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Vitamins Good For Your Heart

Little Fda Oversight For Vitamins

â¡11 Best Vitamins for Your Nerves (Neuropathy Remedies)

Dietary supplements can be purchased over the counter and dont require approval from the Food and Drug Administration. Because of that, Sesso said, manufacturers “have a lot more wiggle room with what they can say on their labels.”

“Theres a general perception that all these dietary supplements are benign,” Jia said, “when we know that these supplements are not regulated at the same level of pharmaceutical drugs by the FDA. So we dont have as good of a sense of their benefit-to-harm ratio.”

Sesso said it’s possible that certain formulations could have different health effects.

“You dont get the same breadth of vitamins and minerals in a gummy vitamin, just because of the nature of how theyre formulated compared to a typical tablet,” he said, adding, “We dont really have the type of clinical trial evidence to support whether or not these help, hurt, or do nothing.”

Precautions & Side Effects

While all of the above nutrients and supplements are generally safe, they can react with certain medications or cause side effects or allergic reactions in some people.

For example, if you take blood thinners, be cautious about consuming cinnamon or garlic. Additionally, vitamin K may lower blood sugar too much if you have diabetes.

If you are unsure about the safety of any nutritional supplement or vitamin, talk to your healthcare provider. Positive results may vary depending on the brand or type of supplement you take. Look for pure, organic, high-quality supplements.

What Do The Experts Think

To fully understand the implication of the results, MNT reached out to experts.

Dr. Rigved Tadwalkar, a board certified cardiologist at Providence Saint Johns Health Center in Santa Monica, CA, noted that the study has clinical implications.

He observed that there has long been confusion as to whether to check vitamin D levels when assessing cardiovascular risk and what to do with the information after obtaining the results,

, this study establishes that it is worthwhile to check vitamin D levels for the purpose of assessing cardiovascular risk and, moreover, supplementing vitamin D for those who are most deficient.

Recommended Reading: What Does Vitamin D Do For The Body

How To Choose A Heart Health Supplement

When choosing heart health supplements, Sirchio-Lotus recommends looking for products that dont contain unwanted ingredients such as artificial colors or fillers.

Before going the supplement route, talk to your healthcare team about getting tested to see if youre deficient in certain nutrients.

Also, look for supplements that have theUSP Verified mark. USP is an independent, non-profit organization that sets federally recognized public standards of quality for dietary supplements. Their approval indicates the product has met high-quality standards.

What The Government Recommends Is Inadequate

Best Vitamins Good For The Heart

The real take-home message from all of these emerging findings is to take stock of your supplement programit may be the cheapest and simplest strategy in the fight against heart disease and stroke. The quantity of B vitamins needed to fully protect against vascular disease is significantly greater than the governments Dietary Reference Intakes .

The government, for instance, states that only a few milligrams a day of vitamin B6 are needed to stay healthy, yet to significantly lower homocysteine levels, between 100 and 1000 mg of B6 is often required. The government says only a few micrograms of vitamin B12 are needed to remain alive, yet consuming more than 500 micrograms a day of B12 can greatly assist folic acid in reducing homocysteine concentrations.

The government states that 200 mcg of folic acid is adequate, yet published studies show that doses of between 400 to 5,000 micrograms of folic acid are optimal for cardiovascular disease risk reduction.

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What Do The Results Say

The researchers compared the results with those of a control group without a CVD diagnosis. The research team also conducted a secondary analysis to examine the association of 25D concentration levels with blood pressure.

The researchers state that the average 25D concentration level among the 267,980 participants finally surveyed was 50 nanomoles per liter .

They also note that:

  • 11.4% of the participants had concentrations under 25 nmol/l
  • 41.3% of the participants had concentrations between 25 and 49.9 nmol/l
  • 35.3% of the participants had concentrations between 50 and 74.9 nmol/l
  • 10.5% of the participants had concentrations between 75 and 99.9 nmol/l
  • 1.4% of the participants had concentrations between 100 and 124.9 nmol/l

Less than 0.1% of the participants had 25D concentration levels exceeding 125 nmol/l.

Further analysis revealed that the individuals with serum 25D at 25 nmol/l had 11% higher risk of CVD than those with concentrations of 50 nmol/l.

However, there appeared to be a reduction in the likelihood of CVD occurrence with higher concentration values. For example, the participants with concentrations of 75 nmol/l had 2% lower odds of CVD when compared with those at 50 nmol/l.

Scientists call this phenomenon a nonlinear association, where a change in the value of one entity does not always correspond with a constant change in the value of the other entity.

The findings led the scientists to conclude that vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of CVD.

Overwhelmed By The Towering Shelves Of Vitamin And Mineral Supplements In The Grocery Store

There are so many options that sound great, but there are also so many questions: Which ones really work? Exactly how effective are they? Are they worth the money?

These are good questions for anybody who wants to live healthier and avoid heart disease and stroke. But before you start buying everything from Vitamin A to Zinc, remember theres only one way to be sure youre getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs: Eat healthy foods.

Supplements can be beneficial, but the key to vitamin and mineral success is eating a balanced diet. Before taking vitamin and mineral supplements, talk to your physician about your personal dietary plan.

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Replenish Your Protein Stores

Whey protein is well known for aiding muscle repair after a workout, but it can also be used to help to reduce both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. LDL collects in blood vessels and can cause blockages in arteries. Including whey protein daily may have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels, as well as having the added bonus of increasing protein intake.

Who Should Take Extra Vitamin E And Vitamin C

Why Magnesium is so GOOD for your HEART

To lower your risk of heart disease, you need to take much more vitamin E and vitamin C than you can get from food. Your doctor may want you to take extra vitamin E and vitamin C if you have had any of the following problems:

  • A stroke caused by a blood clot, carotid artery disease or surgery

  • Blocked arteries in your legs

  • High levels of LDL cholesterol or triglycerides

  • High blood pressure

Also Check: What Vitamins Help Control Blood Sugar

‘a Healthy Diet Is Still The First Line Of Defense’

The new review found strong evidence that vitamin E in particular did not prevent cancer or heart disease, while beta carotene was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer and death from heart disease. Consequently, the task force advised against taking either supplement to prevent heart disease or cancer, the same recommendation it gave in 2014.

Experts generally agree that instead of taking vitamins or supplements, eating a balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables and exercising regularly are the best ways to lower one’s risk of cancer or heart disease.

“What should be patently clear from these guidelines is that a healthy diet is still the first line of defense against chronic disease prevention,” Sesso said. “Supplements by no means should be representing any crutch or any way to make up for an insufficient diet.”

But vitamins and supplements might have some benefits, he added, for older adults who struggle to absorb nutrients through food. Sesso pointed to mixed evidence that multivitamins could reduce the risk of cataracts or age-related macular degeneration, or possibly delay cognitive decline.

“We still have a lot more work to be done to really tease this out and look at other endpoints beyond what these recommendations focus on, which are cardiovascular disease and cancer,” he said.

“If there is any benefit, it’s very small,” Jia said.

Labels On The Bottles Promise Better Health But These Supplements May Wind Up Hurting You

Keeping your heart healthy requires a combination of strategies, such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress. Adding a dietary supplement may seem like another means of protection.

But be careful. Unlike prescription medications, supplements are often sold without evidence that they work or they’re safe. There’s no way to know what’s really inside pills or potions, since the FDA doesn’t evaluate whether the manufacture of supplements is high quality, such as whether the pills are free from impurities. The following supplements may pose heart risks.

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Which Vitamins Are Best For Your Heart

Balance out a healthy diet packed with nutrients with the best vitamins for heart health.

Heart disease is widespread in the United States. About 84 million people suffer from some form of it. Risk factors for heart disease include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking. Additionally, certain conditions such as diabetes and obesity also put you at risk for developing heart disease.

You can boost your heart health by reducing or managing your risk factors and eating a healthy diet chockful of the right vitamins and minerals. Your best bet is to get the vitamins and minerals you need to keep your heart healthy from food. Food provides other compounds and fiber that are beneficial to your body and your heart.

But if you’re not getting the important vitamins you need through your diet, or if eating a healthy diet still leaves you deficient in some areas, supplements can help do the trick.

The following vitamins and supplements for heart health may be beneficial:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Fish Oil Capsules

Omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA fatty acids, may help reduce inflammation in your body. Inflammation can damage your blood vessels, which contributes to heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids may also decrease triglycerides. Having high levels of triglycerides, a type of fat, can raise your risk of heart disease.

Folic Acid


For more information on boosting your heart health, visit the Rite Aid Heart Health Solution Center.

American Heart Association News Stories

Blackmores Vitamin E 250IU Capsules 50 Supplements for Good Heart ...

American Heart Association News covers heart disease, stroke and related health issues. Not all views expressed in American Heart Association News stories reflect the official position of the American Heart Association. Statements, conclusions, accuracy and reliability of studies published in American Heart Association scientific journals or presented at American Heart Association scientific meetings are solely those of the study authors and do not necessarily reflect the American Heart Associationâs official guidance, policies or positions.

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Are There Any Heart

While some vitamins or supplements may help lower cholesterol or improve blood pressure things that can lead to heart disease Dr. Cho says that many of the claims when it comes to heart health may be misleading.

Supplement manufacturers do a good job selling the idea of health in general, but so-called heart health vitamins are not tested for efficacy, Dr. Cho says.

Even multivitamins that have been formulated for heart health or other conditions arent evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration .

You should always talk with your doctor if youre considering adding vitamins or supplements to your routine for any reason. While some vitamins may not be harmful, some may carry risks associated with heart function.

Vitamin C, for example, may not harm your heart and can be taken to support other aspects of your health. It doesnt offer any particular benefits for heart health, though.

On the other hand, its important to know that vitamin E can actually increase the risk of heart failure and stroke for some people. Patients who are under medical care for heart-related health issues are strongly discouraged from using vitamin E, Dr. Cho says.

Potential risks of vitamin D with calcium have also been shown. Dr. Cho says only those with very low levels should consider supplementation.

Dont take chances with your heart, and make sure to run anything by your doctor that you plan to put into your body, Dr. Cho advises.

What About Calcium Supplements And Heart Health

Calcium is crucial for heart, bone, dental, nerve, and blood health. Men and women ages 50 or older need between 1,000 and 1,200 milligrams per day. The best way to get the calcium you need is from food: dairy products, leafy greens, calcium-fortified orange juice, canned sardines and salmon, almonds, edamame, tofu, winter squash. Most people can get at least 700 mg a day from food, and many get more. If you take a calcium pill to supplement what you get in your diet, a low-dose pill will suffice for most people.

Calcium supplements made headlines in recent years for a potential link to heart disease and heart attack. However, recent authoritative evaluations of the evidence have found no relationship between calcium supplements and the risk for heart attack, stroke, or premature death.

That doesn’t mean you can have as much calcium as you want. Consuming too much can lead to hypercalcemia, an above-normal level of calcium in the blood that causes nausea, vomiting, confusion, and other neurological symptoms. Excessive calcium supplement intake has been associated with a higher risk for kidney disease and aggressive prostate cancer.

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Can Vitamins Improve Your Heart Health

As you walk through the vitamin aisle of any pharmacy of health food store, its easy to be tempted by labels offering big health benefits in a little capsule. Its not uncommon to see vitamins or supplements that promise a better memory, better sleep, and even better heart health. But are these claims valid, or too good to be true?

Nutrients like fiber and plant stanols and sterols that can be found in vitamin form are good for your heart. But generally, its best to get these kinds of nutrients from your diet, rather than from a vitamin or a dietary supplement, explains , cardiologist, Lankenau Heart Institute at , part of Main Line Health.

Pair Vitamin B6 With Magnesium To Boost Your Heart Health

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The mineral magnesium, found in nuts and seeds, may help regulate your blood pressure, keep your arteries from hardening, and keep your heart rhythm regular. And it turns out that this powerful mineral has a friend: Vitamin B6, which helps your body absorb magnesium.

Women ages 19 to 30 should aim for 310 daily milligrams of magnesium those age 31 and older should strive to get 320 mg. Men ages 19 to 30 should get 400 mg those 31 and older should try for 420 mg, according to the National Institutes of Health . Both men and women ages 19 to 50 should try to get 1.3 daily mg of vitamin B6 men 51 and older should get 1.7 mg, and women in the same age range should strive for 1.5 mg.

To boost your intake of magnesium, try eating foods like almonds and spinach to get more vitamin B6, opt for raw foods that are high in the nutrient , as opposed to cooked varieties. What’s interesting is there is some data that cooking foods forms a vitamin B6 antagonist, says James DiNicolantonio, PharmD, a cardiovascular research scientist at Saint Lukes Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City, Missouri. Thus, even if you are eating foods that are high in vitamin B6, if you are cooking them, they may not actually be contributing much to your overall vitamin B6 status.

If you have trouble increasing your vitamin B6 intake through diet, ask your doctor whether you may benefit from a supplement.

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Lifestyle Tips For A Healthy Heart

Maintaining your heart health is something you can work on every single day. From eating a healthy, balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, to exercising regularly, to understanding your health history, a healthy heart requires a little bit of work. Explore these lifestyle tips to help keep your heart health on track.

Get moving

Get Enough Vitamin D And Magnesium To Help Regulate Your Heart

Vitamin D can help regulate blood pressure and improve your heart health, but in order for it to work, it needs magnesiums help. Without magnesium, you cannot turn vitamin D into its active form, called calcitriol, says DiNicolantonio. You dont necessarily need to consume both nutrients in the same meal, but meeting the daily recommended intake of each is your best bet. Both men and women should aim to get 600 IU of vitamin D a day. Good sources of Vitamin D include fish and milk good sources of magnesium include almonds, spinach, and black beans.

You may have also heard of Vitamin Ds friendship with another nutrient: calcium. Together they benefit bone health. However, a review published in May 2017 in The Journal of Clinical Hypertension suggested that calcium supplements might be linked to a higher risk of heart trouble, so talk to your doctor before taking calcium supplements.

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