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Does Vitamin D3 Help You Lose Weight

Vitamin D Has Helpful Implications For People Considering Gastric Bypass Surgery

Could Vitamin D Help You Lose More Weight?

Many people view gastric bypass surgery as a viable option for extreme weight loss. Also known as bariatric surgery, this procedure removes or restricts a large portion of the stomach and intestines. One of the problems with altering these organs is that it can significantly limit the amount of vitamin D absorbed from food.

In turn, this lack of vitamin D can lessen the long-term benefits of undergoing this surgery. Following the procedure, medical professionals may advise you to increase your vitamin D intake to help lower this risk of this deficiency.

Article Sources:

Mason, C. et. al Vitamin D3 supplementation during weight loss: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

LeBlanc, E. et al Associations Between 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Weight Gain in Elderly Women Journal of Womens Health

Salehpour, A. et al A 12-week double-blind randomized clinical trial of vitamin D Nutrition Journal

Antoniak, E. et al The effect of combined resistance exercise training and vitamin D BMJ Open

Wang, T. et al Vitamin D deficiency and risk of cardiovascular disease Circulation Journal

How Much Water Should I Drink To Lose Weight

Dozens of studies have already proven sipping six 8-ounce glasses of water daily helps protect against kidney stones, headaches, joint pain, and fatigue. And now, University of Utah researchers have discovered another benefit: It can increase your metabolic rate 3 percent or more, helping you effortlessly burn off seven pounds in six months. Your liver is more efficient at flushing out metabolism-slowing toxins and using fat for fuel when youre well hydrated!

Can You Have Too Much Vitamin D

Though vitamin D is critical to helping you maintain good overall health, there is such as thing as too much vitamin D. Though its extremely rare, it is possible for vitamin D to build up in the bloodstream to the point it becomes toxic and increases the risk of life-threatening health problems.

Vitamin D intoxication, also known as hypervitaminosis D, occurs when you take about 60,000 IU per day over the course of several months. Working with a doctor who can monitor your blood levels will prevent you from experiencing vitamin D intoxication.

Too-high vitamin D intake can lead to elevated blood calcium levels. Symptoms associated with high blood calcium levels include dizziness, confusion, excessive thirst, frequent urination, and digestive problems such as abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.

Vitamin D intoxication can also cause diarrhea, constipation, bone loss, and kidney failure the latter of which can lead to death when left untreated.

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Vitamin D Deficiency And Weight Gain

While research into low vitamin D and weight gain is still in its early stages, many intriguing connections have been seen.

First, being obese or overweight is in itself a risk factor for vitamin D deficiency. Research has shown that a higher body fat percentage and BMI may be linked to lower vitamin D levels in the blood. Experts have several theories for this. Some assert that overweight and obese individuals are likely to eat foods that do not contain the vitamin. Others suggest that obese people tend to stay mostly indoors and often cover most of their skin, which can limit vitamin D derivation from the sunlight.

At the same time, vitamin D deficiency can lead to weight gain in several ways:

Vitamin D deficiency and fatigue

Fatigue is one of the silent, underlying contributors to weight gain. And it is sometimes attributed to hypothyroidism, especially in middle-aged people or older, in whom the thyroid gland at times stops functioning effectively, potentially causing fatigue and weight gain.

With low levels of thyroid hormones in the blood, you will likely experience slowed metabolism and likely put on weight. Vitamin D deficiency, however, is often ignored as a potential cause of tiredness and fatigue, which can leave you without energy and motivation to work out or stick to your weight loss routine.

Vitamin D deficiency and loss of bone density

Low vitamin D and weight gain and depression

The bottom line on vitamin D and weight gain

Ways Vitamin D Can Benefit Weight Loss

Does vitamin c help you lose weight

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that your body absorbs and stores to stay healthy. This essential vitamin helps the body retain minerals such as calcium, and the nutrient also helps prevent over-absorption of signaling chemicals such as the parathyroid hormone.

In addition, research has shown that vitamin D helps protect the immune system by shielding it from infections and viruses like influenza. Recently, scientists have discovered that blood and most of the organs and tissue within the body contain receptors for this nutrient.

This pathology has important implications for key parts of human anatomy like the circulatory system and the endocrine system. But perhaps the most exciting current research on this nutrient has been in the field of using vitamin D for weight loss.

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Can Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Depression

Many people who suffer from depression also suffer from a vitamin D deficiency, while the reverse is also true. Vitamin D is important for brain function and for neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which play a role in mental health. A deficiency in vitamin D can upset the healthy balance of these brain chemicals, thereby increasing the risk of brain disorders like anxiety and depression.

Who Benefits From Vitamin D And Weight Loss

Those with a higher body fat percentage or BMI have been shown to have lower Vitamin D levels. One reason given is that they tend to eat fewer foods with while taking the vitamin. Another is they may not expose their skin to the sun as often, and also they may have lower levels of enzymes that convert the vitamin to its active state. An overweight or obese person needs more of it than a smaller-size person.

All overweight and obese persons should have their Vitamin D levels checked. The weight loss effect are seen in those who are deficient in the vitamin.

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Does Vitamin D Help With Weight Loss

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Overweight and obesity has been a growing threat to world societies with worrying counts of associated problems . What is overweight and obesity? As defined by the World Health Organization , and the National Institutes of Health overweight and obesity are defined as an excessive accumulation of fat which can be injurious to health . Lifestyle modification has shown variable outcomes and the options include:

  • Limit intake of refined, sugary or fatty foods.
  • Engage in regular dynamic exercises like walking, swimming, jogging, cycling, hiking, etc. .
  • Eat high fiber diet regularly like legumes, vegetables e.g carrots, spinach, lettuce, garden egg, etc .

Many supplements have been tried with not so favorable outcome . Fortunately, vitamin D supplementation has shown encouraging results to bring about weight loss when used by overweight and obese individuals .

Vitamin D: What It Is And Where To Get It

Lose Belly Fat | How Vitamin D3 Burns Fat | Weight Loss & Your Thyroid

Often referred to as the Sunshine Vitamin, Vitamin D is a nutrient your skin can create when its exposed to the UVB rays of the sun.

Despite its name, Vitamin D is not a vitamin at all. Its a hormone.

However, its also classed as a fat-soluble vitamin.

You can get it by eating mackerel, salmon, beef liver, and cheese.

Unfortunately, there are not a lot of food options that provide vitamin D.

This is probably a big part of the reason why around 50% of people do not have enough Vitamin D circulating in their blood.

Needless to say, this situation is not helped by the fact that many countries dont have much sunshine at certain times of the year.

The use of sunscreen only goes to make the situation worse.

Because they are generally low in fat, weight loss diets can also contribute to Vitamin D deficiency and thats not good.

Its an important nutrient. Your body requires it to support strong bones and overall good health.

Vitamin D is also necessary for healthy immune function so its important you take steps to ensure you get enough.

All things considered, many people may find it beneficial to consume extra Vitamin D in supplement form.

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Are Vitamin D And D3 The Same

There are five forms of vitamin D: D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5. However, D2 and D3 are the two most important forms used by your body. Vitamin D2 is available in the form of a supplement called ergocalciferol, while vitamin D3 is available in the form of a supplement called cholecalciferol.

Vitamin D is naturally synthesized in your body as vitamin D3, so essentially, these vitamins are the same. How do you know which form of vitamin D youre buying if the supplement label just says vitamin D? Read the ingredients list to confirm it says cholecalciferol, which is vitamin D3.

How Can I Lose Weight Fast Naturally

30 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Naturally Add Protein to Your Diet. When it comes to weight loss, protein is the king of nutrients. Eat Whole, Single-Ingredient Foods. Avoid Processed Foods. Stock Up on Healthy Foods and Snacks. Limit Your Intake of Added Sugar. Drink Water. Drink Coffee. Supplement With Glucomannan.More itemsApr 6, 2021

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How Much Vitamin D Is Needed To Lose Weight

To lose weight, you would have to do several things other than supplying your body with enough vitamin D. However, to answer your question, approximately 20ng/ml or 50 nmol/L of vitamin D levels is the optimum value. To get the best out of your weight loss journey, also consider eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Getting Vitamin D naturally, which is through sun exposure is highly suggested.

Vitamin D Serotonin And Weight Loss

Does Taking Vitamin D3 Help You Lose Weight

Vitamin D cause production of serotonin in the brain by activating the transcription of the serotonin-synthesizing gene tryptophan hydroxylase -2 enzymes at a vitamin D response element and suppression in the transcription of TPH1 in other body tissues at another distinct vitamin D response element .

This means vitamin D causes an upsurge in serotonin production and secretion. Serotonin is known to reduce appetite . Hence, with increased serotonin production and secretion there will be a reduction in caloric intake, reduction in hunger, and improved and sustained satiety leading to weight loss and prevention of weight gain hence the need for vitamin D supplementation in circumstances of overweight and obesity.

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Diets Supplements And Sun: How Should You Take Vitamin D

When looking into the connection between vitamin D and weight loss, researchers often use supplements in their studies, rather than tracking a subjects sun exposure or food.

Thats because pills are standardized and can be given in high doses to quickly up a study participants vitamin D level. For example, a study published in July 2018 in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine gave subjects who were overweight or had obesity 50,000 IU of vitamin D each week for six weeks. Researchers found in this small study that the subjects weight, BMI, waist circumference, and hip circumference all decreased significantly, and their vitamin D levels increased significantly, after taking this high vitamin D supplement regime. However, thats not a safe amount of vitamin D to take for weight loss in the real world.

Although scientists havent done much research on eating vitamin D-rich foods and weight loss, theyre definitely still worth consuming. What we know is that foods high in D tend to be healthy anyways salmon, mackerel, mushrooms, vitamin D-fortified milk, which are part of a healthier diet, versus processed foods so consuming these would likely help with weight loss, says Agarwal.

And while researchers dont typically track sun exposure, getting a little sun the old-fashioned way isnt a bad idea, but its important to not overdose on sun, which can up your risk of skin cancer, according to Harvard Health Publishing.

Belly Fat Linked To Vitamin D Deficiency

A new study reveals that individuals with higher levels of belly fat and larger waistlines are more likely to have lower vitamin D levels.

Currently, in medical circles, vitamin D is the talk of the town.

Produced in our skin on contact with sunlight, it plays a myriad of roles in the human body.

In the past few months, Medical News Today have covered a wealth of research into the group of fat-soluble secosteroids more commonly known as vitamin D.

For instance, recent studies have found that vitamin D might protect against heart failure, diabetes, and cancer, and that vitamin D deficiency causes hair loss.

Vitamin D deficiency has traditionally been linked to bone health, but it may also have a role to play in and autoimmune disease, among others.

With more than

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Is It Better To Take Vitamin D Every Day Or Once A Week

Current guidelines say adults shouldnt take more than the equivalent of 100 micrograms a day. But vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, so your body can store it for months and you dont need it every day. That means you could equally safely take a supplement of 20 micrograms a day or 500 micrograms once a month.

Vitamins To Lose Weight Vitamin D

Vitamin D – Weight Loss and Hormones

You can actually double your weight loss with vitamin D. Even better? Losing weight with vitamin D sounds incredibly easy, too. Boston University researchers say youll lose twice as much weight on any diet if you take 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily. Vitamin D3 helps shuttle dietary fats into muscle cells, where theyre burned for energy instead of converted into body fat. You can get vitamin D by exposing yourself daily to the sun but if you dont have time for that you can always take one of the following vitamin D supplements.

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Boost Immunity With Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is much more than the sunshine vitamin. It also plays an important role in supporting immune function. Through specific mechanisms, vitamin D3 activates key peptides in the immune system that help defend against environmental threats. This peptide activity influences immune cell activity, to promote strong immune responses.

Reduced levels of vitamin D3, can affect your immune cells ability to protect against occasional environmental threats. In order for immune cells such as T cells to function efficiently, they must first encounter a seasonal or environmental threat. At this time, the T cells extend a special receptor that looks for vitamin D3. If the T cell cannot find the vitamin, it cannot be activated, nor can it become mobilized to protect you.

There is also a role for vitamin D3 involving overstimulation of the immune system. This is critical in helping to reduce occasional unnecessary immune responses. The knowledge of vitamin D3s activating role in the immune response can help researchers learn more about reducing these unwanted immune responses.

Higher Vitamin D Levels May Aid Weight Loss

Some evidence suggests that getting enough vitamin D could enhance weight loss and decrease body fat.

At least 20 ng/mL is considered to be an adequate blood level to promote strong bones and overall health .

One study looked at 218 overweight and obese women over a one-year period. All were put on a calorie-restricted diet and exercise routine. Half of the women received a vitamin D supplement, while the other half received a placebo.

At the end of the study, researchers found that women who fulfilled their vitamin D requirements experienced more weight loss, losing an average of 7 pounds more than the women who did not have adequate blood levels .

Another study provided overweight and obese women with vitamin D supplements for 12 weeks. At the end of the study, the women didnt experience any weight loss, but they did find that increasing levels of vitamin D decreased body fat .

Vitamin D could also be associated with a decrease in weight gain.

A study in over 4,600 elderly women found that higher levels of vitamin D were linked to less weight gain between visits during the span of the 4.5-year study .

In short, increasing your vitamin D intake may promote weight loss, although more research is needed before strong conclusions can be reached.


Getting adequate amounts of vitamin D may enhance weight loss, decrease body fat and limit weight gain.

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Vitamin D And Weight Loss Is There A Connection

Vitamin D is often associated with weight loss and not without good reason.

Several studies show a relationship between Vitamin D and obesity.

Some research shows lack of Vitamin D may make you prone to weight gain.

Other research shows increasing your intake of Vitamin D can help you to lose fat.

However, researchers are still unable to agree on how much Vitamin D people need to consume a day.

The fact that there appears to still be some confusion about this makes it difficult to make sure you are getting enough.

Women And Weight Loss

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Another study focused specifically on women and weight loss. The researchers followed the same group of women for one year. Over the year, all the women consumed a low-calorie diet and participated in an exercise regimen. Half of the women received a vitamin D supplement, while the other half took a placebo. The results? Those taking the real supplement lost an average of 7 pounds more than women who did not.

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