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HomeReaders ChoiceWhat Vitamins Are Good For Colds

What Vitamins Are Good For Colds

Is Vitamin C Safe To Take

4 vitamins that will help protect you against the common cold

In general, vitamin C won’t harm you if you get it by eating food like fruits and veggies. For most people, it’s also OK if you take supplements in the recommended amount.

The RDA, or recommended daily allowance, is 90 milligrams for men and 75 milligrams for women. High doses of vitamin C may cause kidney stones, nausea, and diarrhea.

If you’re unsure about taking vitamin C for colds, talk to your health care provider.

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Foods To Ease Cold And Flu Symptoms

Cold and flu season is upon us again. Washing your hands frequently and getting your flu vaccine can help keep you healthy, but sometimes thats not enough.

If you do get sick this year, here are four tips to ease the symptoms of the common cold and the flu, plus a couple of healthy, soothing recipes.

Foods With Higher Lysine

  • fish, chicken, beef and lamb
  • apples, mangoes, apricots, papaya, beets
  • nutritional yeast

This doesnt mean you have to completely avoid foods that are high in arginine. I love nuts, coconut, oats and chocolate and I still eat them. Im just mindful about the fact that they are high in arginine and make sure I balance things out by eating foods that are high in lysine as well. Its also important to remember that while fish, meats and dairy products are high in lysine, eating too much of these high protein foods can make the body too acidic, which can also cause a cold sore outbreak. As always, moderation is the key.

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The Nutrient Appears To Have Modest Prevention Power

Image: Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Thinkstock

Vitamin C is often touted as a natural cold remedy. The nutrient is featured in supplements promising to boost the immune system. Nobel laureate Dr. Linus Pauling famously claimed that taking large doses of vitamin C helps thwart a cold. Is there something to these claims? “The data show that vitamin C is only marginally beneficial when it comes to the common cold,” says Dr. Bruce Bistrian, chief of clinical nutrition at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Andrographis For Colds And Immunity

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“Andrographis is called ‘Indian echinacea,'” says Evangeline Lausier, MD, assistant clinical professor at Duke Integrative Medicine in Durham, N.C. “It seems to stimulate the immune system.” Studies of andrographis show that it appears to improve cold symptoms significantly, at least when started within three days of the onset. There’s also some early evidence that it may reduce the chances of catching a cold, at least when taken for several months beforehand. Most studies have used a specific product called Kan Jang, which combines andrographis with Siberian ginseng .

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How Much Vitamin C Do I Need To Stay Healthy

The NHS recommends that adults aged between 19 and 64 should have 40 milligrams of vitamin C each day.

To give you an idea of how much that is, heres the vitamin C content of some popular fruits and vegetables, according to

  • 100g of orange contains 52mg
  • 100g of strawberries contains 57mg
  • 100g of kiwi fruit contains 59mg
  • 100g of broccoli contains 79mg
  • 100g of red cabbage contains 55mg

Generally, its best to eat these kinds of foods raw, as cooking reduces the vitamin C content by about one third. This is why oranges are a popular way of getting your daily vitamin C. Read our guide to discover more foods high in vitamin C.

Almonds And Almond Skins

A handful of almonds is both preventative and therapeutic for the common cold, but you have to eat them whole. A study in the journal Microbiology Letters found that polyphenolsâdisease-fighting compounds found in the skin of the almondâcan increase the sensitivity of white blood cells known as helper T cells, which are involved in fighting off viruses. And, like a natural vaccine of sorts, the immunity boost lingered even after the almonds had been digested in the gut, researchers say. Interestingly, blanched almonds without skins had little effect on the immune system.

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Can Vitamin C Prevent Or Treat Cold Symptoms

Vitamin C has been studied for many years as a possible treatment for colds, or as a way to help prevent colds. But findings have been inconsistent. Overall, experts have found little to no benefit from vitamin C for preventing or treating the common cold.

In a July 2007 study, researchers wanted to discover whether taking 200 milligrams or more of vitamin C daily could reduce the frequency, duration, or severity of a cold. After reviewing 60 years of clinical research, they found that when taken after a cold starts, vitamin C supplements do not make a cold shorter or less severe. When taken daily, vitamin C very slightly shortened cold duration — by 8% in adults and by 14% in children.

In 2010, researchers looked at all studies and found that taking vitamin C every day did not prevent the number of colds that a person got. In some cases, it made symptoms improve.

The results were different for people who were in very good physical condition, such as marathon runners. People like that who took vitamin C every day cut their risk of catching a cold in half.

So what does all this mean?

According to this research, the average adult who suffers with a cold for 12 days a year would still suffer for about 11 days a year if that person took a high dose of vitamin C every day during that year.

For the average child who suffers about 28 days of cold illness a year, taking daily high-dose vitamin C would still likely mean about 24 days of cold illness.

Natural Cold And Flu Remedies: What Are The Risks

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Experts say that natural cold and flu remedies seem fairly safe — at least when taken in normal doses by healthy adults. The fact that you’d probably only use them for a few days when you’re sick adds to their safety.

“The risks of potentially toxic effects from herbs are almost always related to long-term use,” says Paul R. Thomas, EdD, RD, scientific consultant for the Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health.

There are some exceptions. Talk to your doctor before taking any herb, supplement, or vitamin if:

  • You are pregnant

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Got Cold Sores Ironing Out Oxidative Stress With Vitamin E

ETH Zürich
Youre up in the mountains, the snow is blindingly white, and the sun is blazing down from the sky: ideal skiing conditions but any skiers carrying the herpes virus might also have to reckon with the onset of cold sores after their day out. Increased exposure to UV radiation releases free radicals in the body. These put the body under oxidative stress, which weakens the immune system. And that in turn allows the herpes virus to prosper. Scientists have now shown for the first time that higher doses of vitamin E can reduce the stress on immune cells.

Youre up in the mountains, the snow is blindingly white, and the sun is blazing down from the sky: ideal skiing conditions but any skiers carrying the herpes virus might also have to reckon with the onset of cold sores after their day out. Increased exposure to UV radiation releases free radicals in the body. These put the body under oxidative stress, which weakens the immune system. And that in turn allows the herpes virus to prosper.

Oxidative stress has become a major topic not only is it implicated in many diseases, it may even be one of their causes. Other environmental influences besides UV radiation can also increase oxidative stress on the body, including air pollution, smoking and the consumption of alcohol, and not least infections. Again and again, the talk is of fighting these free radicals by supplementing our diet with the appropriate vitamins.

Vitamin E comes to the rescue

What Is Vitamin C

Vitamin c is used within the upkeep of bones, muscle, and blood vessels. Vitamin c is discovered naturally in greens and fruits, particularly oranges and different citrus fruits. This key vitamin can be out there as a pure dietary complement within the type of vitamin c drugs and vitamin c chewable pill.

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Zinc Could Be Your Finest Guess Towards The Widespread Chilly

in contrast to vitamin c, which research have discovered possible does nothing to forestall or deal with the widespread chilly, zinc may very well be price a shot this season. Those on zinc had shorter colds and fewer extreme signs. Zinc is a hint component that the cells of our immune system depend on to operate. Not getting sufficient zinc can have an effect on the functioning of our t-cells and different immune cells. But it surelys additionally essential to not get an excessive amount of: an extra of the complement may very well intervene with the immune systems functioning and have the alternative of the supposed end result. So as a substitute of chugging fizzy drinks loaded with vitamin c, stick with getting the nutrient from meals. And if you dont get sufficient zinc in your weight-reduction plan, attempt a zinc complement. Chickpeas, kidney beans, mushrooms, crab, and rooster are all wealthy in zinc, and zinc-rich lozenges may assist increase your consumption.

Its A Fact: Cold Sore Outbreaks Can Occur From Exposure To Summer Sun Fight Painful Unsightly Cold Sores With These Simple Home Remedies


Uh-oh. youve been hanging out in the hot sun and now theres a red, painful blister making itself at home on your lip. Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. The virus, which is most often picked up during childhood, usually lies dormant, waiting for the body to be weakened by stress or illness and sometimes the heat of the summer sun. What can you do to relieve the pain of a cold sore?

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Cut Back On Hand Sanitizer

Yes, hand sanitizer is known for killing germs that cause illness. But studies have shown that only hand sanitizers with 60 to 95 percent alcohol are effective at killing germs. Those with lower alcohol concentrations, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control states, may cause germs to become resistant to the sanitizing agent. Plus, hand sanitizers are less effective at bacterial removal compared to regular soap and water.

Tip to remember: Wash your hands with soap and water frequently. In circumstances when you cant wash your hands, opt for hand sanitizer. Just dont swap the antibacterial for soap.

Stay Well In The Meantime Here Are Some Recipes Incorporating Immune

Chicken Noodle Soup with Dill

Eating Well

10 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth3 medium carrots, diced1 large stalk celery, diced3 tablespoons minced fresh ginger6 cloves garlic, minced4 ounces whole-wheat egg noodles 4 cups shredded cooked skinless chicken breast 1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill1 tablespoon lemon juice, or to taste

Bring broth to a boil in a Dutch oven. Add carrots, celery, ginger and garlic cook uncovered over medium heat until vegetables are just tender, about 20 minutes. Add noodles and chicken simmer until the noodles are just tender, 810 minutes. Stir in dill and lemon juice.

Nutrition per serving : Calories 267, total fat 4 g, saturated fat 2 g, monounsaturated fat 1 g, cholesterol 0 g, protein 38 g, carbohydrates 18 g, dietary fiber 2 g, sodium 330 g.

Tomato Apple Jam

Mayo Clinic Healthy Living CenterServes 4Serve as condiment with chicken steak, fish, fried eggs or toast.

1 tablespoon olive oil1 cup yellow onions, diced1 teaspoon ground mustard seed teaspoon cayenne pepper2 cups tomatoes, peeled and diced2 cups apples, unpeeled and diced¼ cup apple cider vinegar¼ cup sugar¾ teaspoon salt

Heat olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Sautee onions for two minutes. Then add all the spices toast and stir for two minutes. Add the tomatoes, apples, vinegar and sugar. Mix together and simmer over low heat for 2030 minutes, stirring occasionally. Season to taste.

Paula Przywojski is a dietitian in Nutrition Services in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

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Colds And Flu: A Comprehensive Breakdown

Despite the similarities between influenza and the common cold, these illnesses are the result of different viruses. Only influenza viruses can cause Flu, whereas a host of other viruses, including rhinoviruses and parainfluenzae, are the culprits behind the common cold.

Flu and the common cold share similar symptoms, so it can be challenging to distinguish them based solely on how they make you feel. However, there are a few ways to tell these infections apart.

The symptoms of the flu are typically more intense and start more abruptly than those of the common cold. Common colds tend to be milder than flu infections and are thus usually easier to treat. The rate of people who have runny or stuffy noses is higher in people with colds than those with flu, so if youre keeping tissues or camphor-infused vapor-steam products handy, you might have a cold.

Another critical difference between the common cold and flu is that colds rarely result in bacterial infections like pneumonia or other serious conditions requiring hospitalization flu can have many severe accompanying conditions.

Will Lysine Help Prevent Cold Sores

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Lysine is occasionally promoted as a natural remedy for cold sores. The Mayo Clinic lists it as an alternative treatment option, available as either an oral supplement or a cream, and PennState Hershey Milton S. Hershey Medical Center notes that lysine supplements may potentially help to reduce the occurrence of cold sore outbreaks, though not all experts believe it works.

One theory on why lysine is thought to help reduce cold sore outbreaks is that the amino acid may interfere with the activity of arginine, another amino acid, and block herpes replication, according to an article in Clinical Advisor.

So far, studies focusing on lysine for cold sores in humans havent drawn any firm conclusions. One study, published in Integrative Medicine: A Clinicians Journal, revealed that lysine supplementation of less than 1 gram per day wasnt effective at treating or preventing cold sore outbreaks, but higher doses â above 3 grams per day â seemed to have a positive effect on patients. In contrast, a Cochrane review found that lysine offered no preventative effects against cold sores.

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Looking For Information On Coronavirus

Please see our evidence-based page on coronavirus / COVID-19.

Colds and the flu are caused by viruses that travel from person to person. Although you fend off infections year round, you may be more vulnerable during the colder months: the ambient cold may weaken your immune system, according to preliminary human and animal evidence, and if it makes you spend more time inside with other people, it also gives you more opportunities to trade viruses and microbes.Unfortunately, even if you follow these best practices, you can still get unlucky and catch a cold or contract the flu. This is why, once winter hits, one of the most popular questions we get is: among the manysupplements used to ward off an infection or lessen its symptoms, are there any that work?

The answer is a tentative yes. In this article, well review four supplements whose benefits are backed by and four whose benefits are backed by only .

Vitamin B2 For Cold Sores

05/11/2012 by Ruth Holroyd

Cold sores cause misery for many. Theyre painful, unsightly and can spread easily. They are also a very popular topic on this blog, so when one reader suggested Vitamin B2, also called riboflavin, as one way of preventing them I knew I had to share it with all my cold sore readers.

Vitamin B2 is one of the group of eight B vitamins which can help to reduce stress, a common trigger of cold sores in many people. There are different types of vitamin B including B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 and B12.

Vitamin B helps the body process and use fats and protein. B complex vitamins are necessary for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver. They also help the nervous system function properly.

In addition to producing energy for the body, riboflavin also works as an antioxidant by fighting damaging particles in the body known as free radicals.

Vitamin B deficiency can cause cracks and sores around the mouth, another indication that its so great at fending off cold sores.

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Q: Will Vitamin C Or Zinc Immune Boosters Really Help My Cold

A: Many products are marketed to prevent and treat colds and other viral upper respiratory infections. These range from plain vitamin C to fancier powders you can mix with water and drink. Unfortunately, evidence that these products show actual benefits is lacking.

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Vitamin C is an important nutrient. Yet studies evaluating its effectiveness during acute illness show, at best, an 8% speedier recovery meaning youll feel better 13 hours sooner during a typical seven-day illness. At worst, the studies demonstrate no benefit at all.

Some cold and flu prevention products contain zinc. While an old study on its use in treating colds was promising, the results were questioned because a zinc product manufacturer funded the research.

No studies on zinc have since shown any benefit. Whats more, toxicity from taking high amounts of zinc is a definite risk.

Its hard to know whether taking these cold products might produce a placebo effect or if any perceived benefit is due to hydration and electrolyte replacement.

So while taking vitamins when youre sick probably wont hurt you, the best medicine still seems to be time, fluids and rest.

Family medicine physician Donald Ford, MD


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