important to use sun protection.

During summer, especially between 10 am and 4 pm, make sure your child stays safe in the sun with sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, clothing that keeps the sun off, and access to plenty of shade.

To get more information and advice about how much sun is right for your child, speak with your GP.

Risks Of Low Vitamin D Levels

In severe cases, low-levels of vitamin D can cause rickets or osteomalacia in children.

Rickets is a condition that leads to soft bones. It can cause severe bone deformities such as bowed legs and spine curves.

Rickets in adults is known as osteomalacia or soft bones. This can cause frequent bone fractures, muscle weakness and bone pain.

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Can Babies Get Vitamin D From Sunlight

Our bodies make vitamin D when were exposed to the sun. So can you just spend time outside with your baby and skip the supplement?

UV rays from the sun are damaging to the skin at any age, says Dr. Liermann. Its better to take the supplement than to risk skin damage from the sun. When your baby is outside, cover them with a hat, clothing, or a shade over their stroller or baby carrier. Once theyre 6 months old, you can use sunscreen, but you should still keep them out of the sun as much as possible.

Do A Mother’s Prenatal Vitamins Have Enough Vitamin D For Babies

Do breast fed babies need vitamin supplement?- Dr. Jyothi Raghuram

Nursing moms should keep taking their prenatal vitamin while breastfeeding, but the supplement doesn’t contain enough vitamin D to meet your babys needs. Thats why breastfed babies need vitamin D drops until theyre able to get enough through their own diets. The typical prenatal vitamin only contains 600 IUs, which isnt nearly enough to cover both Mom and baby.

That said, moms who supplement with 4,000 IUs of vitamin D daily have breast milk that will typically contain 400 IUs per liter or 32 ounces. But since newborn babies are unlikely to take a full feeding of breast milk, you’ll need to give them a vitamin D supplement at least at first to ensure that your baby is getting enough until she takes a full feeding.

Though that’s not a practice new moms generally follow, most experts say it’s safe. But always check with your pediatrician and OB/GYN to make sure what you’re doing is enough for your child.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You’re Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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How Much Vitamin D Do Breastfed Babies Need

If youre breastfeeding, your newborn babys main source of vitamin D will come from your breast milk. So if you are deficient in Vitamin D, it can cause a vitamin D deficiency in your baby. Naturally, the vitamin D content of breast milk is low *, which is why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends using a vitamin D supplement if youre breastfeeding, as well as giving your baby a daily liquid vitamin D supplement until their diet provides at least 400 IU of vitamin D per day.

*Range of vitamin D levels in breast milk, measured in lactating women taking a daily vitamin D supplement of 400 IU.

What Causes A Deficiency In Vitamin D

The best source of vitamin D is sunlight. The exact amount of sunlight people need to make enough vitamin D depends on their skin color, the time of day theyre outside, and the time of the year.

When ultraviolet rays from the sun hit the skin, it triggers your body to synthesize vitamin D. Once in your body, vitamin D needs to be activated through a process known as hydroxylation.

A vitamin D deficiency is usually caused by not getting enough sunlight.

Pregnant or nursing mothers dont usually get enough vitamin D to provide for both themselves and their babies. This is why babies who are exclusively breastfed are at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency. Breast milk contains very little vitamin D.

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How Do We Get Vitamin D

Vitamin D comes from different sources:

  • Sunlight: Vitamin D is formed naturally when skin is exposed to sunlight. Because Canada is located so far north, sunlight isnt enough at certain times of the year. Also, darker skin, sunscreen and clothing, which protect babies from the harmful effects of the sun, wont allow vitamin D to be formed.

  • Foods: In Canada, vitamin D is added to cows milk and margarine during production. Some plant-based beverages may have vitamin D added. Some foods fatty fish like salmon, tuna, trout and whitefish, and egg yolksare also sources of vitamin D.

  • Vitamin supplement: For babies, it comes in liquid form and is given daily with a dropper. Its important to give your baby a supplement that is meant for babies. Read the instructions carefully to be sure you give your baby the right amount. If you are unsure, talk to your pharmacist.

Vitamin D Deficiency And Breastfeeding

How Much Vitamin D Does My Baby Need?

Infants who are exclusively breastfed but who do not receive supplemental vitamin D or adequate sunlight exposure are at increased risk of developing vitamin D deficiency and/or rickets,. Infants with darker pigmentation are at greater risk of vitamin D deficiency, a fact explained by the greater risk of deficiency at birth and the decreased vitamin D content in milk from women who themselves are deficient.

Although vitamin D concentrations can be increased in milk of lactating women by using large vitamin D supplements, such high-dose supplementation studies in lactating women have not been validated and demonstrated to be safe in larger, more representative populations of women across various parts of the world. Recommendations to universally supplement breastfeeding mothers with high-dose vitamin D cannot be made at this time. Therefore, supplements given to the infant are necessary.

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Where Can Babies Get Vitamin D

Breastfed newborns and babies should take a vitamin D supplement prescribed by the pediatrician. Babies who are formula-fed may or may not need a supplement. Formula is fortified with vitamin D, and it may be enough to meet your baby’s daily needs. Check with your pediatrician about whether your formula-fed baby needs vitamin D drops.

Breastfed babies need to continue taking the vitamin D drops until they’ve transitioned to solids and are getting enough vitamin D that way .

Generally, once babies start solid foods, they can get vitamin D from other sources like milk, orange juice, fortified yogurt and cheese, salmon, canned tuna, cod liver oil, eggs, fortified cereals, tofu and fortified non-dairy milks like soy, rice, almond, oat and coconut milk.

If youre concerned that your baby isnt getting enough vitamin D or any other nutrient, you can also add in a daily multivitamin once your infant becomes a toddler.

While the AAP says most healthy children on a well-balanced diet will not need a vitamin supplement, if you’d like your little one to start taking a multivitamin, talk to your doctor about whether it’s right for your child and the best brands.

Which Vitamin D Drops Best For Babies

Healthline Parenthoods list of the best vitamin D supplements for babies

  • Nordic Naturals Babys Vitamin D3. SHOP NOW AT Amazon.
  • Carlsons Babys Super Daily D3. SHOP NOW AT Amazon.
  • Zarbees Naturals Baby Vitamin D. SHOP NOW AT Amazon.
  • Mommys Bliss Baby Vitamin D Organic Drops.
  • UpSpring Baby Vitamin D3 Liquid Drops.


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Breastfed Babies Still Need Extra Vitamin D

By Lisa Rapaport, Reuters Health

4 Min Read

– Many breastfed infants may not get enough vitamin D because their mothers prefer not to give babies supplement drops, a study suggests.

Pediatricians recommend that mothers exclusively breastfeed infants until at least six months of age because it can reduce babies risk of ear and respiratory infections, sudden infant death syndrome, allergies, childhood obesity and diabetes.

Because breast milk typically doesnt contain enough vitamin D to help infants develop healthy bones, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises nursing mothers to give their babies daily supplements of 400 IU of vitamin D. As an alternative, women can take vitamin D supplements themselves typically 4,000 to 6,000 IU daily to give babies enough in breast milk so that drops arent needed.

The research team surveyed 184 breastfeeding mothers, including 44 mothers who also gave their babies formula in addition to breast milk.

Altogether, just 55 percent of the women said they gave their babies vitamin D drops and only 42 percent supplemented with the recommended 400 IU.

Many mothers were not aware of the need for vitamin D supplementation or their physician had not recommended supplementation, said senior study author Dr. Tom Thacher, a researcher at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

Women who didnt give babies vitamin D most often cited safety concerns, the survey found.

SOURCE: Annals of Family Medicine, online January 9, 2017.

Why Babies Need Vitamin D

Breast feeding and vitamin D | Why breastfed babies need vitamin D | How much vitamin D babies need?

Vitamin D helps us to build and maintain strong bones and teeth.

Our bodies can make vitamin D from the sun. But babies cannot safely get the vitamin D they need from the sun.

Your baby needs vitamin D because:

  • their skin is very sensitive to the sun and should not be in direct sunlight
  • their food may not have enough vitamin D in it
  • between 0 to 12 months babies grow very quickly and have a greater need for vitamin D to form strong bones

Research shows that vitamin D plays an important role in helping the immune system. It may help prevent diabetes, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, MS and some forms of cancer.

African, Afro-Caribbean, Middle-Eastern or Indian parents are more likely to have babies with low levels of vitamin D.

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Does Vitamin D Drops Help With Jaundice

This study revealed that vitamin D administration to neonates with pathological neonatal jaundice was accompanied by improvement in the levels of serum bilirubin and the Group which is treated with vitamin D and phototherapy was accompanied by significant decrease in the levels of the serum bilirubin if compared with

Can You Raise Vitamin D Levels In Breast Milk

What if a breastfeeding mom takes vitamin D? Does that change levels in her breast milk?

One study found that mothers could safely supplement 6400 IU/day and adequately supply their breast milk to satisfy the infant requirement, says Dr. Liermann. But mothers should discuss with their pediatrician to determine if this is the right option for them.

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Why Do Breastfeed Babies Need Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for your babys development, so if their diet doesnt provide them with enough of this vitamin, chances are that you will have to give them supplements.

In the first six months of life, vitamin D is one of the most essential vitamins. Your baby will go through a lot of developmental stages during this time, and their diet needs to support all that.

How Much Vitamin D Does Your Baby Need

do breastfed babies need vitamin d supplements ...

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants get at least 400 IU of vitamin D supplementation per day. Infants who are formula fed will usually meet this recommendation. However, if your child is being exclusively breastfed, or even partially breastfed, they may not be getting enough vitamin D. You can purchase vitamin D drops from nearly any pharmacy or grocery store. Drops should be given on a daily basis for babies who are breastfed.

Your childs doctor might ask you to supplement your breastfed babys diet with vitamin D drops. These drops can help protect your child against rickets and sure up their bone health. In addition to the drops, you can ensure your child is getting enough vitamin D by getting enough vitamin D yourself. You can also expose your baby to sunlight in short amounts of sunlight daily. Just be careful not to keep your baby in the sun for too long.

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